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Latest revision as of 05:01, 7 January 2023

Maui (Scenesys ID: 4583)
Name: Maui-tikitiki-a-Taranga
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Godling
Occupation: Ordinary Demiguy
Citizenship: None
Residence: Polynesia
Education: None
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Godlings
Date of Birth None Played By
Height: 5'10" Weight: 400 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Deuterchromia (blu/grn)
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Maui is a demigod of the pantheon of the Atua. He is a legendary trickster, warrior, hero and sometimes nefarious figure in indigenous lore stretching from Hawai'i to New Zealand. Despite his mortal half, Maui is perhaps the best known and most beloved of the gods his people worship.


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Age of Civilization:
*2500 BCE: Maui is bid to return to Hawaiki as a child of the grandfather of the pantheon, Io.

*1500 BCE: Maui is killed by the death-goddess Hine-nui-te-po. He is the first demigod to die after the Convocation. Yet instead of returning to the power of the realm, Maui washes up on the shores of Ma-i (now known as the Philippines).

*1200 BCE: Maui teaches the people of Ma-i the art of Wayfinding. The people known as the Lapita start sailing south and east, becoming the ancestors of modern Polynesia. Maui sails with them, often ranging far ahead and finding new islands for them to steer towards.

*400 CE: War breaks out among the tribes of the Marquessa islands. Chiefs entreat Maui to fight on their side. Instead he sails ever east, joining the endless expeditions that lead them to settling the Big Island of Hawai'i. The smaller island, less than 40 miles away, is named in honor of Maui himself.

*400-1550: Maui lives a nomadic life among the peoples of Polynesia. He sails from island to island, rescuing the people from monsters and invasion. Maui's presence significantly hampers European exploration of the Polynesian islands, but the Age of Exploration cannot be stopped.

*1790s: Maui supports Kamehameha I in his skirmishes against British and Spanish explorers. He advocates strongly for Hawai'i's multi-ethnic constitutional monarchy, believing it the best way to guide and protect 'his' people against the European expansionism that has taken over much of the rest of Polynesia.

*1790-1890: Maui watches the Hawai'ian population go from 300,000 indigenous residents down to a mere 37,000. For the first time, his sense of heroic resolve is severely tested.

*1858: Maui has a romantic fling with Lili'uokalani that lasts for most of two years. She breaks off their affair due to pressure within the aristocracy for her to marry into the upper society.

*1895: Maui watches the Kingdom of Hawai'i dissolve as American soldiers enforce the Annexation of Hawai'i. During Lili'uokalani's house-arrest, Maui sails past Honolulu Harbor and sings to her across the waters. This inspires Lilu'ulokalani to start penning songs and poetry under her own name again and helps the years pass. She is confounded by the face of an ageless boy she once loved, and never speaks or responds to Maui directly because his existence cannot be reconciled with her religious upbringing.

*1889: Maui watches the American Flag raised over the palace of the monarchy of Hawai'i. He sails west, trying to search out any untouched lands of 'his' people.

*1917: Maui returns to Hawai'i to attend the Queen's funeral. The old god of the islands helps to pull her funerary catafalque, and when he breaks into song with 'Aloha Oe', thousands of Hawai'ian mourners join in.

*1940s: Maui joins the war efforts of Polynesia in attempting to push back Japanese control of the Pacific. He clashes frequently with Hachiman and Ryujin, forming a long-lasting enmity with those entities.

*1950-Present: The sudden changes in Polynesia leaves Maui depressed and uncertain of his role in this modern realm. He lives as an itinerant beach bum, making tribal carvings and jewelry or teaching surfing to tourists. He ends up coaching several surfers who go on to become world champions.

*2018: Thor's return to Earth sends shockwaves through the community of divine beings living on Earth. Maui watches events unfolding in America more closely.

*2023: Hearing rumors of a great danger to the Godlings, Maui is dispatched from Hawai'i to investigate the threat. For the first time in his existence, Maui steps foot on the mainlands of the United States.

Age of Mythology:
Maui is conceived by demigods Taranga and her husband Makeatutara. His mother's side are the ancient gods of Polynesia. His father's side, a line of mighty warriors and great chieftains taken to the god realm after Ragnarok. They are some of the mortals living timelessly in the sacred realm of Hawaiki.

Maui's birth is premature and Taranga returns Maui to the sea, wrapped in her topknot and shorn hair. Ocean spirits find him and return him to grandmother, Tama-nui-ki-te-Rangi, who in turn delivers the miracle baby back to his parents. His formal name is given: Maui-tikitiki-a-Taranga.

Maui lives with his brothers (Maui-taha, Maui-roto, Maui-pae, and Maui-waho), along with his sister Hina and their parents. He grows up smaller than his brothers but proves to be more sly and cunning than anyone else.

Maui performs many great feats in the realm of Hawaiki, including lassoing the sun, pulling up islands, and even trying to slay the death-goddess. He styles himself as a champion of mortals and vigorously defends them against the idle neglect or wrathful fury of the greater gods of Hawaiki.

IC Journal

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You're Welcome:
Maui is a bigger-life-personality. He's the loudest, the strongest, the most cunning and the most irresponsible. He alternates between wanting to help mortals in need and wanting to impress them with his incredible prowess and banter. Unfortunately he can be petty and vexatious, and even vengeful under some circumstances. Because of his near-divinity Maui is trapped in a between place where he wants the love and respect of humans, but is struggling more and more to force himself to truly empathize with them.

Character Sheet


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Maui can adopt the form of any animal that lives in the Polynesian triangle. This includes insects, birds of paradise, dogs, fish, sharks, and more. He cannot turn into creatures of myth. In his animal form he is still vastly more powerful and durable than any living creature-- though some forms are more vulnerable to harm than others.

Fire From Below:
Maui stole the secrets of fire from Mahuika, the Fire Goddess. He taught the island people how to make flames from hardened sticks and stones. The mystic flame he kept for himself. Maui can summon mystical fire, approximately as hot as a torch. It spreads and behaves like a normal flame except it creates no smoke, requires no oxygen, and can only be doused by mystical water sources.

Staring At a Demigod:
Maui has the physical characteristics of a godling of the realms of Yggdrasil. He is certainly the strongest of the gods of Hawaiki, having lifted the sky and run it to the top of the highest mountain. His strength is not just godlike, it is supernatural, and frequently defies physics even in the mortal realms. Maui needs to neither sleep nor breathe; he does not have caloric or liquid needs. Mortal toxins and disease do not affect him. He can survive in all but the most extreme natural environments on Earth. Maui can be comprehended by any intelligent creature living along Yggdrasil's branches.

Under Da Sea:
Maui is a powerful swimmer, but floats like a rock. Crossing the ocean without a boat is an epic task. However, it does mean he can survive quite nicely in the darkest places under the waves. He is capable of understanding most higher-order sealife and can even give them rough instructions.

Warrior Face:
The Haka war dance is a potent display of martial and physical power. Red ink runs along Maui's ta moko and etches itself over invisible paths on his face, forming a terrifying war mask. He becomes even hardier and more resistant to injury. Few in all the worlds of Yggdrasil can keep their nerve when Maui performs this battle dance. He is joined by the shades of many brave warriors who amplify his war cry even further. A short haka can destroy windows and scatter even well-disciplined warriors. If completed perfectly, the shouts can be heard across oceans and have been known to send mountains falling in landslides.

We Know the Way:
Maui has an unerring sense of direction while sailing. This applies to any vessel in any part of Yggdrasil, even sailing through space. Even in unknown realms, Maui has a knack for finding safe ports of harbor.


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Finding Nemo:
Maui is a fisherman without peer. This is a vital skill for a native of the waters. Maui's fishing ability is the stuff of legends. Spearfishing baleen whales, hauling entire shoals up bare handed, even catching ephemerals like islands and clouds.

He Was a Trickster:
Maui is more than just a pretty face and strong clubbing arm. He is widely known as a clever strategist, a trickster, and a con man. Many of Maui's ventures only succeeded because of his sheer audacity and knack for talking himself out of trouble. Between his smart mouth and sticky fingers, Maui's made off with precious treasures from more than a few mortals and gods alike.

He Was a Warrior:
Maui was not just an idle godling, but a great hero and champion to the people of Polynesia. He has fought monsters in Lalotai, wrestled other gods across the waves, and held back entire fleets from landing on 'his' beaches. Maui taught his people the tradition of the Haka and few mortals ever matched his power with the dance, the ultimate expression of warrior prowess. Though a 'mere' demigod, Maui's skill in battle has few peers among the pantheons of the New Gods.

I Got Something For Ya:
Maui is an exceptional artisan, and actively avoids recognition for it. His handiwork was developed over millennia. He can work in bone, clay, stone, and grass. Some of his pieces fetch very high prices among the cognoscenti of native jewelry aficionados. Maui sells them to tourists for however much money he needs to buy food or tools.

It's Called Wayfinding:
Maui has a vast practical knowledge of the art of crossing oceans. The gods alone knew the secrets of navigating Hawaiki; Maui secretly observed and studied their methods and techniques. He became one of the first to sail the sacred oceans on his own. Maui taught these methods to the mortals dwelling in Hawaiki, giving them the skills to sail east and find their new home among the islands of Polynesia.

Tippity' Tappin':
Maui is a strong singer with a voice that can be heard for miles. He can also play many of the instruments developed across the breadth of Oceania, though he's perhaps better known for the passion behind his music than for any great technical skill.


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Consider the Coconut:
In one of Maui's most flagrant acts of rebellion, he snuck into the most sacred garden of the gods of Hawaiki. There he stole the Te-Nui, the coconuts reserved for the greatest of the island gods. He drank from it and received a measure of the power of their realm. It revived him after Hine-nui-te-po killed him on his quest to defeat death, and sustained him when Great Io, the most potent of the Hawaiki gods, banished him to a remote and inaccessible isle in the middle of the Polynesian triangle. The time nears when he will need to drink the sacred water again or revert to his mortal self.

Hei Matau:
Maui is never without this piece of jewelry. It is bound to his neck on an unbreakable flaxen thong. It appears to be a highly engraved fishhook, made of aged bone. This is the jawbone of his ancestor, the goddess Muri-ranga-whenua. It is indestructible, and the rope around his neck becomes a similarly indestructible fishing line of any length he requires. Maui can throw the rope and hook great distances, and latch onto the land, waves, and even the wind. If he needs a weapon the hook becomes a greatclub of such immense weight that none but he can do more than lift it. Nothing short of the power of a Primarch seems able to damage it.

Hit Or Myth:
Maui is perhaps better known than the greater gods of the Atua. It is in part because his stories are more relatable to mortals. After all he was once a mortal himself. Because of this he has a strong personal harmony that can exist outside the Atua's sphere of influence. If he were to present himself to the islanders of modern Polynesia, few would doubt him and would readily aid him to the best of their ability.

Te Waka:
Maui got stuck on an island once and was stranded for a few centuries. After he got free, he retrieved his old waka from under the southern island of Aotearoa. It looks like a model that can fit in his hand, but Maui can throw it in the water and create a sailboat of any size he needs, from a canoe to an enormous waqa drua that can safely seat hundreds of passengers. It is also capable of sailing safely between the stars, riding the ways of Yggdrasil.


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An Ordinary Demiguy:
Maui has come to a place where he is barely straddling the line between mortality and divinity. He cares for humans and much of his exploits center around helping them. But the more they worship him, the more disconnected he becomes from society. He's too loud, too proud, too funny and too violent to actually be able to live among mortals successfully.

Atua Or Three:
Maui has stolen power and sacred mysteries from the Atua, the gods of Hawaiki and the root of Polynesian mythos. Maui gave mortals secrets of fire, sailing, and sunlight, even as the greater gods of the Atua sought to make mortals weaker and more reliant on their divine benefactors. The last straw was Maui stealing one of the sacred coconuts from the Garden, using it to become something near divine himself.

It's Called a Tweet:
Maui has little comprehension of modern technology, machinery, economics, or politics. He can speak and write in several Polynesian languages, including Maori and Hawai'ian. His reading skills are solely concerned with the symbolic carvings of ancient Polynesia. Anything more complex than the knowledge needed to sail across the Pacific is wholly outside his wheelhouse.

Now You Got Coconuts:
Maui's only partly divine by birth. He was sustained by the magic of the Atua for as long as he lived in Hawaiki. One day he managed to sneak into Gaea's Garden and drink the water of one of the mythical Immortal Fruits. This allowed him to cheat death and live in the mortal realms on his own terms. This decision also earned him the permanent ire of Io, the pantheon's Primarch. Maui is nearing the time when he must find another one of the forbidden fruits or risk losing his godhood permanently.

Sailing Away, Away:
Maui is homeless. He says he prefers it that way but the truth is he has no place to call home. He's unwelcome in Hawaiki, and living among the mortals always ends in Maui fleeing their collective worship-- or doing something foolish that makes him an unwelcome guest.



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