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Bar Hopping and SHIELD Sneaking
Date of Scene: 21 April 2022
Location: Swordfish Bar (SHIELD)
Synopsis: Rose Wilson is caught breaking into a SHIELD bar and captured. At least.. Until she gets bored and breaks out.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Rose Wilson

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Swordfish Bar was known as a hangout for agents of SHIELD. Secure, occasionally used as a safehouse, and sometimes even with something useful in it. So at this time of night, something is being shifted on delivery over to the place. hte timing is tricky, but there's a period where agents tend to be coming and going so there's not that much activity, or even attention. A time to make ar un for things.

Rose Wilson has posed:
The Swordfish has been under surveillance for the past week. Maybe the SHIELD agents know about it, maybe not. Rose hasn't been constantly in the area, but around enough to figure out the schedule of the place. When a new truck pulls up to the bar, she takes notice. The traffic camera she's commandeered focuses on the truck's license plate, and she drops it into a registry she has access to, and discovers exactly what she thinks she will: nothing at all. The woman smiles to herself, closes her laptop, and then makes her way quickly up to the roof to see just exactly what is being transferred.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The tricky issue with it is that it's covered in SHIELD agents. Half alert or distracted, they could still be dangerous. But Rose had taken the time to learn her way around and the patterns of personnel. There's a lot of sensors on the roof. Including some which are likely dummy ones, designed to look obvious so they might get attention. Likely they'd be booby trapped.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson settles in and watches for the briefcase that she's looking for. The plans to the thing. She glances over the cadre protecting the building, and then spots the transfer taking place. Now's go time. The woman slides down the side of the building opposite the Swordfish, and then starts down the back alley she knows will get her where she needs to go.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
She's moving through the back alley, taking one of the rear entrances that's normally used by agents that are taking a quick smoke break or going out for a few minutes to talk and grumble amongst htemselves. So it's populated, but few people are paying attention. It's a quick entrance point so long as she's sneaky.

Rose Wilson has posed:
The door opens, and the girl slips through it, barely a shadow. As soon as she's inside, she follows the floorplan that she's memorized. Ducking down side halls when need be, and staying out of the sight of cameras. She's a professional. A very, very good professional.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The security setup here is good but it's still a place with a lot of agents coming and going and meant for recreation. That means so long as one is patient and careful, there's plenty of openings to go through so long as one takes thier time. And Rose is able to sneak her way in, slowly tracking the briefcase towards where she had tracked it carefully.. Towers of all things a janitor's closet.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Not surprised in the least, Rose tugs out her lockpick and gets to work. She's fast, and soon has the door popping open. She hesitates for just a moment, waiting for an alarm to go off or something. Glancing side to side to make sure nobody is coming around the corner before she ducks into the closet.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And as Rose goes to open up the closet door, having made sure that no one was around.. Even as she opens the door there's a blast of -things- into her face! In this case, it's some very, very strong crushed peppers and sneezing powder. The type that in some places in the world is used for crowd control. And Rose gets a full breath of it!

Rose Wilson has posed:
THAT'S bad! Setting off some sort of trap usually means you've set off some sort of alarm as well. And, that means, it's time to scoot. Rose covers her face with her hand, trying to clear the pepper spray out of her one eye, while she coughs and staggers away from the door, backing down the hallway mostly by memory. It's not quick, but, she's going in the right direction, and it'll only be a few moments until she can get around a corner and then towards the hall that leads to the exit she wants.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The stuff that's hit her is disgusting. Disorienting, making it hard to breathe, and quite likely making her stumble and tumble even as she's moving to try and get away. There doesn't seem to be any sort of alarm - from the briefcase. But her stumbling and staggering has her set off one of the hallway alerts, and tehre's a loud screech now coming from it!
    Then coming towards her is a redhead in a black bodysuit, recognizable or not.

Rose Wilson has posed:
This stuff is not easy to clear. But, at this point Rose has perhaps a little bit of vision. She spies the blurry figure of the woman in the bodysuit coming at her, and says, "Watch out, the hall's full of gas!" It's PROBABLY not going to work, but hey, worth a shot.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The woman would quip, "Yes, yes it is." going to stride towards her without any seeming issue with breathing it, and moving to try and give a spin kick over to the face of Rose if at all posible, leg swinging around in a powerful arc!

Rose Wilson has posed:
Her vision still isn't great, but she is able to recognize the blur shifting suddenly, and figures there must be a punch or a kick coming, and her years of martial arts training kicks in. Rather than try to dodge, she flinches back, flowing with the blow as it lands, before she returns with a kick of her own, aimed at the other woman's knee. Can't fight if you don't have a leg to stand on!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The other woman is caught by the kick, and just as smoothly goes into a half sommersault, landing on her feet dexterously and only slowed a few hundredths of a second. Rather than banter, she's just going on the offensive, trying to strike at Rose with a rapid series of punches!

Rose Wilson has posed:
Woman charging, not speaking, not ducking to leg sweep, probably punches? Rose throws up her hands in a defensive position, and when the first blow lands, she reflexively goes through the motions of knocking aside blows until they stop. Of course, this means she's not really on the offensive herself. But...she is backing towards that door she wants, inching closer and closer.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Rose is in a fighting retreat, going defensively to give up ground to maneuver towards her objective. That's a prime tactic; against someone more aggressive or better than you a retreat buys you time and space to look for an opening and slow their attack, and to wait for an oppotune moment.
    Her attacker, however, seems to know this as well. And as Rose is committed to her fighting withdraw, her adversary does a rapid flip over her shoulders, landing smoothly even before Rose can face her, and ankle kicking out at the inner side of Rose's knee. It might not sprain it, but hte blow would definitely knock her down!

Rose Wilson has posed:
One second the blur is there, another it is gone. PROBABLY didn't disappear, and nope, kick to the ankle. Down she goes. Rose falls to the floor with an 'oof', but that's not even a real injury. She does a quick leg sweep -- probably not expecting to hit anything, but making her adversary back up -- and then is on her feet. Well...time to go running and see what she can do. Her eyes are clear enough, so she turns, and sprints around the corner. Only to stop immediately and wait for her opponent to round the corner, and give her an upper cut instead.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Her opponent is right after her, just a few blinks of an eye even as Rose is charging. The uppercut is partially blcoked over on an arm, the fist sliding around ever so partially. Then the redhead is going for an attempted takedown. Leg snapping up as she would flip herself over to try and latch a thigh over Rose's neck, body twisting around to use her momentum to spin and her inertia to twist Rose's body about to slam her down if at all possible hard to the floor!

Rose Wilson has posed:
A leg around her head and she didn't even have to buy you dinner? She has to come here more often! Rose, puts a hand on Nat's thigh to push her off, but that fails and soon she's twisted to the ground. Her head slams against the floor, and the room goes dark. She goes limp. She's probably still alive.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go down to put her fingers over the neck of Rose Wilson, making sure she was still breathing. Another quick series of probes are done to remove her weapons and equipment, kicking them to the side whiel laso checking them for any booby traps that might go off. Presuming she could do that, she would quickly restrain Rose and immobilize her with zip ties. Another quick search to look for backup weapons, any other items on her body, or places she might have concealed equipment or something nasty. Of course, still a quick one.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
When Rose awakens a short time later she's over in an infirmiry. A heavliy secured infirmiry, mind. Restrained over to a bed, all of her eqiupment gone. There's an IV in a vein and likely she's been given sedatives and some painfkillers. The redhead is sitting back and watching her a couple of meters away. The bed itself is secure and there's nothing at hand that could be used as a bludgeon, blade, or something to tear.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson isn't struggling. Rather, she just lies there for a few moments and lets her eye adjust to the room. It settles on Nat, sitting there, and she smiles and says, "You're cute," groggily.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would lean back, "And you have a concussion. So what do you have to say for yourself? Your entrance was so sloppy I was thinking you were just a distraction."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Aw, is this how you flirt? You should work on it a bit. I usually do it by letting the pretty girl beat me first time around. See what she does after....not usually into the medical play though..." Rose says as she looks down at her restraints, "But, I think this could be fun..."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would lean back, "You're not my type. And if this is a cry for attention.. Well.. I'm not impressed. I've skimmed your file, and maybe we can just release you back to the custody of your father."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Would you? I mean, that would probably be the easiest way to do things. You let me go, I go back to him, he tortures and drugs me for a few months...seems like a good plan, doesn't it?" Rose asks, eye boring into Nat as she says that, "I mean, if you want I can even go around telling everyone SHIELD let me go to get tortured and drugged. Lotta people would believe it. You guys are sort of scummy."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Oh, it's a possibility. And how many times have you been through that routine?" She would idly inquire. "You no doubt have a few warrants out for you from the local authorities, and if we transfer you over to their custody it's not like you'll stay there for long. Not before Waller gets ahold of you."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson looks around the room groggily, "Is this some kind of negotiation? Like, what? The briefcase had something I wanted. So I tried to take it. You caught me. Good job. Send me off or hold me, whatever, I got time. Waller can come find me if he wants. For all YOU know I did this just to get HIS attention. You think of that, smart girl?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug in consideration, "Well enough. It ultimately isn't my call. I don't particularly care to make a recommendation in the matter. I'm sure that someone will decide what's appropriate. But I don't suppose you're SHIELD's business."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Ok, sure. Lotta help you are. Look, if you're gonna do somethin weird to me while I'm drugged up and sleeping, chain my ankles to the bed, otherwise I get kicky." Rose says, snuggling down into her pillows, and glowering angrily at Nat. Does she WANT to be held? Is that what she's suggesting?

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would just smile, "Well, we'll see after all. I'm sure that someone up the chain will figure out what to do with you. Whomever gets custody of you. And goodbye, Ms. Wilson."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Peace, Red. Better hope I'm blasted with whatever that pepper spray was next time around." Rose calls after her as Nat leaves.