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Revision as of 05:32, 8 March 2023

Nubia (Scenesys ID: 3886)
Name: Nubia
Superalias: Nubia
Gender: Female
Species: Amazonian
Occupation: Amazonian warrior
Citizenship: Themyscira
Residence: Undecided
Education: Amazonian warrior
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: Themyscirans
Date of Birth ~1500 BCE Played By
Height: 6'0" Weight: 125 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song:

Character Info


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One of the early groups of Amazonians to emerge from the Well of Souls, Nubia was adopted daughter to Antiope. She became recognized as Themyscira's greatest warrior of her age, winning the same tournament that Diana would later win. Set to guard the world from the dangers that might come through Doom's Doorway, Nubia disappeared and became legend among the Themyscirans, until her eventual, surprise return to the modern world.


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Ancient times:

* Nubia emerges with one of the early generations of Amazonians from the Well of Souls. She is taken in by Antiope and treated as a daughter by the Amazon's military commander.

* Her skills as a fierce warrior catch the eye of the royal court. In the tournament held every century for the title of greatest of Amazon warriors, Nubia finally overcomes multi-time winner Antiope and emerges victorious.

* The victory earns Nubia a place in the royal court. The warrior is given the honor of heading up the guard of one of the island's most dangerous locations, Doom's Doorway.

Late 1000s:

* 1070 CE - The Amazonians discover one day that Nubia is missing from her post at Doom's Doorway. There is evidence to suggest she may have passed within.

* 1070-1090 - Expeditions fail to turn up any evidence of Nubia. Some think she pursued a threat through the portal into unknown lands.

* 1118 - Diana is born to Hippolyta, Queen of Themyscira. The mystery of the disappearance of Nubia, Themyscira's greatest warrior has by now become a legend among the Amazonians. Tales of Nubia's prowess eventually become inspiration for young Diana. Many years later, Diana would go on to win the same Tournament as Nubia did.

Present Day:

* Nubia emerges again from the regions of Tartarus, to the surprise of all.

**Note**: The first person to play Nubia can decide the reason for her return and preferably run it as a plot. We will edit the timeline to reflect it in her sheet when you include it when submitting for approval.

IC Journal

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Nubia is a noble soul who inspires others around her. Some are royal by birth and others by their air and actions, and Nubia was the latter. Though she can be severe with those whose actions deserve it, she is driven by a sense of good and bestows protection to innocents worthy of it. She is the type to take action to defend others, and will endure much for the right cause.

Nubia's life has spent in service to Themyscira, protecting the island and the rest of the world from the horrors of Tartarus that could try to come through Doom's Doorway. This protective streak extends to innocents as well. Her severe ways can lead her to deal with harshly with those who have fallen to evil, or who serve the likes of Ares and other enemies of Themyscira. In the modern world she might serve as a hero, guided by her natural inclinations. But could find herself at odds with others over her methods.

Viewed by the modern mortal society, Nubia can at times definitely be called severe. Fights for a warrior in her day were a matter of life of death. Enemies needed to be defeated at whatever cost. Today's concept of rehabilitation and imprisonment does not resonate strongly with this daughter of a past age. While she is far from bloodthirsty, Nubia might end a hostage situation by killing the hostage-takers where a modern hero might seek a less lethal approach. She just is from an age where a more final outcome is viewed as justified for some actions.

Character Sheet


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Amazon Physique:
Nubia possesses the great strength and agility of all Amazonian warriors. Though as their greatest warrior before the coming of Diana, her physical attributes are among the very top end of Amazonians if short of Diana herself. Nubia is able to lift dozens of tons, comparable to many of the strongest heroes. It takes extreme levels of exertion to noticeably tire her. While not bulletproof, Nubia has enhanced durability that allows her to take a beating that would kill a mortal.

Enhanced Intellect:
Nubia has a powerful intellect by normal standards. She would score quite highly on an IQ test. She is not aware of modern scientific methods or theories, but is able to quickly grasp new concepts and then apply them to situations she finds herself in.

Enhanced Reflexes:
Nubia's reflexes far exceed those of normal humans. This gives her a great advantage in melee combat as she can frequently just beat an opponent's reactions. Nubia is fast enough to evade gunfire, and even to deflect bullets and other types of blasts in flight with her bracers of submission.

Nubia has emerged from Doom's Doorway capable of flight. Whether this was a gift of Hermes or something gained in her time in Tartarus and other realms is not yet clear to the other Amazonians. She is able to travel at hundreds of miles per hour through the air, though cannot travel at supersonic speeds.

As an Amazonian, Nubia is effectively immortal. Her aging has slowed to the point that she has lived for thousands of years already and is still in her prime. She heals from damage at a rate faster than mortal man, healing in days the injuries that might take others weeks or months.

Petrifying Glare:
During an ancient encounter with the Gorgons - Medusa, Euryale and Stheno - Nubia entered into a pact with the three sister deities. In return for Nubia's assistance, the Gorgons have gifted Nubia with "Cold Sight". This allows her to turn one that she gazes upon to stone. Barring a being of magic undoing the feat, the transformation is permanent.

Travel To Hades:
When in great need, Nubia is able to travel to and from the realm of Hades. Doing so makes use of an otherwise normal doorway of some sort in each location. Each doorway, before her arrival, will become marked with a lion's head image matching the one on her armor. Nubia has not revealed yet where this ability comes from, and whether it is a power of the armor itself or not. (Note: This power should be used with staff/ST permission.)


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The Greek ideals perfecting mind and body definitely apply to the Amazonians when it comes to their physical training. Nubia is capable of acrobatic feats the like of which would be a lead entertainment in a circus. However for the warrior they are merely another tool of her craft, one that allows her to gain advantage, surprising an opponent or avoiding an enemy's weapon.

By winning the Amazonian's tournament held very hundred years, Nubia was recognized as the greatest of Themyscira's warriors. She has three thousand years of experience as a combatant, often fighting to the death. Nubia is skilled with all the weapons of her day such as the spear, axe and sword 1and shield. She is able to hit multiple bullseyes from atop a galloping horse, and skilled at shots such as launching multiple arrows or even ricocheting one off hard surfaces. She is also a tenacious and skilled grappler.

Nubia has led Amazonian warriors through many a battle. She understands strategy and tactics of warfare on both large and small scales. Nubia also is a natural at inspiring those around her by example. Other warriors stand taller with her present, and Nubia's counsel on battle often holds weight among those familiar with her. The nobility of her character is palpable to those around her, which makes her a natural leader.

Mythological Knowledge:
What people today would deem stories of legend, were matters of fact for Nubia who lived through those days. She is familiar with many elements mentioned in the mythology of Greece and other areas of the Mediterranean. In many cases she has first knowledge of the creatures and events of those days.

Nubia's experiences after passing through Doom's Doorway have grown her understanding of a number of other realms and the creatures that inhabit them. While not familiar with all realms, there are some where her experiences may provide her with knowledge that could be advantageous.


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Bracers of Submission:
Nubia wears the bracers of submission common among Amazonian warriors. Forged with a tiny fragment of the shield Aegis, these bracers are virtually indestructable, and can be used to block and deflect small arms fire and even lower-level energy blasts. As standard issue bracers they do not have the higher-end capabilities of Diana's such as projecting shockwaves or deflecting extremely high power attacks.

Lion Armor:
Nubia typically fights in a golden breastplate that is embossed with a Lion's head. A pteruges Greek armored skirt consisting of armored strips covers her down past mid-thigh. The armor is capable of repelling most bladed weapons wielded by mortal arms, but could be penetrated by more powerful beings.

Nubia has the ability to travel between Hades and the mortal realm by creating her own portal. Her passage normally makes use of a normal doorway, and is presaged by the appearance of the lion's head as appears on her armor, making it quite likely that the armor itself plays a strong role in that ability.

(Note: This travel power should be used with staff/ST permission.)

Magic Sword:
Nubia possesses a magic sword similar to a falchion or Spartan sword, though with serrated edges. The weapon is more durable than mundane steel. When wielded by Nubia's great strength it may be capable of cleaving through materials that a normal sword would fail to penetrate. The weapon is capable of damaging beings only affected by magic. If it has other abilities, they have yet to present themselves.

Themysciran Royalty:
Nubia has become legend among Themyscirans while she has been missing for the last thousand years. Her victory in the Amazonian's centennial tournament earned her the title of Themyscira's greatest warrior in her day, and she became an adopted member of the royal court. Amazonians look up to her and will rally to her cause in much the way they would her adopted mother, Antiope.


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Amazon Code:
As an embodiment of Amazonian warriors, Nubia is a strict adherent to the Amazon Code. The Amazon Code is a different thing when compared to some more modern codes of behaviour. To be sure, there are things many would recognise: respect for others, for authority, for the gods. But then there are obscure rituals and rites, such as the Hiketeia - a ritual that binds the oath-taker to eternally protect another mentioned in the ritual. Such differing requirements on her person can and will tear her away from others and even set her at odds with her fellows.

Ancient Mindset:
Nubia's mindset is more attuned to ancient times. While she might be called wise in a general sense, when it comes to combat she is more focused on victory than on capturing and rehabilitating criminals. She may come into conflict with other heroes over her severe methods of dealing with those who have gained her enmity.

Piercing Attacks:
While Nubia is tough, and can withstand many different kinds of attacks, piercing attacks can cut through the majority of her defences. What this means is that a piercing attack (arrows, bullets, etc.) will deal damage much as they might to a normal human.

Woman Out of Time:
Having last been on Earth a thousand years ago, Nubia has little understanding of modern society and its technology. She has a great intellect able to quickly figure things out, and her experience with Tartarus and other realms has made her adaptable. But there are still any number of social conventions or technological items which may be puzzling to her, possibly resulting in misunderstandings both humorous or serious.



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