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Latest revision as of 03:10, 6 February 2023

Ball of Twine
Date of Scene: 05 February 2023
Location: Avengers Mansion - Recreation Room
Synopsis: Greet and Nat talk about balls of twine and Dark Elves.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Greer Grant

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's a quiet evening over in the recreation room. A enws broadcast is droning on about a series of upcoming exhibitions of 'The Weird World' museum going through the city in the coming days. Including on path the Biggest Ball of Twine in the upper-north-eastern states. On the television screen is a large ball of twine being compared in diameter to that of a very, very tall professional basketball player.

Greer Grant has posed:
Quiet evenings are nice evenings. Sure, there's a thrill for adventure and adrenaline in many heroes, but the downside of that is knowing people are in trouble, in need. So a quiet day means less of that. Tigra's making her way through the mansion, idly sipping from a cup of tea that she'd prepared when she hears the TV from the rec room. She peeks in to hear, curious about a weird world, 'cause hey, that's her world. "Wonder if that's bigger than the one in Minnesota."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Greer, a bottle of some sort of Russian brand intoxicant over to the side of her, various reports over on a table. "Ah, hello. And you could always look up and copmare diameters." Over on the screen various red dots would flash. Likely some sort of breakage in the monitor.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra pads her way over and picks up the bottle, giving it a curious sniff, then adding just a splash of her to her tea before turning it to the table. "Compare diameters, huh? Now there's a nice double entendre." She frowns a bit at the monitor. "What's with the dots? Screen going out of whack?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "I don't know. It does seem like there's some sort of error with it. You could perhaps give it a poke?" She doesn't care enough about it to investigate no matter how high end the equipment is. The red dots would keep flashing, one of them going over the giant ball of twine on television.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Hrmm." A sip of her tea, and then Tigra steps over to the screen, tapping the side of it lightly with a clawtip. She pauses, looking at the red dot on the ball of twine and sighs. "Someone's making a joke, right? Is this your doing? Or just the universe? The cat woman walks into the room, there's a giant ball of twine on the screen and now laser pointers, right?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha would glance over at the screen, taking a few moments to confirm.. "Yes, it is. And I couldn't be bothered to do something so pedestrian. I might blame Mister Stark or Barton if they're present. Something that juvenile seems much more their style." more flashy dots over on giant ball of twine.

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer takes a step back, frowning a bit at the screen, her tail flicking lightly as she watches the dots. "You know, I'm not sure that's the screen. I think someone might be doing something with that actual ball, there." A quick smirk over her shoulder at Nat. "And its impressive diameter."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smirk, "I'm sure that there are quite a few that would want to say that under other sorts of circumstances." She would fold her hands together. "I do hope that things have been okay over with your patrols."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra half turns to face Nat while keeping an eye on the screen. "Oh, do tell?" she asks with a grin and hint of a purr. "What sort of circumstances?" The grin fades as she gets more serious. "Mostly quiet. Occasional attempted mugging, helping out with a traffic accident now and again. No alien invasions, no power mad sorcerers, or sorceresses, so that's to be thankful for."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smirk, "What? I'm sure that you've spent at least a little time with the Amazons to have partaken in such things." Was Nat being a tease? No, that had to be some kind of trick. "SHIELD's merely handling the usual things." Alien invasions, power mad sorcerors, the ilk.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Well, let's just say my horizons are...broader than they may have been, once upon a time." Which may have been influenced by certain sorceresseses. "If there's anything I can help with, don't ever hesitate to ask. I know SHIELD's got impressive resources, but never know when a feline touch might be useful."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Appreciated. Currently we're being primarily tasked with dealing with the Svartelves that are taking advantage of Thor's disappearance. Your aid would be useful in engaging them or investigating what they're up to."

Greer Grant has posed:
She gives a firm nod to that. "Just let me know when, where, and what, and I'm you're man. Woman. Person. Cat. I'm there," she says, rolling her eyes at herself. "Happy to snoop around, or to give Drizzt an ass kicking if that's what's needed."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would cock a light brow, "I've heard that appelation applied and I'lladmit I don't know what the reference is." Natasha, not familiar with something geeky. Expected. Natasha admitting she didn't have an idea what something was. Unexpected.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra starts to lift an eyebrow in return, but it falls back into place pretty quickly. "He's a character in a series of novels based on one of the settings for the game Dungeons & Dragons." She doesn't wait to see if Natasha recognizes D&D. "He's what's called a drow, and they're a race of mostly evil 'dark elves' that live underground, and are dark skinned and white-haired. He's actually one of the 'good guys,' himself, so wouldn't really want to kick his ass, but his name's the most recognized when it comes to drow characters. Hell, outside of a couple of their goddesses I don't know that I could name any others besides him."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to take a sip of her drink, "I see. So a group that lives underground that are all.. Dark skinned and evil?" Snark made, quip made as she goes to take another sip of her drink in light amusement. Going to slide a hand over to her lapa st the television would switch over to a large, slow motion video of the ball of twine being rolled up.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Mmhmmm," Tigra says wryly. "They go back to the 70s. I mean, when they were first written up. Oh, the other thing about them is they're usually matriarchal. Women are the dominant gender in their society, so they got that going for them. Won't comment on if that's supposed to be connected to the evil angle or not." A casual shrug, a sip of her spiked tea, and a glance at the screen. "I dunno if I'm aghast that we're in a world where people do something like that, or thrilled that we're in a world where people can do something like that."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There would be a small, small look of amusement in Natasha's face. "That sounds rahter appropriate. I'm sure that such knowledge will avail you should you participate in any of the melees. I would, however, like you to erview some of the engagements. Your fighting style might lend itself very well to fighting some of them."

Greer Grant has posed:
A chuckle at Natasha's gentle reminded that this is not D&D, not that Tigra needed it, but hey, sometimes she needs a little grounding. "Sure, happy to do that. Take a look at them, get a feel for what they can do and what would work best against them. If you'd like to send me a couple of those, I'll take a look right away.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "They've been uploaded to the database already. At least some of the higher end ones can be quite resistant to damage. Doctor Foster hit one with some of the.. Rather high end things that the broken hammer can inflict on them and it only slowed them."

Greer Grant has posed:
A frown now, at that. Tigra runs a hand lightly through her hair. "Well that's disappointing. I certainly don't hit anywhere near that hard. Maybe the claws can make the difference, though." A small shrug. "I have fought them once. When they attacked Cap. That's my only direct exposure to them, though. So far."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would tap at her chin, "Still useful. Being able to hit them hard at close quarters and survive is better than most of us." She puts it at 'survive'f or a specific reason after all.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Sturdier than I look," the tigress says with a firm nod. "Not in Jen's category, but yeah, can take a punch or two, assuming they're able to hit me." She gives her hips a little shimmy, to underscore her nimbleness. "Which they probably will, to be fair. Does SHIELD have any thoughts on fighting them? Particular strategies or weapons?"