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Latest revision as of 23:17, 21 April 2022

Hayal (Scenesys ID: 3974)
Name: Hayal Akhmatov
Superalias: None
Gender: male
Species: Angel
Occupation: Demon hunter
Citizenship: USA
Residence: Brooklyn loft
Education: Piecemeal military
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mystic Arts, Godlings
Apparent Age: 2022 Actual Age: 2022
Date of Birth 01 Jan 0001 Played By Paul Bettany
Height: 6'3" Weight: 180 lb
Hair Color: reddish blonde Eye Color: blue
Theme Song: Darkangel - VNV Nation

Character Info


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Hayal is an angel. Specifically, one sent out after the war in Heaven was over to track down and destroy fallen angels and other demons, as well as their helpers and artifacts, in the material world. Earth has been his beat nearly the entire time, and he's gotten very used to living in the physical realm. Perhaps too much so - it's been long and long since he had any real contact with his angelic superiors, let alone time away. He hasn't Fallen, he's not really corrupt, but he has definitely settled in. Not to mention that in his heart of hearts, he's *tired* of the fight.


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* 0001: Created as one of the angelic host.
* 0002: Fought in the war in Heaven, under Michael's command.
* 0003: Dispatched to the physical realm to hunt fallen angels, as well as their allies and artifacts
* 0003 to present: Demon hunting, nearly all of it on Earth.
* 1943 to 1945: Involved in the finding and destruction of certain magical artifacts, on the side of the Allies. First contact with the SS, under the name Andrew Clifton.
*2007: Assumes his current ID as Hayal Akhmatov while in Israel
* 2012: Enters the US.
* 2022: Arrives in NYC.

IC Journal

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Soldiers of the Host aren't generally curious, but he's fascinated with the world of matter, living things even more so, and humans most of all. How can something that looks like a half-finished chimpanzee be capable of carrying a spark of Divine inspiration? Why? God isn't telling him, so he's determined to find out on his own.

This is not generally a thing angels are, especially angels that were stamped out a dime a dozen as part of the Host at the beginning of Creation. But he's been effectively on his own for aeons now, without a sight of Heaven. While far from fallen and still loyal to his cause and purpose, so much time spent as a material being in the flow of time has left its traces. All those years and countless decisions later, he's much closer to an actual individual than an angel should be.

He doesn't have the human drive to return to stability, to rationalize via habit, to maintain that emotional homeostasis. So by human lights, he can seem volatile to the point of near-irrationality, snapping from calm good nature to homicidal violence within the span of an instant, and then back. He also doesn't ruminate the way a human does - there's something almost animal in his capacity to let the past *be* past. Once an incident is over, it's over.

Character Sheet


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Angelic Body:
He's not wholly indestructible. The physical matter he's taken on can be hurt, cut, or even destroyed, and it does cause him pain. But nearly any wound regenerates, though this material body heals only about twice as fast as a mortal's - and it can handle trauma. He does not need to breathe, eat, drink or sleep. He can survive vacuum, high pressure, and extremes of temperature.

Divine Light:
He may be only one little nameless member of the Host, but even that's enough to let him make use of a fraction of divine power. He can heal living things with a touch, though bringing someone back from the very edge of death will leave him more or less flat with exhaustion for a few days. He can wield a destructive form of that energy to destroy demons and things touched with demonic influence. He can also summon it as a kind of shining armor or shield, one that can resist magical or infernal attacks, though the more powerful the attacker, the quicker it's exhausted or burned through. He can also set is as a temporary static ward that will either bar or slow beings of infernal influence.

Hayal can summon it as a literal light source to drive away darkness both mundane and magical - if he expends most of his power as fast as he can, barely a fraction of a second, he's effectively an angelic flashbang on a massive scale, capable of leaving his enemies blinded or dazzled for minutes at a time. His store of the energy that funds all these abilities is limited, however...and if he empties that reserve completely with one of them, the entire set is off-limits until he's found a way to withdraw and recharge, usually by a form of meditation deep enough it's analogous to human unconsciousness.

There's a reason nearly every angelic interaction in the Bible begins with the angel in question saying, "Fear not." For if he exposes even a fraction of his true nature, it's almost always enough to scare the daylights out of any given ordinary mortal. And if he's exerting himself to be frightening rather than reassuring, it's enough to more or less stop them cold. (OOCly, of course, this is with PC consent. If you think your character would have an IC reason to be able to resist this power, just say.)

The wings do work. He's taken on enough of earthly matter that he can't go past about Mach 1. But unless he's racing some of the other fliers, that's more than enough.

Sense of the Demonic:
He's still got a keen sense for the presence of his kindred on either side of the divide. He can sense the presence of an angel or demon - at what range depends on their power level. A demon thoroughly possessing a human might require him to be within less than a short city block to even get a whiff of. An archangel showing up in her full majesty will have his antennae tingling from up to six or seven miles away. They can also hide themselves from him with various kinds of magic.

This also extends to traces and origins. He might be able to touch an artifact and discern if it's angelic in nature, or stand in the presence of a human magician and tell that they've been trafficking with demons. In these cases, Hayal has to be within very close range - a medium-sized room or so, unless it's a very powerful artifact indeed.

He can, effectively, speak and understand the speech of pretty much every sort of sentient creature in Creation.

His strength is far beyond human. He can kick through a concrete wall with ease, lift a car and set it aside like someone moving a book to dust behind it. It's actually less than many mortal heroes - he's not used to the limitations of physical reality, honestly.


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First Aid:
He's not a trained physician, but he's been on the battlefield with humans for centuries. He knows how to deal with the wounds they incur there, at least as the first level of support. He's at best the equivalent of an Army medic, not a genuine doctor.

Hand To Hand:
He doesn't need weapons to be deadly - Hayal's very capable of doing damage with bare hands and feet (and even, in the last ditch, wings). He's not an expert in any particular human martial art...and this is not to say that he's unbeatable by even humans - he can be distracted, make mistakes, or deliberately throw a fight like anyone else.

Strategy and Tactics:
He served under Heaven's general for aeons. It's not merely individual fighting he's good at, but also tactics and strategy on a grand scale. He can command a conflict from squad level up to galactic, in terms of scope.

He's got expert-level facility with the human versions of the kind of weapons angels have used in battle since the start of creation: mostly blades and blunt trauma. Knives, sword, spears, clubs, and maces. The things humans have invented since then....not so much. He has a little experience with firearms and explosives, but he's basically competent, at best.


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Angelic Blade:
He has one weapon that he can manifest at need. It's obviously an unnatural thing - in its smallest form, it looks like a shard of rock crystal about six inches long. In use, it's a full-size sword that's as transparent as glass...and is capable of harming other angels and many supernatural beings. Including himself. It will never go missing on its own by sheer negligence or forgetfulness, but it could be stolen or taken from him by a sufficiently powerful opponent.

Celestial Contacts:
His current status in the angelic hierarchy may be close to nonexistent, but there are still plenty of individual angels who know him. Even if his bosses almost never reply officially, in desperation he can probably get in touch with at least one other angel.

While he doesn't need a home the way a human might and he certainly doesn't have the emotional attachment they would, he does have places that he returns to, in the world of matter. At the moment, he's got one in Brooklyn - a bare bones loft, with the advantage of rooftop access. A place where he can store what goods he might own, meditate, rest, and clean up.

Legal Existence:
It's taken him a long time to adapt to the modern world's obsession with documentation and IDs, but he's realized things are far, far easier if the System thinks you exist. So he's slowly built up a main identity sufficiently backstopped that he can pass the average background check. He's got a driver's license and a US passport, and entries in some basic databases. It is not, however, something that will stand up to very dedicated scrutiny. Not like a real spy's deep cover - someone looking hard will swiftly realize that Hayal Akhmatov, Israeli immigrant, is not who his documents say he is.

It took him a long time, but he finally grasped at least some of the concept of money, at least as a significator of value to mortals. He's worked as a mercenary of one sort or another, off and on, over the centuries...and as a being that has very few in terms of material needs, it's accumulated in various bank accounts. He's not rich, he's not more than 'comfortable'....but he also doesn't have a lot of the recurring expenses the average human does.


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Hey, he's an angel. He's immortal. He's nearly indestructible. What's to worry about? Plenty, that's what. Not that it occurs to Hayal often. He's cruising for a bruising on so many levels.

Time as a material being has weakened him, compared to those angels who've served entirely in the ethereal. He can't endure things either unfallen angels or true demons can. He may not age, but he's far more easily destroyed. He doesn't have access to teleportation or raw destructive power or most of the supernatural abilities both the demonic and the angelic do.

Drawn To Violence:
Despite the odd choices he's made, ultimately, he was an angel of war. Made to be a destroyer, not one of the gentler spirits that urged living things to grow or kindled stars in distant galaxies. He may resist this nature and often has, but it's his bedrock, what he defaults to if he isn't careful.

He isn't one of the Fallen. He's never rebelled against any order he was given by his angelic superiors. But at least from his perspective, he's been more or less abandoned in the realm of matter.

Without the protection of a place in the celestial hierarchy, any idiot with a working knowledge of Enochian and a steady enough hand to draw a summoning circle can at least tug on his attention by using the angelic equivalent of 'To whom it may concern'. And far too many are ready to do so. Few are powerful enough to command him or bind him for long, but those magicians are out there. Without the protection of his brothers and sisters en masse, he's more vulnerable than one might think.

Hayal isn't really his Name, in the cosmic sense. It's only the Hebrew word for 'soldier' and his surname was a gift from a human in the 1920s. He's not a named angel, the way Michael and Raphael and Samael, et al. are. He was one of a myriad like him, identical to his brethren like fish in a school, until he questioned and Fell. It makes him strangely vulnerable to magicians, occultists, and both other angels and demons, for they don't need to know a specific name for the sake of enspelling or coercing him. He wasn't made an individual but claimed a kind of individuality on his own....and his insistence on being one runs subtly against his ultimate nature.

Despite all the ages of watching humans destroy themselves - he's not callused or casual about human death. And it affects him with individuals rather than only mass casualties. It's only going to get worse, if that adjective applies to soft-heartedness, as he spends more time among humans. He's a sucker for them.

He's gotten better at concealing his nature over the centuries, but when it comes right down to it, he isn't human. He forgets to breathe or blink, his emotional reactions are at least a hair off, if not downright inexplicable. He doesn't smell right, literally or figuratively.



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Hayal has 4 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Angels and demons June 3rd, 2022 No description
Well, fancy meeting you here May 22nd, 2022 Rien and Robbie attempt to go on a date. They're interrupted by a demon-killing angel.
The enemy of my enemy May 4th, 2022 Robbie saves his nemesis from an untimely demise at the hands of another demon.
An ill-fated meeting April 17th, 2022 A demon hunting angel gets more than he bargained for when he decides to hunt the Ghost Rider


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Entertainment Credits

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Hayal has been credited in 0 shows.

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Hayal has been credited in 0 albums.

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Hayal has authored 0 books.

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