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Latest revision as of 22:34, 8 June 2022

  Scarlet Scarab  
Layla Abdalla El-Faouly (Scenesys ID: 4163)
Name: Layla Abdallah El-Faouly
Superalias: Scarlet Scarab
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Archaeologist
Citizenship: Multiple
Residence: Gotham City
Education: PhD in Archaeology
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Heliopolitans
Apparent Age: 27 Actual Age: 27
Date of Birth 28 Oct 1994 Played By May Calamawy
Height: 5'6" Weight: 110 lb
Hair Color: Black/Deep Brown Eye Color: Black
Twitter: TheRealIndy
Theme Song: Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins

Character Info


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Layla is Indiana Jones if he had ever actually done his job. On top of that, she's recently become the Avatar of the Egyptian Goddess Taweret. Because life wasn't complicated enough. Let's see what the transition to the US does for her!


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* 1994: Born and raised in Egypt, to Abdullah and Zahra El-Faouly. Mother died shortly after childbirth.

* 1994 - 2010: Traveled the world with her father, growing up at archaeological dig sites and around the types of people that draws, good and bad alike.

* 2010: Enters Cambridge to study archaeology, continues to travel with her father as classes permit.

* 2015: Graduates from Cambridge with a PhD in Archaeology, rejoins her father on ther hunt for the Scarab of Ammit. Begins to play in the various black markets, seeking out artifacts and returning them to their rightful owners with the help of Lagaro.

* 2016: Her father is murdered on a dig site in Egypt while Layla is in Madripoor. On return, she meets Marc Spector, they fall in love and marry. Many adventures to follow!

* 2018: After getting suspicious of Marc's double life, they have a fight and he insists on wanting a divorce before storming out. After a few months without word from him, Layla begins to search for Marc between jobs.

* 2021: Gets a break in her search for Marc with a tip that comes through her black market contacts. It ends up being a trap, perpetuated by disciples of Apophis, designed to capture her to draw out Marc. Instead, Taweret shows up to offer Layla an out, by becoming her Avatar. Layla agrees on the condition that Taweret help her find Marc.

*2022: Taweret leads Layla to New York on the trail of some Apophis disciples, and potentially, to Marc himself. Showdown approaches!

IC Journal

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Outwardly, Layla is a bright, driven young woman with some personal demons that she struggles to let go of. While she is quite capable of laughter and fun, and leads an exciting social life, Layla is never far from furthering her personal goals. There always seems to be a hidden motive or underlying reason driving her.

Layla is your quintessential 'tough guy' act covering a very caring and compassionate core. While she is most certainly quite tough and able to keep her composure under great duress, Layla is also someone who cares about people and their cultures and histories. Intelligent, quick-witted, she is at her best when the stress is on and she has to improvise. Her ingenuity is actually perhaps one of her defining characteristics.

Character Sheet


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Shield of Taweret:
As the Shield of Taweret, the Avatar of the Hippo Goddess of Egypt, Layla is granted a variety of powers. These powers are only active when Layla is operating as the Scarlet Scarab and are not present when she is not clothed in the ceremonial armor of the Goddess. While she has the base powers when she wears the armor, her powers are enhanced when in the defense of others, as Taweret is a protective Goddess. These powers are as follows:

* Super Strength: Her average capability is around 4-5 tons, as shown when she was able to catch and lift a minibus full of people on the streets of Cairo. No upper limit has been shown as yet, but one can presume she will be as strong as the Goddess allows for the situation.
* Super Reflexes: During a fight in Cairo, Layla was able to dodge automatic gunfire from multiple sources for at least short bursts.
* Super Speed: Layla was able move far beyond human speeds, able to cross hundreds of yards in the blink of an eye to catch a speeding minibus that had been sent careening towards a group of bystanders.
* Super Durability: She took multiple hits from a magical weapon without flinching and continued to fight unabated. Even with one arm pinned, she withstood the attacks from multiple enemies all at once.
* Super Stamina: Layla was able to keep up a protracted battle with multiple enemies, including one wielding the power of another Goddess, without tiring or slowing down.
* Regenerative Healing Factor: She has shown an ability to heal almost instantly from any injuries received while acting as Taweret's Avatar.
* Healing: As a protective Goddess, one of the gifts bestowed on the Scarlet Scarab is the ability to heal others of their injuries.
* Flight: Scarlet Scarab is capable of flight, utilizing the wings that come with her ceremonial armor, potentially up to Mach One, able to get from the Great Pyramids to the middle of Cairo within a matter of moments.
* Weapon Summoning: The gifts bestowed by Taweret allow her to summon appropriate weapons for use in fights.
* Avatar Augmentation: The Scarlet Scarab is able to channel power directly from the Goddess Taweret when called upon to do so, such as the ability to act with other Avatars to trap Gods within ceremonial spaces.


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Armed Combat:
Layla has trained with a number of weapons, but seems most comfortable with daggers, short swords, and the Egyptian Khopesh. She's shown the ability to use such weapons to hold off multiple attackers at once.

Layla is able to perform great feats of athletics and acrobatics; from freehand rock-climbing to leaping to swimming, even able to catch herself on the edge of a ledge to keep from plummeting to her death when pulled over by an enemy. Skills hard-earned crawling through tombs and crypts.

Layla was able to infiltrate an enemy caravan, and remain undetected, for days, in order to be able to get where she needed to go. That included being forced into close quarters with people that knew her face and were actively looking for her, for multiple days.

Layla has shown an aptitude for being able to drive a multitude of vehicles with relative ease, even under duress. She's no professional, but she can usually keep the vehicle upright and on the road. Even while being shot at.

Layla learned Equestrianism from an acquaintance, Anton Mogart, in Madripoor. She is versed in riding both horses and camels.

Perhaps her greatest quality, Layla is at her best while having to think on her feet and use what little is at hand to her advantage. This includes combat and elsewise, as shown where she utilized a handful of road flares to great effect both in and out of combat.

Layla entered Cambridge at 16 and left at 22 with a PhD in Archaeology. While not amongst the smartest in the world, she qualifies as a genius level intellect.

Layla is fluent in English, Arabic, and French. She can understand Ancient Egyptian unilaterals.

Ranged Combat:
Layla is proficient with small arms, enough so that she can get a kill shot within 30 feet with a single shot while using a 9mm pistol. She owes much of this training to Marc and her black market days.

Layla has shown to have an exceptionally light step when called for, able to utilize her surroundings to her best advantage to remain undetected. She's used cover of night and line of sight to keep from being spotted, even by supernatural creatures.

For years Layla acted as an actual Indiana Jones, utilizing black market contacts to seek out artifacts and relics, stealing them from their current owners, and returning them to their rightful ones. She can pick locks, pick pockets, and is adept at recognizing and getting around security systems. Layla is adept enough that she was able to steal the Scarab of Ammit off another Avatar without their noticing.

Unarmed Combat:
Layla has trained in multiple martial arts, thanks in no small part to her father and Marc. She's most familiar with Wing Chun, Jiu-Jitsu, and Muay Thai. She's shown to be on par with professionally trained fighters.


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As a proud alumni of Cambridge and an active intellectual, Layla has a number of friends across a variety of fields. While many are in the same or similar fields, others have branched out, allowing her a wide spectrum of knowledge that she can tap into as needed. It may cost her the occasional cuppa or lager, but that's what friends are for!

This is Layla's bread and butter. Her name is known in this field, and there are few, if any, that she doesn't know herself. She is second generation Archaeologist and that carries no small amount of weight where antiquities and reliquaries are concerned.

Black Market:
Layla has contacts and connections across the black market, having been dealing in relics and antiquities her entire adult life. She can access a network of allies and informants for resources, information, brokers, and whatever else she might need. This all, however, comes at a price, and some things may simply be unobtainable.

High Society:
Alot of Layla's work has necessitated moving in a higher class of social strata than she would otherwise associate with. Her credentials as an archaeologist and antiquities dealer allows her passage beyond many a velvet rope, and her own wealth and name carries a decent bit of influence in certain groups.

Lagaro is a black market forger and fence with ties to Layla's father. She is also responsible for teaching Layla many of her less 'savory' skills. Layla can depend on her for information, assistance, and papers when needed. However, if she gets too 'hot' then she will not risk putting Lagaro in danger.

Scarlet Scarab Armor:
The ceremonial garb of the Avatar of Taweret. Layla can summon it at will, along with the invoked powers granted by the Goddess. The armor itself provides the wings with which Layla flies, as well as the weapons with which she fights. The actual armored parts of the garb are impervious to gunfire, and any that gets through the ceremonial garb is regenerated almost immediately. The weapons she can summon are Egyptian in nature, any used in ancient times, though Layla prefers bladed weapons. This includes:
* Spear/Javelin
* Shield
* Khopesh
* Battle Axe
* Short Sword* RMace-Axe
* Dagger
* Staff
* Baton
* Composite Bow

Layla is the proud owner of a Vespa GTS Touring 300 HPE. It has surprising pick up and go for being a scooter, and she puts a lot of attention and care into it's upkeep. This scooter has traveled with her across the world and is one of her favorite things.

While certainly not the most wealthy, her father left her a hefty inheritence that she has invested wisely. She supplements that with her own income as an archaeologist and black market dealer. She can live a quite comfortable lifestyle with the funds she has, and has a store of art and antiquities that can be liquidated if needed for additional funds.


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Abdullah El-Faouly:
While her father has been dead for six years, his legacy continues on with Layla. While inheriting his estate, she's also inherited his debts, some of which are not likely to be monetary or things that she can easily return. As well, his murder is as yet unsolved, and something that bothers her greatly.

Black Market:
Not all of the connections and contacts Layla has made in the black market are good. Some are rightfully (or wrongfully) Very Upset at her and could seek recompense, or revenge. She's burned enough bridges that she's likely to run afoul of some of them sooner or later.

Bound To Service:
As the Avatar of Taweret, Layla is bound to the whims and wishes of the Goddess. Which means her own life and her own plans can and will be interrupted by the demands of the one she is bound to. It could also mean being called upon to do something she doesn't agree with, but still having to complete the task as required.

Human Condition:
While an Avatar to a Goddess, without actively in the Scarlet Scarab persona, Layla is human. That includes all the pitfalls and weaknesses of humanity, including a relative physical frailty. She can be run over or stabbed or shot the same as any other human being. She's not immune to poison or illness, toxin or radiation, while outside of the ceremonial armor.

Marc Spector:
Despite his running out on her four years ago, Marc is still someone very near and dear to Layla. Regardless of how their relationship changes and evolves, he will always be someone she cares deeply for and about. Which means his troubles are her troubles, and his danger is her danger. And now he can't hide behind Khonshu anymore.

Layla was already overly confident in herself and her abilities even before she became Avatar of Taweret. Now that she has powers at her disposal, that self-confidence has turned into full-blown cockiness. She has absolute faith in herself to solve any problem on her own, without the need for help. Even when it's patently obvious that she needs it.



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Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has 14 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
SKA: Snake in the Grass August 26th, 2022 No description
The Pride of the Pack August 11th, 2022 Cael's werewolf troubles finally come to an end, with her atop the pack. As Alpha she's in charge of a great number of mouths to feed, time will only tell whether or not she's successful.
Many Moons, Many Faces August 2nd, 2022 Marc and Layla sit down as Marc lets his alters meet their future partner in vigilantism. The meetings while brief prove beneficial to all parties involved.
Sun King Ascendant: Supermoon Super Barque July 12th, 2022 Layla helps Marc go through a ritual that allows him to meet with Khonshu and Tawaret. With their help, he shows Steven and Jake their shared history and origins. Then they all prove to Khonshu their unique abilities that will help them serve him jointly going forward.
Gods and Avatars July 12th, 2022 Balder and Layla meet and discuss the Gods
Sun King Ascendant: False Dawn July 3rd, 2022 Viktor Johanssen, the Sun King, wakes up. He tries to apologize for his actions in the past few months, but Moon Knight's having none of it. And as usual, the Scarlet Scarab is the voice of reason.
Elephant in the Room July 1st, 2022 Feelings are exposed, discussed, and decisions are made. And yes, the elephant in the room is addressed.
SKA: Tea and a Chat June 22nd, 2022 No description
Sun King Ascendant: Tropic of Cancer June 21st, 2022 The Heliopolitans travel to Egypt to rescue Jonathan Sims from the Sun King and his ally Elias Bouchard--now revealed as Jonah Magnus, an Archivist who should have died over a hundred years ago. Ma'at proclaims the Sun King the avatar of Ra, and Magnus turns on him before Cael rips his throat. Layla saves the Sun King, and they depart--and thus miss Jonah's revival as the avatar of Apophis.
Sun King Ascendant: Mars in Retrograde June 20th, 2022 Missed texts and missed calls lead the Heliopolitans to discover Jonathan Sims has gone missing. Spells and deductions and a fly-over from Scarlet Scarab indicate he's being held in Egypt by a deadly foe, and the group goes off to effect a rescue.
The Scarab and the Jackal June 19th, 2022 Cael has visitors - Layla tries to get Cael to be more accepting of change (HA!) and Lydia suggests trying to force Cael to Jackal-out. Also: there's baked goods.
Four Years, Two Months, and Two Weeks June 15th, 2022 Marc reveals the precariousness of his mental state with Layla after recovering Cael from her dramatic transformation. She offers a solution to the state that he has to take time to think on.
Sun King Ascendant: Strawberry Moon June 13th, 2022 The Heliopolitans patrol the streets on the night of the full moon, but the true threat has been right under their noses all along...
Nothing Lasts Forever June 10th, 2022 The unexpected sight of Marc's wife shows up at the Midnight Mission. Jon arrives and finds out that the 'ex' in front of her name is not as official as Marc led him to believe. Also she's an avatar of her own Egyptian diety these days. The pantheon's coming together!


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Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has 14 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has been credited in 0 shows.

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Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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