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Latest revision as of 16:58, 30 July 2022

Ground Rules
Date of Scene: 30 July 2022
Location: Diaoyutai Restaurant, New York City
Synopsis: Silver and Alexander have a discussion about the rules of their relationship. Friendship. Whatever-ship it is.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Silver Sablinova

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Diaoyutai in New York is a successful restaurant. It is beautifully decorated with private booths in hazed glass and comfortable seats. The colors are soft and gentle, with hints of wood grain and grey. The lighting is subdued with some hints of luminance from dimmed track lighting and a single chandelier in each alcove that glows softly, shaped like a large cylinder clad in golden chain and accentuated by that small hint of opulence.
    The staff there are polite, respectful, and perform their roles perfectly. And the waiting list is a good three weeks simply to get accepted to general seating. A dining room after only a day's warning is a rarity indeed. Perhaps here was a cancellation.
    Yet the way the staff seemed to defer to young Mr. Aaron and recognized him seemed to hint at a story.
    Yet they were still shown to the table smoothly, and Alex settled in on one side of the booth once Silvija had taken hers. A moment to undo the small seal upon his napkin to draw it out before he smiled across the table at her.
    "I had so many choices on how to handle this." He says openly, with that utter lack of fear of judgment or embarrassment. Yet apparently he had decided to meet her here at a fine dining establishment. And he had chosen to clean up... rather well.
    For Alexander Aaron has shaved, of all things. Madness. His features were bright, clean cut, and his clothes were tailored well to fit him. Black leather shoes that shined were upon his feet, crisp black pants whose fold line could be seen rather neatly above them. Then a slim leather belt around his waist where a grey collarless shirt was tucked in. He had a vest that gave a swath of black over his chest, and on that a jacket that went well with the suit.
    Despite it all and despite his efforts, however, his blond hair was still a touch wild. Perhaps the wind.
    "I hope you'll find this enjoyable."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"It's beautiful," Silver commented as she settled into her spot across the table from him. The bench style seats were more like couches with comfortable pillows to lean against. It was set lower, more a compromise between sitting fully on the floor and the higher chairs that were common in the Western world.

When she had found out where they were eating, Silver had looked up the date on the restaurant. And wondered how in the world the young man had pulled that off in a day. Perhaps he'd already had a reseveration? But no, he had said he'd make some calls when she had spoken to him that morning. Yet here they were in a place that was difficult, at best, to get into.

She had changed before dinner. Slipping into a lovely dress. It had v-neckline though nothing too daring. Sleeveless so her arms were bare. Tight down to the waist then flaring out a bit. It allowed freedom of movement but was quite lovely. Some designer brand. And of course in her signature white. She had her hair pulled into an up-do, leaving her neck bare. Which allowed for a small gold necklace with a diamond pendant, a match for the small earrings she wore as well. Though the earrings were magnetic. She didn't do pierced ears for safety reasons.

She glanced around their private booth then finally back over to him. "The staff seem to know you. Do you eat here often?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    He seems about to answer, his eyes lifting as he looks across the table at her only to have his attention stolen toward the door when the first server steps in. For a time it's all smiles and greetings, polite exchange of well wishes and then a request for drinks. To which he ask for a bottle of Shaoxing wine and water. Which then has the server turning her attention to Silver. Once their orders are in the waitress bows and withdraws.
    Alex's attention then returns to the mercenary leader and he smiles a little, finally able to answer as he draws the small shutters closed on their private booth, hiding them further from view and granting them at the least a hint more privacy.
    "It's a tax front for the Yiangtzi Tong, and they pay my father homage every year during a..." The young man's pale hazel eyes distance as he considers the right word and settles on, "Kumite."
    Which might explain the deference. And the table.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
When it is her turn to order, Silver also opts for water, though she asks for some lemon in hers. As he draws the shutters, she looks at him curiously. It seemed a bit much for what should be a simple explanation.

Then he said why. Not simple by any means. She looked at her surroundings with a bit more of a critical eye now. "As long as the food is good, I'm not worried about a tax front," she says with a bit of a smile.

Though she does look at him more closely again, eyes narrowing slightly. "I was not aware they honored him in this way. A kumite, you say? Very interesting."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Well," Alexander's eyes drift over their surroundings and he says with a smile, "I was half thinking about just saying, 'Hey that's how I roll!' and claiming that simply by my charm and powerful personality..." He was able to secure the reservations. Yet his nose crinkles as he ponders, then he looks back to her.
    "Though, I suppose I was in some way trying to impress you." He has such an easy-going manner that he seems to take each moment in stride, not a hint of hesitation nor worry. "It was here, or..." His smile turns a little wry as he pulls the wine bottle toward himself and offers to pour her a glass with just a glance and a quirked eyebrow. Whichever she decides he fulfills that wish and a glass for himself. Then he sets the bottle aside and sits up a little straighter.
    "I also thought selfishly of taking you to one of my favorite places, a Brazilian barbecue place though it's..." He looks around the room, "Not as nice, and you are a woman of the world."
    A sip of wine then he smiles a little more and adds, "I also considered cooking for you. But thought that would be too informal."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
He was so candid. That was something that Silver wasn't used to. Most people were far more cautious. They would only say things they thought would impress her. Paint themselves in a perfect light. Hide flaws.

Yet he didn't play such games. Which was refreshing and confusing. Was he actually playing a game but so well she didn't see it? Or was he just him? After all, he presumably didn't suffer fear. As such, he wouldn't be afraid of this all failing.

When he offers the wine, Silver does nod her acceptance. Though she listens as he pours and sets her glass over by her place setting. "I have spent many a day eating MREs with my people while waiting for an op. Though I may have seen the world, it hasn't all be five-star service."

Then she focuses on that last part and she gives a little nod as she picks up her wine glass. "I didn't know you were a cook. Though, admittedly, I think it is best we are dining in public. Neutral ground as it were," she adds with a little smile. "Until we have established some ground rules."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Well then, perhaps the next time."
    The way he says it, not necessarily presuming there would be a next time, nor hopeful, perhaps accepting the Dharma of a world in which a next time would happen. And perhaps this was not such a world. Though his smile is a little wry, and those pale eyes hold hers with an ease.
    Then she offers her thought as to his cooking and he perhaps imagines some incredulity which makes him smile as he murmurs, "I am not a 'cook'. I mean, I am not exceptional or anything. But I /do/ know how to apply fire to food items in an effort to convert them to something tasty through the conversion."
    Perhaps a small gleam of indignity in those words, though playful. He takes a sip of his wine and straightens up a little, though pulls a pillow over to his side and tucks it in.
    "Ground rules?" He lifts his chin and looks thoughtful, then waits for her to go on.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Ground rules," she repeated again.

Silver took a sip of her wine. No fancy swirling it around in the glass or sniffing. Simply taking it and sipping. It was excellent and she gave a little nod of approval as she set the glass back down where it had been.

"I apologize for my actions. They were...impolite of me. To come into your home and challenge you as I did. My curiosity got the better of me." Obviously. "Then to leave without talking out the details." But she had found herself in very strange circumstance, something entirely new for her.

"Obviously, employment with S.S.I. is no longer on the table. Though contracting is still possible. But more importantly, outside work, is this going to be something that continues? And if so, I am curious. Why me?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander's lips part as he takes a breath and seems about to interject. At several points. But instead he holds his tongue and listens, watching her with those curious eyes as his gaze follows along with her own glance, the curve of her lips, then back to give her a nod. A glance is given sidelong toward the door and they still have their privacy for the moment. No server yet.
    "You don't need to apologize. I imagine you have no small number of enemies in the world and someone like myself presents themselves in your sphere of influence and it can cause problems. Problems that need answers. You sought them."
    Then he shakes his head slightly, "And I wasn't at my best, to be fair. Yet it was clear there was some chemistry." He lightly bites the corner of his lip, looking deep in consideration as he considers his next few words. "Also I didn't blame you for leaving as you did. I... imagined that was a rarity for you. Meeting someone and clashing, but also hitting it off so well."
    Then he looks to the door again as if expecting that server any minute now. He looks back, then decides to answer the question that matters most to him. Her last. "I surprised myself with how I felt. And asking to see you again. Since... how I am. Who I am. It's... difficult to connect with someone. When you don't feel fear. It can stifle the other emotions in some ways."
    Though he doesn't elaborate. And, of course, that's the moment the door slides open and their server is upon them.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
Silver starts to open her mouth to answer but stops as the door slides open. She closes her mouth and waits patiently. Only once the server was gone and that door was closed again did she continue their conversation.

"I find that surprising," she admitted. "You say that because you are cut off from a single emotion that the others are less strong? How can that be? I would think it would be the opposite. Like a person that loses a sense, the others become stronger. Are you certain your presumptions are not affecting your other emotions as opposed to them actually being stunted, so to speak?"

Because that makes more sense to her. Though, she was trying to consider how it would be to go through the world with no fear. Admittedly, she wasn't one to give in to fear but she felt it like every other person in the world. Though, he wasn't a person. He was a god. Though, weren't they people too?

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Mmm," Alexander furrows his brow as he considers that and lowers his eyes to his glass. A finger curves around the base of it, giving a faint tink as he lightly flicks it with a nail. Then he looks back up as he considers how to explain.
    "How much of love, do you imagine, is fear?" He asks with an openness. "Like, how much do you cherish something because you know how empty your life would be without it?"
    He uncurls a hand to the side as he gestures, that open-handed motion when you try to get one person to take your point of view and convince them. "How much do you fear loss and how much of your life is motivated with that? You cherish home, family, friends, loved ones. You want to protect them because the thought of losing them is a horror."
    Shaking his head, Alexander says, "For me, I do still feel protective, and I can feel what I think is love. But it's hard since if you can accept a loss of it how cherished is it truly?"

Silver Sablinova has posed:
There is a negative shake of her head. "You are limiting yourself, Alexander." And that might be the first time that she actually called him by his first name. Not the shortened version. That didn't feel right to her. Perhaps if she didn't know he was the God of Fear, Alex would've worked. Not now.

"You love because you love. Not because you fear that you might lose it." Not that she had experience in a romantic way. She did have love of family. Love of country. So she had experience with the emotion on some levels at least.

"You protect family in danger because of that love. Not because you fear losing them. But because you want them to be with you. It isn't fear so much as..." She considered then shrugged. "Selfishness. Greed. So your lack of fear doesn't weigh as much as you are thinking. Though perhaps you haven't been in love. What about your father though? You do not fear losing him but, were he in danger, you would protect him I'm sure."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh I would fight for him, yes. And for people I cared about in my circle." Alexander straightens up a little, drawing his drink toward himself. "Though it would feel... I do so because..." Those eyes distance over her shoulder as he tries to put these things into words, nose crinkling as he considers.
    "Because when people threaten something that is /mine/, they are insulting me. And should be punished. So it's anger? Perhaps. But I don't know. Perhaps you're right."
    A look to the side as his eyebrows rise as he likely has a moment of internal monologue to which he does not share. Instead he looks back and murmurs, "I just know that in the past... my... inability to connect fully. It's discouraged people that I thought had love for me. And vice versa. I have in the past gone through the motions. Behaved how I thought I should. And all it's done is hurt people."
    His lip turns up a little, "So I try to be as honest and open as I can about these things."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"That's the best way to be. If people communicated more, it would improve the world one hundred percent. Maybe even more."

Silver picked up her wine to sip again and set it back down, keeping her hand resting at the base of the glass as she considered. "So you are possessive. That's not a good trait. Especially considering your genetics." A god that didn't like to share his toys. That explained a whole lot about Greek mythology she'd read in the past. It might be in the bloodline apparently.

"Let's get this clear right up front though. If we continue ....this." Whatever this was. She wasn't quite sure what this constituted yet. "That will need to be kept under control."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ah I'm not explaining myself well," Alexander says as his nose crinkles a little. "If a loved one said..." He takes a deep breath, frowns and returns his gaze to her, "If they said that they were bored of me and wanted to wander off. I wouldn't care I believe. Don't think I'd find that insulting, but another individual walking up and trying to shoot someone I'm interested in, or someone I care about... that's an affront to me from a third party?"
    But at that he gestures to the side, "In any case."
    His smile returns a little and he says, "If you dislike it I am sure you will have no qualms down the line if you wish to discontinue... whatever this is or was."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Which brings us back to that. What is this?"

It was more a statement than a question. Silver leaned back in her seat, hand sliding off the table to rest on her lap as she looked at him curiously.

What was this. He was a curiosity. Something she had not encountered. She had found him fascinating since she had seen him at the Hellfire Club, using his skills to move people away from him when they were making uninvited attempts to touch him. Smooth and sleek. Something most wouldn't realize was based in martial arts. Then when she had seen his skill testing against her people. And finally, when he had somehow resolved a situation without lifting a finger, at a food truck.

It had all added up and she found herself needing answers. Thus her going to his apartment, finding the door open, entering to confront him about hiding there for two days.

"Admittedly, I am not one to have relationships. If I wish to, I share time with someone and then we part ways. No complications. No ties. It is like a business transaction." She smirks. "With being illegal with a transfer of funds or the like."

A tilt of her head as she considers him. "Yet, I still am finding you fascinating. And here we are, having dinner. You avoided my question though." He might've thought she missed that. "What is it about me that is different? That has your curiosity?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She asks her question and his eyebrows rise while his head lifts a little. That silent expression giving the look of one intimating, 'That is the question, isn't it?' Though he ponders for a time as he drinks from his glass and considers before answering.
    "This is... interesting, I think. For the most part." His smile curves wry, then sets his glass a little off and to the side. No flush of color to his features, nor hint of intoxication. Still that same calm look. "I think the element of danger was a good thing, heightened the moment, and our disagreement and arguing made things all the more intense. Things like that easily slip toward passion..."
    He smiles a little then uncurls a hand to offer it to her, palm up. "But I think we both were taken with attraction, desire. Sometimes those things can cause our social conventions to be tripped up, or torn. Sometimes they can even heighten things. Perhaps the idea of someone you might employ challenging you."
    Then he adds with a half smile, "Or exceeding you, might cause you to find them more attractive."
    "For me though what I see in you? I see... a warrior. A soldier. Beautiful. Intense. And the night we shared was very... primal. I'm curious if we have a place for each other in our worlds."

Silver Sablinova has posed:
As he spoke, Silver watched him closely. His expressions. The way he enunciated as he was speaking. Little details that might give away information about him. That may indicate if he spoke truth or was making up a story.

It seemed truthful. Though he may just be that good. She focused before answering after he faded off, thinking a moment as she looked at his strange eyes. Human but if one looked hard enough, there was something more there.

"I have not found someone who was a challenge for me. Before now." An admission. Perhaps a step on that path of truth she said was needed. And at that point, she placed her hand atop his on the table. Opening that door, so to speak. "It was a draw. Something that made me want to know more about you. I started a background check after watching the recordings of your fight with my people." His test at S.S.I.

"So yes, I believe you are right. That was something that attracted me. Since it was so unfamiliar. There are people I respect but they aren't people I am drawn to beyond that. You are the exception to that rule."

Then she addresses that final bit of his observation. "It was primal. Also different from anything I have experienced. Though, outside perhaps enjoying time with one another, I wouldn't think we would be too much in one another's worlds. After all, I do not see it going beyond shared time."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh, you're not ready to declare undying love?"
    TThe way he said it, the smile given, amusement light in his eyes. He meets her gaze even as he curls fingers around her hand, brushing the back of it with his thumb as he looks thoughtful for a time. "But I understand. You have so much to take up your time..."
    And to be fair he was starting to have more things on his plate than he had at the start of the Summer. That could lead to... difficulties. He then covers her hand with the other and then says, "Perhaps we'll just have to steal what moments we can, then."
    And as he says that, that is when the server returns with their orders. A good moment to break as he straightens up, smiling politely and waiting for them to handle the delivery of the meal.

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"I..." And the server arrived, interrupting whatever Silver was about to say. She didn't want to discuss personal matters in front of what was basically a stranger. Not to mention that the stranger was part of a group who tended to use information for power. Well, maybe the server wasn't personally part of them but she worked at one of their businesses.

Once they had all their food laid out before them, she did withdraw her hand. Though it had felt nice nestled between his. Once the server left, the door closed, she tried a few bites of food before going back to the conversation at hand.

"Quite the good cover. This is excellent," she murmured. Then she continued, sliding back to the point that'd been made. Although, it might seem odd as it was right after discussing good food. "I do not believe I am capable of romantic love. I have too much work, too many responsibilities to Symkaria. There is no way I can allow another person to distract me from that." Then that faint smirk. "In case you had any illusions."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I know, right?" Alexander says even as he digs into his noodles, twisting the chopsticks smoothly and getting a nice helping that he tastes before he murmurs, "They should go legit."
    Which has him shooting a half smile across the way to her. But for a time they're mainly eating, indulging, enjoying. An easing of the moment and tensions that comes along with the breaking of bread in company one has a care for. Though after a little bit he says, "It's possible I might not be able to as well. Then that leads us down the path to indulge in time together we enjoy without strings attached."
    Tilting his head to the side, "Do you have any expectations of me?"

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Good question."

Silver considers as she takes her napkin, putting it on the table next to her plate as she weighs the possible answers. "We spend time when we choose. No pressure. From you or me." Making sure that is balanced. "No expectations. No commitments. This isn't some silly romantic thing. We like spending time and that is sufficient to base everything on."

Because romance is silly. It's a waste of time. Silver has a very specific view of her world and maintaining her control of it.

"Though I would like to train with you. Since it is rare that I find someone as skilled as I am. Sparring. Weapons. Whatever. So we can add that to the agreement."

It was like she was negotiating a business deal, not dating. Well, if it could even be called dating!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A twist is given to his smile as he considers, as if negotiating matters in a hostile takeover so wickedly done. "I think something can be arranged." He mirrors her movements, setting his own napkin to the side and only now seeming to fully ease into the moment as he turns to lean against the side, arm upon the table partially supporting his weight.
    "And if you choose to pursue other romantic interests I would appreciate being let know before you begin that pursuit." He mentions that then looks away for a moment, as if trying to come up with another talking point.
    "If you have need for an escort to an event I shall make myself available. And likewise if I am called to appear somewhere and need a compatriot I'll call upon you?"

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"Agreed." Since it only made sense to have that escort for functions and it was far simpler than dealing with some fool who hoped he might earn her love and marry her someday. This was far better. Everything laid out and understood. No complications. And it was only fair it was mutual. "As well, if you wish other pursuits be they romantic or carnal, notice would be appreciated. So that I can adjust my plans as needed." Why weren't other people like this? It made so much more sense!

"We will need to negotiate if you will be contracting with my company at some point." Since they sort of skipped past that to focus on their relationship. Or non relationship. Silver tilted her head. "If you are still interested that is."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Scritching the curve of his jaw for a moment, Alexander hmms softly as he extends one leg out beneath the table, the other curving up onto the seat next to him. A very relaxed posture as he replies, "If you needed help with something, perhaps. But I think co-workers might be difficult. Since we already have some measure of back and forth about who should be in charge."
    That said he uncurls a hand, "Though I should also mention that I've been talking with people from SHIELD. So that might be another avenue for me, perhaps both of us if you end up working with them in your time here." Since she tends to err on the side of he angels and SHIELD is on that side. Usually. Sometimes.
    Then his lip twists and he says, "I should warn you though, and this point is non-negotiable." Yet his smile might seem there's some wiggle room as he offers, "I demand to be absolutely spoiled on my birthday. Alright, alright?"

Silver Sablinova has posed:
"SHIELD." She knew of them. But Silver had no direct contact with them. In fact, she was pretty sure they probably wouldn't appreciate her methods. Certainly she got results. But she also tended to not care if she brought in her bounties dead or alive. Unless there was more money if they were alive. Then it mattered because it had an effect on the profit.

"I do not spoil."

Silver just drops the mic right there, figuratively speaking. But then he would feel a foot sliding up along his leg as she'd kicked off her shoe under the table. Sliding up to his lap and settling there.

"Unless you earn it."