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Latest revision as of 05:28, 8 March 2023

Between the panels
Date of Scene: 06 March 2023
Location: The YOUKAICON bathrooms. Between the convention panels.
Synopsis: Vivian Vision, in her cosplay costume, meets one of the heroes doing a panel at Youkaicon. And gets some autographed merch from Squirrel Girl!
Cast of Characters: Doreen Green, Vivian Vision

Doreen Green has posed:
Night two of the Youkaicon has a panel for Ytubers and Doreen's agent managed to book her a spot in the wee hours of the morning. Right between Uncle Roger and Cheonddung, both cooking shows. She doesn't mind, not really, both of them are pretty good shows and she's a weird superhero lady who posts videos of her hanging out with Squirrels.

This is, however, her first convention of 2023 and she was up way too late last night. In a rush trying to get her things together, she immediately made her way to the bathroom upon arriving at the Meriott to apply some makeup because she's not superstar enough to get her own green room.

The fluffy tail swishes back and forth with Gadget Garry (Her agent) and Tippy-Toe (security) squeaking at each other in some kind of squirrelgument. "Guys, it's okay, we have time..." Ugh, shake shake shake the eyeliner.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision has been at the convention pretty much the whole time. With the exception or a few trips to/from her lodgings. But one thing Kamala has drilled into her is that she can't cheat for her costume. No holographically projecting the alabaster make-up for her R. Dorothy Wayneright costume. To properly understand a convention she has to stand in the queue for the ladies room. Then manually apply it all in front of the mirror. By hand. No super science gadgets from GIRL. No smart make-up that self adjusts itself. (Although that's more because Janet wouldn't allow such an invention to be used by anyone but herself)

Her briefcase has far less merchandise in than the first day. Spending most of the day in panels means less merch to collect. So she can actually open it and get to her make-up kit without spilling fan made comic books about superheroes everywhere.

"Did you make the little t-shirts yourself?" she wonders as she lines up at the mirror. "For your pet squirrels that is." There is no sense that she's mistaken Doreen for a convention attendee. Perhaps because she has advanced facial recognition software. But also because Doreen is holding a panel and even if there's some Doreen cosplayers in attendance they won't have actual tame squirrels with them!

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen pulled rank to get in to the ladies room ahead of the queue, but only a little. If the most she gets out of her fame is to cut the line to the water closet, that's actually a pretty good life. The lines at the restrooms are almost universally bad! So here she is applying eyeliner in a Meriott bathroom, trying to pretend like this is absolutely not the wierdest thing she's done this week.

Because it's probably not?

Anyone who follows her channel will know her content is... eclectic. At best.

And she talks to squirrels.

"Mmm?" A glance over at the question, a smile showing her goofy two front teeth, "Oh, yeah I did! Well... kind of. I designed it." It's a very cartoonishly bad rendition of herself on multiple colored t-shirts sized appropo for a Squirrel. "I have them in human sizes too.. and plus sizes for the bigger gals."

Another glance forward and she once more looks to Vivian, "Your costume is pretty excellent by the way, you're not blinking." It's just helpful to let people know when they're not blinking. That's ettiquette baby.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"You designed it," Vivian repeats. "Does that mean the squirrels made it?" There's a pause. "Or did you just order them online?" She sets out her own make-up, in a neat methodical fashion, and starts touching up the (very minor) flaws with it. "No, I don't need to. I also am not respiring, perspiring and at my current rate of consumption I won't need a glass of water for six weeks."

She's either not blinking and very fond of deadpan humour. Or she's telling the truth and moderately weirder than the typical anime convention goer.

"I cheated a little bit to get the dress made right. By using an advanced research lab to calculate the dimensions I'd need. And feeding the measurements into some devices used to manufacture space suits." She gives a fraction of a smile. "It probably would have been easier just to learn how to sew if I'm honest."

Doreen Green has posed:
Tippy-Toe peers up at Vivian, but honestly the most attention she's probably getting is from Gadget Garry. He works his way closer to her makeup, even ignoring Doreen's glares and hisses for him to stop, to inspect the android. Either he's keenly aware she is, in fact, synthetic, or her costume is good enough to fool a Squirrel.

Por que no los do, amirite?

"Oh, yee.. Well Tippy-Toe put them together. She's actually pretty good at graphic design, but the apartment was a mess after she got done with the t-shirt press." Big shoulders shrug indifferently because Vivian just said she's basically not human.

"Oh, that's pretty cool. I wish I didn't perspire, I don't know how much leather you wear, but by this afternoon it's going to be a swamp down there, ya know what I mean?" A long pause, eyeliner pen up against her eye... "I guess you don't know. I wont get into the details, but at some point I become more soup than woman. I really need to stop wearing leather in spring."

Her tail swishes side to side.

"Hey, if you've got an advanced research lab, might as well cheat a little, amirite? I would. Deoderant that actually works, give the people what they want."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"That is quite interesting," Vivian comments. "My Great Aunt Nadia, she's the one who is in charge of the research lab, has lots of insects she uses to perform tasks. I've got her some rare wasps for her birthday before. Have you ever been able to figure out if the Squirrels are able to use Human machinery without your request? Or is it possible that in the process of asking you're somehow sending them the knowledge of how to perform the tasks?"

She's pretty indifferent to the weird things too. Squirrels making t-shirts is no weirder than ants acting like flying horses. Or helping Doctor Pym around the kitchen.

"Leather isn't something I've ever worn. I've made a few costume components out of cruelty free leather. Mostly props for sketching people in costume." She covers her mouth and giggles. "I do not know, no. As I said. No perspiring."

"I'll put deodorant forward as something we can look into. We've mostly worked on FTL spaceships and other equipment to help stop space debris raining on Earth. And to explore the universe." She doesn't seem to mind Gadget Garry. Although if he looks like he'll be trying to eat any of the make-up she'll move it out of reach. "I've seen all of your content by the way. Would it be rude of me to ask for an autograph or two? One for myself and one for a close friend."

Doreen Green has posed:
"Oh, so you get it!" Animals doing house chores. Tippy-Toe glares because it is, suggested, that she might just be manual labor. Doreen reaches out and ruffles her ears, right where a bright pink bow is tied on her head. The squirrel reaches up and fixes it, chitters, and scampers over to drink dripping water from the facet. "I honestly have no idea. I remember when I found I could talk to squirrels, I met Tippy-Toe and she seemed pretty smart already. Maybe animals are already smart and humans are too stupid to realize it, so they pretend to be just animals so they don't make us look bad?"

Someone has been watching Dreamsworks movies.

Her red tongue runs across her big two front teeth after she finishes her eyeliner and puts on some lipstick to make her lips 'pop'.

"Oh, it's not real leather. Pleather, I think they call it. It's made out of something, I don't know what. Polyester? I unno, I'm not a leatherologist, but I don't want anyone hurt in the making of my clothes. Since I'm just going to crotch sweat into it anyways."

That's her line.

Faster than Light travel? Doreen inclines her head.. slowly... quirking a brow and turning just enough to stare at Vivian, "Well that's awful nice of you, to put deodorant on the list with all those other things, but I think you guys have a lot bigger things on your plate, huh? Johnson and Johnson aren't doing THAT bad." Which she could go on a tirade about, probably, if Vivian hadn't said she'd seen /all/ of her content. "oh, nice! Absolutely, you want a selfie too?" She's all about fans.

Garry, however, is all about trying to boost one of Vivian's makeup brushes. Which keeps moving just out of reach. He's presistant though. The day will be his.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"There is a book. In which the Humans think they are smarter than the Dolphins because they have civilisation, wars and jobs. And the Dolphins think they're superior because they don't have any of those things. And eventually they leave before the planet gets destroyed," Vivian muses. "There's at least one Gorilla supervillain too. And I have a friend who is a talking mouse. But I think she's a Human who was magically transformed."

"I think the P stands for Polyurethane. I think they use paper to give it the texture. But the process isn't something I've really researched in detail. If I ever need things making from it I just buy them online."

Vivian puts her finger on the make-up brush. Letting Gary try and take it. But each time she phases it. So the poor little guy can never quite touch it. "A selfie would be great! I will have to put my things away first though. Unless your little friend has plans on becoming a Gotham super villain and needs to paint his face white?"

Doreen Green has posed:
"Captain Kirk cames back in time to get a whale. I'm not putting anything past the animal kingdom." Doreen points out, hands up with a floofy brush in her grip. She tosses it on her little makeup kit and chitters at Gary who peers back at her after two more attempts to grab the phased brush. He responds and she responds, then he responds... and runs over to drink water from the facet. "Sorry, he's usually much more social than that."

She smiles sheepishly and shrugs. "Squirrels, right?" Tugging at her pleather pants with a wrinkled nose and upturned lip, squatting a few times. "Well, whatever it's made of, it isn't comfortable and I only wear it for fan meets."

Her makeup kit is closed up and tossed down into an OFFICIAL Squirrel Girl backpack down by her boot. Her hair, a little longer than normal, is fluffed with the ends of her fingers to give her curling bangs, and a band slipped up the top of her scalp. Hair fanned out on the back of her head and she steps over towards Vivian with one rounded hip leaning against the counter near to her.

"Nah, he's just a Chad. He collects things and tries to turn them into robots. None of them ever work.. I love selffies!" Which Vivian obviously knows if she's seen all of her content. "You a hugger? What's your safe words, I'm kidding." Hands flicking towards herself invitingly.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Once her own make-up is finished she puts everything back carefully in the metal briefcase. Sealing it up nice and safe from Squirrels. Well probably. All bets are off if Dr Doom picks the case up. Then Viv awkwardly does a little 'sorry' gesture to the other bleary eyed convention goers who are also in the bathroom. It's probably not the best place for selfies!

She leans down to eye level with Gary. "You'll probably have to use something a little more advanced than a make-up brush to build a synthezoid like me. Perhaps you should start by using a roomba or other existing robot as a base? And improving it from there..."

Once that's all done she steps in closer to Doreen. Moving carefully so she doesn't have to re-do her make-up so soon after fixing it. "I do not mind hugs," she confirms. "I had to get used to them. My Great Aunt is very much a hugger." Of course what's really important for social media types is engagement! Which is why Viv uses one of her accounts to leave some likes and some comments. Even buying some Doreen merch from an account with her cosplay costume picture as the user photo.

Doreen Green has posed:
Gary lets water drip on his paw and rubs it on his head backwards to smooth down his ear, "Stop flirting." Doreen says to the chittering, smirking at Vivian, "I told you, he's such a Chad." Both Gary and Tippy-Toe jump down from the counter, moving to zip up her backpack and get things together.

While Doreen leans in to wrap an arm around Vivian when she's given permission to do so! She makes the cutest of GRRRR faces, buck teeth showing, one eye squinting, and her lip quirked on the right side. Leaning towards the camera with her nose wrinkling so the pair of them are visible in the selfie. Once the picture is taken, she changes to another pose.

Grinning way too wide, phone held up, leaning back slightly with her other hand in a peace sign. Winking at the camera. It is an Anime convention afterall. This one she takes herself with her cellphone held up and at an angle.

Then she checks her message, "Oh... Well then. I'll get you some merch before we leave. I didn't know you were that big a fan, but I appreciate the likes." Her cheeks go a little more rosey, shifty eyeing side to side. The phone goes into her tight back pocket.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision frowns, not that anyone can really tell, then when Doreen translates she notes "Oh. I am very flattered but you are not my type." A brief pause. "And no, it's not because you're a squirrel. I am currently dating."

She nods. As if turning down a squirrel is totally normal. And tries to do her best anime poses for the selfies. She's had a little practise over the last few days after all! Briefcase clasped between both hands. She doesn't actually need to receive phone selfies. Having the ability to scan the area around her. But taking pictures in a bathroom is already drawing more attention than a conversation explaining that would require!

"Oh yes, I do everything I can to support heroes. From super science to buying merchandise. If you need time to get everything ready then I am more than happy to wait." After all if Doreen is late it's not like her panel will start without her.