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Revision as of 19:38, 16 April 2023

Parity (Scenesys ID: 4774)
Name: Jamie Hudson
Superalias: Parity
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Alien
Occupation: Odds and Ends
Citizenship: American
Residence: Metropolis
Education: Some College
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 21 Oct 1990 Played By Don't have it yet!
Height: 5'9" Weight: 190
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Blue
Twitter: Doesn't use it.
Theme Song: Just The Two Of Us

Character Info


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Jamie Hudson is a grounded, cheerful man settling into his thirties. He is also host to a being that claims to be the imprisoned spawn of the Kryptonian deity Cythonna. Life is complicated.


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October 21st, 1991: Jamie Hudson is born. He lives a relatively uneventful life, with everything proceeding as one might imagine. In a world of extraordinary things, Jamie and his family remained resolutely mundane.

2009: Jamie graduates from high school and is accepted to Metropolis University. Despite his family's wishes, the excitement of Metropolis drew him to the city of tomorrow over his other options.

2010: An unexpected alien invasion interrupts Jamie's school year, and he is one of the countless injured along the east coast during the Dru-Zod conflict. This event would not be the only time Null Space would play a role in his life. Although Jamie's wounds healed slowly, the trauma lingered.

2013: Jamie returns to part-time schooling with no clear goal in mind.

2016: Jamie accepts a job at a sanitation firm that contracted to Quanta Solutions, a start-up research company. During an experiment, Quanta caused a breach into Null Space, causing the facility to go into lockdown. When the DEO (Department of Extra-Normal Operations) arrived and determined the nature of the energy on-site, they realized it was a job for Superman, who swiftly resolved the problem. However, during the incident, Hudson was seemingly possessed by an ancient entity claiming to be descended from a Kryptonian Goddess, which transformed him accordingly and led him to attack Kal-El. Hudson was relentlessly subdued by Kal-El until he lost his hold on the traumatized Jamie. A video of some of the fight exists on YouTube, and Hudson is identified as Case File: Parity.

2017-2023: Jamie was taken under the authority of the DEO, and he and the entity that possessed him were tethered to one another for life. The entity, which he named 'Verity' in reference to the case file name, could not be separated from Jamie, but it could be controlled. The following seven years were difficult, but Jamie was eventually paroled by the DEO and allowed to resume a normal life. Through experiencing the world through Jamie's eyes and sharing his conscious experience, Verity was humanized, and they have come to coexist in an uneasy relationship defined by Jamie's steadfast refusal to let her have any kind of control again.

IC Journal

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Jamie can't even watch the opening minutes of John Wick without fast forwarding. He's the kind of guy that stops to pet every dog he passes and unashamedly baby-talks to every last one.

Given the surprising detours his life has taken, Jamie has made a decision to keep both feet planted firmly on the ground. He hasn't pursued his higher aspirations, doesn't want to be rich, doesn't want to be famous. He avoids social media dramas and outrage cycles and tries to generally 'touch grass' as often as possible. In an increasingly bizarre world with an increasingly bizarre life, this is harder than you'd think. This applies to how he approaches all manner of problems, as he'll always look for a 'bottom up' solution and with an eye towards the lives and experiences of people like himself who have been caught up in superhero madness.

Some might fund it humorous that Jamie's still something of an optimist given all that he's been through, but for him, there's no contradiction. He's been through a lot and recognizes how fortunarte he is routinely, and it's helped him to find the bright spots that are out there in a given situation, for himself and for others.

While it is sometimes a struggle, Jamie takes his responsibilty over Verity's conduct seriously and is frequently strict with his own behavior as a means to instil some discipline in her's. In many senses, he doesn't really have a choice.

Jamie shares his conscious experience with an entity from the Phantom Zone, which he calls Verity. Verity claims to be the descendent of the Kryptonian Goddess Cythonna, but in truth, remembers precious little of her former existence. Her long imprisonment in the Phantom Zone had all but sanded away almost all of what she was, leaving a thing of pure malice and biting cold that lashed out as soon as it was presented the opportunity. Their shared conscious experience has gradually reformed her over the last several years, leading her to growing into someone beyond what imprisonment had reduced her to. She is still impulsive, emotional, and prone to suggesting violent solutions to Jamie's problems, but most of the time, she'd like to eat ice cream, watch TV, and learn about earth and its people, with whom she has become fascinated. So much to see and do after thousands of years of deprivation. Tabula rasa, thy name is Verity now.

Character Sheet


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Alternate Form:
If he allows it, Jamie can cede control to Verity, who can take command of his body, and she in turn can cede it back to him. Verity can not force the issue. With this change in control comes a change in body. It is not clear how much of this is a trade of matter between Verity's nullspace prison, her metamorphic abilities, and as a result of their innate quantum entaglement. Only Verity has access to any of her powers, and only when she is in comamnd. As Verity is most of the time, Jamie will be her passenger during this time.

If one is to believe Verity, she is the daughter of Cythonna, the Kryptonian Ice Goddess. Perhaps her best claim to this being true is her own command of the element. Able to lower the ambient temperature about her to freezing in a matter of seconds if she so chooses, generate blasts of pure cold or ice, freeze things with a touch, create walls or patches of ice out of thin air, and is generally able to correspondingly withstand extreme colds as a result. She lacks fine control of this power, relying more on brute strength than precision, even if she is fond of crude ice blades. She is very out of practice.

Minor Metamorphosis:
Verity has limited abilities to further transform while in control: as a daughter of the mother of monsters, she is capable of making small modifications to her form, such as growing wicked claws or a maw full of terrible teeth with the correspondingly unhinged jaw of horror movie nightmares. Notably, these things are not any stronger than she is.

Physically Adept:
When in command, Verity's form is physically stronger, faster, and more durable than most, but she is still within the maximal human range at this time, if the peak performance of one. She loses some of this edge as she runs out of power, suggesting she may grow physically stronger over time.

Powered By Darkness:
While most things Kryptonian on earth are powered by the soothing warmth of a yellow sun, Verity draws on a different source of power: darkness and cold. She draws on these two to fuel her abilities and strengths, and given her lack of exposure to both she has at this time a fairly limited duration with which her powers are at their strongest. During the day, full use of her powers for as long as fifteen or twenty minutes at a time can leave her quickly diminished. At night, her powers are much more sustainable, but light pollution usually assures even this has limits. Theoretically, sustained exposure to natural darkness bereft of light pollution in the coldest of places might accelrate her growth, but it is uncertain.

Two Minds One Body:
Verity and Jamie are entangled on a fundamental, quantum level and have a shared conscious experience. While Verity remains in the Phantom Zone, she shares with Jamie his senses and field of view, and each of them draws their own conclusions from this. This can be an advantage, Verity or Jamie may notice something that the other misses, it can also be incrediblty distracting should one of them choose to be a backseat driver. As their minds are connected, they are able to communicate telepathically at all times should they wish to.


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Jamie: Drawing:
When he was quarantined, Jamie's therapist reccomend he try art. He wasn't terribly good at it, and he still isn't, but he's managed to develop some skill in this area.

Jamie: First Aid:
Jamie is certified in First Aid. He took classes on it, even!

Jamie: Sciences:
Jamie has spent enough time around *really* smart people to pick up a little on science. While he might not be up and up on the all of it, his grasp of physics, dimensional sciences, null space, and more can be surprising. While he has no real specialized knowledge or proficiency, he can sometimes figure things out based on osmosis.

Verity: Ancient Krypton:
Supposedly, Verity hails from ancient Krpyton but she knows suprisingly little about it. She did start off speaking an ancient dialect of it, however, so there is some evidence for this claim. With enough prodding, she might be able to remember something ... probably fuzzy and disorted, however. Thousands of years ion the phantom zone you spend and see how good memory your's is, hmm?

Verity: Brawling:
Verity can fight. It's mostly instinct rather than anything else but she is an innately skilled and dirty combatant. And she thoroughly enjoys it.

Video Games:
For his age, Jamie is good at a lot of different video games. A *lot*. When in quarantine, he had nothing to do but play them. For hours. Every day. Expect him to do pretty dang good at most FPS and fighting games. Not that he particularly loves them, he's just had a LOT of practice.


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At first, Verity's voice in his head was overwhelmingly loud to the point of being all-consuming. It wasn't until he was fashioned a pair of psionic dampeners that fit in his ears like hearing aids that he was able to regain some semblance of function. Without them, there's simply too much psychic feedback for him to function well. These dampeners also serve to offer him modest protection from other telepaths. He suspects correctly that the DEO has tracking devices installed in them. The dampeners run on a rechargeable battery and he usually keeps a set on the charger to swap out as needed, generally once a day.

Samantha Barnaby:
Samantha Barnaby is his DEO agent and caseworker. She was assigned to keep an eye on him and ensure that he's not Getting Weird. Over the years, they've become friendly, and she looks out for him within the confines of the responsbiltiies of her job, which she has always put first. Still, it leaves him with something of a contact within the DEO he can call upon from time to time, responsibly.

Settlement Anuity:
After the accident at Quanta Solutions, Jamie and the other survivors were offered settlements by its parent company. Most of them accepted, as did Jamie. It's enough for him to live on. Not comfortably, mind you, but enough. This has left him able to pursue work as a part time thing for extra cash, and given him time to dedicate to his own recovery.


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Sharing your mind with someone is never easy and is in fact frequently annoying and distracting. At any given time, either one can distract the other, even if they're just trying to help.

Verity, like all things with ties to Krypton, is weakened in proximity to kryptonite. It does not have the full impact on her that it might on the earth-bound Kryptonians proper, but she will quickly sicken if its near her. Interestingly, this weakness also applies to Jamie to a lesser extent, likely as a result of his initial transformation. While it is even less impactful on him than it is on Verity, he will eventually start to feel weak and shaky in its presence after a long enough time.

Null Space:
In a sense, Jamie and Verity exist in two places at once, her prison in Null Space and here on Earth. That makes Jamie a kind of potential conduit to null space, and there's no telling the consequences of what this connection might do to him long term. Things that impact null space may also interfere with his and Verity's connection, though it can't break it. Worse, there is the theoretical possibility that activating his powers could leak energy from null space into earth, a potential danger that has yet to manifest, but remains a possibility.

Volume Control Needed:
Without the psychic dampeners provided to him by the DEO, Verity's voice and the sensory feedback from her side of the connection can become too much for him too handle very quickly. He can usually handle a few hours without them before the input begins to get to be too much and he'll be increasingly muddled, distracted, and cranky until he's able to replace them.



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Tech Support for Lady Blackhawk May 2nd, 2023 Geeze, that's a lot of dead people.


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