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Latest revision as of 04:00, 16 January 2023

Drinks and Billiards maybe
Date of Scene: 16 January 2023
Location: Logan's Dojo
Synopsis: .
Cast of Characters: Logan Howlett, Gabby Kinney

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan had pulled up on that beautiful antique '48 Harley parking it and killing the engine. He gets off the bike and strolls into the bar wearing a pair of blue jeans and cowboy boots with his brown leather jacket over a white t-shirt cowboy hat on his head. He stalks up to the bar and takes a seat. "Bar keep a beer will ya?" He calls out to the bartender voice gruff and gravelly sounding.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
A few short moments later a little red Honda Trail starts past on the road, only to spin around at the sight of the all-too-familiar Harley she caught sight of. At a more sedate pace she cruises into the lot to park next to it. Her motorcycle was far less elegant, more funky, but it handled well on and off road and no one ever wanted to steal it. It worked just fine for her.

Pulling off her Rebel Fighter styled helmet she leaves it on the seat as she heads inside letting her gaze scan over the room. Or at least toward the bar where she does indeed catch sight of the figure there earning a grin. "Hi Harry," she calls out to the bartender/owner while heading for a stool to hop up on it. "Rootbeer please." Then she grins over at Logan. "Hi Logan. Been awhile." And she for some reason smelled like ducks.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan looks up and smirks at Gabby. "Hey kid how'd ya...." He sniffs the air around Gabby. "How'd ya find me....and why do ya smell like ducks?" He accepts his beer and takes a long draught from it. "So been keepin' outta trouble while I been away?" Logan asks reaching into his pocket and pulling out a cigar and sparking it taking a puff. "Her drinks are on me." Turning back to Gabby he offers a warm smilel...well warm for him anyway. "How're your sisters?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Hard to miss your bike out front," she remarks gesturing with a quick thumb over her shoulder to indicate the door. Gabby flashes a grin in return only to pause at the question. "Bellona's doing fine. She was out in Madripoor for awhile taking jobs, but she's 'on vacation' right now and annoying a mutual friend. Staying at the pool house with me. Laura's..." Her hands can only spread with a shrug. "Laura. She's fine."

As for the question of ducks she just looks down at herself with a little crinkle of her nose. "Got into a bit of a fight. Caught fire so I hit the duck pond. Had a change of clothes at least, but haven't really gotten to fully clean up yet. And I'm doing good. Just taking on more work than I probably should."

"Rien," The last sister, "Ran off with the other team leader of the team were were both on, and I took over running things. Just finally got some others I trust to help out."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan smiles and ruffles Gabby's hair. "Well sounds like you're doing well for yourself kid. I'm glad to hear it, and from what you're saying it sounds like Laura is being Laura. As long as all of you are alive and well then I'm happy to hear it." Logan says sincerely taking another drink and puffing on his cigar a bit more. "Wait a minute ya got into a fight caught fire and leaped into a pond? Who the hell were ya fightin' that ya got lit on fire?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches up to unrumple her hair with a few quick swipes, thoughs he grins at it anyway. It wasn't something that really bothered her at all. She reaches out for her rootbeer to take a big gulp. Sure it wasn't alcoholic but that was okay. A hand lifts, single finger in the air as if making a point. "First off, she started it."

"Tynan, an apprentice to one of the witches I've been working on the team with. She interrupted something we were doing, almost ruined it, and I told her off for it. She insisted on a fight. I threw her around some figuring she'd tire out sooner or later. Aaaand she kind of lost control of her powers and started literally burning from the inside out."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan chuckles and takes a drink puffing that cigar yet again. "Ya think I'd care if ya just put her on her ass regardless, you should know me better than that by now Gabby." Logan says with a playful smile. "So you work with witches now hmmm....well as long as you're being as safe and careful as you can." Logan takes another long puff off that cigar. "So aside from the stuff ya just told me about, what else have you been up to?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shrugs a bit. "Yeah but I'm also not known for picking fights. I try to keep the anger in check." Though in this case it was really good to vent a bit judging by her grin. "Witches, wizards, sorcerors. Rien was the homo-magi and I got to follow along to help. None of them know how to work as a team though so I'm doing what I can there."

"Not much else though. It's just been a lot of work lately. What about you?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan shrugs taking another drink. "Not much just been travelin' a lot again, needed to get away." Laughing he rubs the back of his neck and then looking at his hands as he flexes them open and closed. "Shit workin' as a team is highly over rated, I prefer to go it alone."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I know, most of the family seems to like that," Gabby has to admit with a chuckle. "But I had so many sisters growing up it feels weird to me not to have others around. I'm on another team, too, but that one's just mostly a patrol of Gotham and some other issues. Not crazy stuff like ghosts and old gods."

"Haven't been around the school much though. I got tired of being told to wait for everything."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan shakes his head grumbling. "Yea well that's because we tend to work by far better on our own, we can move faster and quieter that way and we don't get messed up by other peoples scents around us." Shrugging Logan looks back at Gabby again. "Ya need to finish schooling kid. Even if ya don't want to stay on there at least graduate."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney looks a little guilty at that. She does nod though still looking a bit torn about the situation. "I've been taking online classes a bit. Showing up for tests. I should probably do more, I know. It's been a busy year so far over all." Reaching up she tugs at a length of her hair with a sigh. "I do realize how important it is though."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan smiles softly at Gabby and nods. "Do a little more ok get that graduation, I want what's best for you you know? To make sure that you have something aside from dangerous work you know what I mean?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tilts her head a bit at that only to look a little uncertain. "It's kind of what I'm good at. I mean I can always take on bodyguard work, or security work if I need. Plus I know a few rich boys that can help with investments for the future." Her fingers drum lightly on the side of her rootbeer glass considering. "I have thought of things a bit. A regular job though?" That was a tough one to say the least. "Maybe I could work at a shooting range. I know how to handle guns safely and could teach. Even if the noise is annoying."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods his head and takes another long deep swig. "Yea I get that after all I am the best at what I do and what I do best ain't very nice. I do fighting violence and blood really well. In fact thats all I was ever good at you know."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares at Logan a long moment while he states all that. "I mean. I figure I'm trained in a lot is all. But I don't kill." She pauses considering only to clear her throat. "Okay once. I thought it was a robot though." Ah, the time before her senses were fully awake. The thought is shaken off even as she finds herself starting to frown over the recollection. A quick sip of her drink is taken. Best not to dwell.

"There's tons of stuff you're good at though. You teach at the school. You could teach martial arts. You could teach Japanese. Auto repair. How to diffuse bombs. ... Maybe that one's me," she mutters considering her own knowledge. "Just because you're good at one thing doesn't mean you don't have others you're good at, too. It's just not what you're KNOWN for. There's a difference."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods his head. "I do teach auto shop. Though martial arts and bushido as I'd teach it someone would have to be really serious about learning and getting into the spiritual side of it as well you know?" He says. "Besides, not everyone is cut out for my way of teachin' gotta be tough."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah, but there will be those people out there, too," Gabby assures as she slips off her stool. Reaching out she gives Logan a little side hug with one arm before letting him free again. "I'm gonna go grab that much needed shower now. I don't need any ducks getting jealous of other ducks being around me."