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Latest revision as of 22:31, 21 September 2022

I Was Going to Tell You
Date of Scene: 21 September 2022
Location: The Triskelion: Courtyard
Synopsis: Alex and Dinah have an argument about SHIELD.
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, Alexander Aaron

Dinah Lance has posed:
The Triskelion was an imrpressive building, multiple towers combined into one with in a circular design. It was cut off from the mainland, based on an island, allowing for a bit more security. Plenty of docks for marine vessels and landing pads for aircraft, though only those with VTOL abilities. At least at this facility. But ground traffic was minimal outside those that worked in the building due to there being two roads in and out, one from each side of the island. One could go on the bridges and there was a specific parking area for those with business. There was a separate area for those who worked in the large building.

The entry to the employee parking was guarded. A gate manned 24/7 by agents who were no nonsense. Which meant one was not getting a chance in hell of getting in there to wait next to a certain someone's car without violating a few laws.

As Dinah preferred her freedom and lack of criminal record, she had opted to wait across the street from that gate. Her motorcycle was parked in the appropriate place and she had turned it off. She would be within line-of-sight to the closest exit from the building that allowed for people to come to this lot. Rookies didn't get the good spots closer to the building. Those that drove at least.

She was wearing jeans, heavy black boots, and a sleeveless shirt that looked a bit more like a vest. The V-neckline showed off a hint of flesh but wasn't too revealing. She had on her black leather jacket over it. The helmet had been removed and hung from one of the handlebars as she waited. Her short, black hair was a bit unruly due to having been finger fluffed so she didn't have helmet-hair.

She leaned against the side of the bike in a casual position, giving a little smile and wave to guards when they looked her way.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It... had been a day.
    For the most part things had been going well, the team had been coming together, the exercises had been things they could handle. That had changed a bit today. With Dickerson's mistake and the ensuing aftermath it left things in the wind. Scuttlebutt with some of the other recruits and agents had said that sometimes when something so serious happens and a squad fails to come together well... then they scrap that squad and the team go into the next class.
    Which would stink to start over.
    Still. All told things weren't as bad as they could be. And as Alexander emerged from that side door near the parking area that led to this part of the base his thoughts were ranging, going over the mental list of things he needed to do. He had to clean his gear, study some of the material they had for the classes, contact ESU and check on the status of online classes.
    And then there was Dinah.
    Which had him raising his eyebrows as he walked down that strip of road, his backpack on one shoulder and a garment bag on the other. His clothes were casual for a civilian. He had blue jeans, white sneakers, a black t-shirt. No logos nor clever sayings, since that wouldn't be professional. But as he was thinking about needing to call Dinah...
    There she was.
    And in that first moment of catching sight of her he couldn't help that smile. That instant kneejerk smile that isn't couched in any sort of realization about how much trouble he's in. He's just instantly glad to see her.
    But then he realizes that... it's Dinah. Here. And he hadn't told her yet about the whole SHIELD thing. Which was when his smile shifted a little more embarrassed as he bit his lower lip and still smiled, but it was the sheepish smile of a puppy that'd been caught stealing treats.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah did a little wiggle of fingers at the frowning guard looking her way again. Nothing illegal about her being there but he didn't have to like it either. Things out of place made him anxious. Things out of place that involved women smiling and waving randomly were just enough to make him paranoid. Yet he just kept watch.

When Alexander exited the building, Dinah didn't move. She continued to wait exactly as she was. One hand resting on the seat behind her. The other hanging down because to tuck it in a pocket might set off that poor jumpy guard and she'd hate to have to beat someone up when she was trying to make a good impression. And she had utter confidence she'd win.

Alexander smiled upon seeing her and she had a small smile of her own as she counted. 3...2...1...

His smile changed as it registered. And her smile turned into a smirk. She continued to wait until he was within earshot then pushed off from the bike to stand, taking a few steps his way. She'd attempt to give him a little kiss, just a chaste peck really.

"Hello, dear. How was your day?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It was curious how natural it felt as he turned his head and returned the small peck, still smiling, still pleased. But he still looked a /little/ remorseful even as he says, "I was going to tell you."
    Then he adds as he perhaps sees the look on her face, "I totally was. I swear. Just our times had been sparing lately and when we got time together the last thing I wanted to talk about was..." A look over his shoulder at the gigantic building and its towers and the whirring Quinjets as they take off. "Work."
    He looked back at her and shifts the garment bag to the same hand he uses to hold his backpack in place and rests a hand on her shoulder gently, giving a small squeeze. "Forgive me? I'll tell you all the things that've been going on. Promise."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"I'll have to think about it," Dinah said, opting to play hardball here. Not that she was /that/ upset. If she got upset everyone around her had a secret, she'd have anger issues to rival the Hulk. It was sort of the nature of life as a superhero.

Although this was different as they were supposed to be a couple and not keeping secrets. So even while she was rather mellow about it, there was that little something something that was in her head now. Hopefully it would just shut the hell up and go away in a day or two.

"A simple phone call or a second of 'oh I got a job and have been skipping my classes all week' would have sufficed." A little pointed but hopefully it get across how easy it could have been.

She motioned to the bike. "But when I found out, I figured I'd give you a little time. When you didn't tell me, figured I'd just get that cat out of the bag and let it breathe. And to make up for it, figured I'd give you a ride home." She patted the seat on the bike pointedly even as she reached to open a saddlebag and dig for the spare helmet. "Or did you drive today?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder at him.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I couldn't talk about it on the phone." Alexander says gently, tilting his head a little. "Seriously." A look behind him at those guards who are still eyeballing them, though now they likely have some idea of what's happening. Still, doesn't stop them from peering over at the couple.
    "Because when I told you, I'd have to tell you a variety of other things and can't do that on an open line. Since, to be fair, a lot's gone down." He adjusts his grip on his backpack and that garment bag, tucking them under one arm as he shifts his weight to the other foot. "I kept trying to figure out the ideal setting and then..."
    His brow knits as he frowns, "I was for sure going to tell you tonight since today was really terrible. And I'll tell you all about that, but we should either get home or... somewhere to eat."
    That said he starts to move with her. And if she has a place to store his gear then... well looks like he's riding on the back of the bike. If not, then he'll at the least meet her at home.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Secure lines. Makes sense." Admittedly, Dinah sort of took that for granted. Being part of the Birds of Prey, she had Barbara for all sorts of tech stuff which meant that if she wanted something secure, it was. So she didn't really think about it perhaps as much as she should have.

"There's room in the saddlebags for the backpack but not sure it's going to do much for the garment bag. It'd have to be folded up quite a bit and that's kind of against the purpose of one of those. You want to meet later at your place? Or pick a restaurant and I can meet you there."

She glanced his way and considered, waiting to see what he wanted to do. Whatever was in the garment bag may not be that fragile perhaps. FOr now she held the spare helmet in hand until he opted on how he wanted to play this. "I also get it if you prefer to meet later so you aren't emasculated by riding bitch with Officer Grumpy Pants and his grumpier brother over in the guardshack watching."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A soft exhaled 'tch' is given to her as she says that last, then he replies. "My masculinity is not threatened by riding behind someone on a motorcycle." And as he says that he /grabs/ the secondary helmet and then swings a leg over the back of the bike. He folds the garment bag once and sets it against his chest so it'll be against her back somewhat, but it'll work. Hopefully.
    "C'mon, let's go, taking forever." Though his smile is wry as he settles in and as if to show how unthreatened he is he waits til that bike revs and he tosses a wave over toward Officer Grumpy Pants and Brother.
    Before they're rolling off and away.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Some time later, Dinah's bike was secured out in front of the apartment where Alexander lived. The pair had arrived in short time and with no incidents. The duo had gone upstairs to his place and moved inside with just general conversation as they moved from bike to building. Honestly, they couldn't really talk while on the bike so it worked out.

Once inside, Dinah paused as she held out the backpack, not sure where he wanted it put. She had taken it from him at the front door so he could use his spare hand to unlock the door with his key. The garment bag taking up the other hand's time.

"Did you have a preference on where you wanted to go for dinner? Or order in? I'm free tonight although I might get called in later if something comes up."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Well first we should talk," Alexander says as he gets the door open and then inside the apartment as he flips the light switch on, casting that spartan decor in that softened halo of light. Enough that as he moves into the room he can see the click on another lamp or two, then the larger overhead light in the living room. He turns back and sets the garment bag on the back of the sofa and then sits beside it, extending a hand toward her. "Are you mad?"
    He asks in that way he has, checking to make sure in those moments when he indeed isn't sure of another's emotional state. Yet there's a warmth to the small smile given. "I wasn't trying to hide anything from you, Dinah. It's just how it fell out."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Since he opted to go right for the quinjet in the room instead of ordering dinner first, Dinah followed him over to the couch. She set the backpack down on the floor by the end before taking a seat on the cushion opposite him. SHe tucked up one leg so she could turn to face him directly in doing so.

"I understand. We haven't had a lot of time this week and since you were limited on using communications devices, I get it. It would've been nice to hear it though. Admittedly, having someone like me is worse than a nosy girlfriend. I see one little thing and pick up on stuff. Went to give you a ride home from class the other day and surprise. So..."

She shrugged a little. "It's something I am still not as used to as I should be. People keeping secrets with being a vigilante. So it's automatic I think that must be it. You were hiding it and we had agreed not to hide things. I see I was wrong and I appreciate the explanation."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I wasn't meaning to hide it, it just sort of fell out that way." Alexander shakes his head as he settles in, "Seriously, one moment I was talking with some of the agents. The next they said they had a class of applicants going in the morning. I went in on the spot, and was there for four days. Didn't get leave until then and that was when I learned about the comms scrutiny."
    "I did have a chance to tell you though, that night you came over and had to run before the morning but I was just... so happy to see you. I wanted to lose myself in the moment and you and this hassle. And then I think I told myself after we had that kiss that we'd talk about it in the morning."
    He takes a deep breath, "Then you were gone, and I about slapped myself in the head. Then had to head back in and... which led to today."
    He extends a hand toward her, resting fingers on the back of her wrist. "I'm not hiding anything. I in fact have some things to tell you once we get this settled."

Dinah Lance has posed:
That evening had been their only one in the last week. It had also been cut short as she had duty at the Watchtower that night. Though she had informed him, she'd snuck out of bed in the wee hours and headed out to handle her assigned shift.

She turned her hand and took his, giving him a soft smile. "Once I realized you weren't trying to hide it, it was fine. Though I do appreciate the full explanation."

Dinah leaned over to give him a kiss, to show there were no hard feelings and that she truly was over it. When she leaned back, there was concern in her eyes. "What happened today?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Well, first off." Alexander says, "Because of my abilities, there's a faction within SHIELD that is going to want to use me for special operations. Right now, however, I'm in training as a recruit for one of their tactical teams. The trainers and my teammates don't know about all my... issues." Which are quite a few.
    He uncurls a hand, "This other squad, however, is for special challenges and should be interesting. So I'm looking forward to that. But alright. Today."
    He takes a deep breath as he frames his thoughts, squeezing her hand a little before he murmurs, "So we've been doing a lot of training exercises as you can imagine. Squad's coming together, a good core of people. Actually might have a group dinner at some point where people are bringing their significant others, I'd like you to come with me if you want. And if you have time..."
    But then he gets back on track, "So today though. You're familiar with urban assault courses?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Run them many a time though not officially SHIELD or military or the like. Just things that some of my colleagues seem to find entertaining for some insane reason," Dinah says with a bit of a shrug. "As I don't use weapons other than melee for the most part, I usually ended up watching instead of participating. But yes. Passingly familiar."

Now some of her allies who used bows or guns? They would kill it--no pun intended--in such settings. It was just a little different for someone who didn't really rely on long-range attacks.

She was listening intently, nodding here or there as he was speaking, acknowledgeing points he was making. The idea of him on a special squad fit. And she knew he loved a challenge.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Well, the whole thing, we're running these exercises. We get scored on them, an overall grade is compiled. So performance matters." Alexander leans back and starts to untie his sneaker, resting it on the edge of the sofa as he looks thoughtful. A small frown darkens his features as he says, "And we're running these things under the supervision of Agent Martin, who is this old guy, and a stickler, but he's good. My dad would love him."
    He takes off that shoe and tosses it on the floor, then swaps legs, "So we run this assault course, and we do really well after some hiccups. Get our times steadily improving, hit the marks, all goes clean. Until..."
    He uncurls a hand toward her, "We're pressed for time, pushing, we clear a room. One of my teammates running clean up is in the back of the line. We're exiting a breach and clear, heading to the next part of the test when we hear two shots." He straightens up and looks at her, "Suddenly the test just stops. Ends right there. All the electronics cut out, the facade disappears. We look at each other, no idea what happened."

Dinah Lance has posed:
As she listens, Dinah is visualizing it in her head. The various rooms, what the lighting might have been. Could have been bright or low, depending on if it was a night or day op. Different urban settings. But in essence, they are all dealt with in the same way.

When he gets to the part about the two shots, her eyes widen slightly. Immediately her thoughts jump to all sorts of conclusions which is what prompts her next question. "Does the op get stopped if one of your teammates is taken out by an enemy?" Because it would make sense. Guy in the back. Someone missed in the clear or entering from the street behind them, easy two shots to take out their clean up guy.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Shaking his head, "Guy in the back as we were leaving the room, he puts two rounds into a downed tango." Then Alex is raising his hands, "To be fair, he's a military guy. Standard operating procedure for him in his tours I believe. But still, SHIELD is a law enforcement and intelligence agency. Doesn't have carte blanche for all of its operatives to use unlimited lethal force at all times. Whole reason they have those non-lethal weapons so prominent so often."
    He takes a deep breath, "But this guy executed one of the downed targets. And suddenly everything shuts down. The instructor comes in and he's laughing, and tells us we all get zeroes for that exercise. So... yah. It's bad."
    He shakes his head, "Really screwed our team dynamic up and I don't know what they're going to do."

Dinah Lance has posed:
When he explained what happened, Dinah winced visibly. Executing someone that was already secured was unnecessary in any sort of vigilante or law enforcement situation, in her mind. It's why she didn't like people like Punisher out there. Yet, the law seemed to look the other way and let him continue to run the streets. When there were people with so many powers available, it made no sense for him to still be out there--unless it was wanted. Which she would never understand.

"Depending how long he's been in the military, a talk might suffice. But failing the whole team when you've only been doing this a week? Maybe two?" She wasn't sure exactly how long he'd been in this new position. From what he said earlier, only a few days. But if that was the case, this was some pretty high level stuff for a new recruit of less than a week. They might have the skills for it but it was irrational to expect them to be a team that quickly and do everything right.

Which is probably why Dinah was not in SHIELD. Because she'd be telling someone about themselves.

"I'd say talk to him. As friends and teammates. He knows he screwed up and he's probably more angry at himself than anyone else is going to be. It's a matter of if he can break habits or not from all the training and muscle memory."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yah we tried already, there's been some yelling. I tried to be reasonable and see sorta both sides, but..." A small shake of his head is given. Then he smiles a little and adds, "So I intended to call you tonight and kvetch."
    Which has him leaning over to slip an arm around her shoulders and pull her into his embrace, just cuddling close as he takes a deep breath and murmurs. "Anyways, now you're mostly caught up."
    A beat then he adds, "You know if we spent more time together this would be easier. So really it's totally your fault." Him not telling her about SHIELD, clearly that's some reasonable thinking there.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Although Dinah does lean into that embrace, she quickly turns her head when he tries to blame her for it. "Don't even try it. You aren't /that/ far from being in the doghouse. Less than 15 minutes," she added to be sure he realized he had a clock running. Of course, she didn't tell him how long it had to run for!

"Give him a day or two. Maybe he'll get through it tonight. Or maybe he'll opt to go back military if he feels more at home there. But tomorrow, hopefully it'll improve. And maybe talking can occur without yelling or screaming. That doesn't help anyone."

Says the woman who literally screams at her enemies. Don't analyze.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    That smile turns crooked as he accepts that indeed he is in the doghouse for a good bit of time. "Ok, ok." Though that doesn't stop him from giving a small kiss to her brow as he eases closer and just enjoys the moment for now. Just the need to sit still and not be rushing somewhere or doing something or needing to be ready for something. It's nice to just stop and relax.
    "I hope it'll resolve in a decent way. But..." He shakes his head, "Still, other than that mistake he's not a bad guy. Just one of those things. A slip up, but one like that in the field can end a career." And someone's life.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"It's good the mistake was made in training. Not on an actual op once you all graduate. But again, it's wrong to score you guys in the first week in a team fail if one person messes up," Dinah says, obviously a little annoyed at this.

Alexander might want to make a note never to let her meet Agent Martin. Or whoever above in rank made these decisions. He might need to have bail money.

"Do you think there is a better option or way to approach it?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Not off hand, and it's an accelerated course. We're all cleared for team tactics and special weapons. All of the people I'm grouped with have had certification in these things before, I think... in all honesty I'm the least experienced of them all. At least where it comes to official training and certification."
    Since it's doubtful someone can get a better mentor than the elder Greek God that Alexander trained witih.
    "But yah, we haven't had much time to gel."
    That said he pulls her back into his arms as he turns to lie against the arm of the sofa, letting her use him as a cushion as his arms slip around her. He rests his chin on her head and murmurs, "We'll see how it turns out. Your turn now though, what's been up?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
She settles back, content to be held in that cirlce of his arm and feeling his warmth already spreading through her shirt to her back. Her jacket had been left by the front door. She extended her legs down the couch but was careful to keep her feet off since she hadn't removed her boots. No shoes on the furniture.

"Compared to you? Boring. Watch duty for the League. Helping with patrols in Gotham. Mostly dealing with thugs and the like." Considering he had seen her during one such night in Gotham, he might realize that what she considered nothing, others might classify as 'terrifying' or 'harrowing'. For Dinah? It was a Tuesday.

She kind if wanted to bitch about the training being unrealistic, no matter how much experience. But she allowed the change of topics to stand to help him get his mind off work. Weird thinking he might need that down time now when just a few days again he was just a student stressing over finals. Which brought up another question but it would wait.

"Supposed to do a fight on Saturday night but not sure I'm really feeling it this week."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "You're not feeling it?" Alexander asks, one eyebrow quirking as he leans around a little to look more directly at her. "What has you feeling down?"
    Which to a casual observer that might be surprising, but the way she had presented the enjoyment she gained from those underground fights, well it seemed to him that something must be wrong if she's bailing. "Your public are going to be disappointed." He says with a small half-smile, since not many people knew she had that 'hobby'.
    "Are you still grumpy about me and all?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Not sure. I think maybe after that fight with the Yakuza the other night, I got a lot of my violence out."

Which may seem a strange statement. Thankfully, Alexander understood her. He got it. Dinah sometimes needed to feel that sense of control, that sense of having her destiny in her own hands. In fact, very often. Which made it difficult for her to let go of it and just relax sometimes.

"As much as we joked about it, that was a pretty intense one." Since he had been there for that night. "By the time Friday rolls around though, I'm sure I'll be fine. Ready to go out there and kick some ass for my own personal enjoyment." Then she had to laugh softly. "That sounds so wrong."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "My sort of wrong, though." Alexander says gently as he leans to the side and then says in that quiet murmur of his, "Alright, suppose we should figure out dinner soon."
    Though then he is easing closer to touch a small ghost of a kiss to the curve of her ear as he adds, "But in a bit. I missed you..."