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Latest revision as of 23:15, 8 April 2020

High Speeds at Rush Hour
Date of Scene: 08 April 2020
Location: Avalon Heights
Synopsis: Dinah and Dick team up to stop Roxy Rocket!
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Dinah Lance

Dick Grayson has posed:
Early evening in Bludhaven. Most of the businesses in the finance district are getting ready to close for the night and are locking up their reciepts and valuables for the day, while the roads outside are starting to get packed with those heading home from their jobs. It makes it hard for the usual getaway cars to get around, so usually one would have to be extremely foolish to strike at this time of day, right?

With a whooping cry of pleasure, the woman hunched over the jetbike grinned manically as she raced between cars, flames licking from the back of her hooped up rocket back. "Come on handsome!" Roxy Rocket called back teasingly to the figure chasing after her. "Girls are a diamonds best friend!" She waves the bag teasingly. "And if you let me get away, I'll send you an autographed photo!" She weaves between a pair of trucks before speeding up as they merge into traffic on the expressway.

Behind her, on the Wingcycle, Nightwing has to slow down for a moment before moving around the two lumbering trucks. "Not interested, already seeing someone, Roxy!" he calls out in response. So he might be a little late in meeting Canary on the rooftop tonight.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Black Canary has been extending her patrols into Bludhaven, under the premise of expanding her crime coverage. In reality, however, it allows her to cross paths more frequently with a certain, acrobatic vigilante in a dark-blue bodysuit. As it turns out, Nightwing's already radioed ahead that he's in pursuit of a perp, and might be a bit late.

After getting his location, Canary sets off to intercept as well. Traffic really doesn't bother the masked blonde, and she isn't shy about dodging between cars. "Nightwing, this is Canary." she calls into the headset. "I'm en route to intercept, approaching the finance district from the west."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Won't she get jealous that you're chasing me and not her?" Roxy singsongs at Nightwing as she approaches the intercept point where the highway crosses over another freeway where Black Canary is approaching from. She guns the engine, swerving into the HOV lane -- without a passenger, how gauche! "I'm faster, baby, and more willing to take risks, this is just foreplay for me!"

"Just keep talking, Rocket." Nightwing swings around a bus, his bike in full pursuit mode as he hears Canary in his ear and his lips cock into a smile. "I hear you, Canary, she's heading towards the Siegel Freeway exit, coming right towards you." Honestly, he's been more than happy to see the black bodysuit and fishnets out and about in Bludhaven. She's been a valuable asset and helped him heal in more ways than one.

Those thoughts will have to wait a little longer as he glances down at the GPS on his bike and notes his position with Black Canary's as the rocket bike in front of him spouts flames and the three of them are all about to intercept. "Coming up on you, Canary."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Copy that. Sorta hard to miss, between the flames and the smoke." Canary quips back. She accelerates, riding between lanes of slowed traffic while glancing up at the rocket bike taking the exit. Spotting a car stuck midway between changing lanes, Dinah dodges neatly over three lands onto the shoulder. There's more room, and she twists the throttle harder.

"I-I-I-I... Ha-a-a-a-te... r-r-r-rum-m-m-mle... st-t-t-rip-p-p-ps!"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Don't comment on the bouncing, don't comment on the bouncing.

"I perfer my martinis shaken, not stirred." Nightwing quips finally. It's an old quote, but it allows him to be fully tongue in cheek about Dinah's comment. There isn't much time for anything else however, as Roxy suddenly swings into the lane and since she's hovering, she doesn't have any problem with rumble strips.

"Not fair, you didn't tell me you were bringing company!" Roxy grouses. She guns her engine, accelerating as she races straight towards Canary. "He called you Canary, right? Do you like playing 'chicken'?!" she calls out to the black leather clad woman as she grins dangerously, totally assured that Dinah is going to flinch first to get off the rumble strips.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Canary nudges the bike over, the vibrations more intermittent when she speaks next. "B-b-b-bit of debris on the sh-sh-shoulder. Should probably report that or something... know a good cop?"

Head on, Dinah rides towards the rocket bike. Blue eyes narrow through the mask as the dare is thrown down. She hunches over the handlebars, red lips pulled back into a grin as she accelerates.

Anyone who knows Dinah Lance knows that she doesn't like to lose. Ever.

Closer... closer... CLOSER!!!

At the last second she draws a breath and screams at the rocket bike. "SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I'll call the motorist assistance patrol." Nightwing deadpans when Dinah mentions calling a cop. He's staying to the outside, not to be on the rumble strip -- and to keep Roxy from getting back into the lanes of traffic. "Canary, she's getting close... awful close..." She may hear that note of concern in his voice. Genuine care at that. Probably an update to their relationship as of late.

Roxy is grinning to beat the devil. "Finally! They usually chicken out by now... you can chicken out now, it's cool... wait..." she realizes that Dinah's not pulling away and is in fact accelerating towards her! "Crapcrapcrap..." she manages, before she goes for it, not willing to lose either. But she didn't know what was about to happen.


The force of the sonic wave slams into the front of the rocket bike, shattering the headlamp and the front fender as it compresses down. Roxy's eyes widen in shock as her bike plows into the freeway and violently bucks her off as it jerks out of her hands and launches skywards, the rocket motor carrying it high into the sky before it explodes violently from the damage that it took.

Nightwing slams on the brakes of his own bike as he slides to a halt. He //knew// Canary was a meta already, he'd studied her file thoroughly. But it was the first time he's actually seen her use her power. It's a look of appreciation and surprise.

Roxy tumbles several feet before groaning as she pushes herself back to her feet. "That was so... awesome!" the stuntwoman turned criminal proclaims. "Do it again!" Then a bolo line is whipped around and snags Roxy by her waist, as Nightwing trusses her up. "Wait, no, I want a do over! You didn't tell me she was a Screamin' Mimi!" she protests, dropping the bag of diamond jewelry she stole.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Canary's scream knocked the rocket bike out of the sky, alright, but not before it scattered a fair amount of debris. The vaulting Roxy Rocket is forgotten for the moment, as Dinah snakes through the raining metal while braking hard. The bike noses down, fishing a little through the controlled skids as she brings it to a surprisingly smooth stop.

Kickstand down, the blonde practically vaults off of her bike in time to see Nightwing trussing up the escapee. Striding briskly down towards the pair, Canary snugs her gloves into place while giving Roxy a feral look. "You weren't really in a position to ask." she replies. "And I'm game if you wanna go a few rounds the old-fashioned way. But I've got the feeling you'll get plenty of practice in prison."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Roxy grins at Canary. "Think you can convince your boyfriend to cut me loose and we'll see?" she asks with a callous little smile. "Who knows, we can get him to be our ring boy~" There's a dangerous smile at that as she glances over at Nightwing and gives him a saucy wink.

Rolling his eyes, Nightwing strides over to Roxy to finish securing her, tossing the back of loot over to Canary. "Only one girl I'd consider giving a ring to." he comments with a smirk as he walks her over to where the Bludhaven PD is waiting for the pair. Handing her over, he turns to look for Canary again and gestures. Continue on together?

Dinah Lance has posed:
Canary folds her arms, shifting her weight to one foot as she watches Roxy get trussed up. "Maybe I'll visit you in prison or something." she offers wryly to the thief. "Or not. You enjoy your trip downtown now, alright?"

Dinah waves to the Bludhaven PD as they take Roxy away, the blonde standing casually close to Nightwing. Once they start away, she offers in a lower voice. "Well that was fun."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Was it good for you?" Dick asks with a casual lift of his brow. "I almost thought about letting her take a swing." he admits, before he glances aside at the woman and clears his throat. "So. Nice singing voice you have there. First time I've heard it." A casual lift of his brow, but he's not pulling away from Canary, instead he asks her. "Want to head back to my place after we return those?" A gesture towards the bag of jewels she holds.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah laughs softly at that, giving a hip-bump once the police are heading away. "You really need to ask that?" she replies playfully. Her head tilts, then, and she looks up at him. "You've never heard it, hmm? On a good day I can stop a bulldozer or take down a brick building. And I'm getting better with my control." She looks from him to the jewels, then nods with another grin. "So you're saying we got our quota and we need to head back before the game warden catches us? I can play along with that..."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"We can keep patrolling, just making plans for afterwards." Dick offers with a grin, giving her backside a quick pat before he moves away from her. "But if you're ready to mosey on back to the ranch..." he trails off as he moves to get his motorcycle, expecting Dinah to follow when she's ready.