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Latest revision as of 14:22, 26 June 2022

The Homefront
Date of Scene: 01 January 2022
Location: Vacant Lot -- Queens
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Ben Reilly, Gwen Stacy

Ben Reilly has posed:
This isn't somewhere Ben comes often. In fact, since returning to New York as the Scarlet Spider he's given Queens something of a wide berth when out on his web-slinging patrols. But there's something that draws him here, a strange and inexplicable tie. Well, no, not inexplicable. He can explain it just fine. This is his home. This is his life. Or was his life.

He sits perched on a building overlooking the Forest Hills Apartments. His feet dangle over the edge of the building, and next to him a meatball sub rapidly cools inside the tinfoil. His mask has been removed and tucked into his belt; his longish blonde hair caught in a breeze from the river. He tilts his head, watching his Aunt chat away on her phone through the window.

His mouth curls into a deep frown.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Queens is Gwen's neighborhood too. Or was. It's all a bit confusing. Some buildings are placed incorrectly, the park that used to exist in front of the Parker's home doesn't exist here. It all seems like an haunting to Gwen if she starts thinking about it too much, specially with all those memories of *this* Gwen also connecting with hers. And so Gwen is often drawn to this place too. To try and have an understanding of this world. And who she is.

Tonight thouogh it seems she isn't alone. She spots the other Spider on that privileged spot that overlooks the Forest Hills, a small rush of wind announcing her drop onto the rooftop, landing on ballerina shoes and poise before starting on her way over. She doesn't say anything right away, looking towards where Ben is looking to, watching his Aunt there.

"Hello Ben." She then finally says, voice soft under the mask. She draws her hood back from her head, fingertips slipping under her mask from behind and taking it out, revealing the blond Gwen.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Hey, Gwen," Ben answers, calling over his shoulder but still focusing on the distant window and drumming his fingers on the rooftop ledge. After a moment, though, he turns to face her fully and snaps out of whatever thoughts were on his mind.

"How's things? This a hangout of yours? Great spider-minds think alike."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Making her way towards the end of the rooftop Gwen jumps onto the ledge before plopping down in a seating position on it, legs folded under her. No care in the world about falling. Because well, spiders always fall on their feet? Or something ...

"Sometimes.." A mirthless smile is given back to Ben, elbows resting on her knees and she leaning forward, watching the neighborhood, "It's a quiet place though, good to think. And remember.." even if what she is trying to remember isn't exactly the same Ben is!

"And things are improving, it was a weird year though. Lots of ups and downs. I even got a protege now, but I worry the kid isn't ready for this. But then again, who is?" her expression twisting into a thoughtful one for a touch before she regards Ben more attentive, "What of you? What's going through your mind?" yes, she is asking about Aunt May.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"You're teaching someone the Spider-Do," Ben answers with an approving nod, leaning back to rest on the palms of his hands, "Cool. Cool. I mean, you know your stuff. And I guess there's no way to tell if you're ready or not, so I wouldn't worry about it, I guess. I was doing this at fifteen. Sometimes things just - "

Another glance is paid towards the window and he shakes his head.

"Or maybe I wasn't. Who can say? But that's how I remember it. As for me, I'm pretty much doing the same old. Working on the podcast. There's this place in Brooklyn that lets you rent their studio setup and computers real cheap, so I've just been using them."

Not breaking in after hours to use them free of charge. Not at all that.

"Saving up for this Canon AE-1 I saw in a pawn shop. Guy said he'd hold it for me, but it's taking longer than I thought to scrape the cash together."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
As Ben speaks about the Spider-Do Gwen replies with amusement glittering in those blue eyes, "You are such a nerd." and for a moment, for her, it's like they are both fifteen again, without a care in the world and talking about anything. Her and the Peter she killed. She looks away towards the window again. "But yes, the Spider-do. He's irresponsible as ..., yea, like we were. But we can recover from a beating more or less easily. He can't .., so.." she exhales slowly, "We will see."

As the conversation goes to what Ben's been up to she finds herself looking at him once again, "I am glad you found a place." she says, her smile returning, "Have you thought about college though? Or well, have you already been through it?" she really isn't sure about that. Or what Ben knows and remembers.

"Mrs. Wong gave me a end of year bonus because I wore this silly santa outfit at the shop during christmas." she rolls her eyes at that. There are pictures. She won't show them. "I could loan you some if you wanted." a faint grin, "You could consider it my christmas gift, mmm?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"No college, no," Ben answers, shaking his head, "And there's not much use thinking about it. I've got enough paperwork together to generally convince people that Ben Reilly is a real person if they don't look too hard. But none of that is going to pass a college admissions board."

He glances down at himself, tugging at the cheap blue sleeveless hoodie he wears with the black spider spray-painted onto it.

"And I can't exactly afford it, anyway. Last I heard, he was working for some tech giant. Kord, or Stark, or something like that. Bet he's raking it in."

He sighs, shaking his head and clicking his tongue behind his teeth.

"I can't take money from you, Gwen. I ... I've got to work this out myself. That said, if you know anybody who can set up fake social security accounts and birth certificates and doesn't charge a billion dollars, I'd love the hook-up."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"It's not taking money from me. No no, I have decided already. I will get you the money." Yes, Gwen has that stubborn look in her face now. Which means she will most likely be unmovable on this subject! Good luck! "Though I mean, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg, right?" because she works at a corner store. It's not like it was a huge bonus!

"It's the least I can do for a friend." Is there a hint of a guilt tone in her voice. Must be imagination, right? "It's all going to be fine, Ben." or at least she hopes. As for the birth certificates.. That has her thinking, chin resting on her hand. "I might know someone that I can get you in contact with. I will get back to you on that soon." that firm tone which shows she isn't just saying that and then forget about it all. "The Titans can also be a solution, they have the influence to get you an identity. A real one. I haven't been at the tower in ages now ..."

She goes silent then, gaze turning to look towards the house, sighing quietly. "I have no idea what I would do if I was in your position, Ben.." what is she talking about?

Ben Reilly has posed:
"I have to be careful about the identity thing. This face, for better or worse, belongs to two people. If I'm sharing it, I can't give away that I'm anything other than your run-of-the-mill ordinary Queens-born guy who was bitten by a radioactive spider and turned into a cool superhero."

Ben nods his head about the Tower: "I've got a room there, I think. But I don't really go to Metropolis. It's nice and all, but I don't know it like I know New York. Like it or not, I've got to be here."

His eyebrows raise, glancing sidelong at her: "What position are you talking about?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Yea, same with me. Metropolis isn't really my city, you know? I belong here, in New York. I do have friends there but ..." Gwen trails off, raising her shoulders in a small shrug, both hands now resting on her chin, keeping it up. Her eyes continue upon the house, her focus going to that last question.

"This. Wanting to talk to your Aunt but not knowing if it would be a good idea. I had it easy ..., in a way." It's easy when the Gwen of this reality was dead and she just took over.

"How are you able to handle all this?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"She's not my aunt," Ben answers, reflexively and as though reciting some line he has been taught but doesn't quite believe, "As far as she's concerned, Peter Parker isn't squatting in a walk-up. He's out there with his girlfriend, or at college, or at work, or doing whatever else it is he does. If I talked to her ... it'd just confuse her, you know? She doesn't need that. It's hard enough having one nephew who creeps around getting himself in deadly situations."

He sighs, shaking his head. It doesn't seem as though he quite believes it.

"And who am I to say otherwise?"