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Latest revision as of 14:05, 24 August 2022

A Surprise Trip
Date of Scene: 23 August 2022
Location: Carter-Sousa Home - Long Island
Synopsis: Peggy comes home from a spa day with some surprising news -- they're going to have a baby vacation. In Themyscira!
Cast of Characters: Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter

Daniel Sousa has posed:
It's been a quiet day for Daniel since the chopper left with Peggy for whatever business pulled her away. Rambling around their home he spends most of that afternoon and into the evening taking care of odd jobs and assembling their crib for the baby, an old V-Disc playing classics from the war as he works. Just a normal day and nothing at all like the excitement hurricane Jan had brought Peggy's way.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's a car that brings her home, a little earlier than expected, but she has made it back safe, sound, and without having gone into labor (which is a distinct worry at this point. Her due date is this week, basically any time now.) It's a slow shuffle from the car to the front door, Peg at least being wise enough now to not push herself. She slips the key into the lock and disarms the alarm before slipping inside, a smile ghosting across her features as she hears the V-Disc playing. Some things never change.

"Darling, are you still awake?" She calls into the house, not daring to go up or down stairs until she knows where he is. She's doing stairs exactly once right now.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Pausing his work on the cradle he calls out, "One sec, Peg, I'll be right down!" his voice carrying over the sound of the music. A few a seconds later Daniel's coming down the stairs to greet her (and to be on hand if she attempts the stairs) "Hey glad you're back" he tells Peggy before leaning in for a welcoming kiss. "Hope everything was okay in Jan land,"

Peggy Carter has posed:
Looking practically glowing for a day at the spa, other than the fact she's big as a beach ball, Peggy seems in the best health she's been in ages. Tired, but happy and hale. She leans up, letting him come down to her before pulling him into a warm kiss, her heavy frame just coming to rest up against him for several moments.

"Oh, everything is a *mess* in Jan land. Steve left her... and Janet is not exactly a woman good at coping. I think we managed on the right track but... well, shall we sit down? Get a cup of tea?" Peggy only asks it like that when there is something on her mind. Especially something he might not like.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Smiling after the kiss and happily staying put while Peggy leans against him he says, "You look great by the way," before the report on Jan and Steve and whatever it is requiring tea and sitting.

Brow furrowing, Daniel says, "Sure, Peg, why don't you grab a seat and I'll get the kettle on, It'll just be a minute."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I can get..." Peggy is about to insist on getting the tea herself, but halfway through the phrase she just stops herself. She knows that look in his eyes. She knows she's just being stubborn. She sighs and kisses the corner of his lips one more time. "Fine. Yes. I'll go sit. But I am very much looking forward to the day that I can be trusted to make my own damn pot of tea on my own again." She grumbles. It's a good natured grumble, but definitely grumbling. Then she's waddling into the living room, over to their comfortable couch that he will absolutely need to help her out of when it's bed time. But, for now, she's off her feet again.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Won't be too much longer," Daniel assures with a laugh as he goes off to get the kettle filled and on the burner. "Our kid will be looking to make their escape pretty soon by now." He stops midway through getting the ready and comes out to the living room. "Wait, did you say Jan and Steve broke up?" those words finally clicking in his head. "What happened? They seemed happy." Concern creases his brow.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Yeah. I... hell, I don't even know *exactly* what happened. I suspect it was something to do with Jan's tendancy towards being a *bit* selfish," That's an understatement, "at times and continued use of illict substances. Steve thought he could change her but... Changing a woman like Janet is rather like changing the sun. I could be wrong. She didn't really want to talk about it as much as she wanted to eventually talk about how wrecked it made her." Peggy's tone is worried, overprotective of the sometimes quite messy woman. While she doesn't always approve of Janet's lifestyle choices either, Peggy has always been a ride or die friend, much as Janet has been to her.

She sighs, pushing her shoes off swollen feet and gently moving just enough she can kick those feet up on the couch.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"I'll check in on Steve, see how he's doing, sorry to hear about Jan though... you're probably right though, Jan doesn't seem to be the sort to change who she is for anyone...It's like with Howard you need them to take them as they are because they're always going to be them, no matter what." He sighs and shakes his head. "Glad you were able to be there with her though." He says circling back to get the kettle as it whistles a short time later he's joining Peggy on the couch and setting down the tea set for them to fix their own cups. "So, it sounded like you had something you wanted to talk about," he remarks after filling his cup.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Hm. You're.. right about that. Maybe that's why I still like her so damn much. I'm used to it and I know just how loyal someone like that can be, if you show them you don't need them to change..." Another thoughtful, quiet sound comes from Peggy's throat. It's like she's stumbled on another thought from this conversation alone. Reasons that he makes her a better person.

But then the baby, cramped in a too tight space and basically just stirring around uncomfortably, puts a heel somewhere quite uncomfortable and a small grunt of pain escapes her throat. It's a good reminder of what she came home to say. "Oph. Little one. Yes. I know..." And then he's settling across from her, a softer, reassuring smile crossing her lips. "Ah, how... How would you feel about having the baby somewhere... Else? Somewhere... honored?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Just hit me how similar they were when you were talking about her, the lifestyle the showiness and both of them were good friends to you, us both really." Though that little noise of consideration has him ask, "What's up?" before they're moving off to the impatient baby in her belly and where they were going to make their escape...

"Honoured?"" Daniel asks, setting his cup down clearly intrigued, "What did you have in mind?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
The smile on her lips is a bit more relieved than she planned, Peggy honestly expected a bit more pushback to start. She doesn't even bother making her tea yet, fully focused on her husband as she reaches a hand over to grasp at his free palm, giving his fingertips a gentle squeeze. "Themscriya... Ambassador Prince has invited us, *all* of us, to the home of the Amazons. Partially to get away from this land and clear our heads, but so this baby can be born free of the dangers of *these* lands. Surrounded by her sisters. And they...they're making exceptions these days, for men who are honored and will show the proper respect. I told her I would never go without you there, and she said of course, you would be invited as well. All of us."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel wasn't sure what to expect but it definitely wasn't that. Squeezing Peggy's hand back in reassurance Daniel says, "Wow.... so they'll let me come and be there for the birth?" he asks seeing his own reassurance. "I promised you I'd be there with you," he says. "And not to sound ignorant, but they've got doctors and hospitals? For some reason when I think of that place it's sort of like Ancient Greek Amish Country,"

Peggy Carter has posed:
The moment he asks that, and follows it up with the promise that he'd be there, Peggy picks his hand up that she's been holding. She gives his knuckles a soft, warm kiss, before bringing his hand to fully cup against her cheek and pressing her palm over it. "I know. I know you promised and I wouldn't let ANYTHING come between you being there this time. It was so... bloody stupid the way they separated us before. This is a different day and you'll be at my side for all the horrible mess, I promise. Whether you like it or not." She gives him a grin after that statement, only half teasing.

"Ah...I'm certain they have doctors. I don't know about their version of hospitals, but they have people who have been able to see to this safe and healthily for thousands of years. Diana wouldn't have asked if there was any risk, I promise. I'm probably safer there than here."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel smiles at her tease but his eyes gleam with gratitude for her making sure he could be there. "Better give you my left hand when it's happening, in case I want to sign anything ever again," he teases back. "But seriously I'm glad I can be there, I know there's not much I can do but I would feel like I was abandoning you and our kid if I could be there and I wasn't."

"Makes sense," he says about the Themyscriyans knowing what to do. "And if you're good with doing it then so am I, we never do things normal anyhow," he says that last with an amused smile.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"We never do, do we?" Peggy asks with a tired little laugh, but a happy one. This is good news. She squeezes his hand once, a thing gentle and loving, and then that squeeze tightens some as that familiar discomfort at her side comes again. Likely not labor. Hopefully not. Possibly practice, possibly just a tiny elbow to her liver, but whatever it is she's horribly uncomfortable for a few moments.

"And...I think we should go tomorrow. As... as soon as we can. I'm not really certain we have much longer to wait," She admits, half breathless.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel chuckles warmly. "Nope," he confirms. "But it's been fun so far," he says with good humour. "So, yeah, let's do-" he begins before Peggy squeezes his hand tightly and he jumps to high alert mentally running through the checklist for an emergency run to the hospital. Fortunately it's not needed.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow sounds good. Want me to get us a quinjet? Or will Ambassador Prince be handling our travel? And is there anyone else we want along? May? I wouldn't be shocked if Lily is waiting for us when we get there."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I believe the Ambassador will be handling our travel. They are still protective about who comes in and out from their island. And I trust them, Daniel... I do. This will be fine." Peggy assures him again, giving his hand one more, somewhat more gentle squeeze, letting her thumb brush gently across his knuckles where she squeezed a little bit too tightly. "I wouldn't be surprised if Lily was there either. I can ask May, I... I would certainly enjoy her company, but I fear taking too many people from SHIELD as well. And you're right about Lily." She states with a wry smirk.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Makes sense," Daniel says about the travel arrangements. "And if you trust them to handle the birth then that's good enough for me. Besides, having our kid on Themyscira has to up our odds of having a girl, right?" he says, the last said with amusement in his eyes. Taking a long sip of his tea he sets the cup down again, "So, shall we head up and pack? Sounds like we'll be heading out as soon as things get arranged."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The thought of going upstairs and packing strikes a bit of dread in Peggy's eyes. She really is that tired, and after a day of pampering. But, after a deep breath in, she gives a little nod. "Upstairs, packing, and sleep. In that order, no matter how tempted I am otherwise." Peggy admits with a little laugh through her nose. She then shifts forward, trying to scoot off the couch.

"...Alright. This is your job. Get me out of this soft prison, then you can help carry my tea upstairs while I fight the climb. But... ah. I give up. Help." She reaches both of her hands for him. It's been this way a few weeks now, but he keeps trying.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"It won't be so bad, we've got some stuff packed already we just need to shift it from hospital to mystical island," he tells her before getting to his feet and taking her hands. "You got it," he says of the help, giving her a gentle pull to get her free of the couch and safely to her feet. "Just think won't need this help too much longer," he tells her with a smile and a kiss.

Peggy Carter has posed:
That one last kiss is returned gently, Peggy letting it linger for a good, long moment before she pulls away. "Just a few more days and then our lives get far less quiet in new ways. Let's go enjoy our last night alone in bed." And with that, she leads him quite slowly up the stairs. She'll sadly end up asleep before they get to do anything but pack, but it's curled up next to him, dreaming of louder, more sleep deprived days and adventures ahead.