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Lighting the Lantern: Recruiting Allies
Date of Scene: 01 August 2022
Location: Abandoned Amusement Park - Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Jessica and Jason met a representative of Justice League Dark, Cael Becker, to try to get Jason into JL Dark to help with her ring problem.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Cruz, Cael Becker, Jason Todd

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz rode with Jason over to the abandoned amusement park. She sighs softly. "So... I might've told you that since i got this cursed ring, I've been associating with some people that deal with magical stuff. Don't worry - my roommate's still out of it after that wax museum thing." She sighs softly. "I want you to be part of my plan to... deal with the situation. I invited a friend to come over." She paces back and forth, fiddling with the ring that's anchored to her finger, glancing over towarsd Jason who's with the motorcycle.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael has yet to meet Jessica - but she was in need of distraction, with Jon still away and with no way of knowing //when// they will return.
    They will come back. They promised. She has to believe in that - what other choice does she have?
    So she jumps at the chance to go, arriving by motorcycle herself - a sleek, red number designed for speeds far in excess of any legally posted limit. She keeps it at a reasonable pace, howeveer, as she pulls into the abandoned amusement park dressed in riding leathers and black boots. A single line of flames is tattooed across the back of each of her hands, licking up from the knuckles, towards her wrists and a broken wrench is tattooed to one side of her neck, but it's her hair that's most striking. On the left side of her head, the hair is buzzed short, with a feather pattern shaved into it and painted in blue, teal, and golden yellow. The rest of her hair has a covering of her natural blond hair - but the lower levels are dyed a riot of rainbow hues, and her hair is cut from extremely short on the left, and back, slanting down to just below chin level on her wright.
    She gets through a gate with a set of lock picks, and pushes her bike inside, walking slowly through the rusting hulks of abandoned rides.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods to Jessica. "Yeah. I remember. Is that why we're here? To meet some of them or something? Or do you just like old creepy amusement parks" he asks jokingly.

Hearing the bike arriving, "That them?" He looks to Jessica, "I'm glad your roommate is still quiet. As for this plan. I'll have to hear it to know if I'm going to be any use. I wasn't that effective at the museum after all." He shrugs. "I'm not saying no. Just uncertain."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "Yeah. Honestly, I'm sure we can find something as well. I'm trying not to draw on the ring's power in fear of alerting him. And if I go to confront him, odds are that I won't be able to draw on the ring's power so I'll need a way too - maybe they can enchant firearms or something - I'm a crack shot." She sighs softly. "Hi there!" she calls out to the person pulling up. She hasn't met this person before - but holds up a faintly-glowing blue key that would be recognizable.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "It was Jessica, right?" Cael asks as she pushes her bike closer. She puts down the kickstand, then joins the pair, extending her hand to first Jessica, and the Jason, her expression speculative and assessing. "I'm Cael," she offers simply. "You needed... help with something? Not sure how much help I can be but- well. I'm a person that knows people," she remarks in a dry tone. "And I'm not without my own talents, they just tend to be more mundane."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods to Jessica as she explains some of her idea. "I've been dead and revived. Reanimated? Whatever you want to call it. But I'm no ghost hunter unless you want to talk about huanted pineapples. Don't ask. That's a long story."

He looks to Cael. "Hey. Jason." He looks back to Jessica to let her explain hopefully.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "Hello, Cael. It's a pleasure to meet you. Basically - I'm not sure if you know of my situation, but I have this cursed ring, and I need to somehow defeat the sorcerer who lives within it. There's no other way to get my life back. Jason here is my boyfriend and I wanted him to be involved - he's quite a crack shot. Not really sure how we're going to do it yet, but we might have to go confront him in his domain. And... both of us will need some way of fighting magic. I can't use the ring's power against its owner of course."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...back from the dead, huh?" Cael remarks her tone dry, and wry. "What a bitch, yeah?"
    She falls silent to listen to Jessica's explination, and then lets out a little laugh. "Oh, //God// have you got the wrong one of us," she remarks, amusement pulling at her lips. "I'm a crack shot myself, and a dab hand in melee fights, or hand-to-hand - but magic? That goes beyond me. I'd say talking to Rien would be your best bet - she knows her way arond spells. She's just- she only just finished going through som shit, though. You know?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods to Cael as Jessica explains the situation. Then he snorts. "Yeah. Coming back wasn't a fun time either, if I'm honest." As she laughs he arches a brow. "Same here. Good at the physical. Get me around supernatural or magic? I'm pretty much just a liability." A shrug, "But I have seen what this sorceror can do. And it isn't anything good. If I can help somehow, I want to."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Did you hear about the disturbance at the Gotham Wax Museum? Pretty sure it made local news. That was him. I had to battle his will to get him to stop." She sighs softly, shaking her head. "I'm at my wit's end. I can't take this anymore." She rubs her forehead. "I... well... I know I'm not good at this magic stuff - and... honestly, trying to read up on it either gets me to Wingardium Leviosa, a David Copperfield show, or other such nonsense."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael nods to Jason, and for a moment, it looks like she has something more to say - she she thinks better of it, and turns her attention back to Jessican instead. "I have a hard time finding the stuff I'm looking for in books, and I have access to a great library. I'd rather I could just give my boyfriend all my homework but- well. They read me the riot act for trying that," she says with a wry smirk.
    "I find that even when the magical shit hits the proverbial fan - there's still a lot I can do. I help provide cover, I help get the innocent out of harm's way, and sometimes the things can be shot. But I usually have to rely on the others to do a lot of the heavy lifting."
    She looks to Jason as she adds, "It always feels like I'm over my head, but- it usually works out."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd lets the two talk. They seem to have more of an idea about what is going on than he does. She just keeps an eye out. Amusement Mile had other implications for him. From his past. Ones he didn't care to dwell on. He looks back to Cael, "Yeah. I get that. A lot if I'm honest." A shake of his head. "In my usual circles I can hit above my weight class. But this? I'm less than bush league. But I meant it when I said I'll do what I can. I just need to now what that is."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Me too. I just don't know what I can do either. Not sure what magic is capable of - I know that 'teaching magic' is difficult if you don't have talent - but maybe there can be enchanted weapons or something - like your pistols or my shotgun. Just spitballing. Not sure what's possible. Cael - do you think you could help me arrange a meeting with Jason and the Dark leadership? I think he can be an asset."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Enchanting a weapon is definitely possible. I had one recently, but I- threw it away. For- ...reasons." Cael makes a face - and it's easy to suppose there's at least some sort of story behind that one.
    "But- yeah. I can try to get you a meeting. Jon's away," she manages to keep most of the pain from her voice and expression, "but Chas and Rien - they kinda owe me right now." She pulls out her phone, ad she starts typing out a hasty text.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks to Jessica, then to Cael. He nods, "I'm willing to meet whoever you think I should. If there is a way I can do more than be moral support. Or just cannon fodder" he says with a smirk, "I'm willing. I don't go for that sort of thing any more for.. reasons." He glances back to Cael with a half smirk, using her term.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "I'll bring my favorite double-barrel. In a proper carrying case." She smiles softly. "Jason, I'd never ask you to be cannon fodder. That's for the Joker's minions. Not for someone I care about." She glances at Cael. "Sorry ot call you out here in the middle of nowhere. I like this place. It fits my mood most of the time."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I needed the ride," Cael remarks, gesturing to her motorcycle. "It clears the head."
    Looking towards Jason she adds, "No one in the JLD would ask you to be 'canon fodder.' That's not how we do things. We train together, learn to work in groups - and if we understand what we're going up against, we can plan ahead to make everyone as effective as possible. Whether that's enchanting a weapon, or finding and artefact to weild, or- finding a role that helps, without being so directly in harms way."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods to Jessica, "I know." Then to Cael. "That certainly sounds better than the days I spent in my-" he pauses a moment, "youth." A shrug. "I'll help out as best I can. I'll meet whomever you ask. I'm not sure how, well, involved I'll really be beyond helping Jessica. But if there is something I can offer to the team and you all still want me around, I'd be a fool to say no."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "I feel so weird - even though it was from a bad source, I was so used to using that ring's power and... I'm trying my best not to right now." She sighs softly, clicking her tongue. "I feel kinda helpless too. I want my life back." She rubs her forehead. "Sorry if I'm being such a whiner."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael fixes her gaze on Jason with a bemused expression. "You sound like me. I dragged my feet for weeks, and months. I refused to join, because - not possessing any magical talents, I didn't think I had a place. But I had multiple people tell me I was being ridiculous. I kept showing up and fighting regardless. You don't have to be a sorcerer, or have superpowers, to make a difference. It's just- it's not as easy for us, is it? And it causes my boyfriend a lot of anxiety, that I keep throwing myself into danger like that - a mere mortal. But I can't stay at the sidelines when I can help. You know?"
    With her message sent, she shoves her hands, and her phone, deep into her pockets. "Nah, I hear you. I've had times when I felt like my life wasn't my own anymore. Not a good feeling. Sometimes it just means... finding a way to adjust to a new truth - a new life. Sometimes it's possible to get back what you had."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd shrugs, "I've been a part of a group before. I drank the special kool-aid. But I see things more clearly now. I'm happy to learn more about the team. Anything Justice League is next level for a street level guy like me." He looks between the two women, "Just let me know what I need to do."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Well - I'll keep in touch. We'll work something out. I should go home and make sure my favoriet shotgun is ready for sorcerer season." She winks as she states, "I'm going to go off and wander around to cleare my mind." She gives Jason a hug and kiss, and nods to Cael, then wanders off to explore.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "No Kool-Aid required," Cael remarks in a dry voice. "But- well. Just keep in mind that we face our own dangers and - yeah. They're a little more than street level. Currently, we seem to be trying to stop the literal embodiments of mankind's worst fears from clawing their way into reality. It's- ...a unique experience. Can't really recommend it." She gives them both a small smile, then nods.
    "If that's all - I'll go ride my bike a bit more. You should be hearing from Chas or Rien soon." With a nod, she moves back to her bike, and is on her way within moments.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "If there's no Kool-Aid then it's less of n issue. Easy" He declares with a smirk. "yeah, fears? I've got enough nightmares of my own, thanks. That might be a thing I'll sit out."

He nods to Jessica. "Just be careful, alright? Gotham isn't exactly great during the day." He frowns a little, not seeming to like the idea, "Sure you don't want company?"