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Latest revision as of 13:59, 28 March 2023

  Coat of Arms  
Lisa Molinari (Scenesys ID: 4675)
Name: Lisa Molinari
Superalias: Coat of Arms
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: College Student / Freelance Artist
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: Some College
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 06 Aug 2002 Played By Kaitlyn Dever
Height: 5'9" Weight: 136 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Twitter: @CoatOfArms (V)
Theme Song: "This World Will Remember Me" - Jeremy Jordan and Laura Osnes

Character Info


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Coat of Arms is an name taking the art and superhuman worlds by storm. Is she good? Is she bad? Does it matter as long as it's art? The girl wearing Tiboro's Coat is hard to pin down, but is at least reliably controversial.


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* 2002: Born in Hoboken, New Jersey to doting parents.
* Early 2010: Parents involved in a fatal car accident, Lisa enters the foster care program.
* Late 2010: First time running away from foster home, learns how to steal.
* 2012: First caught stealing, begins a stretch of going in and out of Juvenile Hall.
* 2014: Starts to find stability in the form of art, trips to juvie decrease.
* 2021: Gets a GED, enrolls in college as an Art major.
* 2022: Discovers Tiboro's Coat, dubs herself Coat of Arms, has first art show exploring the superhuman condition.

IC Journal

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Art Is Addictive:
Lisa went from being an unknown street kid to a rising star of the art world seemingly overnight. What changed? She put on a coat, and watched her problems magically disappear. This has led to a desire to find more magical trinkets to stuff into the bottomless pockets of the coat, and a will to steal them from their previous owners.

Art Is Fearless:
Lisa is relatively fearless, not to the extent of it being a superpower, but moreso than most rebellious teenagers. She's unafraid to walk up to a known murderer and make a mockery of them just to provoke a reaction.

Art Is Mercurial:
The only cause that Lisa's truly committed to is art; the beautiful, the ugly, the more evocative something is, the better. It also means that her loyalty only extends as long as she can sees the artistic value in her allies.

Art Is Possessive:
Its name might be Tiboro's Coat, but it is /her/ coat. Attempts to seperate her from it will be met with hostility, up to and including lethal force if necessary. The same feeling applies to other magical artifacts that might come into her possession. Lisa likes the power that they give her.

Everything Is Art:
Since putting on Tiboro's Coat, Lisa hasn't been good or bad. She doesn't believe in those concepts for herself anymore. She believes that everything has the capability to become art, and feels compelled to create it in order to walk among the gods and secure her immortality.

Under the Coat:
Tiboro's Coat is a sentient entity, that's affected Lisa's own personality. Without her coat, she's just a troubled girl trying to survive in a world that didn't set her up for it. Ultimately pessimistic with the slightest shred of faith in humanity, she wants what anyone wants, to improve her own situation.

Character Sheet


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Lisa is a highly skilled artist, proficient in multiple mediums including sculpture, photography, videography, and ceramics, but her bread and butter is painting. Moderately successful as a rising star in the paint world, Lisa seems to have found her true calling in her depictions of heroes and villains.

Magical Studies:
When she found Tiboro's Coat, and came to realize just what an artifact she had gotten her hands on... she immediately sought to understand it, and the trinkets found in its pockets better. When it comes to magic items, she knows the shops to visit, which to avoid, and how to (generally) safely learn how to interact with and handle them.

The reason she was originally sent to Juvie in the first place, Lisa's got nimble fingers when it comes to relieving others of their possessions without their knowledge. She's not undetectable, but she can get away without getting caught more often than not.

While her time in juvie helped her get acquainted with the use of bladed weapons, she's gained more skill over their use over time with practice, and rather uniquely thanks to Tiboro's Coat and the extra arms it grants, in the use of six at the same time. She's no Olympic-level fencer, but won't cut herself, either.


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Lisa Molinari is a nobody. A two-bit crook at best. Coat of Arms, however, is a name that's starting to gain traction in the worlds of art and of superhumans. She has her fans, and she can command enough of a return on her pieces to comfortably afford to rent her art studio and live in New York City without having to worry about going back on the streets.

Reginald Montgomery is a kingmaker among the New York City art scene and the owner of the Malady Galleria, one of the trendiest galleries in the Northeast. He has the connections, knows all the right words to put in all the right ears to make, or break anyone in the eyes of esteemed collectors. He's also become convinced that Lisa -- or Coat of Arms, more accurately -- is the second coming of Andy Warhol, and has been responsible for the rocketing stardom she's been seeing. She can count on him to set up meetings with the rich and powerful, to promote and sell her works while she's detained, and for loans, should they become necessary.

Coat of Arms' Art Studio is a secretive location in New York City where Lisa lives and creates art. There, she has access to a wide variety of art-making tools, brushes, paints, pottery wheels, etc and can lay low when the pressures of fame are getting to her... or when she needs to hide from a super on her tail.

Tiboro's Coat:
A magical coat once owned by a person of great power, Tiboro's Coat enhances certain personality aspects of its wearer to the extreme as part of the 'pact' it forms with a wearer, but also grants the wearer access to certain powers and resources that are detailed below:

Coat of Arms: Tiboro's Coat can generate up to four fully functional arms that are controlled by its wearer as if they belonged to them. They can appear and disappear as if by magic, because frankly? That's exactly what they are.

Coat of Flight: Tiboro's Coat is capable of flight at a speed of approximately eighty miles an hour, and capable of carrying a combined weight of approximately five hundred pounds between its wearer and 'passenger(s)' before being unable to maintain flight.

Coat of Pockets: The pockets of Tiboro's Coat contain many magical and non-magical 'arms' that previous wearer(s) of the coat have collected over the years, and more accurately? They act as portals to an extradimensional space that stores these items, created by the original enchanter of the garment. The pockets of the coat, therefore, can act as a MacGuffin creator, allowing access to the 'right' item at the right time, or as comic relief when the 'wrong' item is grabbed. Magical items not listed below need to be approved on a case-by-case basis via +request:

Cadabras' Chain of Binding: A magical, 20' length of chain strong enough to bind a Kryptonian which Lisa can will to ensnare a target.

Kerei's Crimson Ward: A personal force-field generator capable of stopping bullets, creating a protective bubble around the user.

The Skeleton Key: A magical lock-pick with the appearance of a skeletal finger that, when inserted into a locking mechanism can pick locks automatically with the ability level of a pressional locksmith.


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Artistic Value:
Art is her calling, and her biggest weakness. Lisa's life revolves around artistic endeavours, to her, if it's not art, it's not worth doing. An intelligent foe that realizes this, and can make her question the artistic value of the things she's doing, can stop her without lifting a finger.

Criminal Record:
Lisa has a rap sheet extending from her first time to Juvenile Hall for pickpocketing, to more recent charges stemming from trying to provoke people on the superheroic circuit into action.. This can lead to prejudice against her even if she's not actively doing something criminal. It can also lead to a very particular kind of fanbase, too, which can be it's own drawback.

Lisa loves the various magical arms that can be found within Tiboro's Coat, and is driven to try and add to her collection. If she's around magical items, she's going want to claim them. As a result, these items can also be used to bait a trap to draw her in.

Lisa's parents were killed in a car accident when she was a child. In and out of the foster care system from that point with no responsible family to take care of her, this was her start down a darker path. 'Forced' to steal to ensure her own survival rather than live with a family that wasn't her own, hers was not an easy life... or at least that's the way she tells it.

Public Identity:
A double-edged sword. As Coat of Arms, Lisa is an artist with a rising star based on her depictions of superhumans of both the heroic and villainous persuasion. The fact that she does nothing to hide her identity, in fact going as far as to flaunt it, it means she's likely to be the first person targetted for information on people she's associated with, for revenge on wrongs done by people around her, or just by people who don't like powered individuals in general.



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Lisa molinari has 6 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Title Forthcoming June 21st, 2023 Summary
The Raft: Powderkeg May 26th, 2023 A serious of unfortunate events are turned into fortuitous ones. The prisoners of the Raft have had to endure a lot during their stay. Depriving them of their freedom being one worst. They've had to suffer through sleep deprivation, bad food, bizarre therapy, strange tests, mundane existence without their powers and precious things, not to mention some real jerks. Some of which may rear their ugly head later on. But through all their efforts, solo and together, they effect an escape. Small mercies given to others, altruistic or not, add up. Pay it forward for some, gaining a nemesis for others. Consequences coincide to create opportunities. Where there were none seemingly possible before, these individuals have made it happen. The ladies have ensured The Raft won't be fully operation again for months. Ripples radiate from the Raft with their departure.
One size does not fit all April 17th, 2023 Lisa makes a deal with one of the Rafts employees, whom seems to have her own AIMs and conditions of employment. A deal is struck which results in the return of some very important property.
The Raft: Break Out April 3rd, 2023 The Gals are ushered into the Raft's prison cafeteria for scheduled eats. The new arrivals are even gifted some suspicious cupcakes. Some scheming on ways to escape are floated, and a cupcake is definitely consumed with no immediate effects noted. Before much more can be discussed hush-hush, a hazing ritual by an already establish group of inmates drenches the situation in drinks. The resulting scuffle almost brings down the full weight of the security force's hammer on everyone. Some very real rage and some very real performing help muddy the situation enough and keep it regarded as a low level disruption by most standards. They girls are separated, marched off for chores, punishment and study. Though the guards don't realize they've left the cafeteria with more than just bruises and lacerations.
Welcome, please don't enjoy your stay. March 28th, 2023 The newest guests of The Raft are transported to the prison via a bumpy airlift. Their experiences during transport are one of being under very heavy guard with many specialized precautions. They're greeted by the Warden and a portion of the heavily armed security detail assigned to the Super Super Max.
Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Cats of War!!! March 22nd, 2023 The Dapper Men run afoul of Joan and are not quite as dapper now.


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Entertainment Credits

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Lisa molinari has been credited in 0 shows.

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Lisa molinari has been credited in 0 albums.

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Lisa molinari has authored 0 books.

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