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Latest revision as of 16:51, 18 August 2022

A Sky High Meeting
Date of Scene: 17 August 2022
Location: Flight deck: Helicarrier
Synopsis: Two people out of time meet on a flying ship, it's not the weirdest thing either of them has seen either.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Sousa, Carol Danvers

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Wow," Daniel says as he looks over the deck of one of SHIELD's helicarriers. He'd been up on one before, but every time the craziness of it all takes his breath away, a ship that flies that'd definitely have been useful in WWII.

Pushing his tie out of his face the senior SHIELD agent continues to look around the deck, yelling over the wind and engine noises to one of the crew "Hey, is seen Colonel Danvers around anywhere?" He'd come up here to meet her, not for any official reason just part of his on-going mission to meet all the big names in today's SHIELD.

Carol Danvers has posed:
The deck crewman hears Daniel's question and turns to look around, then back to Daniel as he points over towards where a quinjet can be seen on the other side of some crates being offloaded from a larger transport.

Upon getting past those crates, even with the wind, once a departing plane's engine noise has faded, a loud male voice can be heard:

"...this kid really makes things happen out there. Batter steps up to the plate, here's the pitch-he's going, and what a jump he's got, he's trying for third. Here's the throw, it's in the dirt-safe at third! Holy cow, stolen base!

"He's taking a pretty big lead out there, almost daring him to try and pick him off. The pitcher glances over, winds up, and it's bunted, bunted down the third base line, the suicide squeeze is on!

"Here he comes, squeeze play, it's gonna be close, holy cow, I think he's gonna make it!"

Music cuts in and a woman's voice:

"Stop right there!
I gotta know right now!
Before we go any further!
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?
Do you need me?
Will you never leave me?"

The music is turned up quite loud as Meatloaf's 'Paradise By the Dashboard Light' continues on. Over at the jet, a cowling has been removed from an engine, and a blond haired woman wearing coveralls is turning a wrench on the insides of the engine as her body dances in place to the music. The aforementioned Carol Danvers.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Clapping the crewman on the shoulder Daniel says "Thanks pal," before heading in the direction of the quinjet, pausing when he finds the woman he's looking for dancing as she works. Smiling he remarks, "Mind if I cut in?"" a bit of an amused chuckle in his voice.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers looks over her shoulder at the voice. "On the engine or the song?" she asks in a good-natured tone. "It's a duet so definitely room to fit you in there," she says as the female singer lays out what she needs from the male singer before he's going to reach 'home plate'.

The woman turns, setting down the wrench and reaching for a rag to wipe her hands on. "Agent Sousa, yes?" she asks. "What can I do for you? Or were you just sent in search of the person on the Helicarrier with the best musical tastes?" she asks.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"The engine," Daniel says still smiling. "Afraid I don't know the lyrics to that one. Nice sound to it though, and was that baseball I heard before?" he asks.

"Just looking around and trying to meet everyone, which got a bit delayed... okay a lot delayed by work. Word around the campfire is though, you've got a story up there with mine. I've been read on the all the details a level 6 can know, in case there's parts that are even more classified.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol motions over towards a rebuilt part that is sitting nearby waiting to be installed now the old part has been removed. "Can grab that for me and hold it in place. It's a little heavy," she tells him. Only about fifty pounds, nothing horrible.

She looks over towards where her phone and a pair of portable speakers are belting out the music. "Yep, song's by a group called Meatloaf. Baseball broadcast is about the boy trying to make time with the girl in the song, and how far he gets before she stops him," she says with a grin. "Catchy tune," she says.

Carol grabs a water bottle and takes a drink from it. "Yep, probably comparable in some ways," she agrees about their stories. "At least in level of unusual. There are parts of it don't remember much of," she says, tapping at her temple.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Sure, I can handle 50," Daniel says brushing off his hands and moving to lift the part with a groan "As long as you're quick."

As for the song, "So that metaphor stuck around huh? People have been comparing that to baseball since I was a kid."

As for stories he nods "Frustrating isn't it? Some of mine is a bit foggy too, mostly how we fixed things so I could stay."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Yeah," Carol replies, "Even though football kind of overtook baseball as the national pastime, the metaphor still gets used," she tells Daniel with a soft chuckle.

When he gets the part in place, she helps steady it with a hand which takes a little of the weight off for Daniel. Carol puts a bolt in place and begins tightening it down.

"So have you settled in pretty well? Things are definitely different. I mean, you and Cap have a lot bigger gap than I did," says the woman who is in her forties but looks in her late twenties. "But I felt it too. The world has changed a lot every few years of late, with technology taking off."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
There is a relieved sound at the assist with the part, "Super strength must come in handy," Daniel remarks.
"Settling in alright the changes were huge, the technology, the music, I mean I can get behind this song but you ever hear a song called WAP?" he shakes his head "The Andrews Sisters never sung about that sort of thing."

Anyhow I'm lucky, I had a bonus 12 years download into my head thanks to the whole Framework thing, sped up getting my head around the tech, it all still feels weird though. How are you settling in?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
A soft, warm chuckle is given by Carol Danvers. "Yeah, can't say I like the current music as much as what I grew up with either," she says. "Which, well, anything from the 60s on is pretty different for you. But the last 15 years or so was a pretty big change in music too," she mentions.

More bolts are secured, enough that Carol motions to Daniel that he can let the part go. It stays in place as she finishes the last bolt and then begins connecting some wires to it. "I missed out on that," she says of the Framework. "I suppose that's a benefit, but, yeah... already had enough going on in my head I could definitely go without that," she says, a note of sympathy in her voice at what Daniel went through there.

"Ok," Carol says as she picks up the rag again, wiping her hands and then wiping a few spots inside the engine clean as well. "This bird should be ready to fly again. After a few tests," she says, picking up the engine cowling, which by itself looks pretty heavy. "And yep, it has its moments. Though there were a lot of broken glasses getting used to it."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Glad to hear I'm not the only one who doesn't get today's music, did go through some of Peg's old tapes and CDs and I can definitely get behind the music from your time, mostly, but clearly missed Meatloaf, anything good I should look up?"

As for the jet Daniel nods, "Glad to help, anything else I can do?" before adding "I bet," about the superstrength.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol looks thoughtful as she's securing the cover back on the engine. "I'll give it some thought and send you a list," she tells him. "With the internet really easy to just go out and listen to anything you want. Don't even have to go buy it. Or, you know, could just ask Daisy to get it for you," she says, shaking her head and chuckling. "That girl probably has a server hidden somewhere in SHIELD with movies and music on it," she says.

The work on the plane done, Carol grabs her bottle of water again. She starts to say something, but a engine fires up nearby elsewhere on the flight deck and whatever she said is lost in the loud noise. When the plane is done taxiing over and takes off, she tries again. "Going to head back inside and get cleaned up for dinner. Want to come? We can catch up more," she offers.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Sure, I'd love a list, really need to take a page from Cap's playbook and carry around a notebook for this stuff," Daniel remarks. "And from what I've seen of Daisy that wouldn't surprise me," he laughs. As to the offer of food and more chatting. "Sounds like a plan. We can lament the state of the future over what passes for food in the mess, Lead the way," Daniel remarks waiting to follow Danver's lead.