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Latest revision as of 13:39, 12 July 2022

A Snowy Day Not In Japan
Date of Scene: 12 July 2022
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Logan joins Kitty in a Danger Room training scenario
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Logan Howlett

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Sometimes Kitty has the Danger Room create a Logan to push her off the mountain trail to plummet several stories into the icy river below. Though she doesn't need someone pushing her, literally or figuratively, as she had needed as a still-young teen. Not anymore. And so Kitty stands wearing a thin workout gi, feet sinking into the snow as she looks down at the drop into the water.

She jumps off, diving into the water with her hands overhead to disturb the surface for an easier entry. She could phase, but that isn't what this is about. This is about staying in the top levels of shape that Logan had once trained her to as they fought against the ninja-sorcerer Ogun.

Kitty comes up spluttering. Though the recreation of Japan is just hardlight, the freezing cold river saps her energy the same as the original did. She begins swimming hard for shore, swimming across the current as it carries her downriver. She emerges from the river much further upstream than she had that day a half dozen years ago, a testament to her better shape.

Now it's just a ten mile run back to the dojo. Through some of the coldest weather Japan had ever seen.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan had been aware of Kitty's training regimen. It had been a long while since Logan had checked in on his former pupil. So this morning he had dug out his old traditional garments, a shitagi under shirt, kosode over shirt, hakama pants, a pair of waraji sandles and an obi sash. His gi so to speak. He's made his way into the danger room and decided to meditate in waiting at the dojo for Kitty to appear.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
It takes her awhile. A ten mile run is no joke, especially in wet clothing and snow drifts that in places are up to your knees. Eventually she makes it back, each hard breath coming out like steam around her head, and the perspiration from the run freezing her hair. Which is at a normal length, not hacked short as it had been by Ogun's katana after he'd captured and paralyzed her so she couldn't phase to get away.

"L-" she starts to say at seeing Logan in the dojo. "Sensei," she amends, wiping her bare feet before stepping into the practice area. The nearby fire does its best to keep the outside chill from the room.

She walks over to where her katana sits in its stand. Taking it up she moves over to kneel as she had years ago, lifting the sword to hold it overhead. She won't be doing it for hours on end, this time. But she's increased the weight of the sword to make up for that.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"kitty" Logan says aknowledge her after her respectful greeting. He watches on as Kitty goes through her routine of holding up the Katana to strengthen her body and mind. "you've been pushing yourself. How far have you've come since I last trained with you?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Well, I had a few moments of slacking," Kitty says as she lifts the double-weight sword overhead. "But not too many. I still do occasional patrols in the city, watching out for a friend's neighborhood where I'll break out my gear," Kitty says of her ninjutsu apparel and equipment. Rarely do the other X-men see her in it. Very rarely at that.

"There is a group of ninja in the city. The Hand. I helped some heroes out of an ambush they laid, burning down a warehouse around them. Daredevil and some others. Was rough phasing an entire van and everyone inside through the burning warehouse wall. But that's more than I could have managed back then," she says. "Since then I've helped them on a couple more occasions. Some of them, the Hand that is, are pretty good. Not as good as you or Ogun, but tough."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan considers for a bit. "So you're training to face the Hand. Well I have had more than my fair share of run in with them. Mixed bag them, some of thm are very dangerous most are... less so."

Logan gets to his feet. "I respect that you recommitted to your training in order to deal with this threat. You should be able to fight and win against most of the hand. But thats if y'ur approaching it the way I would. I can understand if you your friends would prefer a less gory, and permanent solution. So I will offer my wisedom and experience to you in anyway I can."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty smiles over to the older man who has been friend and mentor to her. "Thanks Logan, appreciate it," she tells him. "So far it has mostly been Daredevil and his crew. But they've called me in a few times they needed some extra help," she says. "Just figure I want to be ready," she tells him. Her voice isn't showing any straight yet despite the weight of keeping the double-weight sword elevated, a testament that she has indeed been training.

"By the way, I'm probably going to apply for a job at Stark before long. Just been keeping an eye on their posting waiting for the right one to apply for. Or, I don't know, maybe try to work contract. I imagine Janet could get me in easily enough. Not sure I want to go about it like that though," she says, looking thought despite the position she's in with the sword.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"if stark going to pay you well? If so do it how ever you can. I have confidence regardless of how you enter the company you will prove y'urself" Logan said his supportive dad side coming out.

After a moment or two, Logan goes to lift the sword out of her grasp. "Get up and draw that sword. You want to be prepared? The best way is to sharpen you combat senses, Draw that heavy sword" Logan says as his claws slide out from hi knuckles. "We're going to spar. and You're to use that heavy thing to fight me off. I ain't holding back. Don't let me tag you and you better tag me and good"

For the rest of the morning Wolverine true to his word doesn't hold back and pushes Kitty Pryde past her previous limits in martial combat.