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Latest revision as of 16:22, 11 April 2022

Too Many Arms Catting About
Date of Scene: 10 April 2022
Location: Bar With No Name
Synopsis: Spiral plots ninja kidnappings!
Cast of Characters: Spiral, Barbara-Ann Minerva

Spiral has posed:
It's a leisurely, downright quiet Sunday afternoon in the Bar with No Name, a few mingling mercenaries, some henchmen and the like... and at one table in the back, an array of posterboard, DVD cases, and a towering, white haired woman with four arms folded across her chest, head tilted in consternation, and a fifth arm with her hand resting on a cocked hip... and her sixth arm, one on her right side, is picking up a nacho from a platter on the table behind her.

The posterboard is not... _entirely_ insane. It's not a spiderweb of red yarn linking together the points of some sprawling conspiracy. It is in fact, downright orderly. The main board is clearly a tournament bracket, with eight entrants on either side... although they're currently blank, except for the bottom entran on the right bracket, filled in with neat handwriting as 'Billy MacNamara'. The pile of DVD cases are in fact, all legitimate commercial releases... but they share a theme. Each and every one is a martial arts movie, and all of them involve _some_ form of tournament.

Spiral's lips press into a thin, severe line as she murmurs out softly, "It needs more than a tournament angle... no one's going to watch that many fights... we need... exhibitions! Displays of skill and talent!"

Either Spiral's going legit, or this is the start of some sort of _serious_ scheme.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Spiral might not necessarily be known to some of the folks here. Maybe she's just not as infamous as she used to be. Maybe it's just that whatever wacky Mojo antics have been going on haven't involved her. Maybe anyone here doesn't really care about her presence and they all have their own troubles. Or just it's a quiet evening and they're nursing away thier bruises on booze.

Meandering along comes one of thsoe that doesn't particularly know. And Cheetah would glance over at her and skim over things, "Test Your Might? And you look like a girl on a mission. So don't touch that dial?" Cheetah holds a mug of whatever concoction she's drinking over in a hand, claws retracted over some sort of ceramic mug drinking something that definitely isn't too modern in it by the smell.

"And what you planning on? Culling of the ninjas or something? I've heard some stories from around here." She would smirk over. As if the League of Assassisn, the Hand, or the Foot would just let anyone come over here and wander in.

Spiral has posed:
There's a toss of head to fan out that white hair... Spiral has, at least for now, foregone her shining silver helmet, about as 'dressed' down as the amazonian six-armed woman can get while still wearing a form fitting blue bodysuit. She shakes her head quickly, "Oh no! We considered the whole Test Your Might thing, but breaking cinder blocks is a little too pedestrian, and breaking any fancier stones is prohibitively expensive. It will probably be cars. You know, destroy the car in sixty seconds or the audience explodes or something. Just to keep things lively between the fights."

She lifts an eyebrow slightly and tilts her head, those eerie white eyes tracing up and down Cheetah as she hums out, "Have you ever considered a career in televised bloodsports? I mean, I've got the regional youth karate champion lined up, so that takes care of _traditional_ martial arts style... we need some razzle dazzle now!"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah would fold her arms together, even sa she would finish her drink and put the mug over to the side, "I'll pass on that. I do my -job- because it helps me get ahead. I don't perform for the masses. You want to get into cage fighting and Bloodsports, go Madripoor. They sound like they have a rather popular passionf ro it. Or if you're wanting the desperate and the destitute, go to Gotham and Bludhaven. Just tell them that the winner will get something that will help them kill the Bat and his little group of brats and you should be set for life."

Shew ould shrug, "And why not just give them some sort of.. Shall we call it incentiv? Each time someone is hit, they lose a limb."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral makes a dismissive noise, "Cages are _way_ too controlled! So many rules, and it's all so enclosed and the cameras get their view obscured by the cage and..." She shakes her head again, "Nah, nah, we're going for _real world_ options! Shooting on location! ...Film. Shooting film on location. No guns, they make the fights way too quick."

She snorts and shakes her head, "Oh no no no! We can't just have... like... some goon in a question mark onesie in the _tournament_! No no, we're bringing together the best practitioners of the most exciting styles! The winner gets..."

She frowns deeply, "Something! A prize! A _grand_ prize!!" She heaves out a sigh and mumbles, "Probably another 'all expenses paid trip to Mojoworld'. I mean, that's a joke because it's not like they take currency anyway!"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah would consider over and shrug, "Go into a war zone if you want and film things. Or just throw a bunch of random freaks into a place with soldiers fighting and see who survives. If you're looking for something real, why limit yourself to just people who can punch and kick and throw fireballs? Drop them somewhere people are shooting everything and have guns. Clal it old school versus new school or something. If the martial artists win, they ge ta prize. If the soldiers win, kill everyone on the otehr side or something. No one will see that coming. See which wins - fist or sticks."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral frowns and shakes her head, "Nah, gunfights are actually _really_ boring for ratings, they end real quickly, and like... grenades aren't even like they are in movies! Just a big puff of smoke and then people fall over bleeding. Martial arts tournament is totally the way to go! Maybe I can find someone who has some kind of... future martial art! Oh! The X-Men! They've got like... I dunno, _five_ future people now! Maybe more!!" She snaps all six sets of fingers at once in joy, "Yeah! And some of the other ones have to know some cool moves! Wolverine! He'd be good!!"

She grins wide and bobs her head, "And yeah, maybe a _few_ guns... flashy ones! That grumpy future guy always has some lasers or something!"

And then the towering woman begins to dance, swaying and spinning, arms moving in complicated motions... which begin to infuse her with a growing glow as she works up a teleportation spell...

And vanishes! ...Hopefully not to reappear in the Xavier Institute. But hey, the bar's got a pile of classic martial arts films to add to the rotation on the TV!

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The talk about 'X-Men' and 'future people' has a quizzical look over from Cheetah. "What's time travel got to do with anything? That's something that doesn't exist. Besides, even if the past was changed we'd never know it since our memories would just change to match it. Even if it was changed again we'd never remember it eitehr." Silly magical catgirl, thinking that time was a purely linear thing.

"So if you do get them how are you going to make it.>" Then she's just flat out staring over at Spiral as the woman disappears over and goes to let ou ta sigh. "I need a drink.."