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Gotham 50
Date of Scene: 28 September 2022
Location: GCPD Headquarters - Midtown
Synopsis: Stephanie drops by GCPD to surprise Dick and make some plans for her mother's birthday.
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Sitting behind his desk in his small office, Dick glances out the window at a vision of an actual sunny day in Gotham. People on the street below are dressed lightly, all seeming to enjoy the temperate weather before the cold and dark of winter sets in. With a small sigh, he turns back to the small mountain of paperwork sitting on the desk in front of him. Pulling the next sheet off the pile, he starts filling out another stakeout report.

    Being Nightwing is so much easier than this.

    Matt wanders by out in the squad room, either done with or ignoring his paperwork. It's about a 50/50 chance of either. He glances into Dick's office and shakes his head after seeing what his partner is working on.

    Dick keeps the door open unless he's having a private meeting because spending time in a small box isn't quite as bad if you can see your escape route. Of course, it also lets you see your partner either done with or ignoring his paperwork and free to kill time in the squad room. It'd be nice to get out of his office, but the eldest Wayne ward has always been a bit of a stickler for doing things the right way. Ignoring the whole vigilante thing of course.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown takes the stairs rather than wait for the elevator. The extra workout is never a bad thing. She's wearing jeans and tennis shoes, with a blue t-shirt and then an old faded army jacket looking thing with a big red one style patch the sleeve.

Reaching the floor where Dick's office is, she unslings her book bag, letting it dangle from one hand by the straps as she heads down the hallway. She spots Matt down the hall, giving him a big smile and an animated wave. He waves back but doesn't interrupt her as Stephanie peeks into Dick's office, and seeing him there, goes to lean against the doorjamb.

"Officer, I hope you can help me. I'm afraid someone stole my heart," she says to draw his eyes up from his paperwork. When he does look up, her bright smile is waiting for him.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    That smile earns a return one from him. "Well miss, if you'd care to take a seat, I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this" he banters in reply to her. There are actually a couple chairs in front of the desk. They're a bit old and not all that comfortable, but they do the job. Dick is still trying to figure out a way for Wayne Enterprises to give the GCPD a nice donation to upgrade or flat out buy a bunch of new equipment without it looking political or suspicious.

    "Forget the Joker or Falcone, I think paperwork may be the villain that finally does me in." He puts down his pen and sets aside the report he was working on. "So what brings you by today, love? Not that I mind in the slightest, of course. We're just a bit away from your normal college hangouts and such."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown crosses the room, setting down her bookbag before the desk so she can put both hands on the desk as she leans against it to brush a brief kiss to Dick's lips. She keeps it short so his coworkers don't see and razz him about it later.

After, Stephanie settles into a chair, sliding a leg up over one arm of it as she relaxes there in a way that most people who have reason to sit in it probably don't. "Just wanted to see your smiling face," she tells him warmly. She was out late patrolling last night. Doing extra time, seeking out her father, still. And then slept in late enough to miss Dick before he went to work. "Ran into Phoebe and Harper on campus yesterday and went for coffee with them," she says. "How's work today, besides the paperwork? Catch any interesting cases?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Glancing over at the pile of paperwork, Dick shakes his head. "Not that I want to jinx anything, but things have been remarkably quiet. Mostly stuff for the uniforms to deal with, low grade robbery, assault, that kind of thing. No supervillain or mob activity, or at least nothing overt enough to show up on the radar. Thus the time to catch up on the scut work they usually don't show on CSI. A hundred ways to say 'we sat in a car and watched the building, nobody went in or out.' At least once you graduate and get a forensics job, your paperwork will actually matter."

    He considers the paperwork for a moment longer then asks her, "Harper and Phoebe doing ok? I haven't really kept up with some of the people who are kind of at the edges of our Family." Most people would miss the emphasis on the f, but Steph should catch it. "I'd rather be catching up with people that stuck in here, but the rich kid just had to get a job instead of resting on a large pile of Wayne money."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"I think they are good. Harper is still kind of skittish. Think she can use more friends in her life. So hopefully it'll be good for her, being around," Stephanie replies to Dick. "And Phoebe is still unable to talk. I hadn't really gotten the story on that," she says. She looks about to say more but seems to decide to let it go. Maybe not the right place or time, or just something that doesn't need to be discussed.

"I can't believe I'm halfway through college already," she tells Dick. "I mean, it was hard enough to believe I even was going to Gotham U. Have managed better grades than I would have believed. I suppose a certain tutor helping me with the harder classes has a lot to do with that," Stephanie says, beaming a smile at Dick. She has really struggled with chemistry in particular. It just doesn't fit how her brain works, but with his help she's managed B's in those classes.

"Was thinking maybe we could take my Mom out for dinner next week. Her birthday is coming up," she says. "Doesn't have to be anywhere fancy, one of her favorite places in Bristol would be fine," she says. Her mother lives not that far from the mansion actually. Just on the 'other side of the tracks' from the affluent area.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    He nods as Steph shares her info and ideas, "Good to hear about Harper, as for Phoebe, if she needs anything like medical care and can't swing it on her own, I'll cover any bills that crop up. If it's something other than medical, you know I'm willing to help with whatever I can." It is a bit difficult to have this kind of conversation in public, but he's been doing it for so long that it's almost second nature.

    "And taking your mom out for her birthday is a wonderful idea. Let her pick the place, I'm pretty sure we can manage whatever she wants." He grins and winks at her, "I mean, I do recall a flight or two so we could get really authentic food." It's the one place he can't help but spend some of the Wayne money, cultural foods are just better made by the people that invented it. "Though I doubt she'd even think of that, most people don't. It's a pity more people can't mange that kind of thing once in a while."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"I think she still doesn't truly grasp what the differences of your family life are like," Stephanie says with a chuckle. Talking about the wealth, though of course the hidden aspects are also something her mother knows nothing of. "I think just having her feel like it's a normal birthday dinner, normal by her standards, would probably be nice for her," she says.

She stretches and adds, "Though, you know, if you want to go to Paris sometime for dinner, I mean, that isn't -me- saying no." Stephanie chuckles warmly. Though in truth she's probably been one of the lowest maintenance women he's dated, and he's probably had to keep pushing her to get used to the kind of niceties that would be taken for granted by most of Dick's family.

"By the way, did you want to make any plans for the holidays? I'll be out of school on vacation for awhile. If we wanted to go anywhere or do anything special?" she asks.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "Easily done. Let me know the place and time and I'll make sure that all my duties are covered so it would take a major emergency to interrupt us. We can do that much for your mom, at least. After all, she's got a daughter that goes running off at all hours of the day and a future son-in-law who does the same. Never knows when she can get in touch with us, it's irresponsible, really."

    He sits back and steeples his fingers with a slightly raised brow. "Paris, eh? I think we can mange that at some point. And it so happens that I do have some saved up vacation time, so a trip somewhere is quite possible. We'd just have to make sure there are going to be enough people around to handle our duties while we're gone. But this time you pick where we're going, because while I'm pretty sure you didn't mind any of the places I've dragged you off to I want to go somewhere you really want to visit."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie breaks out in a big smile. "That would be wonderful. Have always wanted to go there," she says. "My only trip to Europe so far is the one I took to Russia. Which, you remember, wasn't exactly very good sightseeing."

It was business. Joker threatening a Russian arms shipment in a way that could have led to a war. Batgirl ended up capturing Mister Freeze, who Joker had himself kidnapped and then coerced into doing Joker's dirty work on the train.

"I should probably get going back to campus. Want to stop in and see Nina after her last class," Stephanie says. Nina being the mother of her last boyfriend before Dick, one Roberto da Costa. Though Stephanie hasn't even talked to him in nearly a year, she's still friends with his mother, a professor of Archeology at Gotham U.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "Well, that was kind of on business, if I recall correctly. So I'd imagine you would be a little too busy to enjoy the trip properly. That's why you're picking this one, pure vacation time that you can enjoy in whatever place you most want to go." He means this in the most literal way possible, because if she wants to go to the Moon, he'll pack a couple of bags up to the Watchtower and commandeer a guest room. Yes, they have those, never know when an alien friend might stop by. Probably best to go with a terrestrial location however, you can't really do much up there without bulky spacesuits. Not much fun with those.

    Glancing over to the small clock on his desk, he stands up and reaches out for her hand. "Time for lunch, let's walk to someplace nearby so we can enjoy the sunny day a bit. Got a Subway, a Pizza Hut and a Chik-fil-a nearby, what are you in the mood for?"