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D&D - Donuts and Dinosaurs
Date of Scene: 27 October 2022
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Grail discovers Donuts, Devil Dinosaurs, and Moon Girl.

She's not really that impressed with any of them, apparently. Meanwhile, Lunella is SUPER impressed with pretty much everything about Grail.

Cast of Characters: Lunella Lafayette, Grail

Lunella Lafayette has posed:
    Central Park may be the heart of the city, and that means that there's room for someone to stretch -- like this one guy, stretching his arm out and over the shoulder of his date, wearing a fedora and a gray suit jacket, looking all fancy in the glowing blue light of their mutual cell phones, sharing a Youtube video and a pair of earbuds.

    Not the most sanitary or original of dates, but it was cheap.

    He almost didn't register the rumble of something big approaching.

    The classic ripple effect in her open coffee cup.

    -- they both do happen to look up as a massive, bright red dinosaur passes behind them, mouth open, showing a maw full of seven to ten inch teeth, eyes burning like embers, being ridden by a girl with a hoodie on against the autumn chill.

    "I know, I know, they don't make the bacon ones big enough for you, I get it, but I can't buy four dozen donuts every time we stop! That's like, sixy bucks!" a voice protests from overhead, a flashlight on her head and homework open in front of her as she 'stretches some legs' taking her best friend around the park.

Grail has posed:
Sometimes, the most dangerous thing in Central Park is a red Tyranosaurus Rex. Sometimes it is not. Honestly, if you asked most people, they would definitely believe that the T-Rex is the most dangerous. Little do they know that the pale woman with black hair and red eyes staring with skepticism at the donut she has pulled out of the bag may be the larger monster.

"And you are saying at these are a favorite among your people?" She asks of the man behind hte stands who does look mildly uncomfortable at the large woman. She casually throws a twenty dollar bill down and points at it.

"That should be a sufficient payment." She then turns and is about to eat one of the donuts when she spots hte large dinosaur and she starts for it. She walks with purpose, getting into its path and is prepared to say more when she takes a bite of the donut, pauses and stares at it with a mild bit of surprise and respect.

Lunella Lafayette has posed:
    You'd think Devil Dinosaur would be the most dangerous thing. And definitely not either girl holding up a donut, a delectable creation of pastry and refined sugar produced on the large and on the cheap and beloved of everyone who makes a cop joke.

    "Oh. Hey! Nice choice!" Lunella calls down to Grail, giving a bright smile as she leans over the dino's head.

    The massive tyranosaur does not look amused or nearly as friendly.

    "I think the guy's trying to say you forgot your change, though. He's shakin'."

Grail has posed:
"I do not need to change. I am fine as I am." She states and then bites into the donut again and nods her head, "This is a good choice." She states of the donut and looks up to the woman, "Who are you and what is your small war creature called? I assume it is a monster built for war." She states simply and bites another bite of donut.

She actually finishes chewing and swallowing before she speaks again, giving the girl riding the T-Rex a chance to respond as she considers if she should have gotten something to drink to go with her pastry.

Lunella Lafayette has posed:
    "No, no, I mean the change. From your money. The leftover from paying for your good and services?" Lunella offers as an explaination, and closes up her English homework before she hops down from atop the Dinosaur.

    "I am MOON-GIRL! and my tall companion here is DEVIL DINOSAUR!" she introduces the two of themselves, giving a bright smile from behind a pair of goggles and a bit of head protection that's somewhat hidden under her hood.

    Devil Dinosaur does not look nearly as amused at Moon Girl's cheeriness, and turns his head to get a good look at Grail.

    "So, who're you that you don't need your change? An' he's... not really built for war. More evolved as a large hunter dating to the Maastrichtian age of the Upper Cretaceous period, 68 to 66 million years ago -- but he's not from around here." Moon Girl replies.

Grail has posed:
A blink as she watches the girl hop down and Grail squints a little at the theatrics. She's not exactly impressed, having more in common from her looks with Devil Dinosaur than with Lunella. She casually slides the remainder of her donut away and casually holds it at her side as she listens to the explanation of the dinosaur.

"He is from 68 million years ago but also from here?" She gestures to the ground, "How exactly does that make sense? I have not seen predators of his size upon this world prior to now. Is he genetically modified or created in some way?" She asks and looks over Lunella carefully before looking then to the dinosaur, glancing at it carefully while it examines her.

Lunella Lafayette has posed:
    Devil Dinosaur seems to give a glower to Grail, sniffing the air around the two young women.

    "Well, HE'S not from around here, kinda parallel, you know, like Earths running side by side --" she holds up her index fingers "but don't really cross. Like I said, it's a loooooong story." Moon-Girl replies. "But I mean he's genetically similar enough to the localized version from 68 million years ago so it's easy to make the comparrison. Meanwhile, you? You don't sound like you're from New York." Lunella replies, eyebrows rising up behind her goggles.

Grail has posed:
"I am not." Grail states simply enough, "Where I am from is much farther away and in some ways parrellel to things. I will not go into it further." Grail states simply enough and seems to be now slowly becoming unconcerned with the dinosaur as it is explained to her. She does not have the highest opinion of this planet and what it can produce. She instead focuses on Lunella and considers her.

"As for you and your pet, how does one such as yourself end up riding on such a large creature? I have not seen any on this world who ride such animals thus far."

Lunella Lafayette has posed:
    "Oooh, neat! So you're from a parallel Ear-- she pauses a moment, getting all excited before she realizes that she's not going to talk about more factoids. There's almost an audiable 'aww' from Moon-Girl, and she looks back to Grail.

    And she looks up at the dinosaur.

    And then back at grail.

    "We... ah... have an agreement?" she explains, poorly, scratching at her cheek a moment.

    There's a huff from Devil Dinosaur.

    "And he's not a pet. Not like you can just attach a leash to this guy or anything, and taking him to the off-leash park is *right out* a bad idea."

    "And there's plenty of weird stuff on this planet. There was a *mutant rhino* on *TikTok* a couple months ago!"

Grail has posed:
"A mutant rhino? I am unaware of what rhino is but surely that is something strange to you." She states and shrugs her shoulders, "I am unclear if that is truly all that odd but I understand a leash and you should not have to leash your pets." Grail nods and looks at the dinosaur carefully a moment before lookig back to Lunella and gesturing to the dinosaur.

"If you are truly the master of your animals, then they will listen to you because you are in charge and they understand that. Otherwise, what is the point?" She shakes her head, "If you need a lead in order to control an animal, than it is not yours and truly never will be."

Lunella Lafayette has posed:
    "It's like a hippo, but a land tank. Uh... if you've never been to a zoo I guess you might not know what a rhino or a hippo are... so... kinda like, a quadreped with a horn and cone-like ears and really thick skin?" Lunella questions, and then she purses her lips.

    "I'm not his master. He's not a pet. He's his own dino who just HAPPENS to like hanging around with me."

    The dinosaur gives a snort, and then leans over to carefully grab Moon-Girl by her backpack, and lifts her up in the air.

    "Wh- hey! HEY!" she flails "Stop embarrassing me in front of the new girl!"

Grail has posed:
A look at the girl and she considers before thinking back to the man she threw through the ice wall, "Ah, I think I know what you are talking about." She nods her head, "I wouldn't have called it a quadraped but a very powerful creature, indeed. At least by the standards I have seen on your planet so far." Then she stares in surprise as the dinosaur lifts up Lunella. She watches it pick her up and move her before tilting her head.

"It is an intelligent creature than?" She asks of the girl who is now in the air, "And I am Grail, not new girl." She states simlpy enough as she reaches in and retrieves the remainder of her first donut.

Lunella Lafayette has posed:
    "Nice to meet you, Grail." Moon Girl states from the air.

    "And yeah. He's smart. For an oversized chicken!" Moon Girl replies, crossing her arms.

    Devil Dinosaur appears to get amusement from the sourness of Lunella's voice, and keeps her suspended as Grail continues to consume her first donut.

    "So, what flavor donut did you get? He likes the maple bacon flavored ones with the real bacon on the top, but they just taste like smoke and salt to me. I like the chocolate cake ones myself, but stay away from the jelly ones!"

Grail has posed:
"I do not know." Grail states as she casually looks into her bag before looking up at the girl again. She watches as the girl is moved around by the 'oversized chicken'. She looks agian at her bag and looks at the other two in there.

"I asked for three popular options and the first one had some kind of white coating with colorful bits on top. The other two appear to be both covered in a sticky solution annd one without it." She states simply enough and pulls out a cake donut to look at it.

Lunella Lafayette has posed:
    "What, they don't have donuts where you're from?" Lunella questions. "That's just criminal."

    She turns her head, craning her neck to take a look at the dinosaur, who sets her back down with a grunt of dissatisfaction.

    "So you got a white frosted with sprinkles, and a glazed, and a cake donut. The cake donuts are great with apple cider. My dad likes his with coffee." she explains, and she stretches her arms.

Grail has posed:
"I see and no." Grail states simply as she looks at the cake donut. She takes a bite of it before considering it and putting it away. She shakes her head, "They are very tasty but I am not sure. I often find such things can bring weakness." She states before looking at the dinosaur and then back to Lunella. She considers teh stretching girl before letting out a sigh.

"Well, I must go. I agreed to a particular task and I must complete it. It was informative to meet you both." And with that she gives a nod and then is gone in a burst of wind and sound. It's an impressive movement as very few can keep up with the sudden burst of speed.

Lunella Lafayette has posed:
    Very few can.

    "Whoa-- WHAT. She was a Speedster? But don't they need like, superhighcaloriffic counts?!" Moon Girl questions, and she pauses to replay against her goggles.

    "... holy cow." pause "No, no I don't think that'd be a good idea, we should proooobably leave investigating that one to the ah... y'know. Grown ups." she pauses, and she looks up to her companion.

    "... actively, anyway."