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Birthday Dumplings
Date of Scene: 27 August 2022
Location: Hot Dumpling Restaurant
Synopsis: Jason brings Gabby out for a belated birthday dinner. Mama Chang feeds them. Lots.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Jason Todd

Gabby Kinney has posed:
With so many things going on it was easy to forget birthdays. Gabby herself had forgotten until the day or two before, though she knew it was approaching. Time was just slipping by before she knew it. A few people had been visited of course, so it wasn't one spent alone. But there was no reason she couldn't continue to celebrate here and there was the opportunity came up.

The entrance to Hot Dumplings was plain. The only sign on the restaraunt states just that 'Hot Dumplings'. There's some butchered chickens hanging in the window, garlic bunches drying out. The usual fair one might find at a Chinese market. It puts a lot of people off from coming here but the locals know. They know.

Just inside the door is the proprietress, Mama Chang, busily slapping and rolling dough out to make the soup dumplings the place was quietly famous for. Already the chatter of many are here speaking Mandarin, the occasional Cantonese. Everyone seemed to mind their own business for the most part, except when someone enters. All eyes turn to the door at that point to assess who is coming in, and the reaction of Mama Chang is often what can put the small crowd at ease.

Mama Chang looks up spotting Jason with a shorter girl behind him. Another clap-clap of the dough being tossed between her hands comes as she barks out in her heavy accent, "Jason. Too long, so skinny!" she chides in that motherly sort of way. "You eat more." With that she gestures at the usual seats he and the batkids would often gather at. "Sit, sit, get order." Of course she already turns to bark out the order of soup dumplings to start with to make sure he WAS going to eat. The unfamiliar Gabby just gets eyed with a stiff nod.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd had just had his own date of birth celebrated. He had no intention of making it a thing but family? Well. Family doesn't do that. So he'd had some presents. Some cake. And even some genuine and insightful conversation. It worked for him. It was going to work for Gabby, too. Or he was going get in trouble trying.

He'd pitched this place to Gabby. It was the best place in Gotham. Really. Don't mind the dead whole chickens in the window.

Jason only stepped in first to hold the door for Gabby. He winked to her, then looks to Mama and replies to her in Cantonese. It is probably a tiny part of why she tolerates him. It also means she can't talk about him behind his back like many of the other customers that are not of Chinese descent.

<<Mama! I know. I know!>> He looks down and pats his stomach.

<<I came in because I knew you would take care of me, the motherless orphan. And I brought a good friend for her first time. She is like family.>>

He winks to Gabby and nods to a table nearer the back. Not because he wants to keep an eye on the gambling Mahjong players. It's because he wants to keep an eye on the room and the door. Old habits.

He looks to Gabby, "We'll have soup dumplings on the way. They have a menu. You're welcome to look at it and pick. But Mama Chang is going to look at you and decide what you need to fatten you up. Because none of us are ever fat enough for her happiness. You just kind of learn to roll with it. Or you make her mad by insisting she doesn't know what's best for you by ordering for yourself."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Mama Chang takes it all in stride. It wasn't the first time a new face had been brought in by Jason or one of the others. It's the stature and size of Gabby that gets the most critical gaze. The scars on her face earn a sudden scowl. That, along with the small size of Gabby overall, leads Mama to one conclusion: This poor girl has been abused for a very long time. "Welcome, go eat." Is the response in english before she switches to Cantonese for Jason. <<"So small! Where you find her? Bah, nevermind.">> It didn't matter either way, she would be taken care of here.

Gabby smiles at Mama Chang with a simple, cheery "Thank you! It smells *wonderful* in here!" And really it did. A bit greasy, but underneath that was the deep smells of spices, and meat simmering away. Broths and soups and fried spicy bites. With her heightened senses her stomach was already grumbling at her by the time Jason leads her to sit.

She tucks down into a chair easily allowing him to do the 'watch for trouble' posture knowing that's exactly what it was. The chair squeaks against the floor a bit as she pulls it in closer to the table. "Ah... really? Hmmm." That thought causes her to glance at the menu, not recognizing half of the characters there. "I mean I'll take some recommendations. It seems like you know this place really well," she points out with another look around the modest place apparently not at all put off by any of it. "I used to hide out in Chinatown in New York when I was running from Alchemax. Kind of fit in for height and hair at least. Plus I'd get these bao that were so good," she gushes holding up her handsd to make a gesture for how big they might have been. "As long as it's not just pure spicy fire like Laura likes, I'll try anything." A pause. "Or oatmeal. I will not eat oatmeal."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "Oatmeal is a medium to deploy copious amounts of brown sugar and almonds." It seems to be his only opinion of oatmeal.

<<She's a family friend. I didn't 'find' her Mama. But it is nice when she's around. And she'll eat. A lot. So Mama will be happy having her around too.>> He offers to Mama Chang a smile, winking to Gabby.

At her question he taps the menu, "The jiaozi are very good. Meat and veggie filling served hot. Bao here are good too. Also the Ham Sui Gok. It's.. like a scotch egg? except far better. It's a rice based breadding fried with a pork filling. It's really good." He leans back. "Mama will be okay if we order a few things but I think she's already building a menu just for us. Mostly you. She thinks you are entirely too small for your own good.." He grins at her because it is kind of fun to tease her about her overall stature. Mainly because he knows just how deadly she really is."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I come from a long line of small people," Gabby states proudly. Only to pause, tipping her head to the side as she reconsiders how that might come across. "Okay not like little people, we're just directionally challenged. Or at least most of us are. My brothers seem to have gotten the better end of the stick so far as height." Even Daken was taller, and he was still not so tall. Jimmy though? Oof. SOMEWHERE there was a tall gene. Just not for her, but being a clone would do that.

"I'm told I have grandma's eyes though." This said she bats her green eyes right back at Jason. It's only a momentary gesture followed by a quick soft snort of amusement. "This place sounds great, and so does Mama Chang. It's nice having people care about you." The menu is placed down just as the first order of dumplings are delivered to them on a large plate with a side of chopsticks to use for it. Actual chopsticks, not the takeout kind.

"I'll try the ... Ham Sui Gok too then. That sounds good." Hey it's pork. And rice. How could you go wrong? Already she snags up a pair of the chopsticks to position in her grasp so she can go for one of the neatly wrapped soup dumplings.

<<Good, she needs to eat. So small all of you.>> Mama Chang disapears into the back where voices can be heard as she apparently starts to put together an order. This wasn't a service she did for everyone. Just the ones she'd watched grow up and felt protective of, and now Gabby had been swept into that group thanks to Jason's introduction.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd grins, "You're just right, Gabby. If you were tall you'd have a whole Kate Moss thing going on. And it would be terrifying when you got angry. Now? no. still terrifying." He winks at her. "Apparently grandma was a looker if the present evdence is any indication."

Wth a nod he smiles, <<Thank you Mama. May we have Ham Sui Gok also? I told her it is better than the scotish version. Now you have to prove I'm right!>> His eyes flicker with mischief as he teases the woman.

Then with a grin he looks at Gabby. It's a cat-ate-the-canary grin. He looks to Mama and calls out.

<<Also we are here for her birthday, Mama.>>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney laughs warmly at that compliment about her grandmother. Not that she ever knew her, really, but it was nice that Logan had mentioned her eyes once. It helped her to feel a bit more part of the family. Reaching up she tucks her hair behind one earn with a quick nod. "From what I heard she was. Way before my time though." Let's not mention it was probably back in the 1800's.

She smiles up at Mama with a quick, "Thank you!" For the dumplings before popping it into her mouth. It's hot, and filled with hotter pork soup that bursts in her mouth when she bites. A little sashafrasha suck of air comes to cool it though she's not really bothered by the heat. Instead she gives a little wriggling jiggle of apparent delight.

"Ooh this is so good!" She has to reach up to clap a napkin over her mouth before she risks making herself look silly by dribbling on herself. Yep.

The news of birthdays earns another nod from Mama Chang. No further words are said. She knew what to do about THAT.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd grins. He got her to laugh. That was one thing ticked off the list. "Still. Feeling a part of a family is important. Otherwise they're just.. people you know. Not the same thing." He has a good idea what both sides of that spectrum feels like.

He waits for her to try the soup dumplings first then grabs one. He sucks air in around the bite himself, "..'sh good, 'giht?" Manners.

He nods, "It is. It's the best dumpling shop in Gotham. I'd say the whole east coast but someone would argue. I'd have to shoot them. It'd get messy."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah that's generally not a good argument to have," Gabby agrees about the whole arguing over different food places. "There's this place in New York that makes an amazing dish," she begins to explain while reaching out to pluck up another dumpling. "Number 25 with chicken. I have no idea what it's actually called. Noodles, chicken, veggies, so many spices. It's delicious. Numbs your tongue."

As Mama leaves she glances in her direction, then back toward Jason with a little suspicious squint. Had she understood? Or maybe she was just guessing here. Nothing is remarked upon just yet though as she gives a dip of the dumpling in some sauce first.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Jason. I kind of needed a night out."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods. "Arguing usually doesn't solve anything." Wow. He's being insightful for a change!

"That sounds really good. If it isn't spicy enough to burn, it really isn't properly spiced most of the time. You'll have to take me there when we get a chance."

He catches Gabby's squint but he doesn't let on. He's got a good poker face after all.

He smiles. "You're welcome. Everyone needs to do something for their birthday. I figure you have. But I've been busy and didn't get wind of any parties for you. So. I'm shit for parties. But I would like to think I've got a good idea on where to get good food to celebrate. Plus we're not done after here." He winks.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses at the mention of parties only to shake her head in agreement. "No, no parties this year. There's the tension between Tim and Phoebe going on. Rien's kind of upset over her breakup with Robbie. Robbie's also upset but being him. And there's other things going on too. I don't know." Her shoulders roll slightly as she considers it all. "Maybe a party would be a good thing. Seems like bad timing otherwise though."

Curious she looks up again with eyebrows raising at mention of not being done. A grin starts to creep over in response, her mind already starting to formulate possibilities. "Oh yeah? Do I get a hint?"

About this time Mama comes out again. One of the servers behind her carries a few trays which the pair start to set out. Some of that dish Jason had recommenced. More dumplings. And a bowl with one enormously long noodle set in front of Gabby. One long noodle pulled and would down into the broth of the soup to signify longevity. Another plate is set down with an assortment of tea eggs, green onion and other healthy things. The amount of food is large.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd just shakes his head, "If I'd known about the trouble between those two I'd have put Tim in a headlock when I talked with him and wouldn't have let him out of it till he agreed to get over himself. Phoebe told me about it." He shrugs. "Not enough family we can afford to hold grudges against anyone. It's stupid." Pot. Kettle. Much?

He looks to her, grinning back. "You get fed, woman. Don't get pushy. I bleed easily." Because she has claws. They stab. It really isn't funny.

He looks up "Thanks Mama. It all smells and looks amazing. Can I get a bottle of Baijiu?" He pauses and glances to Gabby, "Probably Soda or water for her..." She's too young. As if that will stop him from letting her steal a drink or two when no one is looking probably.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Noodles, dumplings, eggs and other yummy items are arranged and Gabby just gawks a moment at it all. It was a large amount of EVERYTHING after all. Yet it all smelled good causing her to grin broadly at the sight. "Thank you, Mama!" She was allowed to call her that, right? She hoped.

Mama Chang smiles in return apparently enjoying that the tiny girl looks so excited about the food. Good. Then she'll eat. "Happy birthday." As for Jason's request he gets a ruffle of his hair before turning away. <<Grow up so quick don't you? All right, but just a bit!>>

Gabby's already into the soup slurping away at that noodle and looking very surprised that. She hasn't. Reached. The end. Her cheeks were starting to puff out in a chipmunk-like manner as she doubles down wanting to get it all in one go.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd doesn't talk a lot now that the food is here. He turns into a human hoover, sucking it down quickly. The soft dumblings and noodles make that easy. And the baijiu helps as well.

He looks at Gabby with chipmunk cheeks and can't help but laugh. "Hey. Wait wait!" He gets his phone out and tries to quickly take a picture. It's a priceless moment.

Either way he grins, knowing he'll pay for it later. Worth it!

He then returns to the eating. How could he not with all the amazing food?

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Wait, what? Gabby lifts her head in time to be caught in the flash of the phone's camera staring with eyes wide. Oh no. She would stick her tongue out but right now it was impossible to do without making a huge mess. One final slurp gets the end of the noodle in her mouth, and she chomps a few times before swallowing. It's washed down with a quick swig of the broth from the soup. "Ooh you're gonna get it for that," she teases mock-threateningly even as she grins. If it had been anyone else she would have taken a picture, too. It wouldn't be the first silly picture of her out there.

An egg is rolled onto her plate along with some of the green onion to start on that next before transitioning back to the heavier foods. "I can understand why Tim's still upset. This was the second time she'd done something like this. Trying to do things on her own. Then *I* was guilty of that, then she did this one." Her voice drops a bit, a soft mumble of, "Trying to erase herself from our memories if she failed. I know she's hurting a lot but that's taking away choice from others. People who care about her." All she can do is shake her head. "I'm not sure how to help them mend those bridges."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks to her and smiles innocently. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Also Tim and Phoebe might already have a copy. The internet is forever."

He shrugs. "Maybe. Family pulls stupid shit. But the -point- of family is that you do stupid shit and you forgive and you move on. The fact Tim of all of us is hung up and not moving on? His reputation as the smart one is seriously in jeopardy here. And it's pissing me off because it's making me look more like I'm mature and emotionally stable. Which I very-the-fuck-much am not." Or so he claims.

He stops only when he stuffs his own mouth with more food.

Finally he shrugs. "Headlock. Cage match. Two go in. Two come out. Friends. Ride or fucking die." He has this all figured out. Maybe.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"They'd go sit in opposite corners and sulk at each other," Gabby points out with a wag of her chopsticks in his direction. Thankfully the gesture is made when Mama Chang isn't looking or else she might get scolded for bad manners. The hard boiled egg is cut in half, some green onion put on top, and she pops it into her mouth. Even while chewing she reaches over ot snag some more of the dumplings before they all vanish, as well as add a bit of that pork dish to her plate.

"Mmm. Thanks for the help the other night by the way. Healed up just fine." Obviously given she was using both arms right now. "I'm gonna be getting around a bit slower for a bit though. One of my gifts was getting my bike retrofitted with upgrades so it's in the shop." The thought causes her to grin quite a bit.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "You're right. So it's a ball cage. That spins." That will solve the sulking in place thing.

He looks up, sipping at the rice wine. After a swallow he nods. "You're welcome. Any time your this way and need some backup, I'm pretty much always here." He pauses before glancing back, "I've decided I'm not going to join actively with JLD. It's just not my thing. I get their point that some of them were regular Joes or Janes to start with too. I'm a Gotham Knight. This is where I belong. Not that I won't help on occasion if they need a triggerman. But it's not going to be my Nine-to-Five.""

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I get that," Gabby assures with a knowing nod at mention of it not being a good fit. "I sometimes wonder if it's a great fit for me, too, but at least I know most of them. That makes it easier. Some of the things we fight though..." For a moment she grows quiet, staring at a spot on the table while her smile disapears entirely. It takes a few for her to gather herself with a firm shake of her head.

"It's not the only group I'm with either. The Outsiders, of course, but I'm also with..." she trails off, fingers tapping on the table. "A group with less ethical means. I mean for the right reasons. Just more violent." Best way to describe it.

"I'll keep it in mind though. If you ever need help with something I can help if I'm available, too," she assures.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd listens and nods, sipping again at the baijiu. "It isn't. I only know you and Jessica with Dark. I'm on the mailing list for Outsiders. But it isn't like I"m going to get Christmas cards from most of them or anything."

He nods. "I've got no doubt your skills would be helpful. That nose for sure.." he jokes. "Of course trying to figure out how to keep you from getting high off the drugs once you found them...." He shrugs a little, "I think your family would kill me if I tried to get you to help without solving that first.."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blinks at him with a bit of confusion at the mention of getting high off the drugs. To answer him without saying much she reaches out to pluck the bottle of baiju to tip back and chug the rest of it's contents in one go. Though the flavor was less than enjoyable and the alcohol content high she doesn't seem to flinch. Just a little 'yuck' face when she puts the emptied bottle back down.

"Give my metabolism like five minutes and I'm good. I can't get drunk, or high. Heck," she adds with a chuckle as she digs into another dumpling. "I used to be the drug checker for my ex and his friends to make sure it wasn't laced with something."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd pauses. "Well that explains the odd look you just gave me. And now I am educated.." He smirks.. "Guess I'm worried over the wrong things. Nice for a change I guess." He finishes off the last of the food he was working on. A chuckle as she tosses back the bottle. "Nice and discreet, that." He's hardly upset or bottered. "But the not drunk part is a shame. That's a rite of passage."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can only give an awkward shrug in respone a well as a wry grin. "Yeah, I know. But that's how it is for my family. The healing factor takes care of it all and not always in the way we want. I'm lucky enough to not feel pain but the rest of my family can." Again a nose crinkle. "So every time they get hurt, or heal, they feel it. And then they can't even drink to try and get over it. No wonder some of us are kinda nutso."

"Okay enough about that." Again she makes a gesture in the air, chopsticks in hand, to dismiss the topic. "What's this other thing you were mentioning? Come ooon." Even as she pleads she shovels a few more dumplings and a bit of pork into her mouth to wolf down enjoying the way the flavors all came together.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods. "It's okay. Just means you get to remember the fun you have. And watch all the rest turn into drunken idiots with hangovers."

He nods slowly, "That's rough. Can't really imagine. I heal faster than your average bear for a few reasons. But not feeling pain. Or healing in minutes? Pretty surreal though handy and a cool party trick I guess."

He nods. "Yeah. Few more dots to connect. It's only dinner time. The evening is still young."

He slowly grins. "Well I figured it wasn't my thing to make you a cake. But ice cream? Everyone likes ice cream. There's a place here in Gotham called Farley's. They have this massive sundae. I figure we'd put that thing away easy and you'd get the _I Came To Farely's And Ate The Sundae_ shirt. It's, like, the perfect birthday gift, right?"

A grin, "And maybe a little retail therapy. If you like."