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Latest revision as of 15:44, 7 June 2022

Bonding Time
Date of Scene: 06 June 2022
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: Gabby and Logan catch up and learn a bit more about each other.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Logan Howlett

Gabby Kinney has posed:
After a long day of training, and running errands, Gabby was still in New York. It was a great time to swing up toward Harry's. A phone call is made to Logan to see if he'd want to meet up there before she heads over on her motorcycle. The tiny little Honda Street pulls up out front not long after, and she hurries inside the familiar bar.

Honestly she'd been coming here since she was 15. Usually during the 'school hours' but on occasion she'd be allowed to sneak in with the adults or other groups. Harry was usually good about it given she'd stopped trying to get an actual DRINK after the first few months. Rootbeer was usually what she requested these days.

Shrugging out of the leather jacket she'd picked up (it was still rather new and not yet broken in) she flashes a smile toward the tender in question. "Hey Harry! Rootbeer please, and some potato chips if you got any in the back." Never hurt to have a snack.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is in well worn clothes perfectly broken in jeans a comfy flannel and a well loved old leather jacket. He's already already there. Already a few beers in. Drinking 'strong zero' trying to not think about japan while drinking this curiously strong japanese beer.

Logan is partial to it for the very reasons its infamous among tourists. it tastes so good that you don't notice how strong it is. It causes gaijin tourist to get excessively drunk, but for Logan its almost good enough to keep him buzzed.

"hey runt" Logan says to Gabby with out really looking up, or changing his posture. "you wanted to talk?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gathers up the rootbeer she'd requested before she makes her way over to where Logan is. Without a word she leans in to slide her arm around him in a quick hug. There's the faint smell of clove cigars about her as if she'd been around someone smoking them not long ago. "I was in the area and thought I'd see if you were around," she points out while taking the seat beside him, and pausing to sip off her drink.

"Just had a long day. Good, but long. Did some training and realized I'm going to have to teach the guy I was training with how to fight without a weapon. He's not bad just..." She can only shrug a little. "Not great." Looking toward Logan she grins warmly at him. "How're you doing? I know I'm kind of all over the place and not always around."

Logan Howlett has posed:
There is more than the sent of clove cigarettes. Sniff. "you've been around Rien's boy havent you"

:logan gives the girl a smile and a a return hug. "I'm fine little one just Fine"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pulls away from the hug after a moment only to pause and glance down at herself. A little sniff of her own is given as she crinkles her nose. "All I can smell are the cigarettes. Well. ... Kind of?" She mumbles uncertainly as she smells more than just the cigarettes but it wasn't something she could quite pin-point or recognize fully with her inexperience.

It's shrugged off as she grabs the seat next to him, flashing a grin. "But yeah, I was with him. It's his birthday so I dropped off a gift for him." Another shrug as she explains, a bit more than necessary, "We were going to train together but he had to run, so I had to make a special trip out to drop off his present rather than just give it to him then."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"something about that boy aint sit right with me. He smells like Hell. I ain't said nothing because Rien is old enough to make her own choices. but something is off about him." Logan says recalling the stare down he had with Robbie.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney ohs quietly. Her hands wrap around her rootbeer mug while considering. "I guess she didn't tell you, huh." Biting down on her lower lip she considers only to shrug. It wasn't as if it was a SECRET, after all. "He's kind of posessed by a vengeance spirit? Demon? Thing? Known as the Ghost Rider. Now," she adds quickly holding up a hand. "Robbie himself is just Robbie, but the Ghost Rider is different. Like, it doesn't effect him as a person. Mostly. Like when he's Robbie he's not..." A breath of air puffs out in annoyance. "There's apparently two other 'Ghost Riders', too, and I've met one. Apparently their spirits partners or whatever don't really like Robbie's."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan hhhmmms "thats interesting. Demons and such are above my pay grade I'll that to Illyana and the magical folk. As long as he doesn't pose a threat there will be peace. IF he threatens my kin I'll make it my problem" And thats all Logan has to say about that.

"what else is new Runt?" Logan asks. "how is 18 treating you so far?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins with amusement at the question. "I'm not eighteen yet. Not till August anyway. The early gift HAS come in handy though," she explains lifting her fist. There's no showing of the claws, not in the middle of Harry's but he knows what she means. "I'm doing okay. One of the other guys I was training with is kind of shit at hand to hand so I'm going to try to teach him some. Plus I've got school to finish." Her nose crinkles a little. "Not sure if I want to go to college yet. So, otherwise I'm doing fine. Oh and Tim's brother dumped me before we even really started dating so no need to worry about him."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"strength training do lots of that. healing factor speeds recovery. meaning you get stronger faster and can train even more often. thats the basic concept of most performance enhancers" Logan muses at the mention of Gabby training.

"Heroing don't pay the bills think of something you can do to make money." Logan says to the college question.

Logan then frowns. and after a pause. "how dare he dump my cub"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins with amusement. "I already was doing that. Lifting till my arms gave out, then wait, and start again." Her arm lifts to flex showing off what little muscle she had there. Of course, women did tend to put on muscle mass slower and differently unless she REALLY lifted. "But we were working on teamwork not this."

Lowering her arm she lightly nudges Logan with her elbow. "Eh, it's okay. It was weird anyway. It was like he dumped himself and ran so... I couldn't be upset." She lifts her drink to sip. "I was too busy being confused about what the hell just happened." Grinning she tips her head toward Logan. "What about you? Been up to anything lately?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan shrugs. "had a wild night in madripoor, got attacked by a furry in central park." Logan shakes his head. "other than that its been quiet. mostly keeping an eye on you and Rien."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Furry?" Gabby pauses a moment considering that with narrowed eyes. "His name wasn't Terry, was it?" She wouldn't be hugely surprised. Even so she offers a grin nodding at him. "We appreciate it, even if we complain at times. It's good to have you around."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"no it was a cat girl, didn't get her name. yellow spotted kinda like a cheetah. Ambushed me cut me up a bit but then i got her good with my claws." Logan says explaining his furry encounter.

"I know you girls appreciate me. Wish I would see more of Laura, and Jimmy, and rogue, and Kitty and Jubes." Logan says wistfully. He does care for all his 'kids'.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"And Bellona," Gabby adds in the name along with the list of other siblings she has, only to pause thoughtfully. "She might still be in the city. I haven't heard from her in awhile. I know she likes to go to Madripoor, too, so if you ever run into an older me that's albino? That's her." She gestures to her face indicating the obvious scars on her cheeks. "She's human though."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"I'll keep an eye out." Logan says . It gets quiet.

"So um wanna come with me to Pride?" Logan says trying to keep the conversation going.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
That causes Gabby to pause as she regards Logan a long moment at the question. Her mouth opens, shuts, and then she tilts her head contemplating. Was this his way of asking if she was...? Or. She blinks at him again apparently coming to a decision with a broad grin. "Sure! I've never been before. When is it? Oh we should invite Rien, too!"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan side eyes Gabby as she's taken aback. "What? I'm bi" Logan says to break the tension. "I'm not sure when I'll look around. I ain't been to one of those things but I guess I should."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is quick to nod, though she does take it in stride. "Ah! I didn't realize. I'm... Not sure myself. I figure I've got time. Plus I'm not a hundred percent sure since the only woman I kind of liked was a sucubbus so I'm not sure if it's because of THAT or any other reason." A quick gulp of rootbeer is downed before grinning again. "Either way I'm up for it!"

Logan Howlett has posed:
"you got time to figure out what you are and who you like." Logan smiles a bit at Gabby. "you have plenty of time to find out. Took me a long time but after so long you just end up giving it a try if you're curious. My taste in men is less toxic than my taste in women." he chuckles.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a small grunt at that while she downs the last of her rootbeer. "Hopefully I didn't inherit that from you. I mean hell I had a crush on Robbie before he and Rien hooked up." She opts not to say more than that, and drops her glass back down. "It'll be fun though! Parties are always good one way or another."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"I wouldnt be ok with you and him being a thing. Rien is grown she can make her mistakes. You're still my responsiblity. Hell I was planning to pay the Batman a visit about his boy before you told me that it fell through." Logan says with some sterness in his voice. "Sorry but I gotta try to minimize the shit you gotta go through. I know it aint ever nice for us but I went through things and Laura went through things and I want to kee you as happy go lucky as you are."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins broadly at that. She leans over again to offer another hug, squeezing tight. "Thanks, dad. ... A lot of that is my choice, though. I mean. I've been through a lot. Seen a lot." Letting go of him she sits back again exhaling a sigh. "But I'm choosing to enjoy life because I can and there are people who aren't around anymore that don't even get that choice."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan leans over and kisses Gabby's forehead and pats her head. "you're a good kid Gabby. I'm happy for that much"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney ducks her head with a little grin at that unsure of what to say other than, "Thanks!"