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He Took the Chips and Ran
Date of Scene: 09 May 2022
Location: Arrowcave
Synopsis: Ollie's ankle leads to some nursing by Felicity, and an unexpected development for Thea
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen

Oliver Queen has posed:
    It's been a few hours since Oliver's run in with the Royal Flush Gang while attempting to secure the weapons stolen from Cadmus. Overall, it was a very succesful endeavor - not only did they stop the flow of the weapons, four of the gang were apprehended and Oliver had implanted Felicity's remote device into the van. He was not exactly sure what it allowed her to do, but he is pretty sure it was something akin to immediately granting her omniscience when it comes to the gang's plans, past and future. For bonus, the Justice League had confiscated Jack's rod, although Ace had made off with the rest of the gang.
    The long ride on his motorcycle back from Metropolis was made even longer by Oliver's reluctance to go at high speed - something was not quite right with the bike following the spill. Or maybe it was just the leg that was throbbing, the pain nearly overwhelming on his ankle once the adrenaline of the fight cut out. Sure, he could have asked Diana for a lift back to Starling City. But he didn't want to impose, and he always valued that time to clear his head after a mission. Plus, if Diana flew him back, then that would likely mean that Felicity would not have had time to pack up her gear and call it a night. He really did not want her to stay up all through the night working the case, and knew that if she was still up when he arrived, she would be tempted to stay. While he valued her dedication, and truth be told really appreciated having her company, he felt guilty when he imposed on her regular life.
    And so he finally putters in on the motorcycle, parking it and sliding off. He grunts at the sudden impact of his weight on the tender ankle, and slowly hobbles over towards the Arrow Cave proper in search of some ice and elevation for the leg. The scratches to his face he could worry about later, but if he didn't do something for that ankle, it might hamper him for the next few days. And if Felicity got a line on where the rest of those weapons were, he would have to strike fast before today's mission spooked the gang and they fled into the wind.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
True enough, Felicity is still at work, even though she's technically got work in the morning. Her real '9 to 5' job, which happens to be, yes, at Queen Consolidated. Worse than that?



Still, the ever present fixture to the Arrowcave is still ever present. The moment Oliver planted her little device, the monitor on the left of the three pinged with a soft, steady note. The blonde is in her rolly chair, keen blue eyes behind dark frames weary but present. She'd taken a little bit of a nap in her chair, and pulling her head up and off her crossed arms, fingers to the corner of her mouth to remove any drool, real or imagined.

"Oh.. he did. Yes." Felicity really is in the practice of talking to herself. "Okay.. now.." fingers track across her keyboard, pulling up signs, signals and remote cameras as the van is tracked through streets and parked. Now to sit and collect data. "You," and she points to the screen, "are mine. Ours. Uh.. you're in trouble."

The sound of the motorcycle rumbling through to a stop in the garage, and then silence has Felicity twirling around in her seat, blonde hair a bit mussy but still held in that stalwart hair tie. "You're back." It's a statement, and rising from her spot, she puts a hand out to rest it lightly on the back of her chair. A frown creases her face, and she shakes her head. "Aaaand, you're hurt." Why doesn't she sound surprised? She did see him dump the bike, and had gotten those glimpses of the fight.

"Do I have to call John?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
There is a frown on Oliver's face as he limps into the room, initially either at the pain itself or at being discovered. "I'm fine," he mutters through gritted teeth, the very image of not fine, wincing with each step. "Did you get what you needed from the van?"

Much like when your feet are swelled from a day of walking, and you know that if you take your shoes off they will simply NOT go back on, Oliver seems disinclined to step out of the role of the Green Arrow, laser in focus on the mission at hand. Even when clearly it is over, at least for the night. And he should take off those shoes to let his feet start to heal. Which isn't a bad idea, even outside of the analogy right now.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
So focused is she on Oliver's limping, it takes Felicity a moment to catch a 'work' part of conversation. When she does, she almost seems to start, then twists around to that third monitor on her left, her gaze taking in the data that it's giving off. "Yes, so far. It's still doing its thing." Keep it basic!

"Now," and she begins again, the train of thought moving from one track to another, but not yet fixating on the injury at hand, or rather, at foot. "Pretty sure that things will slow down, but we still have the Starling crowd to deal with. They're.. not happy." Pushing her glasses up against a slight slide, she swings her seat around and sits down heavily. "I've interce- no, more like listened in on some of the transmissions, and things are getting a little rough out there. Retaliation plans, doubling down to make sure they've got their 'army' ready." Gesturing towards her screens, all of them lit with that arcane language that Felicity speaks, "They're not cheering for the good guys."

Rolling back to the 'fine', she pauses in her report to give Oliver a long, considered look. "You know that's what girls say when they don't want to talk about something, right? Always, always a clue word that things really aren't 'fine'. Particularly when you do," she moves her hand to gesture at her face, fingers open at the top, and as they draw down, they close, "that thing with your face."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The distinct lack of seating in the Arrowcave, which is not an issue since Oliver almost always seems to prefer to stand, makes it so Oliver needs to hobble over to Felicity's desk to rest his leg. He drops down into the available chair, his momentum causing the wheels to send it off in a brief roll, bumping it to a stop next to Felicity's chair. "Sorry," he murmurs, turning in the chair a bit to try to move away, the arm of his chair banging into the arm of her chair. He would probably just push away with his foot, but that's the very reason he is sitting in the first place. Deciding to just play it off non-chalantly (his go-to, of course), Oliver decides to just leave it as it is, his chair somewhat entangled with hers. All the better to peer at those computer screens, after all, as if he has any idea what the information scrolling across it means.

His face bathed in the blue light from the monitor, and this close, it's clear that the scratches from the road way are not the only bit of wear he is showing - bags under his eyes, usual but more pronounced now, a few bruises in various stages of healing, indicating an accrual over several days. And a few days of stubble in stark contrast to the ridiculous yellow goatee pasted onto his chin.

"Well. We'll have to go out and find those guys. If they're coming out of the woodwork to complain about things, makes it easier to find them before they retreat back into their holes, right?" He asks the question without turning up from the monitor, the reflection of the analysis in his clear blue eyes.

Felicity's analysis of his diction and word choice results in a turn of his face towards her, given the proximity of the chairs placing it likely closer than comfort on her part. Certainly, it makes her waving fingers pass rather near to the face they were indicating.

"Are you calling me a girl, Felicity?" His tone is serious. Is he joking, or has he really taken offense? His intense eyes rest upon her. This is why no one plays poker with him anymore.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
The jumble of chairs jostles Felicity, and the more she tries to shift over, the wheels catch the bar of wheel of the other chair. Thus entangled, she sighs and looks down at the Gordian Knot of office furniture. "Great."

The proximity, however, does give her the heads up that he's pretty battered, bruised.. and if his face looks like that? Her lips set into a fine line, but it's work conversation, for the win!

"They are. Luckily, it's the easy stuff. Extortion, pay offs.. that whole thing." Felicity looks back at the screen briefly, "Not very imaginative if you ask me."

It's the 'fine', however, that brings her back around, his face very near hers in the study of data. "Nope," she begins, her tones holding a little bit of a lilt, "Just letting you in on a little secret. I could lose my 'girl card' for that." There's a pause before, "And, you're welcome."

Oliver Queen has posed:
There was a brief moment where Oliver attempted to resolve the chair snafu, but he seems content to let it go for the moment. His attention instead is focused on, as always, The Work.

"Any of it pressing? Something we need to deal with?" He tilts his head, squinting as if making the information visually clearer would somehow convey the context and understanding that he has to rely upon Felicity for. "Any of these go high up enough that we should be concerned? I have to assume that somehow these guys are tied into someone official."

There is a twist of a smile on that battered face as Felicity continues. Tease, indeed, it appears. "Well, I don't think you really need that card, anyway. It's better having you around than a girl, anyway." He turns his gaze back to the monitor, and gives a perfunctory nod. "Yes, thank you." Already distracted enough by the work, not realizing the impact that his careless words may have.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity does plant her feet, trying to move the chair, and the *clink* of the bars interlocking is just something she'll have to deal with. She chuffs a soft breath as she gives up on it, instead focusing on the monitors once more. She reaches out to hit yet another quick series of keys, changing the middle screen to one of the red light cameras in town. It's nothing specific, and nothing that she believes will give her any real data.

"Right now? No. But it's only been, what.. a couple of hours? News travels quickly, but decisions?" She shakes her head, sending the pony tail swinging, and, of course, she's pushing up on her glasses again. "We won't hear anything until the morning. Even bad guys need their beauty sleep."

She turns her head to look at Oliver, and there's the smile planted on his face. Brows do rise, and she exhales in a quiet laugh. "Right." There's a pause before, "Thanks."

Now, however, she makes the attempt to turn the chair, even though they're pretty much locked. "You," and she points, "need to go upstairs and get some rest. That boot?" The one he was limping on? "You have a choice there." She's in med mode, and her head is ducked slightly, "Keep the boot on, and it'll support the ankle, or take it off and we'll pull out the ice and ace." She smiles quickly, though it's more a 'we have work' smile, "I'd rather the second, assuming of course, you don't go to the hospital and get an x-ray."

Oliver Queen has posed:
A nod from the Arrow. "We should give it time," he concedes, agreeing with her reluctantly. The man has no patience. "Some need more of it than others," he quips, a slight smirk appearing on his face.

He does not even seem to give any indication that he has heard her reaction to his comment about her girl card. His eyes just stare at the screen, glazing over a bit, pupils moving to follow the dancing data, but not truly collecting any of it. It's the conceit he allows before he lets Felicity explain it to him. It usually works for them.

As she tries again to pull the chair, Oliver seems to notice her discomfort. "One sec," he says, and then he half yanks the chair, planting firmly with his foot to get the leverage to do it. He gives a small cry of pain, having forgotten the state of that very foot, and while it does in fact dislodge the chairs, the expression of agony on Oliver's face makes it appear questionable whether that was worth it to him. He grits his teeth, exhaling several times before he can speak again. And even then, it is strained.

"It's not broken." Apparently they teach that in superhero school. He turns to look at Felicity, and then he nods, finally. Willing to accept the help. "Fine."

Seems he doesn't learn his lesson. But at least he rolls back a bit in his chair and moves to stand.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
It's really all the sights, the scents, and the warm nearness of Oliver that makes her uncomfortable. It's the proximity, not to mention her particular brand of OCD that everything has to be where it's supposed to be. That includes Oliver there, and her .. here, because she's already determined that it won't ever be any different.

And there's the whole 'being made to feel special'. Once it's there, and gone?

Taking a deep breath, she's ready to help until, of course, she hears the yelp of pain. Rising to her feet now, gently so as not to jostle the chairs that lend some aid, she wiggles her fingers, then gesturing for him to put his foot up and on the chair. "No, no. Stay put. Take your boot off. I swear.." She huffs a soft breath and turns to got to the first aid cabinet and begins to pull out all the things she'll need, this time. Including, of course, some antibacterial goop to put on some of those abrasions. "You are going to have to rely on John for the next few nights. You push it, and you'll be sidelined longer." Her voice rises from the cabinet, her back turned to him. "Or, Thea. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to bust a few heads. We're a pretty good team, she and I."

Oliver Queen has posed:
As commanded, Oliver returns to the chair, and obediently puts his foot up. "I'm sorry, you're right. It'd be inappropriate to bring you upstairs to the bedroom." Matter of fact, he states this. Of course it would be inappropriate. Far better for all parties to address the need down here. In the Arrow cave. In the bright neon lights and cold atmosphere and stark surroundings. Way better than the soft lighting, warm air, and plush and comfortable appointments of Oliver's bedroom at the mansion. Who wants to go there?

As Felicity digs for the items, Oliver has worked off the boot. Sure enough, the ankle is swollen, and growing even as the boot comes off, a deep purple bruise evident above his socks.

"We have to strike while the spotlight is shining on these cockroaches, Felicity. We can't afford to miss this opportunity, it's unlikely to come again anytime soon." He turns slowly, adjusting his leg on the chair, twisting to look back at her.. "I can rest after that." Which he always says, of course. Tomorrow never quite gets here, does it?

"Thea is coming along. But she isn't me. Not yet." A pause. "I am glad that you and Thea are getting along so well. It's nice to feel like we have a family again."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
It would be horrible, going up into that room, where every little bit of space would remind her of him. Of those moments that she won't have, consigned as she is to not having one of 'those' lives. Such is her line of work? Being a superhero, or at least, working as a vigilante means that things suffer.

Sort of like sleep.

Felicity smiles, her tones low, "Your mother doesn't like me to begin with. She'd hate me even more if she even thought.. that," and she waves a hand to gesture generally, "was going on. Not that.. anything like that would happen. I mean, I'm not like the others you might.. or might not have brought home, and upstairs.. and.." There's a pause before she utters her more familiar statement, "I'll just shut up."

She'd much rather look at that ankle. Yup, the one that has one of those deepening, dark purple bruises. Very unattractive. Not sexy at all.

Walking back with her supplies, she sets them down on her work table, shifting her keyboard out of the way. "We're not going to miss any opportunities." Beat. "From the bad guys. They're not going anywhere, and they're too dumb to reach out to the Gan-"

Oh. That's something she //hadn't// considered.

"Um.. let's get you wrapped up. And, by the way, I never have to do this with her." Fixing bruised heroes. "She's pretty much my best friend." She smiles tightly and begins to unwrap the ace, "I don't get out much, obviously."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"She likes you plenty," murmurs Oliver, in a voice that is not particularly convincing, landing flat and seeming more intended to mollify than anything else. "She just doesn't know you the way I know you." Oliver leans back in the chair, causing a bit of a creaking sound as the tension of the coils engages. Then the sound of twist, as Oliver turns the chair to look at Felicity's back as she digs around for the supplies. "She didn't like them either, for the record." A pause. "Any of them."

His smile is genuine as Felicity walks back over with the supplies, a nod in agreement. "I suppose that's true. Criminals can be a bit lazy." He looks to her as she cuts off. "What was that thought?" he asks.

As he leans back to allow Felicity to work on his ankle, Oliver chuckles. "Maybe she needs to step up her heroing game, then." He winks at her, and winces a bit as he turns on the chair. "She's a good best friend. And she needs someone amazing like you in her life." A pause. "We all benefit for having you in our lives."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Uh huh," Felicity sounds a dubious note. "You don't have to say she does, Oliver," the unwrapping of the ace wrap paper is complete, and she moves to a position where she can wrap it properly. "She'd fire me in a heartbeat if she thought there was a reason to. She likes Anderson in the department better." She chuckles as she reaches for the ankle to prop it gently before the wrapping begins. Should he let her, that is.

"If she thought for a second that I actually see you more often? Gone." She is put to her task, and she continues, "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure she could pick me out of a line-up."

The fact that Moira doesn't like anyone that he brings home isn't really a shock or surprise to her. "No one will ever be good enough." Beat. "For her little boy. Or, there'll always be that ulterior motive." Money. Lots of it. Felicity is, obviously, very aware of it, as not having any.

"But," Felicity tries to keep her tones light, if not a little sing-songy.. whistle while you work? "Someone in town might want to ally themselves with the Gang. I'll have to keep an ear open for that. I mean, it's not like they'd want to try and run a town, right?" Nah.

Wind. Wind.. and she pauses, her attention on the ankle even while he muses on the values of her and his little sister being friends. "She's a great best friend. Ice cream. We watch movies and complain about men not in our lives." She smirks, pulling at the wrap to set it properly, and her work pauses at the compliment. It's.. nice.

There's a bright, if not slightly tired smile that comes to her face. "Thanks. Not sure what I'd do if I wasn't doing.. this. With you... a-a-and Thea. Though I don't have to do this quite as much. It can be more fun with you. Not that this is fun, fun.. but.. you know."


Oliver Queen has posed:
One of the best things about the Oliver and Felicity partnership is that there are never any awkward silences while Oliver has nothing to say. Felicity is perfectly adept at filling all sides of a conversation on her own. And so Oliver simply sits, watching Felicity turn over the matter of her continued employment on her own, taking all of the various sides, an amused smile on his face.

He does not argue on her point about his mother. The business, though? He chimes in. "We'll have to keep an eye on that, for sure. We don't need them getting any stronger."

There's a smirk. And Oliver sighs. "I feel like some of that is my fault," he says. Her not having a man. He shifts a bit, sitting up a bit straighter as she works his ankle. Is he about to say something about...feelings?? "I keep you here, at all hours, working. How are you going to meet someone who appreciates how great you are if you are buried in this cave staring at monitors all night?" Annnnnnnd that's a no. "You need to get out there, Felicity. You're funny and attractive, and I'll bet if you actually had the /time/ to do it, you'd find someone who treats you properly in no time." He grins, as if the solution has come to him. "You want me to help? You know that I run in some pretty fun circles." He tilts his head. "What about Tad? He's a funny guy."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Is it that all great minds talk to themselves, but only one actually is smart enough to build an AI that will actually talk back? Felicity isn't //that// good, or rather, her skills lie in a completely different direction. Or, mostly.

Felicity is more than happy to talk to herself and would probably, in all honesty, have a heart attack if her computer talked back.

"They, meaning the Gang," is determined, and with that final loop around, she has his ankle wrapped up. "There. Now, ice." She reaches over to pop the ice bag, feeling the cold suffuse the plastic bag. It's plopped onto the newly wrapped ankle, and finally, she takes a step back to perch on her table.

"No," and she waves a hand, "please, no dating advice. I don't have the time or the energy. I'd end up telling.. whoever that I'm going to stay in and wash my hair or something." At least she's mostly upbeat about it. Not sinking down into moroseness. "It's fine. Really.. and no. Don't help. Please don't help. No one in your circles would even look at someone like me, Oliver. Geeks and jocks simply don't mingle, for one. And your choices of girlfriends?" He'd even said it himself, after a fashion.

"You're stuck with me. Working in a cave, and staying up all hours of the night and early morning." She smiles tightly and gestures towards the cot that is tucked away. "That actually is more comfortable than it looks."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver grunts as the ice is deposited onto his ankle, but then starts to feel the cooling effect spread. "Thank you," he grits through his teeth.

"I know know. Tad was just telling me the other day that he was looking for someone funny and smart, because he was getting tired of his string of vacuous blondes." He chuckles, and then adds, "I mean, the blonde part he is fine with, of course." He shifts to try to lean forward. "And what's wrong with my girlfriends?" A pause. "Other than the ones who come back and try to kill us."

He offers a grin at first. "You're not bad company, Felicity." Then he glances over towards the cot and frowns. "Wait. You sleep here?" He looks back over at her. "Felicity, if there is too much going on, just say something. I don't want you giving up /everything/ for my mission."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Okay, important question." Felicity holds her hand up, and she's looking straight at Oliver. "Did he actually //use// the word 'vacuous' or just 'dumb'? Because that's a three syllable word, and I'm not entirely sure he's up to that." Or her, really.

Felicity rises from her spot on her table and pushes her chair around so it's settled back behind her station proper. "Well, I'll give you that. I really don't like the idea of being attacked by an ex-. And your exes tend to get really jealous, too. Which is even worse." Because, well, there's //nothing// going on between her and Oliver.

There, late night in the Arrowcave. Oliver's come back from a mission, and is looking a little less for wear. Face is scratched, scraped up a little, a few healing bruises. Currently, he's sitting on a chair, ankle wrapped up with an ice pack sitting a top. Hints of dark, angry purple and green rise from the top of the Ace.

Felicity is looking tired, her blonde hair pulling out of the pony tail thanks to late night work that's gone longer than perhaps expected.

"Sometimes," and the word is drawn out. "That's my pillow." And blanket. "Can't be 'Overwatch' without actually watching, right?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Why do you assume that all of my friends are neaderthals?" Ollie looks injured at that, shaking his head slowly. "I mean, Tad is..." He sighs, and slumps back into the chair. "Yeah, you're right. He said dumb." He might be able to keep a stoic face, but he can't lie. That has not been his strong suit.

The comments about jealousy earns a face from Oliver, but he has no verbal response. The cot though? "Felicity," he says, his voice soft, almost pleading. "That's not..."

Thea Queen has posed:
When you got a close encounter with death where you are only alive because of a rather superhuman Asgardian friend one tends to not share with the rest of the class. Like her brother. Nor share other further investigations she is doing about that mafioso family. Because why worry the rest of the crew with something she has to solve? She got this, right? Right?!

So it's with wide eyes that Thea silently makes her way into the cave, dressed in the red and black leathers that are her outfit. The hood is pulled back and she is just briefly surprised at seeing the two of them here before the confident Thea comes in and her voice is heard.

"Because all your friends are Neanderthals." Fact. At least the live ones. "Frenemies on the other hand..." but that's not a discussion she elongates herself into for long. Because then they would have to talk about Slade and that's something no one wants to talk about right now!

"We have perfectly fine beds upstairs, Felicity. Without you having to sleep down here like a bat." because this is the ARROWcave, not the BATcave.

Of course it's all a good distraction too to the fact that she went out heroing without warning the rest of the crew.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"I said 'jocks'." Which is pretty much synonymous with 'neanderthal', right?

Before she can add more of her two cents in, Thea arrives and pretty much echoes her thoughts. And she really doesn't want to go there with Slade.

The man who'd sent her flowers. Told her how pretty she was, how charming, and went for walks in a park. (After all, no one would bother them.. not with him!)

Felicity's attention turns to the younger Queen, and brows rise to see her in leathers. It's a two-step function, really. First, to Thea, then to her screens where she doesn't see even a hint of pathing, and then back, though this time it's with something of a frown on her face. "Okay.. did you send a memo? Because I'm not seeing one on my desk. Which is kind of embarrassing, because I just got through telling Oliver what a great pair we make."

The thought of sleeping upstairs brings something of a pinking of her cheeks, and she shakes her head quickly and decisively. "No. Your mother wouldn't like me stealing the guest room, and.." there's a quick glance towards Oliver before she pushes up her glasses and returns to Thea, "I'd rather sleep either on the cot, or go home." Home.. "Okay, the place where I pay rent."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Well, clearly I just need to run in better circles to improve your dating pools," Oliver replies with a smirk. Not at all what was being said, but...

"Welcome back, Thea. Looks like you were up to something tonight. Could have used you in Metropolis, though. Ran into the Royal FLush Gang. And they are still jerks." He shifts a bit, wincing as the ice adjusts on his ankle.

He looks between Thea and Felicity. "You know, Thea's right. There are plenty of guest rooms upstairs that never get used. I'd just have to think of an excuse to tell my mother for why you were sleeping over that she'd believe." He shrugs, as if that is somehow a challenging exercise.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Clearly." Thea replies directly at Ollie with the kind of eye-roll that nearly reaches the ceiling. What is it with brothers and being blind? It's nearly infuriating! "But ..." And Thea lifts a finger up, "There's something to say about dating jocks, you know?" this she says to Felicity with the kind of grin that shows she's teasing, ".. they have great stamina. Well, most of them..", a beat, "Though yes, neanderthals, jocks. That's most your friends, Ollie. Because guess what, you *were* one way back then.." before the island.

Yet as Felicity then backstabs her with asking for a memo there is a 'Et tu, Brutus?' look on her face to her supposed best friend, along with a 'help me out here' look before she adds, "I sent you a message, perhaps to your other phone? I am not sure, sorry.."

Because what are best friends for if not to lie for them, uh?

"The Royal Flush? Are they still dressing up like cards too?" quick roll of her eyes, "Seems like they had a card up their sleeve in order to hurt you though.." some concern then showing on her expression when she actually spots Oliver is hurt. "Not too serious, I hope?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Thea, once again, says it all, complete with eye roll, the sort that only a little sister can do. A pesky little sister, that is.

"Can we just not talk about my dating habits?" Or, for that matter, Oliver's? Though, there is much to be said, "Aand," she relents a little, "... great stamina. Only, that's in telling you about how amazing their stamina is." The result? Not so much.


"And there is no reason that I can think of that could warrant my staying in a guest room after a long stake-out." After all, the Arrow cave and Oliver and Thea's nocturnal jaunts are still very much a sekrit. One that Felicity holds dear. "It's really okay." See? Not 'fine'.

Felicity exhales in a sigh and cleans up some of the mess; Oliver's socks, and she puts the boot beside him as 'fidget work'. The look in return pretty much reads, 'You should have mentioned //something//', but there it is. She couldn't lie, anyway. As bad as he is, she's much, much worse.

"They are. I just watched," and she thumbs back at her monitors, "from there." Brows do rise, however, and she shakes her head, "Okay.. really, really bad pun. With that? I'm going to get a water. Anyone want one?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Some of the subtext goes over Oliver's head. As it so often does. "Fine, but I'm just trying to help. The way you do," he says, waving at his ankle. Because those are totally the same thing.

"Look, if she wants to go out on her own, that's her choice. I'm sure she can handle it." He turns to look at Thea. "You can totally handle it, right? Because you know that I'll be there to be your backup if needed."

Looking towards Felicity, he shakes his head. "We can come up with one." He snaps his fingers and points at Thea. "I mean, forget about me, my mom might not buy /that/, but you could absolutely have a room to crash in as Thea's friend. Trust me, Mom would be thrilled to know that Thea has an actual smart friend."

Thea Queen has posed:
Big blink.

Did Oliver just say it's fine for her to go out on her own? That has Thea lacking talking capability for a few moments. Which is something really hard to do! She opens her mouth, closes it. Thinks better on what to say and then offers a nod. Nothing like a brother's blessing to get recklessly in danger. Yet perhaps a testament to her being somewhat more responsible now she actually opens the game a bit more, "I have been staking out a criminal family that's spreading here to Starling, been taking my .., Asgardian friend on those stakeouts." a look to Felicity, "Fel knows her. But I will tell you both more about it later.." which is probably a lot more than they would had taken out of her a few months back. But the offer of trust from her brother is noticed by the young one.

But then she interjects, "I have a lot of smart friends.." defensive. "Well, sort of smart." rich, pampered girls! "It's a good excuse though, you can be staying because you are a friend and you need a place to crash. Moira would hate it but she hates everyone.."

"We can think on the details later." A look to Oliver's ankle, "You know, you probably could use some rest on that ankle, maybe a nice, relaxed dinner somewhere." she then pointing at Felicity, "And you look as if you have been sleeping for consecutive nights over here and could use a break too. So why don't you two just go have a nice dinner at Vistas?" a look to Oliver, "Least you could do after she tended to your ankle."

"I will have a water." She then finally answers Felicity with an angelic look on her expression.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity actually grins as Thea is stunned to silence. //That// is something for the record books. The open mouth, close, open.. close.. and think of something to say truly is priceless. Doesn't happen often at all.

The small refrigerator is reached, and she pulls out three waters, just in case, and begins to walk them back. "Criminal family, right." She's listening, carefully. "I'm going to want all the details so I can give you more." Smart friends, /ftw! "I'll have what they had for dinner and where for you the moment you tell me who they are." She has met the 'Asgardian friend', and she looks to Oliver with a nod, "She'll be safe." They even went on a run together! When Felicity requested extra cameras in Starling, the Asgardian came along!

The statement defending the fact that Thea, too, has smart friends? That also gains a smirk, and she has to ask, "Have you ever used the word 'vacuous' in a sentence? Or, better, have they?" Three syllables for the win! "And I really don't want to suffer the stares of your mother. I'd rather have my fingernails pulled off." Ouch. "Or, maybe not. But, I know she'll be staring at me, wondering why this person is in her home. I mean, she'll probably call me a stray or something." That's about as unkind as Felicity will get, but it's obviously.. something she's thought about.

There's the sympathetic glance to the ankle once more, the wince simply because she knows that it's painful. When dinner is suggested, however? Felicity looks at her friend, a hard stare for a three count before she shakes her head, a definitive gesture. "He needs to stay off of it. And.. and.. people frown down on putting feet on the furniture." But, Oliver's a Queen, and as such, he's forgiven for things that would get others thrown out. He's Starling's star child. "I.. I'm not hungry. I'm just really needing a shower.. I must look horrible, too.."

All the reasons why not.

"How 'bout I just go home and I'll see you both tomorrow."

More than ready to go home.