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Latest revision as of 13:46, 19 May 2022

There's A Reason For the Masks
Date of Scene: 19 May 2022
Location: Empire State University
Synopsis: Alexander explains why vigilantes wear masks. Kate bows to his wisdom.
Cast of Characters: Kate Cha, Alexander Aaron

Kate Cha has posed:
It was rather late in the evening. Most of the students had wandered off to their houses, apartments, social events, whatever it was that they did. Which left the quad utterly devoid of life. There were some people in night classes but this was the time when it was so empty. It gave the appearance that it was vacant.

Save for that body sitting tailor style on a bench. An advanced chemistry book was open on her lap and she was scrolling through. A purple highlighter in her hand allowed her to mark important passages. There was a notepad nearby with a pencil in case she opted to take a quick note there as well.

Kate didn't seem to be aware of anyone around her as she crammed for her upcoming exam.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I'm just saying," A voice filters into the surrounding world as little more than perhaps an awareness of recognition. Jovial and amused, with an almost sing-song chime to it. "If you care about, like, anatomy... or reality you should change it."
    Alexander Aaron, that troublesome Olympian, could be seen walking down the sidewalk that leads through the school's quad. At his side was the Freshman known to some as Michael Alexander who skipped his junior year in High School to leap into his collegiate career with a verve that was rarely seen. And right now that verve was on full display with such passion as it became clear he was quite grumpy with Alex.
    "It's poetic license! A death shriek, followed by a soliloquy is a common trope you see all across history." The shorter young man gestured emphatically with his hands. "Otherwise how will you know what a protagonist or antagonist is thinking?!"
    "At that point you should have depicted your character in a strong enough way that the audience will /know/ those motivations and likely extrapolate on their own. Give them some credit."
    "No, this is a great soliloquy, I won't lose it."
    "Oh I'm sorry is the phrase 'Tell Don't Show' now?"
    "That's from modern film-making!"
    "Still holds true. Though bottom line, you stab a person in the side like that, their lung collapses, no shrieking... let alone a speech."
    And suddenly they are in front of her.
    "Hi Kate," says Alexander.
    "Hi Kate," says Michael.

Kate Cha has posed:
The sound drew her attention first. Kate glanced up from her reading to the welcome distraction. Because if she read one more paragraph without a break, she was positive she was going to lose it and start beating her head with her text book in the hopes she might be able to commit it to memory via osmosis.

The back and forth was observed like a tennis match, glancing from one to the other as they made their points. Then when they greeted her, she had to laugh a bit. "Just a bit of light conversation, huh? You have either watched too many movies, documentaries, or you switched over to pre med with that sort of observation, Alexander. Although in this case you are right. Less shrieking, more whistling or wheezing. If you're lucky."

She set the book down on her lap and looked between them.

"Should I ask what prompted this?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    In answer Alexander sort of tilts his head to the side a little with an eyebrow quirking as if to say, 'well...' yet he doesn't elaborate. However, Mikey picks up and runs with the conversational football.
    "The play is the thing!" He offers though he drops into the seat next to Kate which leaves Alexander out of luck though he seems fine to stand there in front of both of them. "But Lit class has us writing combined epics using a modern take on the classics. Outlines mostly, though we're encouraged to go all out, which I am... of course, doing."
    "And, like so many authors who have... less life experience than some, he doesn't know how the world works." Alex smirks as he crosses his arms over his chest, causing the backpack on his shoulder to slip to the side. Today he's wearing the best of slacker chic, what with his Chuck Taylor shoes and his natty blue jeans. His black t-shirt today, however, declares proudly 'I am not a Number. I am a Freeman!' With an image of a crowbar in the background.
    "Whatever, you'll just be all jealous when I'm living in a penthouse and you call me up to ask for a loan. Of money. Again."

Kate Cha has posed:
"As I have heard some of our Southern students say, oh sweet summer child."

Kate reaches out to pat Mikey on the arm as though he might need that comfort. To help him get through the next few moments. "You actually think that your writing skills will get you a penthouse? I've read over your papers for you before. You are safe from such a fate."

Then she quickly tries to scoot to the other end of the bench, sending her notepad and pencil to the ground but at least saving her from a potential elbow to the ribs.

She looks at Alexander, a hint of hope in her expression. "Tell me he's learned to show, not tell, for this one?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Nope, his characters /loooove/ to talk about their motivations. Especially when they're alone."
    "It's a style of writing! The classics all used it! Think of Iago, and Caesar, and... that other guy with the beard."
    "Oh right, I'll do my dissertation on 'That guy with the beard' I'm sure the history department will know who I'm talking about."
    "You know, old Greek guy!"
    "That narrows it down."
    Which leaves Mikey making a face toward the older Alexander, though he then turns toward Kate for support. "That's ok, Kate. I won't hold grudges when I make it big. You can still borrow my Rolls Royce when you need to." Though his smile is a warm thing, perhaps enjoying playing up the role of wide-eyed naive artiste.
    Alexander, however, steps over to the side and casually scoops up her notepad and pencil, holding them in hand until they're both settled and then extending it to Kate to take it back. "We're heading off to the gym soon I think," Alex glances at Kate, then back at Mike. "You're welcome to wander with us if you want."
    "What? No way man. Lifting weights and stuff? Those things are heavy."

Kate Cha has posed:
"It might be easier to write it on the one without a beard. Shorter list for the professor to choose from in ancient Greek writings," Kate offered with a soft laugh at the silliness of the situation.

She accepts the notepad and pencil with a murmured, "Thanks." Then she reaches for the bag she has nearby on the ground. Pencil and notepad disppear. Highlighter is capped and added. Then the book closed after she turns down a corner of the page to mark where she was. It too is added to the pile inside the backpack. She wasn't aware that there was anything going on at the gym but she had the feeling Alexander might be wanting to talk. So she nodded as she picked up the bag and stood up. "It doesn't hurt. After a while." Because it certainly leads to achy muscles when one first starts in particular. Later there is still aches but by then one is used to them. Which seems odd but makes sense.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Fiiine," Alexander infuses that word with exasperation that isn't truly heart-felt though he kicks Mikey's foot with the toe of one shoe. "Will catch you later. Try not to be too weird while I'm gone."
    Which, now that Mikey has full dominance of the bench, he begins to empty his backpack. Then he says, "No promises."
    And it's on that line that they can make their departure. Alex's smile a little wry as they walk, his hands slide into the pockets of his jeans while he strolls and it's not until they've made it past the library and around the corner that he tilts his head. "So hey." He leans over a little to touch a small smooch to her brow, just a hello thing but affectionate.
    "I have come to talk to you about masks."

Kate Cha has posed:
Kate falls easily into step with Alexander as they wander across the quad in the general direction that would lead to the gym. As they pass the library, she smiles at the little smooch. Her backpack is fully on her back instead of carried like he would because it's got a lot of weight to it. And while she is strong, no reason to strain an arm when she can distribute the weight as it was meant to be by the bag.

At the statement, the confusion is visible. "Masks?" Her mind goes a few dozen directions and most of them are not good. Finally she asks. "I'm not sure I'd be into the blindfold thing but if you want to be, I'm game. Unless you mean sleep masks but that's what room darkening shades and curtains are for?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Eyes lifted to the heavens in supplication, Alexander offers silent prayer to whomever might be listening for at the least patience to endure difficult gals. Though when he looks back at her, no the prayer hasn't been answered. Instead he casually shifts his stride to nudge her off hers with his hip though he keeps on walking.
    "I was thinking more in the abstract for people who were doing crazy stuff like running around at night on rooftops. You ever think about why they might wear masks?" A glance to the side is given.
    "Is it more to protect from personal liability, or perhaps to protect their loved ones? Something like that?"

Kate Cha has posed:
"Ooooh." Now she sees the light. Even as she stumbles a step from the hip check there. It's easily recovered from as they continue their path. Though she has no idea if they are actually going to the gym. Maybe there was something going on she didn't know about and this wasn't just an excuse to talk privately.

"I thought about it. But it always feels like it's interfereing with my peripheral vision. If I open the holes for my eyes enough I don't feel that, it exposes more of my face so it seems kind of useless at that point. The only family I really have is my brother and he does the same thing I do so not sure he would need to be protected." She purses her lips as she thinks about her father. While she was sorry for what happened to him, he'd been out of her life so far she wasn't sure how she actually felt there. Other than some sort of guilt for driving him into an asylum when she was an infant.

"Besides, not like I'm a superhero who is all over the papers. I stop muggings and such here or there."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh so what if they get a nemesis?" Alexander says as he walks, turning now onto the street and changing his tone of voice slightly and shifting the conversation more to the hypothetical. "A villain who gets all mad at them and decides to make their life a living heck?"
    The young Olympian looks sidelong at her and lifts his chin just so, as if oh so condemning. "Then you'd be fine with your friends getting kidnapped or shot? Like imagine me being all kidnapped and tied up in a warehouse."
    He furrows his brow and glares at her, "I'm serious, totally imagine it. You'd be all heart broken if it was due to your negligence. I'm just trying to save heartbreak, you see."

Kate Cha has posed:
"I don't think I'll have any nemeses...nemisiis? Okay, English has failed me but I don't think I'll get a nemesis. I'm just...me. Worst that there is would be some guy trying to mug you. And let's be honest, from what I've seen of you in a fight, you'd handle them even better than I do!"

So the concept of him getting kidnapped and left in a warehouse all tied up was lost on her. Though Kate seemed to be taking it serious as she continues. "Though admittedly, not all my friends have those sorts of skills. So perhaps they could be in danger. I just don't really think it's likely."

Yet now there is doubt in her mind.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "See, I am smurt." Alexander says as he walks along, but he pauses and looks in the direction of the gym. A small half-smile touches his lips as he considers, then he looks back to her. "I mean, you don't have to. But then you might as well come out about it. Though it'll... change your school life. And not sure you want to do that."
    Which is perhaps thus why he advocates a mask. "I mean I'm not going to tell people, but if I can figure it out... other folks might. And all it takes is for one day Mikey to be running off at the mouth in front of some bikers and you swoop in and beat the all up... so yeah."
    Then he adds, "Really I'm just trying to save myself some inconvenience. Since if word got around you were actually kind of somewhat vaguely cool, then I might not be able to monopolize your time when I wanted to."

Kate Cha has posed:
That gets a derisive snort from Kate as she shakes her head negatively. "I don't think there is any danger of that. It would likely just make me a freak." And therein he might realize why she keeps it secret. She wouldn't be just another normal student. She'd be the girl that can duplicate herself. She would become something to look at and a novelty of sorts. She didn't want that.

"Besides which, I don't know how the school would look at me being able to attend so many classes by duplicating myself. Would that be considered cheating? Having someone else take tests for me? I mean, it's still me but I think it would get complicated."

She gave him a little smile. "I'll think about it. See if I can find something that works for me."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Fiiine," Alexander submits as he stops walking and then looks down the way, "Did you wanna actually go to the gym or grab something to eat?" He shifts his weight to the other foot, hand slipping under the strap of his backpack as he crinkles his nose a little.
    "I have the rest of the day to kill, and no plans for the most part. Whatcha wanna do?"

Kate Cha has posed:
She starts to answer then pauses, tilting her head to the side as she thought about her day. Reaching out to the expanded consciousness of her other selves out doing what they were. And she realized something.

"I think food. Just realized I haven't eaten today." Other dupes had but that didn't make this body any less hungry. "Save the gym for next time."