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Latest revision as of 13:46, 21 May 2022

Something Wicked This Way Comes
Date of Scene: 21 May 2022
Location: Dockside Safehouse - Gotham City
Synopsis: What the **** just happened??
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Qira Quest

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Damian doesn't go to his safe houses dressed as himself. Last time he was disguised as a homeless person. This time he is in his full Robin garb. The Redbird cruises down Crown Street and slows as it approaches the house. A narrow garage-style door starts to rise as the motorcycle approaches and then enters a basement-level, in-building garage.

    "Close and lock garage. Heir 7931," Damian intones. The door starts to fall. "Set defense mode," he adds. A few chirps emit from the Redbird as the defensive system activate.

    He opens a compartment on the back of the motorcycle and pulls out a bakery box. So as not to startle his guest, Damian makes no attempt to be quiet. He moves up the stairs, almost clomping as he does. "Qira? It's Damian," he calls out as he takes off his mask and tucks it in his utility belt. "I wanted to check on you. I brought donuts." He moves into the kitchen and places the bakery box on the counter.

Qira Quest has posed:
She'd been in the computer room, trying to bring herself up to speed on everything she'd missed. And any subjects that caught her attention, or seemed relevant. Trying to piece together the mystery of herself a little at a time. Damian's arrival didn't go unnoticed, and Qira saves a search before pushing back from the computer with a stretch and twist one way then the other. Heading towards the kitchen, she responds, "I'm here. I was using the computer. I meant to start my workout but I got sidetracked."

She peeks at the box, then over to Damian, "Donuts? I don't think I've had them... are they good?" Qira is in athletic tank and shorts, hair pulled back into a braid. She lifts a brow at him, "But if you're here we can spar and make it better." Workouts are more maintenance than a testing of skill unless there's a willing sparring partner.

Damian Wayne has posed:
    When Qira enters the kitchen, Damian's gaze takes in her form, her dress. He looks away quickly, embarrassed, pleased. "You've...you've never had a donut before? They're incredibly fattening and bad for you. And so delicious. If my father caught me eating them he would give me one of his patented looks.

    He tugs off his armored gloves and plops them on the kitchen counter with a small thump. Then he opens the box. There are a dozen donuts in there, all in a variety. He points to one. "I recommend trying this one. It's a glazed. My favorite." A small smile and he looks back over at Qira.

Qira Quest has posed:
She lifts a brow, then shakes her head, "No, I've never had a donut before... they sound.. terrible." But she still seats herself and looks to him to tell her more. When he does, she looks back tot he box and picks up the one he pointed at. "And I just.. bite into it? It doesn't require preparation or... adornment?" Setting the donut on a plate, she moves to the fridge and gets the milk, pouring them each a glass and offering one to him with a faint smile.

"If they're as strange as they sound, some milk might help..." Why milk? Because for some reason she can't fathom drinking juice with donuts. And she's never touched coffee. Retaking his seat, she looks back to him, "Will you stay to spar?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Damian grins and playfully yoinks the plate away from Qira. "Sure, I could spar," he says as he tugs open the microwave and plops the plated donut in there. "Ten seconds in the microwave and it will change your life on a spiritual level."

    *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*

    The unmasked, ungloved Robin tugs the plate back out and sets it in front of Qira. "I'm not responsible for any out-of-body spiritual experiences from this," he quips. He similarly prepares a glazed donut for himself before joining Qira at the table.

    "Did you get any sleep?" he asks. "I always have a hard time sleeping in strange places."

Qira Quest has posed:
"Good. It's always better when there's someone to test against," Qira gives a nod, then sends him a nonplussed expression when he takes the sonut away. Then he explains and her expression clears, a small smile appearing. "I'm pretty sure that's already happened once, but if you think a breakfast pastry can do that then... far be it from me to dissuade you."

Then she's staring at the donut before glancing back to him. Waiting until he joins her, Qira picks up the donut and sniffs at it, then moves to take a bite, halted only by his question. "A few hours. I don't sleep that well anymore anyways." Like it's no big deal.

Then she's taking a big bite of the donut. It isn't until the second chew that her eyes widen and she stares at Damian. A sound erupts from her throat, half groan, half purr, all enjoyment. The sign of someone having their first taste of sugary treat and savoring every second. Her expression is nearly blissful as she chew on the bite, hesitant to swallow, then immediately going back for another bite.

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Rare are Damian's smiles, but the entire scene earns a softening of his facial expression. "Just don't eat too many at once. You'll go on a wild sugar rush for like an hour, then you'll crash and be exhausted the rest of the day." Damian tears off a piece of his donut. "If want a crash course in advanced donut eating, try this." He dunks the piece into the milk to absorb some of the liquid, then plops it in his mouth. Chews. Swallows. Mmmmm.

    "There's something I need to tell you. It will probably alarm you at first, but I promise you it's a good thing. It means that many more resources will open to you." He clears his throat and draws in a breath. "Batman knows that you're here. He is going to come talk to you." Damian watches for Qira's response.

Qira Quest has posed:
"I don't know if I could fathom eating more than one of these... it would be an overload of..." enjoyment. Warm, good feelings. Things that have been in extremely short supply for Qira. She isn't even sure if she should finish the one she has. Staring at it distrustfully, she lets out a sigh and does as he directs. "You're going to make me all soft and gooey like an overcooked marshmallow, aren't you?"

The words are suspicious, but the tone is teasing as she pops the bite into her mouth. "Mmmmmmmmmm..." That IS good! Okay. Donuts are dangerous. Confirmed. Qira lets out a small sigh, then blinks and stares at him. "What?! But... but its... I'm..." Looking uneasy, she ends up giving a nod, "Y-yeah... okay." She is already making plans on how to avoid the Bat when he shows up. Places she can hide until he goes away. Her gaze strays towards the small cupboard above the refrigerator.

Damian Wayne has posed:
    "He'll look there, Qira. They don't call him the World's Greatest Detective for nothing," Damian intones. He reaches over and puts his ungloved hand on Qira's forearm and gives a gentle squeeze. "You can trust him. It took him all of two seconds to rule out you being a League spy. People in need all over the world *wish* they could get five minutes in a room with the Batman. And he's coming to you. This will change your life in positive ways."

    He peer at Qira for long moments. "You have no reason to trust me. I mean, I did kill you. That's...that's not something one easily forgives and forgets. But I promise you that I want to help you get to the bottom of your mystery. And now so does someone smarter, wiser, and with more resources than me."

Qira Quest has posed:
"...nobody looks there, it's too small for a human being to hide in..." her voice is small, tone doubtful even as she sighs and looks towards him. Qira wets her lips and watches Damian for a long moment, then gives a nod, "If you say that he's going to help then... then I'll trust you. You've played straight with me so far." It isn't easy, but she's trying to extend him that level of trust.

Letting out a shaky breath, she murmurs, "I still don't like it. He makes me... nervous. And I don't like that feeling." Qira draws in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, "Okay. It will be okay. I can do this."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Damian slides his hand from Qira's forearm to her hand. He takes one of her fingertips between his own and gently squeezes. Comfort. "I'll tell you a secret that I have literally never told to another soul: he makes me nervous, too. I was trained since birth to kill him and as an idiot child I felt myself up to the task." He shakes his head. "I know now that I am not enough. Five of me aren't enough. But I trust him completely. I know there is no way for me ever convince you to trust him, but I do hope you will get there on your own."

Qira Quest has posed:
She gives a small smile as he squeezes her fingertip. Looking from their hands, to him, Qira lifts a brow. Then smiles. "Thank you." There's sincerity there. SHe's genuinely grateful that he's shared that with her, glancing back down, then inching her hand forward until her fingers lace through his and squeezes gently. "I mean it. Thank you." Qira lets out a small breath and nods, "He still makes me nervous but... I can do this."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Damian returns the squeeze and look at Qira. "QiraIwouldreallyliketo..." a momentarily emboldened Damian blurts out, but then his courage fails him before he gets there. He withdraws his hand and tears off another piece of still-warm donut. He glances back for just a moment, then down to the glass of milk.

((**Why did you instruct me to kill her, mother? She was a League assassin. It seems like a waste of resources.**))

    Drawing in a slow, deep breath, the teen heir dunks the donut piece into the milk and plops it into his mouth.

Qira Quest has posed:
Qira continues to watch him, brows raised, expectant for him to finish his sentence. When he doesn't, her gaze drops and her own hand slowly starts to withdraw again. Wilting back into herself. She toys with the donut but doesn't eat more of it. Taking small sips of the milk but nothing more.

((**All I have to do is survive? You don't wish me to defeat him? .........as you wish, Mistress Talia. It will be done.**))

standing suddenly from the table, she strides from the room and starts for the gym/training room. Needing to move, to do. Needing to get the memories out of her head.

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Damian is about as socially awkward as they come. But even he knows he screwed something up here. He, too, stands up, leaving half the donut uneaten on the plate. Who even *does* that?

    He walks the same path Qira just did, into the training room. He tugs off his Robin costume, piling it on the floor. He's left wearing a black tank top, black, skin-tight Spandex shorts, and bare feet. "So," he says playfully as he walks onto the mat. "Word around this town is that you're a tough guy. I heard that you said Robin ain't shit." Again, no smile, but his brilliant green eyes sparkle with positive energy as he looks at Qira.

Qira Quest has posed:
Qira already beating the holy Hell out of a heavy bag by the time he joins her, but one look to her eyes shows that she's a million miles away. Reliving something painful to her. Trying to fight it off, literally.

At the sound of his voice, she whirls, even takes a step forward like she's going to launch herself at him. Then she blinks, and shakes her head, her hands dropping as she lets out a breath. "I'm sorry. I can't... I don't know how to... act. Or... be? All I know if fighting and death and..."

Qira pauses for a long moment, then blurts out, "I was sent to die. I knew it. I could see it in her face when she gave me the assignment. I never.. had a chance. Never had a -choice-. Either way was death and she made me -choose- which way I was going to die."

Damian Wayne has posed:
    For one of the very few times in recorded history, Damian's face softens. "Oh, Qira," he says. He moves toward her, arms at his side, very much not in a combat approach. "None of us had a choice. The League manipulated us for their purposes. What happened to us was not fair, but most of all what happened to you."

    Fuck it. Damian fights 10, 12, 15 grown, armed men at a time. He can do *this*. He can summon the courage for *this*. He places his hands so very gently on Qira's cheeks. "I'm sorry for what I did," he says, his expression open and vulnerable.

    And then he leans in and attempts to kiss Qira, assuming she doesn't knee him in the groin. He has literally never kissed someone before. It's awkward and clumsy and very, very heartfelt.

Qira Quest has posed:
"No. No, I'm not. I'm not sorry. It had to be one of us and it was better that it was me. You have fa-mmph!" Qira stiffens, eyes wide and darting everywhere, seeing them in the mirror. Staring at their reflections, then softening. Letting herself... feel. It's awkward. It's clumsy. It's... nice.

She grabs his tanktop in both hands and yanks him in closer, kissing him back as she lets these new feelings and sensations wash over her. It lingers, evolves, grows.

And then the part of her brain that caters to self-preservation and instinct has her eyes flaring wide again. She bites him on the lower lip, hard, then shoves him away and flees the room. He has the master controls, he could follow her, all the way up to her chosen room. She gets there quickly, bypassing the stairs and leaping straight to the landing, then closing her door shut so she cna throw herself down onto her bed to try and sort through this new tangle.

Damian Wayne has posed:
    Nice kiss is nice, and Damian, who has had a few more years of socialization than Qira, allows himself to sink into it with complete abandon. And when she grabs his tank top? What? That is the cat's pajamas for Damian.

    So one can imagine how confused he is when he suddenly realizes that he's standing alone in the training room with a bloody, fat lip. "What the fuck just happened?"

    The teen heir does not follow Qira. Part of him wants her to have her space, and part of him is a bit scared of her. Instead he shuffles into the kitchen, grabs some ice from the freezer and wraps it in a towel, and stands there all alone holding the ice again his painful, swollen, bloody lip.

    Ain't life as a former League of Assassin member great?