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Latest revision as of 01:17, 6 November 2022

Late Night School Raid
Date of Scene: 05 November 2022
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Gabby tries to sneak into the mansion without waking anyone. Logan does not let sneak. Bit of talking and catching up occurs.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Logan Howlett

Gabby Kinney has posed:
A nice, quiet night. The leaves outside had mostly fallen from the trees yet the winter chill wasn't yet here. It was the perfect evening for campfires, s'mores, that sort of thing. Or at least it was earlier in the evening. It's well past curfew for students at this point. Most were already in their rooms or headed that way before they got caught still up.

It had been a bit since Gabby visited the school, but she was still aware of curfew. Most were asleep, likely, and that meant being quiet was essential. Plus it wasn't often she got to practice her sneaking-in skills anymore. Why waste the chance?

Very gently, very quietly, she eases up one of the large windows that she knew was usually unlocked because it offered great ventilation when something was accidentally burned in the kitchen. Perfect. A quiet little 'hup' has her tucking tucking into the window landing in a little rolling crouch.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Too quiet.

Logan never /could/ sleep right under the right circumstances. Even under the wrong ones. Too many nightmares. Too many scents. When you've been hunted, and shot at and stabbed and blown up as much as Logan has? You're always looking over your shoulder.

Even at the cost of sanity.

Yet...a familiar scent fills his nose. Even when he can practically smell anything left over in the kitchen. His eyes faintly narrow. Yet, all the same, he begins to walk towards the kitchen, silent as the grave. The 'hup' is what gives her away.

When she stands? She'll find Logan leaning against a nearby wall, a single finger hovering over his lips to imply quiet, lest she wake someone up.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney freezes with a quick inhale of breath herself. It was still a thing she was getting used to, the enhanced sense of smell. She'd only acquired that secondary mutation a year ago. Most of her time was spent in the city. Out here things didn't smell so muddled or ... dirty.

The familiar scent floods her just as her eyes snap over toward Logan catching the gesture to remain quiet. All she can do is crack a big grin along with a nod, and her hands spread in a helpless little shrug. She *was* trying to be quiet, after all.

Logan Howlett has posed:
She's quiet.

But not that quiet. Even he struggles to be quiet sometimes. She should see it when Scott catches him on occasion. But, he nods at her once with a cheeky grin and puts a cigar in the corner of his mouth as he walks towards the kitchen proper, towards the fridge.

"Whatcha need, kid? Haven't seen you around the school in a long, long time. Thought you were off savin' the world."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches up to run her hand back through her hair helping to shake out any bits of leaves she might have gotten snagged in the length while sneaking through the bushes. At least they weren't the pricker sort. That always tangled things up.

Following after him, her footteps falling into the same pace as his, she finds a spot leaning against one of the counters in an all-too-familiar fashion. "Not for awhile," she admits about the world saving situation. "I kind of stumbled my way into inheriting leadership of a group. One I am not cut out for leading, but they had no idea how to work like a team. That part I can do." There's no doubt to her voice there on that. Teamwork? Heck yeah. A little shrug comes again as she continues. "So I was off looking for others to help lead to fill the gap in my lack of knowledge and skill. Magic sorts," she explains a bit more.

"Otherwise I'm usually in Gotham these days. Run with a small group there for the more down-to-Earth situations." A warm grin creeps over her. "I just hadn't visited for awhile, and... well." Here she pauses to reach up and give her cheek a single scratch with a fingertip. "I guess I was missing folks a bit."

Logan Howlett has posed:

As if that one sound covers just about everything. "Leadership is a walking pile of shit." Logan states rather bluntly, but that's how he's always felt about it. "Suddenly, ya gotta watch everyone like a hawk. Gotta make sure everyone puts their shit on hold for the team. Gotta make sure everyone's gettin' noticed and valued."

He pulls out a beer for himself. He pulls out an orange juice for Gabby.

Just to be cheeky.

"Sounds reasonable. So who'd ya get?" About the team. Dunno why the hell she's in Gotham, but he frowns. "Just keep outta the way of the Bats."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to take hold of the offered juice with only a hint of amusement at it. It didn't really both her, but neither did she really mind actually drinking. Not like it did much for her any more than it did for him. It's the mention of the Bats that causes her to clear her throat a little with an impish sort of grin. Her eyebrows wiggle a little bit as if she were telling a great joke.

"Actually.... Already work with a few of them. The younger ones anyway." Uncapping the OJ she tips it back to take a long gulp off of it contemplating her responses. "I've worked with them for a few years now. They didn't seem to care as much about my 'being too young' to help out."

"As for finding others to help lead, I got Nettie Crowe, an old witch. Probably older than you. And Sara Pezzini, a cop with some magical artifact that helps her fight demons. Nettie's letting us use her shop these days. Between the three of us, it's not been bad so far. But," a deep breath is let out as she admits, "You're right, it's tiring as hell."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Some weird traditions still reman with Logan.

...like giving his technically daughter a drink she's technically old enough to have. It's the little things in life he deeply enjoys.

"Hmmm....Nettie Crowe, huh?" Logan asks her, chuckling a bit. "Been awhile since I've heard that name. Not since the 40's." Which forties? 1840s, 1940s...the 40s AD forties? No, Logan's not /that/ old, but he's still old. He smirks a bit. "Sounds like you got some good folks on your team. Try not to let 'em down."

Great life advice.

Her look that she gives him about the Bats doesn't make him express anything, merely lights his smoke. Shame she doesn't get farther...or maybe he doesn't notice.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tips back her head for another quick sip before she pushes off from her spot leaning on the counter. "Anyway. I should go peek in on Nega, steal one of her shirts for old times sake. I also want to check up on a kid I think Berto might have brought in a few days ago."

Reaching up she digs the heel of her palm into her eye, mumbling, "Think it was a few days ago." It's all dropped though as she steps over to give the cigar-smoking Canadian a quick hug. "Good to see you again, Dad. I'll be around awhile." Then before he could react one way or another she's off down the hall... very quietly./