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Same Song, Different Continent
Date of Scene: 09 July 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Silver begins the process of creating new contacts in NYC HFC. Alexander Aaron proves interesting and has potential.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Silver Sablinova

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A real estate mogul would view the Hellfire Club in a way that the members and leadership likely wouldn't find flattering. For one if he was privy to the other branches of the HFC he would consider them a franchise. For another he would then likely break down what makes an HFC franchise an HFC franchise. And for the last what he'd find is the most important part?
    For if one has been to the France chapterhouse. The England chapterhouse. Even the Spanish one... they would see that it's not just the immaculate quality and service of the Hellfire Club. But it is the theater. The pageantry. The costume. And that same real estate mogul would then likely decide it's over-priced. Having no idea what layers lie beneath the club.
    For some the draw to indulging and visiting the Hellfire Club are those same things. To be surrounded by luxury. To be waited on. For Alexander Aaron who is present this day as a legacy member...
    He likes to people watch.
    Which at times lends itself to quiet reflection. Others it turns around and bites him on the bum.
    "So Mr. Aaron, your father was in what business again?" Antonio Fitz-Caraldi was a long time member, present often in the evenings at the club, enjoying time spent in the hustle and bustle. He enjoyed meeting new members, particularly young handsome ones. Which, for better or worse, Alexander was. Which made the area overlooking the dance floor a focal point for the evening as Mr. Fitz-Caraldi had what was known in the business... as an entourage. So it was in this mass of seven people that the young Olympian found himself, chatting casually and easily. Yet still, at times, having to fend off certain advances now and again.
    "Construction, Mr. Fitz-Caraldi."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
It was very different here. Silver had been able to enter showing her membership from the European branch. She was dressed in a gown of silver, floor length, arms covered fully. The back of the gown was low, leaving her back mostly bare down to her waist. There was a slit up the left side of the skirt, leaving her leg easily visible when she moved. She claimed a glass of champagne and began to make her way through the party. Chatting here and there with small clusters then moving on to the next bundle of people.

She was ever polite and gracious but she was very obviously not in the mood to put up with those hoping to spend more time with her away from the party. They were quickly ignored and she soon moved on to the next people.

She had managed to find a small break in the crowd, leaning an elbow on the white bartop as she scanned the crowd. Not much of interest really. But such places were helpful for networking. Since she was going to be spending time in New York, it seemed best to work on those connections.

When her eyes fell on the entourage of seven people around a young man. She scanned Fitz-Caraldi curiously since he seemed to be the one in charge of the group. The group outside the blond that was the center of Fitz-Caraldi's interest. That one didn't seem excited at his predicament.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    What was a typical night in the Hellfire Club was often considered a celebration or a party elsewhere. Yet this was what people sought when they joined and came here. The place where the rich and influential would go when they were bored, or curious, or on the hunt. It fit many moods and tonight was no different.
    Across the way was an heiress of an oil magnate and she enjoyed the attention she received from a few potential suitors, or perhaps just some seeking good stock tips. Another gathering was around a table where two men seemed to be at odds, each speaking in short sharp tones which some of their hangers-on found to be so terribly humorous.
    Then, of course, Sable drew her own attention.
    For she was new, an unknown, beautiful, and she moved with a casual authority that one often only saw either in the staggeringly successful, or obnoxiously rich. And sometimes both. Servers made sure she had whatever she needed but also took the body language to show that she had need of naught if so. Few others had approached her yet, though that looked like it may change soon.
    But the gathering before her she could read with an easy glance. The leader of the group, an older grey-haired fox of a man smiling and chatting. Around him were seven others all milling about, getting drinks and food, but their attention was clearly on the youth, and they stood at the side in support of Fitz-Caraldi. While the young blond man smiled, endured, chatting calmly with an ease.
    Though what might catch her eye were those few times when one or the other of the entourage would laugh and joke, or step in to oh so nonchalantly touch or grope. Laughing like it was oh so humorous...
    Only to find that the young man casually stepped a little to the side. A touch off center, touched their arms and motioned them toward one of their fellows. Barely perceptible to the casual eye. But Sable might espy some aught else.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
That was of interest to Silver. She found herself focusing more on the grouping. But at the same time, she found herself getting a tad annoyed. Because no meant no as far as she was concerned. And it was obvious to anyone paying attention that this young man was not interested in their advances.

Then again, she didn't know if the man had verbalized it. And perhaps they were not intelligent enough to realize he was rebutting each of their advances. Without even looking like he was doing it.

Finally she pushed off from the bar, picking up a second flute of champagne and walking toward the grouping. Where she simply slipped between one of the man and the young blond.

"Darling, I thought I had lost you." She gave a bright smile to Alexander as she offered one of the flutes. When she spoke, she had an Eastern European accent. Those with the knowledge would recognize is as Symkaria. Admittedly, few could differentiate it from any others in that same area of the world. "You promised me a dance." She gave a playful pout, dropping her gaze then looking back up at him. "Or had you forgotten?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    He had a brief moment, she could see in those curiously pale eyes, where he looked to her... to the glass... then back to her again. Only a single moment before he then embarked on accepting the ruse as his features lit up and his smile grew. "Oh, I've been here the whole time, couldn't you see me?"
    And as he says that he accepts the flute of champagne. He takes it, tilts it back for a small sip even as he turns to those nearest. "If you'll please excuse me," Then to the head of the small group, "Mr. Fitz-Caraldi, a pleasure. I hope you have a good evening without me." Which might sound oh so polite, but was also... a firm no in its purest of forms.
    And then they were walking away with his arm offered to her. He was dressed in a fine black suit with a grey vest that gave him a refined if youthful look. Cufflinks were there, though no insignia on them. He had find black leather shoes as well that gleamed as if ebony. All in all a good ensemble and a rather find counterpart to the Symkarian.
    Once they were a fair distance away from the gathered crowd, the entourage, and curiously enough the dance floor he tilted his head to the side and asked, "Did I look so distraught and alone I needed rescuing?" No accusation in the tone, but a small smile played upon his lips.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"It was not the distraught look. You hid your discomfort well to those who would not be able to read the more subtle signs," Silver offered as she walked with him through the crowd, her arm hooked casually though his own as though they had known each other forever. When in truth, she had never set eyes on him before a few minutes ago.

"You are very skilled. The techniques you used did not seem more than casual shifting of your body out of the way." Her smile seemed amused as she turned her head to look at him beside her, having to tilt it slightly due to the height difference. Despite her having on low heeled pumps.

"Admittedly, I have never seen them used in a social situation. Perhaps a tactic for me to utilize in the future."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    That had him smiling a little as he looked away, their stroll ending near a pillar and an alcove that gave them some hint of anonymity, out of the line of sight of those party-goers. He turned to look at her and lifted his chin slightly, "A little Tai Chi is harmless and looks natural sometimes I've found, peaceful."
    That's when he first looks at her. Truly looks at her, eyes meeting hers then a slight step back while still holding her hand as he considers her dress, her bearing. Then he steps back so they are once again walking, albeit slowly. Though toward a small alcove that might be suitable and private. "My name is Alexander Aaron. Alex if we are to be friends."
    Then he quirks an eyebrow as he murmurs, "We are going to be friends, aren't we Miss Sablinova?"
    So he does know her. Or perhaps... something gave her away.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
That earns an expression of surprise. She could've hidden it but no need at this point. Silver considered him, trying to think if she knew him. She did not. She was positive she would remember him. He was a handsome young man, of course. But those eyes were so unusual.

She was not someone who hid her identity. Most people knew her as Silver Sable. Since that was the name of her business and the name she most often used. But it was no secret that meant she was Silver Sablinova as well. She was a public figure.

"You know me. We have not met though. Not that it is any secret but I am curious how you know."

She slipped into that small alcove so they might be able to talk without the rush of the party bustling around them.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Gossip rags?" Alexander offers as a first suggestion, drawing into that alcove as well but taking a moment to liberate a flute of champagne from a passing server. The curtains are open, and so it isn't quite as scandalous for them to be standing there chit-chatting. Though it does send the subtle social vibe that they intend to speak and aren't as easily available to casual contact.
    "An article in the newspaper?" Both viable suggestions, and perhaps in part true. For her arrival onto the social scene of the upper class in New York is a thing that does draw attention.
    But then he smiles a little more as he murmurs, "Though in truth it's more gossip running around." He lifts his drink to gesture to the crowd beyond. "Your upcoming event. Last I heard of Silver Sable International was in a historical context from a relative. I had thought it would be nice to meet you, only to find your heroic efforts extend to social rescues as well."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
When he threw out the first suggestion, Silver simply watched him. Then he threw out the second suggestion. She picked up her flute and took a sip of champagne, watching him over the rim as she did so. Thus far, he hasn't answered because he'd lilted up a bit at the end of both responses. He was asking. Not telling. Thus, she waited.

Then she was rewarded as he gave the answer. "Ah, yes. I felt it was only proper with officially becoming active in the New York branch," she said as she set her glass back down but kept her hand resting near the base of it. Her other hand was resting in her lap beneath the line-of-sight for him. "Throw a big party. Pay for the open bar. Make sure they know I have arrived. It does wonders for business. So many people needing protection."

She considered part of what he had said. "Historical context." Repeating the words as though trying them out while considering him carefully. "Considering the name of it wasn't changed until I took over, it would have to be pretty recent history. Unless this was before I took over? Back when it was focused on the Wild Pack only?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A nod was given, "My father is a member here as well. When I mentioned your event that seemed to get his attention. He knew of Symkaria's fight during the war, told me of it." He then settled down fully into the seat opposite her and let his drink rest upon the table with a faint clink.
    He looked out over the lay of the land, watching the ebb and flow of the crowd as people wandered and chatted. Sometimes there was a laugh, or the clink of glass on glass. Normal sounds for a gathering despite the Hellfire Club's reputation.
    "I intended to attend." He looked back at her, "Since, well." His lip twists, "Free food."
    Then he looks out again at the crowd, "But I thought I'd perhaps get a chance to see you from afar. Imagined you would be very busy. It's fortunate that you have an altruistic streak."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"So your father is a bit of a historian." After all, there was no way Alexander's father was alive during the war. Unless he was born very late in his father's life. Otherwise his father would be around 100, best case scenario. Unless he had heard the tale from his father before him, Alexander's grandfather. "We do have a proud history. If you are interested in such things."

Then she dismissed it though she did focus on what he said after. Something that made her nose wrinkle a bit in distaste. "Do not go spreading that around. I have a reputation to uphold. If I go giving protection services without charging, others will think they are deserving of the same. It will never do."

She gave a little negative shake of her head. "Though I am curious why you were ...what is the word you Americans use? Playing nice? With the group. Unless you are needing to curry favor and fear upsetting them?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    An agreeable nod is given in reply to the mention of Ares, God of War, being a historian. For he was, and had many artifacts from that time.
    But when she gets that look of distaste it causes his smile to return a little as he looks away, then looks back eyes askance. "I'll try not to retell the tale. Though it is a nice one. You seemed..." He looks fully at he as he draws the corner of his mouth in between his teeth as he ponders, looking thoughtful for a time then murmurs. "To enjoy the hint of adventure it gave. Slipping into a role, playing it off, and swooping through."
    For her features did seem to brighten as she greeted him then, though perhaps that was a trick of the lighting.
    She asks her question then and his eyes widen a little as he leans to the side slightly. "Ah, in truth..." He looks across the way. "I don't know. I could have been more sharp, more severe. Could have been more visibly physical in my rejection. But Mr. Fitz-Caraldo's bodyguards can be overzealous."
    He looks back to her, "And I didn't want to have to hurt anyone tonight." Then he motions with a nod, "You see that one?" Which might bring a man to her attention across the way as that small clique still moves from place to place. They're shadowed by a handful of other party-goers immaculately dressed but ever in the periphery. Likely she noted them before since there are several such groups in attendance.
    "He can be a bit overzealous and..." He shakes his head, "My patience was growing thin." Which might mean any number of things, to be fair.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
Quite a few personnel who were there watching over the safety of the attendees. Professionally, she was aware of them. In that same vein, she wasn't going to be calling attention. If they happened to be in a circle of people she was speaking with, that was fine. There would be no questions about their work or the like though.

She did take a peek at the one he had mentioned. "Overzealous, you say?" The face was noted and she filed it away into the mental list in her mind. Likely in the 'do not call' if he applied for a position. She didn't need overzealous. She needed people who could take orders but were able to think on their feet if they ended up in a situation without the team. That did not fit into the necessary criteria.

The young man before her however was starting to gain more attention. He could pick out security personnel. Some of whom she could tell were very good at their jobs.

"What dealings have you had with him? To use such a term."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "None," Alexander answers as he turns to face her once again, "Directly." His brow furrows as he looks at the beautiful woman before him though likely not seeing her as his thoughts drift beyond. Then they return as he murmurs, "And he does not transgress while on Club property. It's more..."
    One hand lifts as if brushing the whole thing away as just so much nonsense, but then he murmurs. "Another young man, Mr. Edmunds was the focus of Mr. Fitz-Caraldo's attention. His rejection was more virulent and he suffered for it socially. Was insulted publicly, harangued a bit. But then upon his departure from the event." Alex gives a slight nod in the tall bodyguard's direction. "Mr. Jones followed him and had further words with Mr. Edmunds which ended in several permanent injuries."
    His eyes wander the crowd again, "Mr. Edmunds no longer attends these gatherings."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"I see." There was no call for such things. She turned her gaze toward Mr. Jones. Looked at him assessingly then turned back to Alexander. "This is the word through the gossip or you know Mr. Edmunds and have been told the tale directly?" Not that it really mattered. She'd already made her assessment of Mr. Jones and he was firmly in the 'kick him to the curb' list.

Out of no where, she brought a small silver case. It was opened and she took out a business card. It was black with silver script. It specified her as Silver Sable and gave her business information. "If you find you have need of security services, do call. I am not a tolerant of bullies and using security personnel in that manner tells me all I need to know about Mr. Fitz-Caraldo and Mr. Jones."

She offered the card between her index and middle finger, snapping the case shut with her other hand and it disappeared back under the table. Though she wasn't carrying a clutch so his guess where it had been hidden.

"Though I suspect you are able to take care of yourself. The calluses on your hand are...not what one normally finds."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The presented card is accepted and he considers it, smiling a little and then drawing it closer after reading it. He answers her easily enough, "I was at the event," He tells her, though he doesn't elaborate beyond that for now. More he finds himself considering the tableau before them of the people of the club and his thoughts drift inwards for a moment.
    Then he looks back to her and he starts to say, "I'm afraid..." Which is a lie on several levels, but when she mentions the marks on his hands, the hardening of knuckles, the tough skin between thumb and forefinger...
    It throws him off slightly, enough that he gives her his default answer quickly, the one he uses when others might notice such. "I fence." Which is true. But a lie of omission that he catches and she might be able to tell he would prefer not to. So he adds as he meets her eyes. "And practice martial arts. I train often."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Fencing and martial arts." That would explain the calluses she was seeing. Though most people didn't blend the two to a level that would leave such obvious clues on their hands. Of course, most people tended to play at such things. Not actually try to reach any sort of level to be a formidable threat.

Yet, he was also observant. Something she looked for in people. Thus far, he had some bits and pieces that were possibilities but her standards were insanely high. Though she would need to know far more about him. Which would mean she'd need to get her people doing a bit of background digging after the party.

"Commendable. Few have the discipline necessary for one yet you do both." She picks up her flute for a quick sip then looks him directly in the eye again.

"What do you do for a living, Mr. Aaron?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I am a student, Miss Sablinova." Alexander answers with a smile, "I am studying Sports Medicine at Empire State University." He lightly taps the pockets of his suit and murmurs, "I am afraid I do not have a card to give you in exchange."
    But he straightens up a little and takes a sip of his champagne, looking across the way at her evenly. "Though, I don't see myself doing that for a career, in all honesty." His eyes distance a little, then return to her own gaze.
    "I prefer to study, learn. It was instilled in me at an early age to learn quickly, and to learn until you excel. So I have... a dream of wandering the world. Training under what masters will accept me." A tilt of a smile.
    "Perhaps fight a few duels, swing from a chandelier or two." His expression slips amused as he wanders such fanciful thoughts. But it's nothing she hasn't seen before. He is a young man, wild and seeking his place in the world.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"That can be either very good or very bad," Silver said in response as he expressed his wanting to wander the world training. "It can be a sign of one seeking to further their skills and knowledge. Of wanting to grow as a person."

Then she smiled and it was sort of lopsided. Perhaps a bit more like a smirk than a smile. "It can also be the words of a layabout wishing to not have to grow up and take on responsibilities. Forever be a student. Forever have parents paying the bills. Still living at home at the age of forty with nothing really to show for their life."

She finished off the last of her bubbly and pushed the glass toward the edge of the table. The professional staff would no doubt fill it or replace it in a few moments. "Which one are you, Mr. Aaron? And would you ever want to do something more challenging with your skills? Which still would allow the opportunity to travel the world, train, fight and perhaps swing from a chandelier on your off time."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "You know, it could be that too," When Silver brings up the possibility that he's just a lazy butt. Though it has him smiling in response as he slouches to the side, affecting a hint of the layabout. "Though forty is so loooong away."
    Yet he's amused as he looks across the way at her, head tilted just so. Then she questions him, lightly prodding with her tone as he straightens up a little. "Miss Sablinova?"
    His voice is light, curious, but there is genuine curiousity there. "Are you scouting me? I'll have you know chandelier swinging is very near and dear to my heart." And shouldn't be made fun of clearly. Even though he is too.

Silver Sablinova has posed:

The answer is immediate. Yet it's not a definitive one. It lets him know that it all is still up in the air. It could go either way. But thus far, his answers had her attention.

Then again, she might just be making conversation.

"You do not match what I have seen in the European branch of the Club," Silver admits. "Quite the contrary. They are soft. Unskilled. Lazy. Not worthy of attention beyond the necessity for business." Another indication of how she views these places. It isn't pleasure or enjoyment.

"You take your physical hobbies seriously, at least."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I do," He replies, for she has the truth of it there, yet it's an answer that she can tell is used when one is engaged in consideration. Thoughts distant and considering the ramifications of her words. Then he lifts his chin slightly, "And in all honesty it's only this last... month and some I've started wandering by here more often."
    A look around the place as he considers, then he tilts his drink back for another sip before setting it down with a soft clink and pushes it aside to let it sit next to hers. "Perhaps it hasn't worked its magic on me, turned me into one of those other patrons you are so much more familiar with."
    But then he turns back and meets her gaze, "If one were to be scouted by you, what obstacles do you imagine they would have to overcome." For those are ever the most interesting parts. At least for him.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
And now she was getting a bit further than his non answers. He was curious. Curiosity could lead to interest. Or it might indicate he was already interested, though he was playing it cool. Either way, Silver had his attention.

"Depends on the skill set of the person being scouted. We have several divisions. There are things such as cyber security and that would require computer skills, obviously. We have areas for intelligence gathering, which can utilize the former but also has more added. There is the paramilitary section, the more famous of our grouping: The Wild Pack. They are the ones who work various security missions. Be it guarding a location, infiltration, and our bread and butter which is bounty hunting. A nod back to the old days."

The server approached and quickly removed the two empty flutes, leaving a full one in front of each of the table's occupants. Once the server is gone, Silver turns her attention back to Alexander and continues.

"We also do personal security. Like the bodyguards that you see here. But with a proper discipline and a code of behavior."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The young man's lips part as if he were about to say something, but he stops himself. Holds it, then straightens a little with his arms resting on the tabletop. He tilts his head to the side one way, then the other as he considers before he uncurls his hand palm up as he says, "I am curious."
    Then his brow furrows, "But I should be honest in that what appeals to me most is the possible challenge. For I did say... I enjoy chances to excel. A flawin my character, perhaps. But also, Miss Sablinova..."
    His smile is a little wry as he murmurs, "I like you, and you did a kindness for me earlier. So I would be loathe to waste your time."
    Which leads to him holding her gaze as he murmurs, "I would be interested in facing what challenges you'd have before me. But for me to... join or accept a position. Well... that would take some effort. I am fairly talented. I feel I could handle anything you could throw at me."
    And those words might seem... inflammatory in a way. Yet the way he says them, it's almost as if he's embarrassed at that admission.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
She watched him. Listened to his words and the way his choice of terms. Reading him to the best of her abilities. And when he added that final comment, her eyebrows lifted in surprise. That he thought he could handle anything thrown at him. Considering her resources, that was quite a lot. Especially when one considered how she vetted a person in their final test.

"Confidence but not arrogance," she stated, since he seemed a little embarassed to have said them. "You have a lot of confidence in the training you have received."

She drew over her flute closer and took a sip, blue eyes watching his face closely. "What are are you interested in, Mr. Aaron?" She needed to be certain she wasn't reading more into this. Though with his skills, she had her suspicion.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Meeting her gaze his brow furrowed as he answered her with a slight tilt to his head, "Whatever can keep my attention, Miss Sablinova." He says that easily enough, taking up the other flute of champagne and drawing it across the table toward himself. Though without the noise of the crowd and the gentle music gave some hint of ambiance to the room, it didn't obscure the soft scrape of the glass sliding over the tabletop.
    "Though right now?" He doesn't drink, not yet. Instead he rests a hand around the base. "I am interested in you. Your work. Your people. Interested in what these tests may be. Interested in what challenge there might be in all of it." No hidden smile, directness, clean words and a steady gaze.
    "My father made certain I was prepared to face the world and I've followed those steps since I was young. Now... I help friends when they ask..." His thoughts drift to the friends he's adied. "I pursue the possibilities of life. A future."
    Then he opens a hand, fingers uncurling to the side, "Beyond that..."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
Still he wasn't saying it. But Silver was certain she had the read of him. There was no reason to continue the charade. Something to keep his interest that was challenging. Since he wasn't discussing further, she stuck to the physical aspect.

"The Wild Pack is run like the military. We have multiple squads. I the direct supervisor over them. In order to be offered a position, one has to pass an intense background check, psychological and physical testing. Being a paramilitary organization, there is no room for discussion. Following orders, doing what is required, no questions asked. Most often the physical is simply being put through your paces to learn what you know and your skill level. Generally, I assign one of the squads to do the testing. They give me a comprehensive report on all the details."

She sipped her champagne again then looked him in the eye. Then there was a shift. Something different in her bearing as her eyes went cooler. "Then if the person has not already been eliminated after all that, the final vetting is done by me. Single combat. If I am impressed, then they will be offered a position."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    That resonates with him, despite the apparent cooling in her manner. Alexander tilts his head slightly the other way then quirks his eyebrow. Perhaps he senses something there, some hint of a message or a challenge that hovers at the edge of what they're saying. He straightens up, then finally nods a little.
    "Then... I think we should make arrangments. If you are willing to risk that time on me." For he knows that with someone like Silver... time is money and this... this is making an investment.
    "But... we have spoken so much about myself, Miss Sablinova. I would know about you if you will." He takes a sip then, straightening his back. "Tell me something that the papers wouldn't know." The way he says that, it's as if he in turn were throwing a gauntlet down for her. Small challenges upon challenges given.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Come by the Embassy at your next opportunity. They can do the various tests necessary. Then, should you reach that point, we will schedule for the last. The business hours are on the card."

Silver considers the question. After all, her life is lived in public view. She's been in magazines, newspapers. It isn't as though there isn't a lot known. The things that are unknown are things she isn't going to be sharing with anyone outside her organization. Or perhaps anyone at all.

"I believe that is a path better left untraveled. The secrets I have must remain so. For both privacy. And safety." She gave him a little smile and sipped her champagne.