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Latest revision as of 04:43, 28 May 2022

Snack Responsibly
Date of Scene: 28 May 2022
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Dani and Warren run into each other in the kitchen, catch up a little, and touch base about some of the others at Xavier's.
Thanks to: Danielle Moonstar
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Danielle Moonstar

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren runs one hand through his hair and sighs. He taps out another text message, hits send, then goes back to scrolling through his email. Leaning against the counter by the large stove, he picks idly at a charcuterie board while he does. A half-finished glass of wine attests to his having been there for a bit.

"Honestly, how did they survive when I wasn't doing any of this?" he muses to himself.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Ah, big business call?" comes a voice from the doorway a moment before Dani Moonstar strides through the kitchen and pauses at the refrigerator, "What terrors do you impart upon the sacred earth now, ve'ho'e?"

Her tone is serious, but the broad grin that shows on her face suggests a joke. She's clad in a buckskin jacket, a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Her dark hair is done up in a braid.


Warren Worthington has posed:
"Strategic reviews, diversity audits, and divestment planning," Warren says with an exagerrated pukey face.

"And this," he adds and waves at the charcuterie board. All the right pieces are there, but it was definitely presented by someone who does not do the plating for dinner parties himself. He reaches for his wine glass and takes a sip. Feet crossed at the ankles, leaning on the counter, in tailored jeans and a v-neck tee, he looks relaxed but something about the drape of his wings suggests boredom and annoyance.

"I take no responsibility for what's in that fridge, though," he says with a grin. "How've you been? I haven't run across you in a while."

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Oh boy, I sure am glad my parents didn't leave me billions," Dani says with a mock gasp, planting the back of her hand against her forehead and pretending to almost faint. But then she's grinning again, swinging open the fridge and digging around inside.

"This is a boarding school, right?" she speaks, muffled voice coming from within, "You've got to feed the children."

She emerges, holding half a stick of salami aloft.

"I'm taking this."

The question gives her pause, before she shrugs: "I was back in Colorado taking care of some stuff. Came back to keep Tabby company."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren laughs and shakes his head at Dani's theatrics. "It's such a burden, you have no idea," he jokes. Warren slides his phone onto the counter and turns his attention to the food he has out while Dani digs around in the fridge.

"That's... appetizing. You can just help yourself to this, there's lots," Warren says with a gesture. "I've even got most of this bottle left if you want a glass. If you're old enough for that. You're old enough now, right? Should I ID you first?" he says with a grin.

Warren fishes another wine glass out of the cupboard above him and looks to see if Dani wants any, but also raises an eyebrow. "Is Tabby okay?"

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"I'm old enough to fight terrorists and monsters, Warren," Dani says with an eye-roll, taking the bottle and pouring herself a glass in - of all things - a repurposed and empty jelly jar, "I'm old enough to drink wine."

No admission as to whether she's old enough or not.

"She's getting there. It's always been tough for her, but now this hate group or whatever have their sights on her. I'm thinking I'll take a trip to the city and find out what scares them the most."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren grins impishly and raises his glass to Dani. He listens, considering the young mutant attentively.

"I don't really know her, but she's lucky if she has you looking out for her. Hate group doesn't sound good though... Especially if you're worried enough to be angry," he notes. "What's going on? I've been so out of the loop I barely know who's even here anymore."

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"You and me both," Dani shrugs her shoulders, "I just know what Tabby told me, and it's not that much. I'm going to try and take a look into it myself."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"If you want company, let me know. Happy to help however I can," Warren offers. Then he snaps his fingers. "Oh, hey. If you're going to be around and you have the time, would you mind looking in on one of the kids? Her name's Zandra. Really new, southern kid. Seems nice, but... You know what it's like."

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"I might take a raincheck on that," Dani answers, grinning faintly, "I don't know how you are a hunter, Warren, but I feel like the wings are a dead giveaway."

The request prompts her to give another faint shrug: "Sure. If I see her around. What's her deal?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren laughs. "I can be subtle, see?" He pulls his wings in a little tighter. They are still giant, white, angel wings.

"You might have a point," Warren chuckles. "Don't know much. She's only been here a few days. Parents turned on her when she manifested, she ran away, ended up here. Sounds like she and her family patched things up a little bit, but isn't connected here. Something happened at the graduation though, she got involved somehow. Emma was impressed enough to hint she has potential."

Warren considers Dani a moment and puts his glass down. "Are /you/ okay? How was it being back in Colorado?"

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Ah, shitty parents. That always amazes me. We're genetically designed to care about our offspring. Those people who somehow manage to get past that? That's some impressive devotion to bigotry, huh? But yeah, I'll have a talk to her."

She takes a bite of the salami in her hand, chewing thoughtfully.

"Colorado was good. Just settling things. Getting the house in my name. Don't plan to move there anytime soon, but I can at least get a little cash renting it out. Or just having it as somewhere to get away from it all."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren looks like he is about to say something, then reconsiders. The smile returns and he pops a cheese cube in his mouth. "It sounds really nice, need somewhere that's yours to go."

"Anyway, thanks for checking in on Zandra. Appreciate it. And if you ever do figure out... Well. Bigotry run thicker than blood. Solve that one and you'll be front cover of Time with a Nobel."