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Latest revision as of 04:42, 4 December 2022

Thirsty Thorsday JLD Style
Date of Scene: 02 December 2022
Location: Fourth Floor: Lounge and Sitting Room
Synopsis: Gabby and Lydia chat about current events, and planning for the future.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Lydia Dietrich

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The shop had gained a few add ons thanks to Nettie's magic, and a bit of elbow grease in the form of painting here and there. The JLD now had some actual physical spaces at the back of the shop where they could simply relax, practice magic, study, or whatever it was they felt was needed at any time of day.

Gabby for her part is currently doing the 'relaxing and study' part a bit. She's seated on one of the floor cushions pulled up close to a coffee table where a laptop is situated. Next to that was a book she was going over scowling in annoyance at something or the other. In spite of the fact that she was one of the leaders of the JLD there were still obligations she had outside of that. Such as finishing up the schoolwork for her senior year.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "... no I will /not/ cut that part out," comes Lydia's voice, becoming clearer the closer she gets to the sitting room. "It's important for people to know." A pause as she's listening to somebody on the other end of the conversation on her phone. "I don't care who'll it'll piss off. It stays. Hell. Think of it this way, the controversy alone will sell more books. Look. I gotta go. Bye." She finally enters the room and lets out a weary sigh. "Publishers. Can't live with them, can't publish without them."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts her head at the familiar voice though the conversatin she hears parts of definitely causes her eyebrows to raise. Once Lydia is off the phone she offers her a sympathetic grin as she rests her chin on her hand, elbow on the table. "Ah, I guess so? Not had that experience myself I'm lucky to say. Good to see you, Lyds," she adds with a grin. "So what were they all pissy about?" Sitting up straighter she nudges her textbook away from her on the table. Humanities. "I mean I think you can publish independently but it's probably not as easy to do, and ... Yeah anyway."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "They don't like a part of my book where I talk about The Presence in more than the abstract," Lydia says, throwing herself into one of the comfortable couches. "I mean... they don't like a /lot/ of my book because it's going to look blasphemous and I'm going to piss off a lot of people, but like I told them, the sales will more than make up for the hate mail they'll be getting. It's been a struggle to get the Book of Lydia published, but we've finished the editing and are just trying to convince the publisher to print it as is. I knew it was going to be tough but...." She shrugs helplessly. "Anyway. That was their last ditch effort, and the book will start printing soon. It'll come out by the new year rolls around." She gets a mischevious twinkle in her eye, "I wanted them to release it on Christmas, but that would have been /too/ blasphemous."

    She nods over to the textbook Gabby was reading. "Working on getting your GED? If you need any help with English I've got a degree in it, and before I got caught up with the Brotherhood, I was looking for work as an English teacher. Still kind of am, if I'm to be honest. The books that I've published so far brings in enough to keep the lights on, but that's about it. If I actually had to buy my food, I'd be in trouble. Know anywhere offhand that could use a high school English teacher?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney listens with a nod here or there as she takes in all the information. Having not read the book herself yet, she could only assume some of what might be in the actual manuscript. "Yeah, they tend not to like that sort of thing. New years works too though. There's already enough going on at Christmas anyway, you'd be forgotten in a week. Better to just stick to the schedule, probably."

The question of the book earns a shake of her head. "Nah, been doing most of my course work online from the school since my attention's been split. I still head back for major tests and stuff." A little crinkle of her nose comes. "I've considered the GED... Probably would be better, but at the same time, I dunno." She looks back to the book scowling a little bit. "School work bores me to death. Sure I've learned a little, but when I came out of the labs I already knew a LOT in general. Maybe not a lot of history, or the like, but geography, who fights who, math, English... Most warning signs in every major language..." Her fingers tap against the table. "Eh. I feel like I should be past this already."

An apologetic smile is cast toward Lydia as her head shakes. "Naw, sorry. They almost always need teachers where I' at but usually they prefer to vet them as mutants or family of. Trying to make the students feel at-ease."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia blinks slowly at Gabby. "You /do/ know I'm a mutant, first and foremost, right?" She waves her hand through the sparkly field of stars that always surrounds. "Sure I don't glow green anymore, but I'm still continuously putting out ectoplasm that I can control. WIth my x-gene. I've gone to marches and everything. Even had my gut punctured from an anti-mutant terrorist atach. Just because I also do magic, and happen to be a vampire it doesn't mean I stopped being a mutant."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses to stare at Lydia a long moment. Then her head drops down to bang her forehead against the coffee table with a long, drawn out groan. "Oh my god. I need coffee or something," she finally mumbles before lifting her head to squint. There's a red mark of impact where her forehead thumped but given her own powers it likely wasn't going to be an issue in a few moments.

"I'm sorry, it's been a hell of a week for me. I've been trying to finish up the semester and learn what I can about stock investments so I can try to build a portfolio so when I'm older I have resources available. Since... you know I'm probably gonna get pretty old."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia leans over and gives Gabby a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "It's okay," she says. "We've all been there."

    When Gabby mentions building a portfolio it's Lydia's turn to stare for a long moment. "You know," she says. "That's probably a good idea. I should look into it. Since I could theoretically live forever." She's silent for a few long moments as she thinks about this before shaking her head as if to clear it. "Anyway. As you were saying. This place you were talking about happens to be Xaviers, yes?I'm familiar with the place and its, er, extra-carricular activities. I'd been thinking about applying but I'm afraid that my past association with the Brotherhood would tarnish my reputation."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles thankfully at Lydia's gesture with a nod of agreement. "Yeah. I probably have been pushing myself a bit, but it's not life or death situations so I can manage awhile. Holidays," she states with a little sigh and shake of her head.

"Yeah, it's Xavier's. I wouldn't worry about your past, honestly, if you're interested. They're kind of big on redemption there for the most part," she points out with a wry grin. "I was talking to Warren, one of the Xavier alumni about the portfolio since he's kinda rich. He said he'd help me set something up. Might be able to help you, too."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "Well," Lydia says uncertainly, "if you don't mind vouching for me, I'll toss my application their way. I'd... have to teach night classes though. I take it they're okay with vampires? Jubliation goes to school there, and it's not like I'm going to feed on any of thte students or faculty."

    She chuckles, "I could ask my dad for financial advise since he's both rich //and// a lawyer but I ikind of hate leaning on him so much," she says. "I like to make my own way through the world. I //wanted// to take out student loans and scholarships to get me through college but my parents insisted that they set up a trust fund."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles a bit at that though she can only nod. "I can offer what vouching I can, though I don't know how much my word will hold sway there. There's a reason I've stepped away from the school to join other groups." Her fingers tap against the text book pointedly. "I know they were wanting to look out for me, and concerned about not using 'child soldiers', but I already was trained. I felt like they didn't want to accept that outside a few. Then after the kidnapping with a bunch of us..." Her head shakes. "Most of the ones that I'd consider teammates drifted away. It was tough."

RShe goes quiet. Just quiet, staring thoughtfully at the table in front of her while gathering her thoughts. "I can though if you want," she states finally breaking out of her mind. "If I can offer some advice though? Sometimes it's okay to ask for help. It's great to learn on your own, but part of learning is finding someone to *teach* you, too. Your parents might be able to give you some really good advice."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "It's probably tough to imagine a girl like you /wanting/ to fight, after being forced to do it," Lydia says contemplatively. "They probably want you to have as normal a childhood as you can get before they send you off to adulthood." She shrugs. "Still. Your life. Volunteering to fight is much better than being forced to."

    "Oh! I just meant that I'd accept help from Warren over that of my father." She chuckles sheepishly. "Sorry if I wasn't clear. If I went to dad, not only would he help me with my portfolio, he'd dump money into it. And it's less that I don't want help it's more..." She takes a breath just so she can let out a sigh. "I grew up very privelidged. I'd had almost everything I wanted handed to me on a silver platter. This didn't change when I was with Mystique. She made sure I was a kept woman. I want... I want to be able to be on my own and not rely on others. I want my independence."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well that's the thing," Gabby tilts her head to the side contemplating how to say it. "It was familiar. Sure I was made to fight, but I was good at it. I was confident in it. It was just a skill at the point I escaped from the labs. I never minded the fighting itself, just the *reason* for it." Here she pauses with a grin. "I wanted to fight to help keep others from going through the same shit. Or worse. Better to fight for a good cause and since I already knew how to fight?" Here she just shrugs.

"Sure there was some anger involved in it that I needed to work out, but I've always been pretty good at keeping my anger in control. Especially given Logan is known for going into Berzerker frenzies. I just... I guess it would have been an outlet that I saw as for a good reason."

Going quiet again she listens only to nod in agreement quietly. "I guess I understand that. It's nice to know you can support yourself without relying on others TOO much."