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Checking Up On JT
Date of Scene: 09 October 2022
Location: Upstairs - Red Cave
Synopsis: After the gala, Stephanie stops by to check on Jason who left early.
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown

Jason Todd has posed:
Five minutes after leaving the Gala organized by Phoebe:

Jason is behind the wheel of his '69 Mustang Mach 1, exceeding the posted speed limit and ignoring almost every law with any bit of influence on driving. He's not drunk at least. He's stupid sometimes but he's not ever stupid enough to do that.

An hour after he left, he's still no less pissed off over how things went at the Gala but driving around wasn't making things any better. So he went home.

Two hours after leaving the Gala, he sits in the loft apartment over his garage, absently flipping through channels. The Curse of Cable is now the Sin of Streaming. He has every service, beause he can. And there is fuck-all on that he wants to want. So instead, he is distracted channel surfing, never on a channel more than a few minutes. A cheap beer sits on the side table within reach. He's still dressed as he was for the Gala other than the crimson bowtie has been unfastened, as has the top button of the dress shirt. The shiny suit jacket hangs over the back of a chair.

Even Church knowns Jason is in one of his mercurial moods and has only come so close as to occupy the other end of the sofa, curled up with his long fluffy tail hiding his nose and muzzle so that only his stoic yellow eyes can keep an eye on things between slow, lazy blinks. Only an occasional ear twitch shows he is actually paying attention.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Getting past the security on the garage wasn't the hardest part. Stephanie had been by enough times that she'd seen it activated and deactivated, and had used visits there as part of her training from Barbara to spot such systems. Even if she'd never actually put that knowledge to use.

Getting to the doorway without the sensitive ears of the cat noticing was the harder part. But apparently she managed, as Stephanie's voice comes from the doorway. She's leaning there in her dress, holding her high heels dangling in one hand. "So you left before trying the caviar," she tells him, gesturing with the other hand that has a little bag in it. "I've not actually tried it before myself. I mean fish eggs don't -sound- that great, but I'm told it's worth it," she says.

The blond gives Jason a little grin and then walks forward, reaching down a hand towards the large cat to give him a ruffle on the top of his head. "Anything good on?" she asks of the TV

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd probably knew Steph was at the perimeter of the garage. If asked, he'll say he was. The truth is probably that he didn't know till Chruch's ears flick and his head raises toward the doorway a moment before Steph materializes.

Jason is sprawled back, feet on the scuffed up coffee table. Alfred would most certainly be on his case for poor posture. It is hardly gentlemanly. But then, tonight? He hasn't been much of one in any other whay, why the hell should his posture attempt to suggest otherwise.

A slow breath is taken and he lets it out as a sigh. "Nothing. At least that I'm in the mood for." He puts some cooking show and sets the remote down as he looks to Steph.

"Caviar depends on the quality. The stuff at the event was probably pretty good. Phoebe wouldn't cut corners." He watches as she pads in barefoot. "Had to be better things to do than come ruin the last of your great evening by choosing to hang with me." He's still a but sullen but there is a softer look in his gaze, a slight tug of a smile at the corner of his mouth. He doesnt like to admit things, but he does appeciate her thoughtfulness.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie moves over to settle onto the couch beside Jason. She opens up the bag, taking out a little container of the caviar and looking at the label. "It's... um... Russian. Sorry still working on Chinese so I can stop getting glared at by the woman at Hot Dumplings," she tells him, Russian not yet on her list of languages she's mastered. She shows him the label. It's a good one, indeed.

Along with that she pulls out a few other things, various foods they had available, plus the options they had that are good with caviar on them.

"Eh, it's your turn to have to put up with my warped sense of humor," she tells him. "I figure if I spread it around all of you Wayne boys then none of you will commit ritual suicide." She pauses and seems to get a thought. "Or maybe you all will at the same time?" Stephanie shrugs and says, "Either way it's a chance I'm willing to take," she tells him, grinning and spreading some caviar on some kind of crisp and sits back, careful to keep a hand under it so nothing ends up on her dress as she tries it.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "It's Russian Oestra. From sturgeon in the Caspian Sea. The only better type is Beluga." He drops his feet from the table and sits up. Watching and waiting for Steph to finish fixing her first bite, he leans over and takes some of the caviar and adds some to a cracker. Setting the container down he takes a bite and glances over to her to see what she thinks about it, brow arched to say 'well?'"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown takes the bite and her eyes drift off to the side and up as she's focusing on her taste buds and letting her other senses suffer for it. "Oh. That is nice," she says. "It might be a little rich to have very often. But I can see why it ends up being so expensive," she says.

Relaxing back into the couch, she continues to nibble on it. "Alfred's cooking is amazing, and of course we have access to all kind of food. But honestly I'm still the girl who loves going to Big Belly Burger or stopping by the Munch Box for a greasy breakfast," she comments. "I guess you can take the girl across the train tracks but you can't... um, you can't train her to... no wait, that's not it," she says, frowning but then taking another bite before she untangles the words.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods as she comes to her conclusion on the delicacy. "It is. You're right. I'm sure there are some who would gladly eat it daily. I prefer it as a rare thing to keep it unique and an indulgence."

He half laughs. "There is zero wrong with still going to Big Belly Burger or MB or Hot Dumplings. Just, like with caviar, moderation. Or we won't fit in pretty clothes, or our armor. I'm not sure which would be the worse fate."

He pauses then can't help but tease, "At least for you."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown gives a soft laugh. "Ok, granted, Dick has bought me a few things, and I wear them especially when showing up in my old Gotham Knights threadbare tee will look a little off for him. But most of my wardrobe probably still match the pretty clothes comment," she tells him.

"Besides," Stephanie says as she leans forward to put caviar on another cracker, "With our 'extracurricular activities', counting calories has not been a concern at all. If anything I have to eat extra," she tells him.

She takes a bite of the cracker and sighs happily. "So, was good of you to come to the Gala. I'm sure Phoebe appreciates it, as well as everyone else. You doing ok? I know those aren't your favorite kind of places to hang," she says. "Though was surprised you didn't last longer. I was totally going to make you dance with me too."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods. "Playing dress up for fancy events is kind of a thing in this family. Even if none of us actually - really - want to most of the time. Obviously my usual daily wear is jeans and tee shirts. Guess it's just a product of my upbringing as a hood" he jokes.

He nods in agreement, "Yeah. Burning calories and not being able to maintain enough muscle mass is more a thing with beating the hell out of criminals than I probably once imagined, I'll admit." He pauses a moment then leans over to make up another cracker with some of the caviar and then movbes to stand, "I'd offer you a beer but.. that's pretty red-neck, beer and caviar" he comments dryly. As he goes to get himself a beer. ANd it's the cheap stuff no less. "Soda? water? I'm all out of champagne I'm afraid."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown gives a little wave of her head as she shakes her head. "Nah, I'm good, thanks," she says in reply to offer of some kind of beverage. She looks down at the cracker and the expensive topping on it. "How long did it take for you to get used to the money?" she asks. "I can't imagine I'm ever really going to. I kind of don't want to, truth be told," she says.

She sighs and takes a bite of the cracker and caviar. "I don't know. I just... in Dick's situation, and yours and Tim's and all... I just don't know that I'd ever feel certain someone's interest in me was about me. And I know Dick doesn't have any doubts about that with me. I know it down inside. But still. I just... need to make sure he knows, you know?" she says. "I don't care about the clothes or cars or any of it. I know you guys don't either. I've just seen the women who pursue you guys though."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd chuckles quietly, "Do any of us really get used to the money? Maybe Bruce. I grew up on the streets." Returning with a bottle of water for Stephanie anyway, he settles and cracks open his beer. "You don't have to worry about Dick. But I get the mindset. Me, I guess I just mostly live like I'm a bum. No one cares if I have money or not. So the fact I do, doesn't really get picked up on or anything. Not like I've got tons of girls knocking down my door" he adds with a smirk.

"And Steph?" He looks to her seriously, meaningfully, "You? Are *nothing* like the women that try to chase Bruce or try to chase his money through us." He doesn't joke about it. It's a serious statement he intends to leave no doubt about.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown takes the bottle of water when offered it, opening it and taking a sip despite having turned it down earlier. "Yeah. I know. I mean I know but it still doesn't change me feeling I need to make sure he knows. You know?" she says.

She lets out a sigh. "Well. I can't imagine you don't have women chasing you either. Probably just don't want to notice them if not. Which is probably for the best. Because women, in this town? Jeez, Jordanna would give her left testicle to go out with you or one of your brothers. Should have seen the beeline she made for Dick one time ran into him at Shooters when I was with friends there," she tells him, and gives a little chuckle at the memory. "Dick ignored her but came over and showed me enough attention she got -so- jealous. God that was a glorious night," she says, laughing warmly at the memory.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd says, "I think you're already at that point, Steph." He glances to her, "If you weren't? There's no way he'd have proposed to you." Is it true? Jason certainly seems to believe it.

"Don't get lost chasing shadows too deeply. You'll miss the light." Jason trying to be philosophic. Who knew?

He snorts, "I'm.. not sure that you've upsold me on this Jordanna if we're discussing her testicles." He leans back to sip at the beer before grinning some. "See? Dick knows what's up. And who matters.""

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives another tiny wave of her hand as Jason comments on her choice of wording about Jordanna. "Good. You don't need a she-demon. I mean we already have enough of those hanging around of late." Get it? Daughter of the Demon?

The young blond woman clears her throat. "Yeah, you're right. I just sometimes see a night like tonight, and all the dresses and tuxes and the fancy... food and drink," she says, hefting another cracker with caviar on it. "And I just remember hiding underneath my window in the slums, plugging my ears during No Man's Land and wondering how I got here."

She gives a slight shrug. "Well. Glad you were the one who got to hear all this rather than Dick. He's heard a few times before, just I think he figures I've moved past it finally," she says with a chuckle.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd shrugs. "I'm no real trasure myself." The scar from a certain crowbar is a daily reminder of that. "We just do the best we can."

"You got here? Because you're a good person, Stephanie. You care. You make contributions and changes where you can. I don't have that different of a background than you do. We're here because, I guess, Bruce and the others see things we don't always see." He reaches over to tug at a lock of her hair gently. "We just have to accept that they see it in us. And trust them. They'll tell us if there's ever a problem." He pauses, then cannot help but offer more gallows humor. "Or, you know, we'll find our bank accounts and assets frozen and our access to the Batcave locked out."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown gives a warm chuckle back to Jason. She rises from the couch, taking a long sip from the bottle of water. "Thanks Jason. For the brother who likes to portray the image you do, you're good to talk to," she says, definite teasing given her expression.

"Alright, I'm going to head on home. So I can get up early and write a paper for my PoliSci class. I wish it was a little more focused on legal stuff that would help prepare me for the whole forensics examiner thing. But sometimes it's interesting at least."

She stretches and then flashes Jason a smile. "Night you. And thanks again."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd moves to stand, offering a smirk. "Yeah yeah... just don't tell anyone. They'll think you're insane. And it'll ruin my rep" he mutters playfully.

He nods, "Any time. You know where to find me" he offers with a smile. He walks with her toward the stairs and will see her out of the building.

"Good luck with your paper. I have zero doubt that you'll do just fine. Say hi to Dick for me." He'll offer a hug before she heads off, regardless, watching like the protective brother he is to make sure she gets on her way safely.