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Latest revision as of 15:30, 24 March 2023

Penthouse Meetup
Date of Scene: 23 March 2023
Location: Warren's Penthouse
Synopsis: Warren and Kitty catch up, and Warren finds out about an attack near Xavier's by a mysterious creature.
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Kitty Pryde

Warren Worthington has posed:
It's late afternoon and Warren has just returned to NYC after a couple of weeks away, working at one of the satellite offices of Worthington Industries. He is looking down at his phone, flipping through emails when the app that controls the doorlock on his device gives him a notification that someone is at the door. He switches over to the app, and seeing who it is, smiles and stands up from the couch he had been reclining on. He straightens his hair and then says to his phone, "Give me one second, and I'll let you in."

He clicks the 'unlock' button, and then starts to head over to the door to greet his guest, "Fancy seeing you come by, just in the neighborhood?" he asks.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde rides the elevator up once Warren has given her permission. The guards down at the desk know her still, all but the one new guy, and he no doubt gets clued in that she used to live there with Warren for a year before they split.

The elevator doors open and Kitty steps out into the familiar penthouse. She looks like she's come from work, wearing a dark pencil skirt and a white blouse, with a leather jacket overtop. She's slipping some gloves into her purse that she wore outside in the cool weather.

When she sees Warren, her face lights up a bit. "Hey. Sorry for just dropping in. I was actually, just down the street and looked up and saw the building and thought maybe I'd see if you were around," she tells him. "Is now a bad time?" she asks, waiting to get an answer before she'll offer him a hug hello and a kiss on the cheek if he says it isn't a bad time.

Warren Worthington has posed:
A smile crosses Warren's features as Kitty leans in for the hug and peck on the cheek. He allows it, returning in kind, before he turns -- arm still around her waist -- and leads her into the penthouse proper, "It's not a bad time at all. I actually just got back from a trip out West. Had to go inspect some sites we're building new properties on, cut some ribbons, what one has to do to keep the shareholders happy."

As he walks with Kitty -- if she allows it -- he leads her to the kitchen, and asks, "Want something to drink? Seltzer? Soda? Wine?" guiding her towards the island of drink coolers as he adds, "And, how have you been?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The young woman smiles as her timing isn't bad, or at least Warren claims it isn't. She appears content with the arm still about her as they walk together through the penthouse. "Oh, a glass of white wine would be fantastic. Just heading home from work," she says. "I've gotten involved in the artificial intelligence projects of late, which is some really interesting stuff for me," she tells Warren. He knows she got a job offer from Pepper Potts to come to work at Stark.

"I've been good overall. I went to a party at one of your old stomping grounds, the Hellfire Club. Which also had me thinking about you," she tells him.

Warren Worthington has posed:
An eyebrow is raised at that admission, "You did? And how did that go?" he asks, before he lets Kitty go and moves around to find a decent bottle of white. As he goes, he takes a look over at Kitty -- perhaps sizing up her outfit, or gauging just how much she might want to have -- and listens to her talk. He pulls out a bottle that has been chilling, and then gets a corkscrew and pops it open.

"Hope you didn't tempt too many poor men into some misbehavior," he adds with a grin as he gets a couple of glasses from a nearby cabinet. The man pours out a glass for each of them, and then holds one out for Kitty to take.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
During their time together, Kitty did her best not to get caught up in Warren's money, and that included constantly making choices that let him know that wasn't why she was with him. But if there was one thing about his life that she did definitely miss, it was his wine collection.

As she's given the white wine she takes a sip and lets out a heavenly sigh. For the girl who went to college in the UK and was able to drink, then came home to the tougher drinking age in the US, sharing wine with Warren in the evenings was such a wonderful thing that she's missed. Even though she's old enough to drink now, legally.

She lets out a laugh and gets a little bit of a blush. "It was a Mardi Gras party and... I might have earned some beads. Just a couple of strands though," she says, giving Warren a shy grin. "I had to turn down a lot of... offers to supply me with beads. So hopefully I wasn't too bad," she tells him.

Kitty takes another sip, watching Warren over the rim of her wineglass. "What about you? Besides the new properties, anything exciting going on?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington gives Kitty a bit of a sly smile, "Just a couple of strands? Stingy these days it seems..." he says before he leans in to whisper something to the woman. When he finishes, he takes a sip of his wine -- it's crisp and chilled perfectly, and quite refreshing, one barely notices the alcohol -- and then looks over at Kitty, before he shakes his head at her question.

"No. Nothing exciting. Not dating, not adventuring, not even really on the stopping crime circuit of late. I've been busy with work. And all work and no play makes Warren a dull, dull boy," he says with a faux pout. His arm has slid back around Kitty's waist, notably.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Another sip of the wine is savored. She isn't familiar with this particular vintage, but then it's been two years since they were together. And he's no doubt added new wines to his collection.

As they talk, she's accepting of the arm about her, as she always was back in those days. "We'll have to be sure to call you over the next time we need the world saved," Kitty tells him. She takes another sip, expression briefly more troubled. "Something killed two deer out north of the school in the woods. It was snowing hard and we couldn't track it. But, there was a lot of blood but no carcasses. So whatever it was took them with it. Or ate them whole. Had kind of a round foot of paw with big claws, but the tracks filled in with snow before we could really follow it."

She shakes her head. "But that's not anything for you to worry about. We've got students dropping in on the neighbors to help with chores and keep an eye out for them."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington hmmms quietly at the description of whatever attacked deer on the school grounds. "That...does not sound like anything I'm familiar with. But...maybe a new mutant drawn to the school's concentration of power? I mean...you've got dozens of powered people figuring out their strength and shooting off all sorts of invisible signals...probably attracts all kinds of mutant sensitive things.." He considers this for a few more moments, and then takes a sip of his wine.

The sip seems to draw him out of his reverie as he adds, "Where are my manners? Would you like to come sit in the living room, or stay here for a bit to chat? Going to be long, or have to run?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty considers the thought about what could have been behind the attack. "Possibly. If so they were on all fours and with some not very human looking hands or feet." Which of course is possible. Rahne being one mutant who changes into a wolf after all.

"Sure. I could even make you watch one of those movies we never got to," she teases. Of course she always like the good nerd movies. Though Warren was always great about watching them with her, as she recalled. She slips her arm about his waist as they head into the living room. She'd redone the penthouse's entertainment systems with her own smart remote programming, so knows how everything works.