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Latest revision as of 14:57, 27 September 2022

A Really Good Disguise
Date of Scene: 17 May 2022
Location: Alley
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Julia Pennyworth, Oliver Queen

Julia Pennyworth has posed:
Julia 'Jules' Latnameunknown was a trasplant from overseas. As the stories were told by any who might ask about her history, she was ex-military, an explosives expert, and was ousted from the military for smuggling goods. A habit she kept up with after her discharge along with some old squadmates, and other connections they had made.

At least until they had a falling out.

Now 'Jules' was over here in the US. She'd been spotted in New York multiple times in the company of some big names like Juggernaut. And most recently she'd made her way to Gotham, likely because of a suggestion made by Cheetah that there was work to be found here.

For now? For now the motorcycle jacket clad woman had been doing odd jobs. Just to make some spare cash. Running some info from one area to another. Nothing serious yet, she wasn't completely trusted by the locals yet. Fine by her.

She's ducked into the alley after a long night of stomping around town checking things out to pull out a e-cig and start just... inhaling on it long and hard.

Oliver Queen has posed:
The trail of the gang that had stolen a cache of CADMUS weapons to sell in Starling City had run cold after closing out a few leads obtained while fighting the Royal Flush Gang in Metropolis. Which meant that the Green Arrow had to expand his searches a bit. There was a bit of chatter about an ex-mil gun runner setting up shop in Gotham. According to the reports that Overwatch had managed to pull down, she had been seen in some pretty big company, which meant she was likely a pretty well connected fixer.

Whether she was involved with the CADMUS heist or not, gun runners are notorious for knowing what is going on in their biz. And so the Arrow took a small jaunt to Gotham. Turns out, finding criminals there was not nearly as hard as it was in Starling City. Perched up on nearby rooftop, he keeps an eye on the woman in the alleyway, wondering if she was, in fact, his quarry. And whether, if so, she would have anything useful. If not...cleaning up crime is cleaning up crime.

Julia Pennyworth has posed:
Unaware of her current tail, so far, Julia enjoys her smoke a few moments more. At least until her phone goes off. Ramming her hand into her pocket to withdraw it she clicks it over and presses it to her ear. "Yeah?" Whoever is on the other end apparently relays some information, and she takes one final puff off her e-cig. There's a moment where her hand lifts automatically to flick it away before she catches herself. Instead it's flipped in hand to be stuffed back into her other pocket. Clearly she's new to these e-cigs compared to the traditional fare. Maybe she was trying to quit.

"The dropoff will be ready. Secondary location. Yeah. 0200. Don't waste my time, I'm not going to sit around waiting." The phone is put away again and she gives a few quick smacks to her cheeks clearly trying to chase off a bit of sleepiness before she turns to stalk down the alleyways apparently heading for where ever she was going. Maybe something big was going down. Maybe not. Either way now would be a great time to snag her.

Oliver Queen has posed:
The Green Arrow ponders his approach. Easy way or hard way? Withdrawing a smoke arrow from his quiver, he takes aim and fires down just in front of her feet. As soon as the arrow is loosed he repels down from his perch, rapidly dropping to the ground level in anticipation of a closer conversation with her.

If she just got a tip on a buy, could be just what he was looking for.

Julia Pennyworth has posed:
Julia Pennyworth jerks her head upward when that arrow comes down. For just a breif moment she manages to catch a glimpse of the Green Arrow before the smoke billows out to envelope her and a good majority fo the alley she was in. She's still there when he lands. Just not in the same spot.

"Oi, Jolly Green whatever, you're not in your turf."

The voice comes from the side instead of where she had been standing as she'd moved to keep herself from getting wailed on by an over-excitable vigilante who didn't know she was undercover. Given she's not out to try and fight any of them though she at least doesn't lash out when he lands.

Oliver Queen has posed:
The Green Arrow was prepared for that, of course. Who stays in the same place when a smoke arrow hits them? That said, he moves through the cloud towards the sound of the voice. "I'm tired of you all peddling death in my city. Tell me where to find the rest of the CADMUS weapons." he snarls out.

Julia Pennyworth has posed:
"Oh for the love of..." Complete and utter exasperation comes out in that tone of voice. Not anger, not fear, just annoyance. Since he was going to be this way though, she wasn't about to just sit around. Dropping down into a crouch she swings a kick out in the direction his own voice had been attempting to sweep his legs from under him. Or at the very least, trip him.

"You're barking up the wrong tree. You willing to just talk? Because otherwise this is going to get messy."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The Green Arrow seemed prepared for that, hopping back from that sweep. "Talk? Sure, I'm all ears." While the tone is sarcastic, he does seem to settle down. "If you're willing to give me the info I need."

Julia Pennyworth has posed:
Julia Pennyworth rolls back up to her feet now that she's at least warded him off a bit further. A single nod is given, though her handds remain up in a defensive posture. For just a moment she risks a glance toward the opening of the alley to see if anyone else were watching. This could play to her story just great if she was careful.

"I can't tell you that," she states cooly, "Because I haven't dug up that info yet. I'm undercover."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The smoke mostly cleared now, The Green Arrow takes a moment to look her over. He is paused, at least, and willing to entertainher story. "For whom?" He tilts his head, suspicious. "Seems a bit extreme for most of the agencies I know."

Julia Pennyworth has posed:
Julia Pennyworth raises an eyebrow at him while wearing a rather amused smirk. "Can we not takl here at least? I'm trying to maintain a cover after all." A gesture 'upward' is given in clear suggestion. Even so she at least adds, "I'm not with an agency. Just the most melodramatic goth kid you've ever come across before."

Oliver Queen has posed:
That description results in a "huh" sound from Oliver. He is, after all, in Gotham. "Lead on." He continues to keep his eyes on her, but the fact that he is standing down shows that he is at least willing to listen to some amount of reason.