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Latest revision as of 06:03, 28 December 2022

Friends with the Florist
Date of Scene: 27 December 2022
Location: Sherwood Florist, First Floor
Synopsis: Natasha drops in to visit Dinah at the plant shack.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Dinah Lance

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
She liked to drop by here from time to time. To talk shop, to talk gossip, and to catchup over on some of the other things giong on in the world. And, in this case, she was making sure to bring a gift. Natasha would enter into Sherwood Florist, under her arm a copy of Dazzler's latest LP. One of hte few that could hit the same range of notes as Dinah.. So, glancing about Natasha would look around, wearing a set of casual clothes.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Well, as it turned out, now was a good time to stop by. The Christmas 'rush' was long over, and there were orders coming in for New Years - but New Years wasn't *nearly* as bad a time for this sort of thing. So what Natasha walks into is a disasterpiece.

There were barely any flowers on the shelves at all, and the pieces of displays - like Santa hats, mini snowmen and the like, scattered over the shelves.

As for Dinah herself?

She was in the garage. So with that pleasant little *ding* over the entry door, Dinah calls, "Be right there!"

Probably a knucklehead trying to return something. So she comes from the garage door, a smudge of grease on her cheek, her blonde hair swooping over her shoulder when... she pauses, blinking at Natasha. A smile replaces the stern expression. "Hey! What brings you by here, Nat?" she asks. "Business? I hope you're not looking for some flowers, we've been picked pretty clean... mostly."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to look around the place. Seeing the plants on display, going for a quick summary of which ones could be poisonous if prepared properly or lethal in sufficient dosage. The closest she could come to botany; knowing which bits of it made for effective killing. She would enjoy the view, and the scents for a few moments before glancing at Dinah as she would enter.

"I see that you survived the holidays reasonably well. And I just thought I would drop by and check in. It's been awhile and I was in Gotham for business." By which she likely means SHIELD. "I had some time." She goes to pass over the LP. "If I'm not bothering you while you're working. And nothing's the matter." Nothing 'professional' at least. "I take it that things in the city have been.. Stable?" Gotham would always be Gotham.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"No, this is the perfect time to visit. Mostly, I was just taking the day off after the holidays yesterday - tomorrow, it'll be getting ready for the next holiday," she says with a little tug upwards of her crimson painted lips.

Nothing in the shop was poisonous right now. Except the prices!

Dinah reaches out to accept the LP, flipping it over in her hands. "In my world... stable," she says. "There's always the bats and the cats and the clowns, but... they'll always be there," she says.

"Thank you," she says. "Had a listen to it yet? I think I have a record player up in the apartment," she says, stepping around Nat, and flipping the 'open' sign to 'closed'.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would twitch her lips upwards, "Yes, much the same on all of our ends. We can only hope that there's a bit less catastrophe to go around from month to month and take it for what it is." She would glance about. "And I do like the arrangements you've made here. They're quite relaxing."

Folding her arms behind her back as the LP would be taken. "This town does have quite the eclectic variety of inhabitants. It's worse than New York in it's own sort of way. I'm nots ure whether that reflects better or worse on the city you have here." She would quip gently while glancing about. "Have you ever considered redecorating more extensively?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
"It keeps the lights on," says Dinah, flipping the LP over in her hands and looking at the back again, her eyes flicking over the tracklist. "Superheroing doesn't pay the bills as well..." she adds, her tone of voice lingering.

A moment, as she glances up towards the last thing that Natasha says. "Yeah? In what way?" she asks, tilting her head as she looks up towards Nat. "I mean... I still need to restock after the holiday rush, if that's what you mean, but..." she says. "I like it. My apartment's pretty basic, but what I love is out there in the garage," she says, dipping her head that way.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would laugh, "Of course. And running a florist shop covers the expenses enough?" A light tease from her. A life was a life. Particularly when it kept one grounded and connected. A life connection that she did not pursue. Or want, if she had to admit it to herself.

"Then it's good for you. IT's enough to get by on adn enough to give you a place to stay. And I was mor ethinking redoing some of the displays and placements, depending on how much you wanted to move htings around."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"I can eat, and I got a place to stay!" A grin spreads across her lips.

"And it paaaaays just enough to get me a few toys," she says.

A tilt of her head, as she watches Nat, "Really? Are you starting to dip your mind into the business world, Natasha?" she asks, tilting her head as she surveys the displays. "We could rearrange things, sure," she says. "Maybe in the lull after New Years?" she asks, with a tilt of her head. "Until the next big payday," she says.


Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would grin, "Well, that's sufficient. And I've had to spend enough time wtih Ms. Van Dyne and listen to every little scheme that Stark has running to have perhpas a bit of an idea. And it would give me something in the short term to pursue without having to worry too much on being out of contact. And I can learn some things from you."

And get into contact with some more poisonous things which can never hurt. And no one will stare like when she raids the greenhouse at the Avengers Mansion.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Sure, Nat," says Dinah, with another smile.

"Tell you what - how about you come back another time - either tomorrow, or after New Years - we can listen to this LP, you can bring some wine - and we can listen to it and talk shop?" she asks with a wink shot towards the redhead.

"Make a proper night out of it," she says, her bright teeth flashing in a smile.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smile, "That sounds good. I can't promise I'll be available.. So setup alternate plans if I don't show." She might not have anything up, they might have an alien invasion, they might find Hydra trying to weaponize a kaiju. One never knew when it came to the Avengers.

"But I'll look forwards to it. I'll make sure at least I have everything officially free on my end."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Tell you what. I'll go out crimefighting if you don't show," says Dinah.

It wasn't like her own schedule was free - there could be all sorts of horrible Gotham-style issues that happen in a moment.

"Either way... thanks for stopping by, Nat," she says. "Let's hang out soon," she says, her smile bright. She sets the LP behind the counter.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smile, "Good as always to catch up with you Dinah. Hopefully see you tomorrow." That was the way life was. One made plans, but one didn't always get to carry through with them. Natasha would give a quick bow over to Dinah, and then go to head out.