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An idea whose time has come; X-Corporation.
Date of Scene: 28 July 2022
Location: Library
Synopsis: Warren and James talk over the initial details of X-Corporation and start to define how the burgeoning organization will come together.
Cast of Characters: James Proudstar, Warren Worthington

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar enters the library, looking like freshly warmed over beef. His left arm is in a sling and he has bruises over most of his body that are shifting from a dark purple to a ugly yellow in real time. He's been looking for Warren, he enters the library with a manilla folder in his the hand in the cast. "Hey Hot Wings, I was wondering if you could look this over for me? I'm submitting my class project in Social Justice entrprise. I'd like to get someone from the business sides opinion. We've got a lot of academics around but actual business experience is harder to come by."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren is settled on the patio from the library at a small table with a few chairs left out there on nice days. At the sound of James' voice, he pockets his phone in his jeans and stands up.

"What in the world happened to you?" Warren asks with a raised eyebrow, catching himself offering a hand to James. He accepts the folder instead and gestures to the chair beside him.

"Happy to have a look," Warren says as he sits down. He glances at James again and then opens the folder to pull out its contents. "Want to give me the elevator pitch?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar looks at himself, "Did the professor ever send you off on one of those need to know ops? The kind where you fly off alone into the great north woods and wind up fighting a bear the size of a school bus?" He raises his eyebrows, "Is it just me?"

    Jim takes a breath, "Well, the idea is fairly straightforward. Mutants are for the most part an economically disadvantaged community for a couple of reasons, chief being oppression and then being our physical manifestations and power which make living normal lives difficult in many respects. What I'm recommending is an organization that would reach out to the community and help those most at risk to find the resources they need and and entitled to as part of this country's safety net. Most mutants don't sign up for basic things like Food stamps and welfare because they are afraid the govenrment will use theses things to track them down. I mean it's a valid concern but let's face it, if there is a fear the government is already keeping tabs on them. It would also involve helping these underserved people find ways to benefit from their powers giving them marketable skills and putting them on a path to making a contribution."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Those jobs," Warren nods, understanding completely. "Yes... But there were ever any gigantic bears. That's all you. He must have know you could handle it, but... Well. That looks painful."

Warren leans back and scans over the paper in front of him while listening to Jim. At first he nods politely to show he is listening, but it becomes a bit more emphatic and engaged as Jim speaks. By the end, Warren looks at Jim appraisingly, as if reassessing the young man.

"All valid concerns," Warren agrees. He cannot help but think of the recent kidnappings. He shakes his head a little.

"I have two big questions; have you thought about leadership and governance? And what is your plan for building credibility and trust with your target community?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar frowns, considering, "Leadership and governance? Well, I mean we'd need to have teams of counselors, people familiar with the process, the resources available and then we would need some with experience in mutation, in handling diverse mutations, like what we do here but orients more towards day to day living and with the ability to find a career. But I mean true leadership we would need a grop that understood what the organization was striving for, inclusion of mutants in every day life as equals, members of the community who can be celebrated because of their gifts and powers. I have some in roads with the community in Bushwick, through the irregulars and we certainly have people who have played a role in that community in various aspects, whether it's through friends of community organizing, someone was trying to start a job bank, which is close in line with what I had in mind, I was thinking we could start something in Mutanttown and see how it goes, expanding it to other citites, I'm also pretty sure the Brotherhood would be interested in this sort of out reach, given their recent activities."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren turns a bit in his seat and leans one arm against the back of his chair. He shifts his wings unconsciously to rest a little more comfortably. "Good thinking on the operational leadership, very important," Warren agrees. "If you're thinking big enough to go outside Bushwick, then your senior leadership is going to need executive experience, credibility with donors, and at least some credibility with your clients. They should have experience working with city and state people, too. There will be regulatory, legal and other issues. You can supplement that by bringing really good board members on, as long as the board is balanced with people who will be fierce on protecting the mission and holding the leadership to account, looking out for the clients before the organization."

Warren looks thoughtful. "You're right about the Brotherhood, too. That's a good point. Security will be a thing, too. When you're talking about teams of counselors, etc, we're talking about a big organization. Have to protect staff and clients, but be non-threatening."

"This is quite the idea. This is just a class project though?" Warren asks neutrally, watching Jim. "You're just looking for some input to make sure you've dotted the i's and crossed the t's when it gets marked?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar raises his eyebrows as he glances down at the paper, it is a veritable tome, extremely well researched and annontated, the kind of thing that would give even Kitty and Monet pause, "Honestly, the idea was the reason I went into the social work program, I've been debating whether to focus on enterprise or public works... I took the enterprise course to see how it felt and it kind of feel into place from there... I mean this is work we need to be doing, someone needs to be doing. If not us then who? This feels like what the dream is all about mutants out in society living their lives, making broader connections and finding a way to be part the broader tapestry of society, Moving out from our enclaves, making spaces and being accepted in the wider world. I mean, honestly, I'm still learning about all these elements, but I can see what I need to know." Jim shrugs, "I may not be the one to lead this but I can see the hole it needs to fill, it's something we have been working on in the Indigneous community as well, every oppressed group has them, "The NAACP, various ethnic leagues and cooperatives.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren watches James carefully as he answers. The young playboy is unusually attentive. By the time James finishes answering, Warren is nodding slowly.

"James, I'll be honest, this is the most on point, well-thought out, and concrete idea I have heard for moving the dream forward in... A long time," Warren admits with an obvious new-found respect for for his teammate. "I'm glad you brought this to me... And I'm sorry I wasn't paying enough attention to hear about it and help things along earlier."

Warren thumbs the edge of the proposal and lets the pages flip down quickly.

"Tell you what. Two billion," the young mutant says and grins. "I'll endow it. I'll be the executive director for the first three years, help you assemble the board, and build out the organization. The board can make their own decisions about executive director after my first term. But, my condition is that you sit on the board as a managing director. This becomes your job, and it will be consuming. Your focus will be on defining and building out the actual programs and the teams delivering them. You're bringing the vision, X-Corp will need you making sure it stays true to that. So? What do you think?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar blinks slowly, "I'm sorry, what? I- ...you're not kidding are you?: There's another silence as James considers the older mutants words, "Wow, I honestly did not expect this, I thought I was gonna have to get another mortgage on the ranch to finance this when I graduated or... I don't know, but- wow." James folds his hands on the table top, "I'm also mildly disturbed that your throw around billions of dollars at a given project but that's a separate issue." There's a faint smile and a nod, still considering, " James nods slowly, "The ranch has been self sustaining for a while, I would want to complete my degree but- I don't think I can turn down this sort of opportunity... I mean taking a break from some of those more clandestine ops for a while seems like a really good idea right about now." Jim nods more firmly this time, there's a set to him that you've seen on the battlefield, "Yeah, that sounds good, I mean that is great beyond my wildest expectation great." Jim offers his hands, "I'm in, what's our next step?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren puts the proposal down on the table and leans back in his chair, the smile broadening.

"Next step is I actually read this properly, you tell Dr. X, and I talk to some lawyers. We'll need to start meeting a lot, but you've got a couple weeks before it hits mach 3."

Warren stretches. "Definitely finish your degree on the way. And don't worry about the funding. I have been risking my life for the dream since I was what, 15? Endowing X-Corp instead of buying yet another series C AI aeronautics startup isn't that big a deal. My board will whine, but they whine at me a lot. That's nothing new."

Warren's phone buzzes insistently. He pulls it out of his pocket and glances at it, then chuckles and puts it away. "Remember the woman from the club? She got over that night and has been messaging me again. Anyway... Everything alright? I mean, what you said about taking a break from ops right now being a good idea?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar nods listening and only looking a little overwhelmed, "Okay, yeah, I will as soon as he's awake, anyway, I can bring it up at our semi weekly Go matches." Jim nods slowly, "Oh good, this isn't mach 3." He snorts and shakes his head, "I mean in the lon run there is a pay out to this as well, as we develope the talent and build the community, we become a resource for those looking to invest. I wouldn't want to take advantage but there is a break even point... and the positive press, even given the animosity can't be underrated.
     James blurts out a laugh, "The doctor? I'm glad, she seemed nice. I'm actually curious how things with Colleen are going... Hmm?" JIm shakes his head, lifting the arm in a cast, "Just feeling that I'm losing a step, I mean it did take all of X-Force to put down the bear that did this, so... not too badly but I have to wonder from time to time... I mean I also know that I'll need to follow leads from time to time and some of this work will only intensify, they type of things Tabitha's been looking into, and also the Hydra thing, mutant traffickin is an ongoing problem across the world, something we haven't even begun to get our hands on and while not the first problem we'll need to wrestly with it's a situation we'll need to address sooner."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"It's a lot, it never lets up, the world just keeps needing saving. I think you're right with this though. It's got a flywheel effect that will generate a lot of value for services clients, but also all the other stakeholders, and talk about an ESG poster child..." Warren makes a face and laughs. "I've been spending too much time at work. But, this will be good. You're the right person, at the right time. Nobody else thought this up, much less wrote that proposal. The other stuff will still be there, too, and they'll still need you. Seriously, you're Warpath. Bears or not."

Warren's phone buzzes again. This time he sighs. "I can't put off Aniyah, my exec assistant, like I can the doctor. I should get back to work. Say hi to Dr. X for me."

Warren answers the phone and gives James an apologetic and slightly exasperated look. "Yep, I know, I'm almost done with it. Clear some time this afternoon though, I've got something new. Oh, and drop the SkyX AI acquisition. Yeah. Kill it. I'll tell you later..."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar nods, "I will." He chuckles, "I think he is going to be more than a little surprised to find out who the inheritors of the dream have turned out to be." James offers a smiles, "Yeah, true, not everyone can be Warpath."