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Latest revision as of 10:50, 24 March 2020

Date of Scene: 23 March 2020
Location: Washington Square Park
Synopsis: Alex tells Patsy about the best things about ESU.
Cast of Characters: Patsy Walker, Alexander Aaron

Patsy Walker has posed:
With the spring semester having started at ESU, classes are commenced and the students are traveling between buildings. In the Park nearby, those with enough time are risking the chance of being late to a lecture for some fresh air and a cup of coffee (or a beer depending on their commitment to passing this semester's lectures). Someone's got a white Frisbee sailing back and forth in an open section of green and students jump and jostle, laughing and catcalling as the disc is dropped -- boo, no points, go back to your starting line!

On a bench along the path, in a forest-green peacoat, sits a young woman. She's red of hair and this pulled back into a messy bun, frowning down at some pamphlets from the campus itself. "I don't know..." she mumurs to herself, nose wrinkled.

She might be closely reading through the information, but she's not paying a ton of attention. Here comes that Frisbee again, arcing in a badly-thrown path, right at her head! Somebody shouts, but Patsy isn't paying attention at all!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    With the Spring semester also comes along a few other things. Strange young people showing up on the campus, wandering around being led by the nose by upper classmen. Sometimes they travel in herds, sometimes they walk along with a counselor. But they all have the same sort of expression. That wide-eyed lost in the wild gazelle expression when they're surrounded by lions. It's a sad thing, but also can be amusing at times.
    But that can't be said of all of the incoming students. At least for the one that is strolling along the quad with his backpack on his shoulder and his stride an easy even one. Hands in the depths of his jeans and his t-shirt that proclaims proudly, 'SO YOU'VE BEEN SENT TO DETENTION!' In large letters underneath an image of Captain America. That particular youth with the very blond hair seems at ease to a degree that might seem preternatural.
    Even when the Delta Chis roll on up behind him and start giving him the business. "You're outta uniform, pledge." One steps up and grabs his backpack from his shoulder, starts to fail, but then seems to succeed on teh second attempt.
    "Oh no, am I, Tyler? Whatever shall I do?" He says with a smirk.
    Tyler though shakes his head, "You gotta be properly subservient for when you run man, get used to kneepads."
    "Yeeeah, don't see that happening."

Patsy Walker has posed:
In comes the Frisbee and --

Patsy leans to one side to a degree that allows the disc to whiff her temple with the lightest ruffling of air. A glance up and towards the approaching, wide-eyed classman is accompanied by a little smile. It makes her cheeks plump.

"It's okay, it didn't touch me. No worries," she informs the young man even as he jogs around the bench to get the Frisbee.

"Okay, good, still -- sorry!" he says as he jogs back on by. Movement to her right makes her look over. She's in time to see Alexander's backpack get a good shake and removal from his shoulders, but not to hear the words spoken to him. She arches a manicured eyebrow.

"You know you don't have to do that hazing stuff, right? It's all smoke and mirrors?" Her voice, sweet despite its volume to float over to them, is accompanied by a tilt of her head. Her pamphlets and paperwork is tapped on her thighs to organize it before she rises to her feet. "And nice shirt, I liked those PSAs. The one about detention is the funniest one, hands-down," she says specifically to Alexander.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Even as Tyler is bouncing around a bit like a goofball, Patsy can likely see the way Alexander's eyes are wide and there's a small bit of exasperation to his features as he looks sidelong toward her and lifts his voice in return, "Oh but this is supposed to be 'fun'." He offers in reply, though when she offers the insight about the PSA he heaves a small laugh then shakes his head.
    Of course that's when Tyler hops around to the front of him again and Alexander scoops it out of his grip in the same motion as almost casually shoving his former roommate in the chest, sending him stumbling a little bit.
    As for Tyler, however, he just laughs and waves, "I'll catch up with you later, man. After you talk to the dean guy."
    "Sure, bud." But still Alexander doesn't look entirely 'charmed' about the moment. It's enough that he looks across the way and sort of shrugs his shoulders at Patsy, as if to say, 'what can ya do?'

Patsy Walker has posed:
Tucking her papers against her chest, Patsy can't help the little grin as she watches Tyler continue to hassle his friend. She recognizes them now as comrades and not an upper classman bullying another on a whim, given the slang of 'pledge' thrown around.

She watches the friend go and looks back at Alexander in time to see his shrug. She returns it, her small grin returning.

"I had a friend like that once. She talked a big game and rarely followed through on it. You're at the college though? Mind if I ask you about it? I was thinking about maybe starting classes in the fall...or the summer, I guess, if I can afford it." A manicured fingernail taptaps the collection of information held yet to her chest.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Dropping to a crouch and unslinging his backpack, he set it on the ground and unzips it, starting to go through it, pushing around a few books here and there, then scowling to himself as he holds up a small glass container that's... fractured. He takes a deep breath, sighs, then shake his head.
    "I'm not... at the college. Yet, next semester." His eyes lift to her, then down at what she's working on, then his eyebrows lift. "Oh are you going to be a freshman too?"
    He pushes himself to his feet and slings the pack over his shoulder, tossing the small glass object into the trash where it clinks faintly.
    "Pardon the presumption but you seem as if you'd be more of an upper class individual." So old. "But feel free to ask what you like, I can try to help."
    He starts to walk over and then drops onto the other bench seat.

Patsy Walker has posed:
"I've got a few AP credits that'll transfer over, so yes, I'll fit a bit more into the upper classes instead of being stuck with the spring chickens," the redhead replies good-naturedly as she walks over to sit down next to Alexander at a respectful distance. The paperwork is set aside on the bench to her open side and she then turns back towards the young man.

"So, firstly, the name's Patsy. It's nice to meet you." Another cherubic-cheeked grin is gifted to him. "Secondly, why ESU? Why not another university or college? Convince me," she says in a semi-challenging manner, her grey-blue eyes twinkling.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    That blond youth smiles a little and looks down, eyes slipping away as he shakes his head, one leg lifts to cross over his ankle as he looks over the campus, the people walking around, the hectic hither and thither of the campus life. Then he looks back to her, pale hazel eyes meeting her gaze as he murmurs, "My name is Alexander."
    He offers his hand gently, just a small shake since her hands are so fine and manicured well. If she accepts it it's a very easy-going shake. "And well, why ESU? Well if you look in the pamphlets and all of the advertisements you will see that the current ad campaign for ESU is primarily my presence. I am here and going to be going there, so they're counting on a big schedule of activities based around my own."
    He nods sagely, "So there's that. Also there's a Five Guys in the food court, which is another big plus."

Patsy Walker has posed:
"Alexander," the young woman echoes as she returns the handshake; the repetition is honest and with intent to remember his face in the future even if his name escapes her. Her moue of surprise comes along with a blink-blink.

"I mean, I get the whole Five Guys thing. It's a good place to eat. I've had somebody else tell me that the coffee isn't terrible, which is critical to me. Black coffee? No way," and Patsy laughs as she shakes a pointer finger tsk-tsk. "But what do you mean by the advertisements and campaign is //you//? I don't mean to be...well, mean, but I don't know who you are." There's a little cringe of a shrug at him.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh no, I'm totally a big deal around here, you could tell how I was hassled by some unruly hooligan and everyone leapt to my aid." Alexander's deadpan tone is probably hard to discern, but the slight crooked twist to his lips as he leans back against the bench, "You might not know it to take a look at me, but I'm totally a big deal around campus."
    He holds up a hand, "I mean, I told the Dean that it might not be wise to have a new student coming in be the focal point of his advertising millions. But he was adamant. So now it's all 'Be Cool like Alex' t-shirts here and there."
    A breath is taken, "So trying." But then he looks back at her... to see if she's buying it. And with his hamming it up so much it's unlikely she is.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Inasmuch as Patsy wants to continue being polite, she's visibly torn between this effort and wanting to react to the grand explanation given to her. At one point, she has to look off to one side to release the pressure of repressed laughter by pretending to look at someone walking their dog. It allows her to cough once.

Glancing back, she meets those pale hazel eyes and can't help it. There's a //blurt// of a laugh before she gets her hand up over her mouth. "Alright, s-sorry," she breathes, pinking at the cheeks. "Honestly, I don't know who you are, and that's weird to me. I run in a lot of circles around here with my job and I know a lot of faces. What's your last name?" She's sincerely trying to either play along or very subtly joining in on the potentially self-effacing commentary Alexander is keeping up.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Alexander Aaron, I'm just being a goof." The youth confesses as he grabs his leg that's across his lap in both hands and pulls it up a little tighter, almost like a half-lotus posture as he turns to face her. "I honestly don't have many positive things to say about ESU beyond silly little things that I like that would likely do you no good. So in order to be able to keep talking to you I... told a lil fib."
    He looks away, then back with one eye scrunched up, "A tiny one."
    "But ok, ok. M'sorry. Serious face now. Cool stuff about ESU to get Patsy to go here. Got it."
    He points at her for a time, eyes narrowed. And...
    Yeah nothing.
    A little more.
    Still nothing.
    "I liked their logo." And there, the damning information comes out.

Patsy Walker has posed:
That critical piece of opinion about the logo sets off Patsy into a reel of laughter, bright and sunshiney. She leans against the seat's backing far enough that her head tilts upwards, eyes scrunched shut. Her amusement breaks to a sigh and she nods, glancing back over at Alexander.

"Hey, I appreciate the honesty, Mister Aaron. Some colleges have great logos and some of them look like somebody advanced just a step beyond using Papyrus as their spiffy font. I'll be honest with you too." She turns and plucks a particular pamphlet spouting information about the Bachelors of Arts programs.

"I was looking at their program about English Literature and Creative Writing," she explains, offering it out towards Alex for him to look at or take. "I was told as a kid that you never stop learning, so...like, why not help myself out? Patsy Walker never steps down from a challenge anyways."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It's the last that does it and she can likely see that expression. It's there when she's out and about and there's a glimmer of recognition from somebody in the crowd. Just before someone bustles up to her to tell her about how wonderful she was and how she changed their lives. The ghost of it is in that youth's eyes as he murmurs, "You..."
    He says succinctly, dropping the current thread of the conversation, "Had a comic book." Almost like an accusation.
    But then he grins and adds, "I think."

Patsy Walker has posed:
"Oh. Um."

Realizing that her braggadocio has gotten away from her, Patsy then chuckles to herself, glancing away from Alexander with her cheeks still pinked. She flutters the pamphlet off to one side a few times before she sighs again.

"Yeeeeeah, that's, uh...that's me. Yep, I'm //that// Patsy Walker, my mom's muse and all." Her grey-blue eyes return to the young man and she upturns her palm in her lap. "I guess it makes sense you'd know me from that. I wrote a book not too long ago, which is why I'm interested in the classes here. It went over well, but...I can do better," she explains, gone more shy now even if her smile doesn't vanish entirely. It merely becomes quiet.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Nah, hey."
    Alexander's smile is warm as he turns to the side, "That's kind of cool, but in the interest of full disclosure I only know because a friend of mine used to be a fan." He turns to the side to face her more directly, "My dad didn't let me have comic books and things, but what you said sounded familiar..."
    He grins a little and chews on his lower lip as he considers her, eyes dropping low then back up as if seeing her once again. And some things start to fall into place, with her composition, her make up, her manner.
    "So you're continuing your education to enhance your writing. But also to have the experience and all?" He asks out of curiousity.
    But then he draws up, "I mean hey, none of my business. What is it with people who realize they're talking to a person with some measure of celebrity and then all of a sudden they imagine they have the freedom to just presume all sorts of things?"

Patsy Walker has posed:
Patsy tilts her head to the sides, wearing a lop-sided smile close-lipped. "I mean, I get it though. People are curious things in the end, me included. I already asked for your last name and stuff, remember that." Lifting a hand, she curls her nails through her hair to get a loose strand back behind her ear.

"And that's really nice of you, Alexander, but I'm no big news around here, not in New York City. Maybe I will be after my next book, but learning more about how to do a better job of writing one is only going to help, right?" She looks away from him and towards the campus itself with a wistfulness that shadows her face like a passing thin gauze of cloud on high.

"That and yeah, you're right. I didn't get to have that college experience when I was younger, so maybe I can still get it while I'm young and life hasn't beaten me down yet."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    That tow-headed youth looks sidelong at her, and for a time he frowns a little, as if trying to imagine the future in store for her. He lifts a hand to scritch fingernails right near his widow's peak in his hair thoughtfully, then shifts in his seat to face her directly.
    "I can see wanting to do that. I've had a... difficult upbringing too, but my father has gotten it in his head that I should have a normal-ish life experience from now on."
    Those eyes hold hers when they return from that wandering thought, even as he bites his lower lip in reflection, "S'gonna be a little tough. Though, you know." He's never believed in sugar-coating things, and this moment is no different. "People my age and all, are very... focused on the culture that comes with being of a similar age. But with your past, and well, your kindness. You'll break through with that. It'll take some time though."
    Then he offers, perhaps to change the pace the wry comment as he murmurs, "It'll help that you're cute though. But also kinda hurt in a way I imagine."

Patsy Walker has posed:
Drawn back from the distant gameplay of the Frisbee throwers, Patsy glances at the companionable conversationalist seated beside her. She nods agreement to his observations with a wry little twist of her mouth, her pale eyes downcast beneath their dark lashes.

Her gaze rises and slides back to him though with the pucker of amusement still present at one corner of her mouth. "Being a natural red-head is totally a double-edged sword, yeah. People think I'm sassy all of the time instead of only seventy-five percent of the time," she quips with a shrug of both palms up. "It's not that I had it rough as a kid though. I'm sorry you did. My childhood wasn't bad, all things considered. It's more the last few years that have been crazy. Once my book got published, things seemed to settle out. I don't...I don't really believe in things like luck or fate or stuff like that, but I like writing and it's been good for me. Why stop now, you know?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ah," Alexander grins a bit as it's turn to let his eyes wander over the campus around them. He uncurls a hand toward the people wandering around, as if casually indicating the entirety of mankind with that lazy sweeping gesture, "I, on the other hand, am a fatalist." He looks sidelong at her, "I have this whole point of view about it, and some day if we ever meet again remind me. And I'll ramble about it to you at length."
    He takes a deep breath, "But be that as it may, you're probably right. If it feels like you want to be doing and what you should be doing, then embrace it." He draws his leg up, sneaker resting on the lip of the bench seat as he pauses a moment to wave toward a group of people gathering near the library steps. The wave is returned but he makes no semblance of a gesture that he needs to head over there.
    Back to her he murmurs, "Then again, you might not wanna accept life advice from an eighteen year old who chose his school because of their kick-ass logo."

Patsy Walker has posed:
"I mean, hey, at least you've got your logo priorities right." Patsy smiles to herself and seems to settle back into the bench more, her hands rested on her lap. The pamphlet is tapped against the hem of her coat without thought as she considers the far clumping of people on the steps.

"I'll have to think about it more. I've still got my manuscript to work on and I don't want to step away from it just yet. I guess you could say the muse has me still." Her steely-blue eyes return to Alexander. "You have someplace to go with those peeps?" Her head tilts towards them. "I don't want to keep you if you have to. You've been more helpful than you think, I appreciate it." Her teeth gleam white in her grin at him. "Can't say no to a cute girl, huh?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's a chuff of breath that comes from him, a voice of life that would be a laugh if he gave it a little more before he looks back at her with one eye scrunched and wary. The next breath is a scoff though he tilts his head to the side toward her, "Friends." He offers in explanation, but then adds, "Well, friends of friends I suppose you'd say."
    That said he draws his leg up to his chest, leaning against the knee and resting his chin there as he looks to her. "But see, you keep this up and I'm going to have to explain the whole Fate thing to you. And it's too early in our relationship."
    His eyes distance as he ponders, those curious eyes drifting past, then refocusing upon her features, "Maybe after a fourth or fifth date. /Maybe/ then." He holds up a fingertip as if to lend emphasis to the possibility.
    "But if you are indeed feeling so blessed by the Muse, then create, and don't stop until you feel you have nothing left to say. Lots of people never even get a glimpse of the thing."

Patsy Walker has posed:
Her pink lips purse into something that will no doubt blossom into a smile if she lets go of her self-containment. Patsy looks over at that dubious collection of friends again and then rolls her eyes off to one side, towards her pamphlets.

"See, you vacillate between sounding so wise and then jazz-handing me an offer to listen to you go on and on about being fatalistic. I'm impressed, not going to lie, that takes some talent." Alexander does get an inspection now with a...more critical gleam to those darkly-lashed eyes. Maybe it's light play that flickers through them and not something else more unearthly.

"Still, is that an offer to have coffee? You have to be forthright with me here, I'm a celebrity, remember?" Her expression goes theatrically guileless now, those mindfully-shaped eyebrows lifted high.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh, /well/," The youth with the wry smile looks away and to the side as he brings up one arm to rub at the back of his neck thoughtfully. "If you're going to invoke Celebrity Privilege I have to just give up all my simple tricks and nonsense and be forthright with you. It's like in the Hollywood Bylaws or something."
    But then he looks back at her and offers, "Though, to be fair I have been known to drink a coffee or two in my time."
    He sits up a little so he can interlace his fingers over his knee and then set his chin back down upon it. "It might take some arm twisting, though, to be fair." That said he quirks an eyebrow and lets his head loll to the side almost canine-like in a way, "Are you meaning now, or some time down the line?"

Patsy Walker has posed:
"Probably down the line," the young woman admits, equally honest in her way. "I wasn't planning on doing anything more this evening than grabbing something at the nearby Chinese place over there," she thumbs over her shoulder towards the restaurant with its neon sign proclaiming the best eggrolls around, " -- and taking it home so I can work on my manuscript more. I've had this idea that's been burning a hole in my brain since we sat down and I can't shake it. It needs to be put to the keyboard before I forget it. It's kind of..."

She laughs to herself, considering her nails in a curl against her palm. "It's that whole muse thing."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For some reason that intrigues him as he sits up, that leg settling back down on the seat next to him as he rests an arm on the back of the bench. His eyes are curious now, that subtle glimmer there in the haze of those jade green irises. "Really?"
    His lips part as he sits up a little straighter and then he smiles as she can feel the curiousity there coming from him. "Tell me about it?" He asks even as he for some reason seems to be taking her seriously, as if what she's saying is more than just a shared term about the creative process.
    Then he sits up a little, "It could be that I'm your muse." He looks up and to the side, pondering, then as if the idea instantly distracted him in an entirely too felinian way he muses to himself, "Though hm, Chinese food might be good."

Patsy Walker has posed:
"Oh, um, I mean, it's kind of...pretty nebulous still." Patsy appears to pink just as anyone else might through her cheeks, her shoulders rising a touch in embarrassment at not being able to fully convey the idea. "It's kind of...like...I guess a plot twist? Maybe? I need to write through it before I really know what it is."

She gives Alexander a mildly hangdog half-smile. "I know that's not really a good answer, but it's like asking a painter about what they're going to paint before they put brush on paper, you know?" Her pamphlets are all gathered up again on her lap and organized with a tapping edge-down on her thighs. Her chuckle to follow is faint but true. "A little early to know whether or not I have a living muse just yet, I think. My last muse was myself, since I wrote an autobiography." Her nails are buffed against her chest and then flared out as if they necessitated a look-see.

"Have you been to that Chinese food place before? It's not bad. My order's already called in, I just have to go pick it up and take it home," she explains as she pulls out her phone to look at the screen. "Ah, yep, it's all ready."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Hey," The youth holds up his hands, "Sorry, I know it seems like I'm trying to be all weird." Alexander looks to the side thoughtfully, his thoughts distancing his expression for a time as he nibbles on his lower lip before he looks back. "I'm not trying to like, scam a free Chinese dinner or whatever. Just..." He points at her, "The way these things go sometimes, maybe we'll end up being friends somewhere down the line, and like if we see each other again around campus or whatever..."
    He straightens up and grabs his backpack from beside the bench, "Stop me and ask me to explain. Ok?" And as he says that he leans back, "It'll make sense then I reckon. Probably."
    That said his smile slips toward the sheepish as if knowing how that may sound, but then shrugging as if there was no way around it.

Patsy Walker has posed:
By how Patsy tilts her head as she gives the young man one of those intrigued, measuring looks again, he does have her curiosity hooked. There's an earnesty to the way he speaks and acts that is beginning to give the young woman the impression that there's a serious belief in being absolutely truthful. To one so used to the sharks of society in the reefs of soirees, it's...a relief.

"I've seen a few weird things in my time," she replies quietly, wearing a smile more inwardly-turned now. "You bet if I see you again, I'll be repeating what you said: ask you to explain why these things go the way they do sometimes. I mean, heck, you might even seen me around campus if I end up making up my mind."

A hand is offered out to him again, she the instigator of the shake this time. "You're good people, I think, Alexander Aaron. Thanks for taking the time to tell me all about the university's cool logo," she says in friendly tease.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A small 'heh' slips from him and he accepts her hand, giving a gently squeeze as he replies, "Thanks, Patsy. You're alright too. I suppose." Though the words might seem a touch mean, the playful way they're delivered might rob them of any sting. He gets up as she does and adjusts the hang of his backpack.
    "See you later then." And as he says that he backs up two steps, then turns and starts to walk away.