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It's the moments between the busy times
Date of Scene: 09 November 2022
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: Rose and Jason find some down time after their different patrols.
Cast of Characters: Rose Wilson, Jason Todd

Rose Wilson has posed:
And what does one do after returning from a patrol? Well, for some it is straight to the showers. Others need some times to destress a little. Rose? For her, it's strip off the armor, and tug on a tee and some pants, then get some ice cream.

Padding back in from the kithens barefoored with a large boel of rocky road she scans the room, then sprays whipped creeam into her mouth and then over the bowl of deliciousness.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd is a "Some of Column A, Some of Column B" sort of guy. Particularly it depends on the events that have transpired and lead up to that down time. Tonight? Well. He got to face a personal nightmare he'd never admitted to anyone else. Ever. He even got to do it in front of half the Bat Family where they could see him lost his shit. Even if he fought past it, he isn't the sort who likes to show weakness.

So he stopped back at the Roost because it was the closest safe house. He got cleaned up - because who likes to slog around in Gotham's sewers? No one is who. Killer Croc is not a person. He doens't count.

Emerging finally from the shower, he wears a faded teeshirt from one of the many Eagles 'Farewell' Tours. For all he knew they were still touring, all... how many of them are still around and kicking?

Running shorts, and equally barefoot, he too had raided the kitchen - only he liberated someone's beer stash. Twice.

Coming into the recreation room he twists the top off the first bottle and takes a long swallow before he sees Rose.

"Hey Rose. Been a while. You good?" He drops onto the sofa heavily. Tired. Stressful situations do that to a person.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson glances over and smirks at the shirt. "I'm fine. Rough run?" She flicks her spoon absently at the shirt, "They never broke up, just took a fourteen year vacation, I guess." A grin showing for a moment before she lifts some of the chocolaty goodness for a lick. "It's bene odd being back though. Feels almost like I was never gone, except Conner is acting wieerd around me now."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods, "Some freak.. Ringmaster guy. Forgot that Halloween was a few weeks ago." He looks over, "Yeah." Looking down at his shirt, he laughs, "Yeah. Then they never stopped saying goodbye. Caught them a few years ago now, I guess. Still damned good." He swallows more beer and looks over, "Well. I'm no expert on Conner. But isn't acting weird sort of what he does?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson grins as she pads over to drop easily into a seat, swinging her legs up over the arm, as she balances the bowl on her stomach. "I think you might be onto something there. And the Ringmaster? Ugh, that sounds like that Time-jerk who has bene a thorn in my side for a while. I still think he wanted ot stick his thorn elsewhere, but..." She trails off and tucks a bite of ice cream into her face before she can start the swearing again at the thought of what 'He' wanted to do.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd hasn't hung out with many of the Krypton set so his sample size is pretty limited, but weird. Ehn. It's all relative isn't it?

He sips at his beer as Rose comments. He laughs, "Well. That seems to be kind of how life goes. Everyone's trying to dick everyone else - one way or another." Eloquent as always.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson snorts softly at that and peers over with her one startlingly blue eye. "It wasn't his dick I was worried about. He had a fetish with knobby canes that had me worried. And he predicted the options almost as fast as me, so it was not like I could bobbit his ambitions." She shakes her spoon at you. "I was expecting more a minute man comment anyway."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd pauses as Rose explains things. He takes a moment to reflect on the additional information. "Huh. Can't say I saw it going that way" he admits with a chuckle. "That's a bit off the map, I have to agree." The minute man thing makes him actually grin. "well about someone else, sure.." He shrugs, smuggly and sips at his beer again.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson lofts a brow up at that. "Ohh, really now? First hand experience? Faster than a caffineted Speedster? Able to leap to awkward innuendos in a single breath?" She grins wickedly and nods. "Things have not gotten there anywhere since I got back. Though I did have a couple lovely offers of time well shared over at the Hellfire."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd snorts and holds a hand up in surrender. "I'm not saying anything. I know you can kill me at least a hundreded and fifty three different ways I can think of. And a few hundred more I can't." He laughs and glances over. "Hellfire? Damn. Girl's got connections."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson shrugs slightly, "I'm a Legacy there. Dad for all the loveliness he is, was one of the inner Council at a point int time. Means I can get in with just a flash of my silvery locks and a snarl or two. Still not certain how I feel about the officer's dress code though. Corset and thong? While it is a hot look, I'd want a at least a cloak if I had to go outside in it."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd arches a brow and whistles. ".. wow. I can't say I figured that. I should have." He pauses, "Not your dad. That makes sense." Of course it does. "The dress code. I should have guessed things were kinky on the inside. Everyone talks. But y'know who figured it'd be a real life Eyes Wide Shut kind of thing?" he wonders with a smirk. He finishes off his first bottle and sets the empty on a side table before opening the second one with an easy twist.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson chuckles softly as she crosses her ankles and stretches her back, letting her back bow over the arm of the seat for the moment. "Oh, it's a real nice place for views. Guys dressed in suits. Ladies in bedroom attire. I think someone likes it that way. But it is also a place where a woman walking around with a whip wrapped around her waist isn't going to get a batted eye."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd listens. He shakes his head. "Not the sort of place I'll get an invite to" he laughs quietly. "I know some who would. Or have probably. But me? Not anything to offer them I'm sure." He laughs again. "Sounds more strip club than global movers and shakers club. I'm sure they mean it that way."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson snickers softly, "Well, if you really wanted to go, I can bring a plus one. I keep my ties there as..." She shrugs, "It's one of hte few places in town I can get whatever the hell I want to drink without anyone fussing at me."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks over, "I don't think I'd care to wander around in my minion/slave harness as an outsider" not that he believes that'd be the case. But he wouldn't be surprised if it were.

"I can get that though. Not that I'll give you grief for what you steal from the liquor cabinet here" he says with a smirk. "Just don't get caught by, well, anyone else probably."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson laughs easily, "Oh.. You think I dress up in the corset and thong? Nonononononono.. That would fulfill too many ambitious eyes, I think. I do sometimes wear a skirt when I go there. But usually it is just my everyday clothing. I'm not employed there, so don't need to wear a uniform." She shrugs, "Though I di get better service when I show up in armor."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd listens and thinks on it. "Hey, I don't know what rules you have. I'm not one to judge" he says with a grin. "I'm sure that armor and your sword will cause some measure of attentiveness. Or anxiety. Both?" He shakes his head. "Sounds like a wild place."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson grins back. "IT is a wild place. And I'm not even sure what all my rules are sometimes. Sometimes it is War and Peace, other times 52-pickup when it comes to them." Her tone lightly teasing as she does have a set of rules she follows, for the most part. and terrible things tend to happen when she needs to break her rules. She is her father's daughter, after all.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd thinks about that. "Huh." A swallow of beer, glancing to Rose he wonders, "So what else has been going on? Other than hanging out at secret, elite strip clubs with dirty old men?" he says it with a smirk.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson hmms softly, "Well, I did some cooking. Took Conner to an underground music hall. And mostly just patrolled my buns off." She lifts a leg to admire the muscles flowing under hr pale skin. "The runnign around has helped with my definition though."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "Cooking? What's your favorite dish? Or specialty?" he wonders.

"Hvaen't been to a concert. Did help Phoebe - and kind of didn't help Gabby - in catching a bail jumper at an underground fight club not that long ago. That was good times. Everyone was after the guy for different reasons."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson mms softly as she cant her head to watch you before answering. "I have a Liosian noodle dish that was shared out by those awake when I first got back. Also have made soem steamed dumplings and a few other things from my time away. I wasn't just learning how to kill, I was also learning soem of Mother's culture and beliefs from the Aunties." She eats a couple more spoonfulls of melting ice cream before continuing. "As for hte band, they sucked. Was an undergroups punk group. Almost a rave type situation. Conner made me behave and not end a situation the way my body told me would fell best."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "Nice. Those sound really good." He considers, "I can make a pretty mean meat sauce for spaghetti." He considers a moment. "Also Swiss Steak. But really. that's..." he shrugs. "More baking than cooking. Tastes damned good though."

He nods, "Well learning culture is a good thing. We could all do with more culture in our lives."

He winces, "Sorry to hear that. It sounds like you were justified in your instincts" he jokes. "We should go catch a show sometime."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson nods to that as she straightens and tucks her legs under her, sitting more like a normal person than the louge cat she had been portraying. "It is often good to connect to your cultures, yeah. I got to meet a whole branch of hte family that was not trained to be the lean, mean, killing machines. Admittedly, they were easy pickings in a snowball fight. But fun to get to know." A small fond smile playing over her lips. "I kinda miss them sometimes. But I do get care packages. Last one had a dried squid in it. Not sure if it is to eat, or murder someone with."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd laughs. "Snowball fight huh? That sounds.. normal." He turns to study Rose critically. "Who are you and what did you do with the real Rose Wilson. I've never known her to do 'normal'" he jokes. Then he considers the squid. "If you eat it let me know, I'll come watch. But I'm not going to join you though."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson sticks her tongue out at you. "It wa normal. And surprisingly they accepted me for who I am, not for how they could use me to slaughter droves." she sets her bowl aside and sighs, "No, that came later when they were attacked. Was also part of why I came back this way. I didn't want ot draw dangers to the 'normal' I had found. My mother's kin."