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The Bat and the Sazuka
Date of Scene: 23 July 2022
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Picking up a Shift in Gotham is dangerous. It comes with hazard pay and Joker Gangs. And a meeting of with Batgirls.
Cast of Characters: Mika Yang, Barbara Gordon

Mika Yang has posed:
    Gotham. One of the nicest places in the world. If...you're really rich. If not, one of the worst places in the world. Depending on several things. Like what area you're in. Mika Yang is currently driving through the Narrows, one of the worst places in Gotham. The woman is looking around a bit, blinking. She looks at her partner whose currently getting body armor. "People...live here?", she asks. Her partner shakes his head a bit as he looks at her.

    Its not long before a radio call comes in. "We have a gun shot incident." The address is given, and Mika turns on the GPS.

    They soon arrive to the scene, finding the person on the ground. Mika starts to get out before her partner grabs her, shaking his head. He shoves a vest at her, and Mika shakes her head before she gets out. Mika starts looking the person over while her partner gets the gear.

    Mika blinks a few times as she turns the person over...The person has a joker mask on...Her partner stops, and runs back to the ambulance, only to find more joker gang starting towards the pair. The guy on the ground? Joker One? He was shot in the leg just to bring the paramedics out...

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Such is the way in a city filled with people who are trained to push for chaos. No rhyme or reason to what they do, just to do it and enjoy the madness that follows. It's a terrible circle, that continues to spin.

But as it so happens, one person who helps push back against the madness is not far away tonight. Shortly after the Medics make it on-scene first, and the criminals start to reveal their sinister chaotic intentions... A dark figure sweeps over the sky above the alleyway where the person was laying.

Mika is going to need to hold the masked monsters for a few more seconds though, as the caped figure in the sky is only just now landing on the ledge in the blackness above, hard to see by anyone without exceptional vision, or enhanced senses...

With her red hair flowing in the hot night time summer wind, her two toned cape of black and dark yellow flowing behind her, Batgirl stares down at the Ambulance crew, and the masked men approaching them...

Mika Yang has posed:
    Well, Mika just looks at Joker One who starts laughing a bit. He starts to reach up, but soon finds Mika is just a little bit quicker with a jab to the face. She nods her head a little bit as she looks at her partner. "Ummm, thats one out of?", she asks him. Her partner just looks at her with this Why look. She shakes her head a little bit. "I just adminstered a local. A very...aggerseve local, but still.", she says with a shoulder shrug.

    Mika looks at her partner. "Ummm, you want to hop in?", she asks. The woman opens the driver's side door. He shoves the gunnery at the gang before running in the ambulance. He hits the lock on the passager side, and goes to the back to lock those doors. Mika locks the driver door, and slams it shut while she stays outside.

    Her partner stares for a second as he starts to unlock the door. Mika shakes her head, and lowers her arm. A small weight drops down. She gives it a small kick, and starts spinning the chain.

     As the Gang starts to rush forward, Mika starts spinning the chain around her , creating somethign of a area of safety around her. Its not long before she spots something a little more dangerious then bats and crowbars. A gun...

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl is observing this as it starts to unfold. Her wrist computer gauntlet is raised up as she starts to enter something in to the screen with a few button taps. Her intention here is to shut off the power in this alleyway, and along the street, to drop the alley in to near complete blackness.

The lights go out just before the gun is drawn, and when it is drawn, that's when Bab's right arm snaps down, then back up again!

Something comes through the darkness, a quiet buzzing sound, rhythmic in its oscilation!

A metal Batarang is sent right down in to the fingers of the man holding the gun, brandishing it aggressively toward the EMT!

Babs steps forward then, and drops down several stories until she lands atop the Ambulance roof with a relatively quiet noise, her cape falling around her armored body...

Mika Yang has posed:
    The Gun Joker squeaks a bit as the baterang hits his hand. A couple of the gang starts laughing at him. He growls a bit before laughing as well. Mika just blinks a few times as she tosses the weighted chain in the gang member's face, knocking him out. "I'm...a little lost as to the joke? Was it the punchline?", she asks before looking up at...Bat Person? She blinks a few times before her partner radios one comment. "Welcome to Gotham.", is radio'd.

    Mika sucks in a deep before as she closes her eyes a little bit. The alley is dark, and sight isn't exactly the best thing to rely on in the shadows. The woman continues to spin the weight. "May I ask whom is currently standing on the Ambulance? I mean, I do have to explain damages.", she says.

    Mika spins low, throwing the chain ground level in hops of catching one of the ganger's ankle to sweep one over, and create something of a log jam in the confusion of the sudden darkness.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl doesn't respond to the question with voice. Instead, she just gently moves a hand, and then there's a sudden puff of smoke exploding out around the Ambulance! It fills the alleyway rapidly, with hissing from the tiny object source indicating even more hazy vision-blocking, smoke to cover what comes next!

Batgirl rushes off the Ambulance just as the one who'd brandished the gun is turning around. Her strength enhanced boots land solidly against his chest, knocking him to his back in the smokey filled alley now!

Down in a crouch, with her cape surrounding her, another of the men can kinda tell what is happening, and he tries to attack Batgirl, only to get his legs swept out from beneath him by her nimble armored feet!

She sweeps herself around, and comes back up to her full height, before tossing a bolos at another of the Joker-adorned would-be criminals!

Welcome to Gotham, indeeed!

Mika Yang has posed:
    The Paramedic just blinks a few times she sniffs the air, and hears hissing. She opens her eyes a little bit, and sees a bunch of smoke. "The hell?", she asks. The woman sees shadows fighting as the gangers start going after Batgirl. She tries to figure out who is who, but in the dark, and no real sense of whose who, Mika just takes a few steps back.

    The woman continues to spin the wieght, and a few gangers start to approach her. She takes them out with a few quick sweeps of the chain. She then slides the chain accross the ground, waiting. One of the gangers just has to step over it, and she whips it up. Yeah...That wasn't pleasent.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Once Batgirl has the man wrapped up in bolas, she's rushing him with a powerful raised knee sent right in to his sternum! She topples him over with a grunting gasp from the masked man, before Batgirl turns around to see the others advancing on Mika.

One of them spies Batgirl and slaps his baseball bat in his opposite hand threateningly as he starts to rush at her with it raising up!

When it comes down, Babs just catches it in her hand, then shoves him face first in to the Ambulance grill before she slams the bat blunt-side against his back, and drops him in a heap in front of the large EMT vehicle.

Batgirl tosses the bat aside where it clatters across the pavement, and she turns toward the back peddling Mika to help her, if she needs it...

If not, well then... Mika will see the silouhette of the Batgirl just standing there in the dark, staring at her.

Mika Yang has posed:
    Mika takes a deep breath as the gangers start to rush her. She strikes the first ganger in the side of the knee, then backhands the other before kicking his shin. The woman releases a fast barrage of strikes to the man's chest before twisting her upper body to deliver a strong blow to his sternum. He lands on his back, clutching his chest.

    The EMT spins around, and delivers a spinning roundhouse to the other ganger's head, and watches him spin to the ground. She looks at the armored figured of Batgirl. The EMT blinks a few times as she looks at the gangers, and then back at Batgirl. She does take a moment to adjust her shirt. "Ummm, so...ummm, you are?", she asks.

    Mika does bend over a little bit, and starts to check the vitals of the two in front of her. Its her job to check on the injuried. Even if she caused them. "Dispatch, we're probably going to need several transports...with escorts. Ummm, I had a slight accident with....some people in clown masks.", she radios. Its going to take some time for them to get to her location though, since she doesn't know where she's at...

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"I've given them our location." Batgirl says then to Mika, her voice not masked. It's as feminine as one could imagine. So this obviously isn't Batman! Plus, her redhair is slightly visible in some of the ambient light coming in from across the street where she hadn't disabled the electricity.

"You should make sure to wait for GCPD to clear an area, before you attend to anyone who needs help here. These..." She moves her right hand to motion at a few of the disabled men on the ground. "Thugs... do this, to spread chaos in the city. They get drugs, and cash for rewards if they do a good job." She explains, as her hand drops back to her side.

"And I'm Batgirl." Though technically there's more than one Batgirl now...

"Are you all right?" She asks lastly.

Mika Yang has posed:
    The EMT nods her head. "A few bumps and bruises, which is normal. Mika Yang.", she says, bowing politely. The woman sucks in a breath for a moment as she reels the chain back to her, and slides it up her wrist under her uniform. There's a small catch that keeps it latched to the chain, and hidden under her uniform.

    "Why though?" she asks. "Why go through all this for something...so...trivial?", she asks. The woman shakes her head a little bit though. "I'm not too worried. I can apply a lo...", she says before one of the gangers tries to jump her, only to meet her foot face first, before she pushes him back, and sweeps his leg out. He lands head first. The woman shakes her head.

    "And Batgirl? My apologies, but I am not very familiar with things here in the United States.", she tells.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl doesn't move as Mika performs her skillful take down of the thug. She just watches as the smoke continues to float and waft about the alley, slowly dispersing as the sound of the PD sirens can be heard in the distance.

"Well, I get the impression you're going to catch on pretty quickly, and with the skills you seem to have... maybe you'll do all right too... no less."

Batgirl steps over one of the knocked-out druggers in the mask, and she scoops up her batarang off of the ground. She then steps over to Mika and offers it to her.

"A gift. Welcome to the United States then. Hopefully you don't let this sour your opinion of it. There's a lot more good here, than there is bad."

Mika Yang has posed:
    Mika nods her head, and takes the batarang. She takes a moment to look it over, with a critical eye. "Shuriken?", she asks. The woman turns it over. Mika places it inside a pouch in her uniform. "Do not worry too muhc about that.", she says. "I worked with movie agents before.", she tells. If Babs does a quick facial search, she'll find out who Mika is very quickly. A former actress turned EMT Student whose studying aboard. Also a former world level tournament figure in U18 matches.

    "Are you injuried anywhere?", she asks, offering her medical skills. "Not much, but can do a quick patch up."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
As Mika responds to her, Batgirl steps over to the pistol that she'd knocked out of the man's hand with the batarang. She presses her right boot down upon it until the gun itself starts to crack and break apart beneath her foot. When she moves her leg back, the gun is broken in to many different pieces, and she scoops down to pick up its magazine of ammunition.

"I'm good, but thank you for the offer." She replies to the Medic before looking out in to the street, and then in to the Ambulance.

"Your backup will be here soon. I better get going." She says as her hand puts the magazine away on her gold belt wrapped around her waist.

When it comes back out, she's holding a small gun, of some kind, her eyes back on Mika's own.

"Be careful. Watch your back, and if you need help... the Batarang has a number embedded inside it. Use your phone's barcode scanning abilities to garner it." She relays that little secret, before she raises the grapple gun skyward, and suddenly fires it off, extending a line high in to the air toward the peak of the building above!