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Latest revision as of 17:16, 6 April 2022

Planning the Move.
Date of Scene: 06 April 2022
Location: Dick's Room - Townhouse
Synopsis: Dick and Stephanie make some plans amidst packing.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie comes in. The weather is stool cool, but much more springlike of late. She's wearing a light jacket, blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. She has a bunch of cardboard boxes from a shipping place in hand. Once inside and the door is closed, she leans them against a wall.

"Dick, you around?" she calls out after making a brief glance about the rooms she can see without going and doing a bunch of hunting. She pulls out her phone and uses it to turn on some speakers, playing Gotham U's student radio station.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick's voice drifts out of the bedroom, "Yeah, prepping stuff for packing. Kind of amazing how much stuff we've piled up in the short time we've been here."

    He comes out of the doorway and walks over to her, greeting her with a hug and a couple kisses. After a moment he notices the boxes and sighs. "You're going to inflict packing on me tonight, aren't you? Maybe I'll get lucky and the Penguin will show up or something."

    He grins at her and hugs her again then continues, "But I suppose sooner is better, get it done with. Pity we can't just hire movers to do all of it, but some of the stuff in this house would raise serious eyebrows."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Dick seems to have found a good way to delay Stephanie from packing. She slides her arms back around him to return the hug, not letting him go and just staying pressed in against him after they've kissed. "I started thinking maybe I'm planning to take more stuff than we need to. I mean, Bruce already has the place furnished. We just need our clothes and things that matter the most, if we're going to hang onto this place too. Right?" she asks.

"Which, I mean, granted, it would be less work too. Though part of me feels weird thinking about actually owning enough stuff to have two houses and one isn't empty." Then a thought hits her. "Three. I still have the apartment too. Figured a good place to keep spare equipment." She built a fake wall into the closet to hold her costume and other gear.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    He doesn't seem to mind her staying pressed against him in the least, nodding at her first question. "Yeah, it may come in handy to have a safe place we can get to faster than heading all the way up to the manor." He lets his arm slide down to her waist to hold her against him as he looks around.

    "It's a lot less of a job when we don't have to move any of the big stuff. Heck, we don't even need to do it all at one time, just pack a bag or a box or two at a time and make the transfer over."

    He thinks for a moment, then nods and says "I'd say as long as we pack some clothes and personal items, we can drag this way out." Sure, he fights supervillains without flinching, but darned if he isn't trying to avoid packing.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown reaches up and brushes her fingers through Dick's thick dark hair. "Mr. Grayson, you're far better at procrastinating than I gave you credit for. And here I thought I was going to have to bring you along gradually," she teases.

She rests her head against Dick's chest, tucked just below the taller man's chin. Stephanie holds her hand out where she can look at the engagement ring. "You really did a great job choosing this. I love it so much," she tells him, looking back up to the man and sighing happily.

"Kind of looking forward to when the lake will be warm enough we can get up in the morning and just go hop into it first thing," she says. "Though that'll be awhile still. I saw there were some kayaks already that we can use in the meantime."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Grinning down at her, he gives her a little squeeze and kiss, "What, did you think I packed all my own stuff when I moved here? Alfred did the great majority of the packing, I'm afraid. I'll haunt the roofs nightly, but packing just plain sucks. Alfred saw me packing when I was moving to Bludhaven and chased me out of my own room so he could do it right."

    "I thought it was the right one when I saw it." Another light kiss graces her lips. "It's nice to know I'm already getting to know you that well. And of course, I love you, so I pay close attention to what you like."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown keeps her hand with the ring where she can admire it, while the other slides up to Dick's shoulder. Fingers curling around the back of his neck and gently caressing his skin there. "I think big diamonds are kind of gawdy," she says. "I've seen some of the things that women in Bruce's social circles wear. And they are almost embarrassing to me how big and... look at me!... they are," she says.

Stephanie shines her bright blue eyes up at Dick. "I really wasn't expecting you to propose either. So you definitely win the whole sneaky thing," she says. She goes up on her toes to bring her lips to meet Dick's without him having to lean down too much.

After the kiss, she just nuzzles her face in against Dick's shoulder and chest. "So, tell me straight out, fully honesty, and not worrying about trying to tell me what I want to hear. What kind of wedding do you want? Big, small, social event, private. What would make you happiest?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick chuckles and nods, "Yeah, well high society has a rather complex set of rules, the main one of which sees to be 'show up your peers.' They're forever maneuvering to looks better then each other. It's a bit sad, really."

    Dick considers for a moment, running his hand up and down her side. "As far as I'm concerned, I'd rather have it private. A great number of the people I'd like to be there are rather recognizable and would raise far too many questions from the press and all. It's kind of hard to hide Gar, for instance. I suppose he could go mouse and hide in someone's pocket, but most of the others are just as recognizable. I'd suggest renting one of those superyachts, but the crew would still see our guests, and I don't doubt some of them might talk. Then there's the problem of having your mom and any relatives or friends there alongside the Titans and such."

    He shakes his head and kisses her nose, "Secret IDs are a real pain."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie stays close to Dick, gently snuggled against him as they talk. "Maybe we could have a 'normal wedding' and then have a private reception for the Titans and others?" she suggests. "I'd be happy having it be private though, too. The 'normal wedding' part even," she says. "I'm still not really used to being in the public eye." They've managed to stay pretty low key apart from a few page six photos and the like. It helps that Stephanie not only doesn't go out and post about dating Dick on social media. Also that Barbara probably kills a lot of other people's photos before they get much attention.

"So, I guess the big question is, would you prefer to have the Titans know Stephanie is Batgirl? I'm ok with doing that if you want. It would probably make things easier." She lets out a breath, blowing hair from in front of her face. "I mean, Harley and freaking Pamely Ivy know," she says, sighing as if those turns of event weren't exactly ones she is crazy about.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    With a raised eyebrow Dick asks, "How on Earth did those two find out? They're not a pair I'd expect to know. As for the Titans, I would like to let the old guard know. Just the ones who know who I really am, because obviously, we can trust them."

    He thinks for a minute then asks another question, "Do you have any regular people beside your mom that you want to invite? I'm on the edge of an idea."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Another sigh results. "Barbara let them join up with the Birds. They are trying to reform," she says, sighing again and looking away, her lips pressing together a little firmly. "I didn't know Ivy at the least was going to show up. Though, to be fair I think Harley was the one who sprang that, not Barbara. We were out of costume, celebrating Cassandra's birthday," she explains.

A quick nod confirms to Dick that Stephanie is fine with his old guard friends finding out. "Well, there are a few people who aren't in the knew I would like to invite, but not a lot. Francisco and his boyfriend. He'll probably ask if I'm going to invite Jordanna," she says, and then chuckles. "It will probably eat her alive as it is when she hears. But really, I don't want her around a happy moment like that. A few girls from my gymnastics team from high school. That's about it."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods, "Yeah, we're going to have to have a private reception for the heroes after the actual wedding. There's simply no way to have the supers and normal folks all in one place without people wondering why the Titans and others are at the wedding." He looks down at her with a smile and asks her, "So what about you? Do you want to make every eligible socialite green with envy, or do you want something private? Because with the actual important people not able to be there together, I really don't care how we get married as long as we do."

    "Or we could do it all posh and rent that superyacht and just have immediate friends and family without being mobbed by socialites and paparazzi. A nice day or two on the ocean is always pleasant."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie moves her hand to join the one behind Dick's neck, lacing her fingers there as she faces him. "It still makes my head spin, thinking about getting something like that. But, that sounds like a really nice idea actually. Won't have to worry about paparazzi that way. Won't have to worry about word getting out. We don't even have to tell the crew what is up. I just want our friends to be there and share it with us," she confirms to him.

She leans up to kiss Dick again, her fingers sliding through the hair on the back of his head until their lips part. "I think we have a good plan then. And we can do a quiet thing at the Lake house for just the Titans or others you want to invite. Deal?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
    With a nod Dick agrees with her plan. "So yacht wedding and reception for normal friends and family, then afterwards we'll have a reception for the Secret ID club. I bet Bruce would let us use the Watchtower if we wanted."

    With that boyish grin he still manages to pull off he adds, "How many people get to say they had a wedding reception on the moon?"