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Gotham Patrol is in Gotham
Date of Scene: 01 May 2022
Location: Somewhere in Gotham...
Synopsis: Honey Badger and Robin meet on a rooftop near the Narrows to talk about a new drug making its way through Gotham.
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Gabby Kinney

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Fully dressed in his Robin costume, Damian is sitting on a rooftop somewhere over the Narrows. He is out tonight for a patrol, but dammit if he can't get his mind off of the dope girl he just met. He frowns. "Dammit, Damian, pull it together and focus. This is dangerous work you do." He sighs. "And stop talking to yourself. It's weird."

    After a few more useless minutes of being completely unable to concentrate, he tugs out his phone and sends a text to Gabby.

>> Hey. It's Damian. I mean, you probably know that because this message is coming from my phone. It's not like just having someone come up to you in the street. (send)

    "Oh my god."

>> Can you please delete that last message? (send)

    The teen vigilante starts pacing around on the rooftop. "Okay, how do I save this. I wonder if Babs is home, she'll know what to do," he mutters to himself. Then finally:

>> Look, I'm out patrolling the Narrows. If I didn't make a total ass of myself yet, do you want to come join me? (send)

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The texts that come over Honey Badger's phone are taken in stride, and responded to in the best way she could think of: With memes. Namely a picture of a honeybadger tearing into a beehive with the tagline 'Honey Badger Don't Care!'

Because, really, the texts weren't all that embarassing. If anything it was like the usual spouting of too much information that Gabby herself was often responsible for. It's followed after with a quick, more affirmative text of

>> Be there in a few.

The Narrows. She'd been here plenty of times either on patrol or just learning the layout of the place. That was one thing she was good at: Mapping things in her head. Knowing her location and the location of others. It doesn't take too long for a figure dressed in black and yellow to descend on the rooftop Robin was on, having swung in from one of the all-too-familiar grapple lines. There's no cape to her costume, nor is it a simple domino mask. A half-mask over her lower face was worn along with a pair of goggles that likely had night vision properties. One of these days she'd upgrade it all but this had served her well so far. It wasn't as if there was a 'badger symbol' she could use for a flashy mask as it was.

One gloved hand lifts to wave, and she reaches up to push her goggles higher on her forehead. "Hi! Anything good going on or just want some company? I can do either. I know patrolling can be dead sometimes."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Robin stands there watching Honey Badger swoop in. What more can a guy ask for? Send a text, then a cute, ass-kicking girl swoops in. #VigilanteLife4Ever

    "Hey," Robin says, trying to sound like whatever, no big deal. "Safety in numbers. It's good to have a partner wa..." His earlobes go so red that they practically glow. "I mean, a friend, you know, watching your back."

    He nods toward Honey Badger. "What about you? Nothing exciting going on in Outsiders-ville?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Partners are good too," Honey Badger assures with a wry grin at the apparent slip up from Robin. "Though I think your family is more used to working in pairs than the Outsiders are. Need to work on that some," she muses with a thoughtful frown that's quickly shaken off to focus on the here and now.

"Not at the moment. Red and Harper are still working to decypher some files we pulled from Alchemax Genetics on the last run through there. I've got a potential lead on a suspect to watch. Mostly I've been reading up on all the information Red wants me to read as a team leader."

Here she pauses to stare off into space with a thousand yard stare. As serious, studious, and geeky as Red Robin was it was likely *a lot* of information to process.

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Robin nods knowingly. He idly clasps his hands lightly behind his back. "Yeah, Red Robin can be quite thorough and exhaustive." That is a Damian Wayne Super Compliment. Tim is the brother Damian seems to get along with best. And what Damian loves even more than getting along with Tim, it teasing him. Damian's not really into the whole, you know, affection thing.

    "I've been picking up these little packets of pink powder for the past few nights off of skells," Robin says. "I analyzed it with the Bat Computer and it has the same chemical signature as Scarecrow's fear toxin, but reconfigured in a recreational form. Apparently recreational fear is a thing. The problem is, over time, exposure to Scarecrow's fear toxin breaks down key neurotransmitters in the brain and leaves the victim in a vegetative state."

    Opening one of the pouches on his utility belt, Robin pulls out a tiny, clear baggy containing a pink powder and tosses it to Honey Badger. "I think it's snorted, but I'm not sure. I do know that I sure would love to find out where this is being manufactured, and by whom."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I could see that. Fear produces adrenaline so it's the same as riding a roller coaster or skydiving. Or going to a haunted house I guess." The reasoning was there after all. What she'd heard of the Scarecrow though was less than thrilling. The very thought of it... Her head shakes a little.

When the baggy is tossed her way she catches it to lift it up squinting at it. Not that it was really something she could make out, chemically speaking, but getting a chance to recognize it was always good. "There's plenty of places in the city that you could make it. I guess the real question is, is it some drug dealer being enterprising or related to the Scarecrow himself? Who's worked with him in the past? Maybe another chemist decided to tweak his toxin."

She hesitates a moment still staring at the bag, considering. "I could see how it works personally. It wouldn't affect me for a long period of time."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Robin shifts his weight from one leg to the other. Even beneath the diamond mask, the look of concern is clear.

    "Because of you enhanced metabolism?" he inquires. "I see your point, Badge, but what useful data would it yield?" Awwww. Badge! He already has a cute nickname for Gabby.

    He starts to pace again. "I don't know. It seems like it might be potentially really dangerous with no real gain." He stops pacing and looks back toward Honey Badger. "What do you think?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Find out how it's consumed. Find out if it has a particular flavor or smell associated with it. It's powder so if it's inhaled it'd be easy to dump into the air system of a building. If you can recognize the smell then maybe it'd give you a chance to react before it fully takes hold." There were a number of reasons to consider it.

Even so, at least she doesn't go ahead and do that right now. Instead she looks back up grinning at the apparent nickname she'd earned that evening. "Just an idea, Robin, not really something we *need* to do right now. My healing factor and metabolism would run it through pretty quick though, yeah." For just a moment she considers adding more.

With a little awkward clearing of her throat she admits, "Couple of years ago I was seeing a guy that liked recreational things. Parties. A bunch of my friends and his got into it. I figured if they were going to be doing it I'd at least look out for them so... I kind of became the drug tester. To make sure it was okay before they took it."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    "First off, you're not a drug tester here. You're an Outsider and a valuable member of Red Robin's team," Damian says with almost a hint of annoyance in his voice. Don't take it personally, Badge, he has exactly zero social skills.

    A shrug. His tone softens. "If you feel that it will yield valuable information, then of course I support your decision. And I'll stand guard over you until it's done." And fucking WOE be to anyone who goes near Honey Badger while she's in a drugged state. One does not want to see a truly angry Damian Wayne. It hasn't happened often, but literally no one has survived it.

    There is a bit more pacing before Robin faces Honey Badger again. "It's your choice. You don't answer to me. I support whatever you decide."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds up her hands a moment when Robin starts to point out the obvious. Looking a bit guilty she ducks her head in apparent acknowledgement. "I know. I just meant I've got a little experience with such things. I know it was stupid of me to do at the time, but I was trying to... Well. To find a way to fit in with others my age." A sidelong glance is given off the side of the building contemplating that. "I was a little reckless. I still am at times though I'd like to think I've gotten smarter about it."

A deep breath is taken, and she reaches up to rub at the back of her neck beneath her hair considering. "If I do try it, not here. Not on a rooftop, and not without some safety precautions in place. I've heard that Scarecrow's stuff can cause hallucinations. Not sure if this one does," she admits with a shrug. "But last thing I need to be doing is attacking someone watching over me." Here she pauses, giving a nod to Robin. "Like you."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Robin considers this, then nods. "Yeah. You make a really solid point. The last thing in the world I need are those awesome bone claw things coming at me with you thinking I'm a killer vampire space bear or something. We should consult Red Robin or Batman before taking a serious step like this. Maybe both of them. The real goal is tracking down where it's manufactured. I've grabbed a few guys and tried to beat it out of them, but they have no idea. This operation is buttoned down really tight."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"To be fair I've never *killed* anyone directly before. I mean, my sisters did I know, but they kept me from having to do it so I try to honor that choice on their part," Honey Badger explains with a shrug only to pause, and consider. "Well no one alive. Killing unalive things isn't really killing is it? More like putting them back to bed. Or something. But!"

She'd gotten off track so she raises a finger to get back to the original point she was going to make. "I probably wouldn't be going for killing blows at least if I did. Usually I aim for maiming." Even so she grins a bit, and drops her hand once more. "A sister of mine is also a witch and she's going to work some enchantments into my claws soon so they'll be more useful." In spite of herself and the fact that she was 'on duty' she starts to bounce on the balls of her feet as she tells of this upcoming event. Clearly excited, she gushes, "They're gonna glow! Like little light sabers!"

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Robin's brow creases curiously. "Glow? Like light sabers?" His tone sounds concerned. "It seems like it would give away your position at night. Will you be able to turn off the glow?"

    He takes a few steps closer to Honey Badger...almost cautious steps. "Is it...can I see one of those again? I don't mean to make it seem like you're some kind of circus exhibit. I just honestly think they are one of the coolest things I've ever seen."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Only when out, and yes it likely would. I tend to keep them tucked away though," Honey Badger points out with a shrug at the concept. "It has it's pros and cons to it. One of the pros being I wouldn't have to worry about losing my night vision goggles or flashlight in a pinch." There were other reasons, too of course, but she doesn't get into that.

Instead when Robin steps closer she holds out her hand, flexing her fingers into a fist so her claw shkkts out from the back of her hand once more. In her work attire she wore full gloves but there was a spot for the claws to come out so they wouldn't be obstructed or tear through the leather. "Sure! They're just bone but it's still pretty strong. Just not sharp. ... I tried sharpening them once but it's kind of hard to do to yourself."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Robin watches as the claw snaps out of Honey Badger's fist. He seems almost...mesmerize or hypnotized by it. He cants his head to the left, peering at the natural weapon. Then he cants his head slowly to the right. It's like an animal that is enthralled by some unknown sight. Very slowly, Robin reaches out and touches the claw. His hand, of course, is gloved, but he rubs his gloved fingertips up and down the surface of the weapon costively. From this very close proximity, Honey Badger can see Damian's eyes through the white translucent HUD lenses of his mask. His gaze goes from the claw to her face.

    "I'm glad you came out here, Badge," he says as he glances somewhere else now. "It's been..." A small shrug. "...difficult to integrate with my family. They all cast such big shadows."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It was really the first time she'd had someone so fascinated with her claws. Part of it is interesting in and of itself, while at the same time it was a little embarassing. Even so, Honey Badger holds still while he examinese it, gloved or not. It really was just bone. Smooth in most parts but with some irregularities. Nothing was ever perfect in nature after all. Once he looks away she relaxes the muscles of her arm so that it flicks back into her forearm where it usually was. At least, given the quickness of her healing, there's no blood from its passing.

"Yeah, I get that. My dad's kind of..." Here she hesitates considering. "Took me a long time to call him dad. He got so upset at first when I did but then after a trip he seemed to have calmed down a lot about it. My sisters are easier I guess. And my brothers are awesome but usually too busy for me."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Robin once again clasps his hands behind his back gently. "Why would your father be upset at you calling him dad? It's a traditional title that a son or daughter would use to refer to their male parent. It's customary and respectful." A shrug. "I refer to my father as 'father.' I don't care for the informal, extemporaneous nature of 'dad,' but that's purely a matter of personal perspective.

    Here we get to see just how out-of-touch Damian is. Despite the fondness he has shown for Gabby these past couple of days, he really is an utter social dork.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself a bit of a smile at that particular assessment of the situation while glancing downward. "He's a loner most of the time, plus I was a huge surprise. From what I understand he never raised most of his kids. Just kept away from them because he was afraid his enemies would try to hurt them. Which... Knowing some of his enemies, yeah I could see that."

Looking up again she can only shrug a bit toward him. "He's tough, rough around the edges, grumpy a lot, and a rather hostile fighter. Ever heard of Wolverine?" Maybe he hadn't. There were likely some circles in the world that hadn't after all.

Without a word she steps over closer to the edge of the building to regard the streets below so that she's at least seeming to patrol instead of just hanging around chatting. Even if it was in good company. "Where did you get those drugs anyway? Maybe we can keep an eye out around where it showed up?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Damian long ago got used to not understanding certain social concepts. Could he press Gabby on it and try to get more details? Probably. But experience has shown him that such attempts almost always are futile.

    Robin walks with Honey Badger to the edge of the rooftop, peering down. Obviously neither one of them would have one shred of fear at standing so close to such a big drop. "I had a huge fight three or four nights ago. There was an unusually large gathering of Escabedos near the edge of the Narrows. That piqued my curiosity so I stopped by to say hello." One corner of the teen vigilante's mouth curls a bit. "They were not enthusiastic to see me. After I took them down and started to zip tie them up for the police, one of them offered to give information to let him go. He told me about the drug and gave me a sample." A shrug. "I let him go. I'm sure I'll bust him on something else soon. So my guess is that the Escabedos are either behind this, or being manipulated by whomever is."

    Robin looks sidelong at Honey Badger. "I'm going to wrap up for the night," he says, with a sudden nervousness to his tone. "I hope that...um... you know that..." He pushes a gloved hand back through his mussed hair. "...you know." God, what a little nerd! "We can do this again." He bites his lower lip.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The mention of the gangsters in question as well as the area earns a glance off in that direction contemplating it very carefully. There was no real reason to head out that way tonight. If they were smart at all they wouldn't be hanging around the same place anymore to begin with.

It's when Robin speaks again that she looks back toward him with a little grin and lift of her eyebrows. "Of course! I'm almost always around if I'm not in New York or something," she assures before doing what she usually does in these situations without thinking about it: She steps in closer to Robin, throwing her arms around him in a quick hug.

"Thanks for asking me out tonight! I'll catch you later, Robin!"