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Latest revision as of 18:23, 27 June 2022

Not every day is a work day!
Date of Scene: 26 June 2022
Location: Arrowcave
Synopsis: Interlude in the Arrowcave
Cast of Characters: Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Is that music?


Reverberating through the room of the Arrowcave. And a feisty blonde bobs her head as she works at one of the worktables. She's dressed in summer fashion, though Thea would recognize it as //last year's//; midi-dress with cut-outs in the chest and back, and flats in the form of sandals. Her hair is up in the work pony-tail, keeping her hair out of her face and her work, and in hand, a soldering iron. Lo and behold, she's not just a computer genius, but an engineer?!

Before her on the table is a small circuit board, and with the delicate work being done, it's a good thing she's wearing her glasses. Her glasses even have glasses in the form of a black 'jewelers eye' for very close-up work.

As the chorus lines up, the solder hits the board, and she's singing with the band.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Music is not something Oliver would have expected. Felicity soldering a circuit board? Less unexpected.

He makes his way slowly into the cave and glances around for a moment, as if to confirm that that is in fact exactly what is going on. He moves quietly, aiming not to disturb Felicity, and ultimately takes up a seat off to the side, watching her, and not saying anything just yet. Never a good idea to startle someone with a soldering iron!

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity is a bundle of surprises, isn't she? The circuitboard looks non-descript. It's small, it has circuits on it that must do things, or will do things when she's done with it. "'...me home in the dead of night...!'" rises, identifying the song as coming from P!nk, though the singer does a much better job than Felicity does...

Replacing the iron, Fel straightens and tugs at the jeweler's eye, pulling it up and off of glasses as she waits for the white, acrid smoke to dissipate so she can get a better look. Waving her hand, she catches movement, finally, and looks to the side, jumping as she does. That hand that was waving flies to lay, pressed against her heart. "Oh.. Oliver." That hand that had flown to her heart now gestures in the air, her tones breathy after being startled. At least she didn't have her soldering iron in hand anymore!

"Don't do that. Do I have to do something, like-like..make your shoes squeak? Because I will."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver was slowly nodding along with the song, a smile on his face. Just watching Felicity.

Watching her move, and sing, and put the circuit together, it was a great moment for him to remember just how special she was. He thought back to just a few weeks ago when he thought he was going to lose her from his life forever, and how recently they were...tentatively...exploring how life could be if they were together. And it was a fun exploration.

He has to laugh as she jumps. "I don't want to disturb you when you were in your zone."

He slips off the seat and moves over towards her, now that the burning tool is is in a safe place, and leans over to give her a brief kiss, slipping his arm around her waist.

Then he leans back and looks down at her, with a very serious expression on his face. "Are you telling me that I need more cowbell?"

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Just.." Felicity takes the moment to breathe before the words spoken actually trickle down into her consciousness. "Did you just say more cowbell?" There's a smile that creases her face, and perhaps a look of pride. Of //course// she knew the reference, but Oliver?

So proud.

"I.." as Felicity changes tracks, it's a direction that Oliver is more than familiar with. It's the 'I'm going to explain this to you because it's cool..' prologue, "I was absolutely in the zone." The smile turns quirked a little, and she returns the kiss, looking up into those blue eyes from behind thick lenses, "So not used to this," is murmured, the sound a touch dreamy.


"Uh.. right." When the embrace ends, Felicity takes a step back, licking her bottom lip briefly as she runs a hand over her dress, her skirt. Nervousness, though not.. nervous per se. "Where was I... um.. right. Yes. The board. The, uh.. the circuit board. It's going to be part of larger tracking system. That little bit there is the heart." It's her usual patter, ramping up now, "After I program it, of course, because it's not really much of anything but plastic and a bit of metal, with lead.."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Thea made me catch up on some of my pop culture references. We just did a bunch of SNL a few weeks ago." Oliver grins a bit at her. "Clearly, my sister had a good idea."

He was all set to listen to the Felicitation, of course, but then it is disrupted. And he just smiles. He likes seeing this reaction, and realizes that he had seen it before, but just never really noticed it until now. Or at least, what caused it. Now a lot of things made sense.

He glances to the circuit board and listens to the details, before nodding to her, offering a smile. "What will it track, Felicity?" Let's get back to the useful part, as much as he loves hearing the sciencey stuff pour out if her...

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Clearly." It's a statement that needs nothing more. Felicity has to ask, however, "Did she give you an explanation on the definitions of ice cream?" The girls have an ice cream code in place now, the flavor and variety a hint as to their mood at any given time. "It's okay if not."

That thought is waved away quickly as she shoots a quick smile, the expression warm and genuine before she restarts where she'd left off, after a fashion. "To answer your question? Everything. Anything I put a slave to it. Arrows. Fletching. A coin. Absolutely anything." Felicity turns and leans against the table, her feet slightly out as she balances, "I have a transparent micro-circuit board prototype, and if it works?" They'll be able to track anyone and the tracker will be near impossible to find. "It'll up our game."

Oliver Queen has posed:
From the expression on Ollie's face, it's clear that he has no idea what she is talking about. "Uh. Frozen dairy dessert?" He tilts his head. "I assume you just eat it when..." He waves a hand around. "I frustrate you?"

He looks down at the board and thinks for a moment. "That's awfully big for..." He turns to look at Felicity. "Oh, so this will be the unit that monitors. Where are the trackers? How small are we talking?" There is a bit of a grin on his face - he is thinking of all manners of ways to use this to their advantage.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity grins and she turns around to pick up the now cooled board. When she comes around again, she's got it held by the edges, and is ready to bring it to one of the cleaner work tables. "When you frustrate //us//." She and Thea are friends, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. More often a good, but sometimes the jury appears to be out!

Twisting her head to look over her shoulder, the blonde continues, "Micro. Tiny. As in I could put something on a dime and it'd never be seen. Smaller, if I had the equipment." Felicity looks around the room and exhales in a chuff, her tones dropping to a murmur, "Could make it.. shouldn't be more than a couple of days." Brows do rise, and once she has it down on the table and safe, she's facing Oliver again.

Breath catches in her throat, and for a long moment, she's staring for no other reason than just.. the thought's hit her again that he's, well.. him, and her.. and..

"Um.. small. Tiny. What would you like me to be able to put it on?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I knew I frustrated you, but Thea too?" Oliver's friend Barry may be the fastest man alive, but Oliver himself may be the densest man alive. "I mean, I know there was..." He trails off, and nods. "Message received."

He considers the possibilities. "If we could get it smaller, it could be way more subtle. I mean, there definitely should be tracer arrows, of course, but those are pretty obvious unless they hit something massive."

As Felicity loses focus, he tilts his head. "Uh, you ok?" He probably knows she is ok. Maybe he just wants to hear it.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Just like we probably confuse and frustrate the heck out of you. Only you don't go for ice cream with your best girlfriend and sit and watch movies." Felicity is obviously trying to make sure Oliver isn't hurt with the revelation. She pushes off the table and takes the few steps to close the distance between the two of them.

"And yeah," here, she smiles as she stops right in front of him, standing there and looking up into his eyes once more. Felicity bobs her head up and down in a nod, the smile shifting to something else; a fondness, affection, and she finishes answering the question, "I'm okay. How 'bout you?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Slowly, Oliver Queen smiles back at her. "Never better," he murmurs, leaning in to give her a gentle kiss...