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Latest revision as of 14:57, 27 September 2022

Model Visitor
Date of Scene: 13 May 2022
Location: Modelling Studio
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kate Kane, Koriand'r

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate Kane is, despite what one might expect, not just an employee in name of Kane Capital. While certain other bat-themed vigilantes might have day jobs as a cover for their nocturnal crime fighting duties, Kate takes her job seriously. Seriously enough that she picks out random client companies of Kane Capital to do spot checks on.

She'd probably admit that this latest one is just a reaction to her last patrol going a little sideways, and needing to distance herself from that costumed crimefighting for a day... but only if pushed. And since her secret identity is a secret and all, instead, Kate's getting to put on her carefree civilian identity, pulling up to the studio on her bike in casual leather jacket and dark jeans, and springing forth to sweep into the chaos of a photo shoot with all the confidence and brash energy she's got.

Her eyebrows /do/ quirk as there's a surprising amount of milling citizens on the street, like they're all waiting for a glimpse of someone. Huh.

Must be a movie star here today or something. Oh well, Kate can handle interacting with that level of fame. It barely causes her to slow in her step before she's in the building and signing in with security, riding up in the elevator and stepping out into the studio proper when the chime dings and the door sweeps open.

Koriand'r has posed:
It was a strange thought that even a visitor vigilantie and Princess from another world like Koriand'r of Tamaran had herself a day job. Of course, it wasn't the typical job either...but well, Kori was hardly going to complain. Of course, her last shoot had ended with her ruining the outfit (and the day of some kidnappers by stopping their car dead), so hopefully things would be a little more straight-forward!

Herself, Kori was wrapped in what appeared to be a swimsuit, but perhaps wasn't that much more revealing than some of the costumes she'd worn in the past. A sarong around her waist and her hair down, the woman moves off the set for a 'break' in time for Kate's elevator to open, seeking out a drink for herself.

Kate Kane has posed:
If Kate was surprised at seeing a literal space princess in the studio, she... okay, didn't hide it. If she _wasn't_ surprised she did a very good job of pretending to be, eyebrows perking up at the sight of the famous heroine... and model. Right. Of course. She knew that. But it's like knowing Poison Ivy makes giant plants, and having one try to eat you like you're Super Mario. Knowing is only half the battle.

And at least with giant woman-eating plants, you don't need to try and remember whether or not they know your secret identity. Well, that's an easy enough test. She offers a crooked smile and lifts her left hand in a little wrist-flick of a wave, "Ah! So it's a _modelling_ photography studio. And you are /clearly/ why there's a crowd of fans trying not to look like a crowd of fans down on the street. Kate Kane, one of the..." She frowns thoughtfully for a moment, "Well, I was going to say investors in the business, but that sounds... eh, I work for the company that owns a company that owns... part of this compa- ...god, this is just getting worse and worse sounding isn't it? Kate Kane. Have we met before, princess?"

Jeeze, Kate. Nothing's ever been described as 'An introduction as bad as that time you almost set yourself on fire fighting Firefly' but you did it. You're the best.

Koriand'r has posed:
If they'd met before? Kori didn't seem to recognize her out of costume. Of course, that didn't mean that she was any ruder for it. Instead the orange-skinned alien woman gives a bright smile, moving forwards towards the woman and offering a hand to shake...only to claim a grasp with both hands and tilt her head to the side.

Bright green eyes meeting Kate's own gaze she nods her head. "It is a pleasure to meet you Kate Kane, I believe this is the first time, but that does not make it any less wonderful."

Positive personified indeed!

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's eyebrows perk up as her hand's clasped, fingers curling a little reflexively and... is that a hint of colour to those pale cheeks?! No, surely not. But bright green eyes are absolutely locked on literally entirely bright green eyes as Kate gives a firm, business like shake and grins crookedly, "It definitely is! And I'd like to think we'd remember meeting, so let's assume we haven't before! I mean, the odds of us /both/ forgetting? It would have to involve some sort of memory erasing ray, and that's _pretty_ unlikely."

She glances around and then gestures to the nearby table of snacks and beverages, "Let me guess, I interrupted you taking your break and getting something?" She clicks her tongue and shakes her head, "C'mon, can't have what I'm sure is the star of the shoot entirely derailed just because I drop in. God, my ego would become unstoppable at that point."

She perks an eyebrow and hums, "So, uhh... keeping up on the news? Any thoughts on that whole space port that Wonder Woman announced?"

Sure Kate, ask the alien about space as an ice breaker! Real original.

Koriand'r has posed:
The hands release, her grasp firm but clearly practiced in not causing injury with her strength, leaving Kori to giggle lightly and nod in agreement before tilting her head. "Ah...you are not here to model yourself? Suprising..." she offers with a little wink, the princess indeed turning to reach for one of the bottles of water and opening it lightly.

"It is mostly done now," she offers before taking a small sip for herself. "A few more before we do a little lounging shot or two and finish up."

The alien didn't seem insulted by the question, shrugging her shoulders lightly with that beaming smile. "Space is quite beautiful, if you ever get to see it. Closer to home, between the stars, I think it will be wonderful for people to be able to see for themselves."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's eyebrows pop /high/ at that and she grins crookedly, head shaking emphatically, "Oh, no. No way. I'm not a professional model, like, the closest I get is maybe a girlfriend taking some pictures. But that's... not a thing that's really able to happen right now." She snorts softly and heaves out a sigh, "Well! Now I'm torn about staying to watch you work, or waiting for the product roll out to be a delightful surprise!"

She smiles a genuine, if reserved little smile at Kori's view on space, nodding her head, "It seems like it. That it would be beautiful, I mean. I'm trying not to let its depiction in movies colour my expectations." She shrugs and narrows her eyes with a playful glint, "I mean, there can't be that many strange alien eggs out there, movies just add them for dramatic effect!"

Koriand'r has posed:
A gesture down to the deeply colored swimsuit clearly paired with her skin in its shades to evoke the image of sunlight, Kori grins lightly. "It is more about the outfit for the collection than simply me, I just have fun and try to make it look good." A little shift where she stands and Kori grasps her drink with both hands now before her, clearly not beyond understanding the words Kate had spoken and what they mean.

"I am sure it will not be so for long, Kate. You are quite beautiful!" said honest and earnest, but clearly Koriand'r didn't have quite the same capacity for embarassment as an Earth native might.

"Oh, there are aliens with eggs, quite a few. But there are lots of other kinds. Like Superman, or myself!"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's head inclines in yielding the point of there being many types of aliens, even if the nod's a little jerky when she has to snap out of admiring the swimsuit and she lets out a soft little laugh, "Oh, thanks. I mean, it's not like the /looks/ are the problem. I'm sure I could go out and..." She clears her throat, "Meet someone for something casual. But I'm trying not to do that. It tends to lead me to being irresponsible, which leads to drinking, which leads to being more casual which..."

She trails off and shakes her head, "It's uhh... a vicious cycle. Entertaining, but vicious, and also usually pretty hazy."

She groans softly, "Wow, am /I/ the jerk who won't stop talking about herself, or are you just charming enough people relax around you on reflex? If modelling ever gets boring you could probably become a therapist like..." She snaps her fingers sharply, "That! But, I mean, therapist, model, /and/ force for justice? I think you can probably stick to two out of three for now. You deserve your down time."

Koriand'r has posed:
"People on Earth view love and romance a little more differently to most Tamaranians," Kori offers, giggling lightly at Kate's suggestion of a career change and instead setting her drink aside to fold her arms into crossing under her bust. "We celebrate love, effection and things like that. They are often more open, free...no less intense, but they might be taken for more 'casual' to some here."

A little shift where she stood, the Tamaranian woman glances back to the direction of the shoot. "But anyway, I am glad you feel able to speak with me freely! If you wish to stay for the rest of the shoot, I would offer for you to join me for a meal. It is how I usually like to celebrate such a day and it is always best shared with a friend."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate nods her head with a crooked, almost rueful grin, "well, I can honestly say if opening Earth to the galaxy makes us a more accepting, open people like you yourself, we'll all be far better off for it, Koriand'r." She grins wider and crosses her own arms under her chest, eyes darting down for a moment to admire that swimsuit and sigh out, "Well, I /think/ I can free my schedule up to see how the shoot wraps up, after all, I'm supposed to be doing due diligence in checking out the studio operations."

She snaps her fingers and winks, "And I'm definitely not responsible enough to not take time out of my day to share a meal with a new friend. So go rock your stuff for the camera, and I'll just admire your talents! And then we can discuss lunch when you're ready to enjoy your day."

Koriand'r has posed:
Of course, Kori wasn't going to point out that the last one of her people that had arrived on this planet had been her sister and...well that hadn't been fantastic. Instead she gives a little soft laugh at the comment. Well, Kate -was- checking out the studio's assets in Kori. Or perhaps it was just Kori's assets?

Regardless Koriand'r smiles and nods, stepping back from their meeting and beckoning for the redhead to make her way to the shoot before she happily strides back to continue. Now? There was shots to take for the Princess, lounging on her back, on her belly with her knees bent, many more photos would follow...and it seemed Kori was quite happy to enjoy the experience. It probably helped that most photographers were pretty patient and encouraging to work with a unique talent...that could incinerate them or throw them through a wall!

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate certainly wasn't going to bring up Kori's family! Well, not when her own was so often a touchy subject. But she was more than happy to challenge herself to admiring the studio's assets and Kori's... or maybe she was trying to admire the studio and just couldn't _help_ but admire the bubbly font of positivity and beauty that was the alien model

And Kate certainly wasn't going to resist that beckoning, following along with an almost pensive press of teeth to her lower lip. And then she got to find out that for all the talent of professional photographers, it turns out Kori was more breathtaking in person than on the page! Plus, she was just so sweet the thought of her being able to throw someone through a wall wasn't even really worrying. After all, she had to figure if Kori was going to throw someone through a wall or blast them, they probably did something to deserve it.

Koriand'r has posed:
When things finally come to an end Kori would disappear towards the back of the room to change back into the minidress she was mostly known for. Casual clothing wasn't really her thing it seemed, or maybe that was part of the draw for the studio, that she arrived in costume with the glowing fanfare of her hair and her lights.

Back to the hall she makes, reuniting with Kate once more she waves brightly. "What are your views on Pizza Kate? What food would you like?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate waits in the hall, damned near pacing with nervous energy. Stopping a bank heist is never this nerve-wracking, is it? Well, hey, that's just the risk of getting shot, not making a fool of herself. But then Kori's appearing in all her glory and Kate's pacing practically screeches she stops so quickly.

She offers a broad grin, eyebrows perking as she tilts her head, "Well, my views on pizza are that Gotham's isn't as good as New York's, and that I am willing to put in the situps to compensate for eating it, especially with a new friend. If you want pizza? I'm totally willing to indulge with you." She hums out softly and chews her lower lip for a moment, "Do you have a favorite place?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Tamaranian physiology probably had one or more models rather disliking the fact Kori could celebrate a photoshoot by going out for Pizza, but the alien woman seemed ignorant to it if so. Instead she shakes her head as she makes to walk, headed to the door and slowing only to let Kate follow along. "Most of the pizza on town are fine...I don't have a favorite, although there is one particular bakery...and one hotdog cart...and a japanese restaurant..." odds are, Kori could still continue.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate doesn't really need any goading to follow at Kori's heels... hell, she figures most women wouldn't. She grins impishly and nods her head, "Well! I'll have to keep you in mind as my source for the best places to get food." She quirks an eyebrow thoughtfully as she follows the alien model's path, "So... uhhh... you think there's a place within walking distance? I get you can fly anywhere, but I figure asking for a lift might be a little too forward considering we just met!" Sure, she also spent most of the time since meeting Kori watching her pose in a swimsuit, but that was /professional/. Asking her to scoop her up for a flight? That's definitely going a step beyond professional.

Koriand'r has posed:
Most might think it too forward, buuuut this was Kori. Kori excited by the prospect of food. Kate had probably barely finished the sentence before Kate would find the tall alien princess doing just that...which meant that in a moment the people outside waiting for a glimpse of Starfire were going to spot her zooming off with some unknown woman held bridal style through the sky.

"It will only be a moment or two. Have you ever tried pizza with mustard on it? It is delicious!"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's subtle about reaching into her jacket pocket and manipulating her phone to trigger the autopilot on her custom bike to drive itself home while she's being bridal carried through the air, one arm looping around Kori's shoulders loosely, really more for balance and comfort than out of any actual fear of being dropped.

She doesn't even seem to realize she's naturally compensating for the air rushing by in raising her voice, "I can't say I have! But I mean, people use spicy honey on it nowadays! I could see mustard working! And I'll definitely try anything at least once!"

She lets out a genuine laugh as her eyes sweep across the city flying by beneath them. Yeah, she could see why someone who could fly like this would do it all the time. ...Well, why someone who could fly like this under their own power would too.

Also why someone who had to be carried by the princess would. Yep. Kate gets that for sure.

Koriand'r has posed:
Eventually, and sooner than one might think, they'd set down outside the local pizza place. Close enough to reach in mere minutes and smalling good, Koriand'r stretches lightly as they make to step through the threshold and she looks back at Kate with a little smile. "Then we will have it together, Pizza with mustard, and I will convince you of it!"

That or she'd try it anyway!

Of course, Kate might not be that suprised that the alien was recognized...although if it was her celebrity or frequent appearances here was anyone's guess.

"I hope it won't be too bad keeping you from your work!"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs and shakes her head with a broad smile, "Oh, don't worry about it. The truth is my job's kind of... unnecessary. Everyone under me knows what to do and they do it well, I just feel guilty if I'm getting paid and not putting in effort myself. So I try to keep busy."

She grins crookedly and bobs her head, "Admittedly, usually it's just... checking out a lot of financial data and whatnot, very rarely meeting a model. Or an alien. Or a superheroine."

She clicks her tongue and grins so very wide, "All three in one meeting? You are a spectacularly unique individual! No way I'm turning down pizza. Or finding out if maybe I /do/ like mustard on it."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kate truely was living a daring life if she let Kori order for her, but at least the alien was probably going to keep things tame with a 'Non-Titans' stranger. A little grin as she returned with relatively modest slices...and a bottle of mustard that had suspiciously been kept behind the counter like it was waiting for her.

Setting one down in front of the redhead, Kori herself was quick to slather a startling amount on her own slice before offering the bottle to the other woman and taking a bite for herself with a grin.

"Well, at least it will be memorable!"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate doesn't even heave out a sigh of 'Oh boy, here I go trying something crazy again', but she also doesn't slather on mustard to quite the same degree as Kori. No, she lays one narrow, long line right down the middle of her slice, before lifting it in a little salute and taking a generous bite.

Eyebrows rocket up, then furrow... then rocket up again, as she chews slowly, head tilting to one side in consideration.

She swallows and then lets out a low noise in her throat, something like a barely fought back laugh, "Hey! That's not bad! Honestly, I sometimes dip my fries in mustard when no one's looking... oh god, what if I'm part alien?!"

Her eyes narrow, flashing playfully as she grins, "Nahhh, can't be that... if I was part alien I'd probably need to work out less to offset what this pizza's going to do to me. But it's definitely worth it."

Koriand'r has posed:
Another converted! Truely, it was an alien culinary invasion! Still Koriand'r giggles lightly at the thought before shrugging her shoulders. "I'm sure you will be able to burn it off," she teases lightly, gesturing to the other woman and then taking another bite of her meal. "I mean, you didn't look heartbroken when I suggested pizza, so you'd tried it before and you look as good as you do..."

A beat, she giggles lightly before taking yet another bite and then leaning forward with a flirtatious grin. "But there are plenty of ways to burn it off..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins crookedly and shrugs her own shoulders as she takes another bite of pizza, not quite the large, daring chomp of her first one, but definitely a genuine, 'I'm enjoying this meal' bite as green eyes flash and narrow, "Well, I don't think anyone would ever be heartbroken about going to grab a bite to eat with you, princess. Most people like pizza, and pizza plus charming, gorgeous company?"

Eyebrows perk and she grins lopsidedly, "I'm only mortal, Wonder Woman's the one with divine self control."

Those eyes pop /wide/ then and she nearly coughs out, "Well, that's... uhh... yeah, can't deny that. There are /many/ ways... given you're hitting perfectly on suggestions with lunch, I'll take any you come up with under advisement!"

Koriand'r has posed:
Bright, positive...and clearly not without a little flirtation it seems, Kori's own inhumanly bright green eyes meet Kate's own gaze as she demolishes the last of her pizza and wipes at her mouth with her napkin, a little satisfied close of her eyes ending the contact to puntuate her enjoyment before she leans forwards. "Maybe, but I am stranger to your world and your ways after all..."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate polishes her own slice off, dabs at her lips with a napkin like she's just finished a gourmet meal... and glances up to match eyes to eyes and grins crookedly, murmuring out dryly, "Well! Maybe I should give you my number. As a lost, naive visitor to Earth, I can answer any questions you have." She snickers softly and leans forward herself, voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "Plus, I stay up very late, so you can call me any time!"

Koriand'r has posed:
"Sounds wonderful. If you like, you can get the number the modelling agent uses to reach me...for work purposes, of course..." she begins only to grin and make to stand and stretching her arms over her head. "I do have to return to the tower though, and my patrol for this evening. But I do hope to see you again Kate!"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate produces a pen from _somewhere_ like magic, and scribbles her own number onto a napkin, passing it over and grinning, "Here! I'll definitely get that number later, but this should work for now. Enjoy your patrol, stay out of trouble and such." And then Kate's standing up and heading off on her own... to do that horrible 'writing a report about last night's patrol' thing she's spent all of today avoiding.