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Latest revision as of 15:06, 31 May 2023

Over the Savage Lands
Date of Scene: 30 May 2023
Location: Flight deck: Helicarrier
Synopsis: Talk amongst Avengers on the Hellicarrier.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts, Greer Grant

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The SHIELD Hellicarrier is ferrying supplies to the Savage Land operations theatre. With the defeat of a kaiju scaled Brood monster by hundreds of Amazons and dozens of heroes, that had driven the point of the threat even more. That it wasn't the -last- of things the Brood had sent after them. No, this Hellicarrier was bringing in heavy eqiupment the likes of which couldn't just be teleported over.
    At a low speed, above Antarctica, on the final approaches towards the Savage Land.
    Standing over on the flight deck is Natasha Romanova, watching as Quinjets launch from the deck.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's strange, a land in constant twilight. It takes more than a little time to get used to it, though it feels to Pepper like she is in the furthest place away from home, away from New York City, away from everything familiar and safe. Though, truth be told, she couldn't be any safer than she is right now, what with the armament, the personnel, and .. everything that surrounds her.

Pepper is under escort, her badge dangling off a lanyard that proclaims her a visitor contractor, giving her a slightly higher status than 'visitor' but less than 'contractor'. There are no electronics to be seen on the woman; even her ever-present earbud is missing from its place. Arms are folded before her, and the business-attired Pepper Potts stands beside Natasha, green eyes taking everything in as if she'll be trying to categorize the experience after she gets home once again. There's a touch of that excitement in her tones, the sound of someone who doesn't experience this particular .. experience every day. "I just can't believe this," is breathed. "All of this. It's one thing to know that Tony's had a hand in this," and finally her hand gestures towards the carrier itself, "but to see it?" Finally?

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod over at Pepper, "Greetings, Ms. Potts. And it so far has been rather chaotic." She would look over her shoulder, "The ground personnel were engaged with a Leviathan scale entity." Leviathan scale was the SHIELD nomenclature for terrestrial combatants over eighty meters tall. Of which there were damned few in the database and almost all of them considered extremely hostile.

"IT is a lovely area. Rather hostile, and something not particularly appreciated." She would note in very light amusement. "So please, don't go down there and try to pet some f the dinosaurs. That will end badly. We have a few agents in medical regrowing lost body parts."

Pepper Potts has posed:
This is exactly why Pepper appreciates Natasha and values their friendship. The Russian tells it like it is, painting a rather vivid picture of the challenges and the repercussions. Hostile creatures, grow body parts after.

Pepper grimaces and her arms hug herself just a little tighter in a self-consolation gesture in an attempt to reduce a little discomfort. "Right," and it's followed by a tight-lipped smile that is both amused and not. "I'm really not ready for a stay in Medbay. I like my.. parts, and if I lost one, I'd have to go back to the manicurist in order for it to match again." There's the attempt to make light.

"It is shut away from the rest of the world, right? Fences, barbed wire, large weapons?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Yes. And some ancient.. What we can at most call alien supercomputers of origins we can't begin to fathom that seem to maintain and monitor it, and provide extreme defenses, and are capable of inhibiting very powerful individuals. It's rather fascinating." In a terrifying 'alien computer that can shutdown the Phoenix' level.

"The Brood are becoming more intelligent and less feral. And they have fewer problems incorporating biomass into their form." She would continue.

"The middle of Antarctica."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"What I wouldn't give for a couple of penguins," is murmured as Pepper looks back out across the helicarrier. "Though I am grateful to those 'alien supercomputers of origins we can't begin to fathom'." Until, of course, they turn on humanity, which always seems to happen.

Pepper's arms don't drop; she likes them just the way they are, hugging herself. "I'm a little torn between 'fascinating' and 'terrifying', personally." She smiles quickly again; a gesture that hearkens back to the same way Tony does it.. there and gone. Spend time together and that's what happens! "Leaning a little towards the latter right now, but not enough to start having nightmares." A nod graces her head, and exhales in a soft breath, "In the middle of Antarctica."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "The two aren't mutually exclusive. But yes, I'd put it more in the form of the latter. To what exactly the logic is to make such a thing in such a far off location, then to build such massive technology to safeguard it. Like the alien version of a snowglobe or a terrarium."

IT's psychological to her - why make such a thing and seemingly abandon it? Not that ancient space aliens had to follow logic comprehensible to humans

Pepper Potts has posed:
Z"Oh, it absolutely is for me," Pepper returns, her head shaking ever so slightly. "I have a hard time appreciating something that is absolutely ... the stuff of nightmares." An exhale escapes once more, and her gaze moves off into that middle distance, seeing and not.

"There is something special about people who work with this every day," Pepper finds her voice once more, and she clears her throat before re-focusing on her friend beside her. "Seeing things and knowing things that would never be made public." She pauses before adding, "By choice." For both counts. "I don't know how you do it."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod lightly, "Yes. I'm not sure as to whether you would call the Savage Land secret.. But it's isolation is for a reason. And that reason is not to keep it safe from the outside world." Her tone actually means that - it's to keep the Savage Land from -threatening- the outside world, as anyone who has seen the Jurassic Wrold movies can attest.

"It is a sense of duty and obligation. I'ms ure that you have felt the same towards Mister Stark at times."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"It's not on everyone's mind. Not like DisneyLand." Pepper shakes her head again, "It's not something that is advertised," and she finally pulls a hand out to gesture at her head, fingers wiggling, "It's like some thought in the back of your head; you know it's there but it just doesn't make itself known. Not really. And when it's mentioned, it's like you've never really heard of it, or at least remember hearing about it at some point in a wobbly past."

Tucking her arm back under to soothe herself from the stressors before them. Pepper smiles at the last of it, though just because Tony's name is mentioned, or the thoughts of all those times she'd ever felt 'duty' and 'obligation' towards not only him but the company. She chuckles, the sound releasing some of the tension, "And Stark Industries," she offers up with a low, amused tone. "You got me there." And the woman //knows things// there as well; she's a VERY good security risk that thankfully no one has ever really tried to break. "But, I'll keep my tech, and what Tony looks like when he's testing his new suits." Pepper chuckles again and shakes her head, "It's not pretty."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would look out along hte horizon as the volcanos would come into view. "Yes. Deep into the unknown. I'd have wondered what the first of thsoe who discovered it felt like. I suppose it's in the archives somewhere. I also suppose that they likely didn't survive. There were probably a few generations whom saw it and never got out, and nothing they brought with them was ever found either.'

She would keep ehr hands over behind her back. "You do it because it makes a difference and it gives you a sense of purpose. For some it is the same." For her? It's about repayment.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper considers her friend's words, nodding ever slightly in acknowledgment. "Could be that it was discovered a few times, and the latest is actually the first time someone made it out." She pauses before adding a genuine apology, her tones underscoring the words, "That was kind of dark, I'm sorry."

The volcanos in the distance calls for her attention once more, and she watches the view. "I'm not sure why I do it," is admitted as Pepper pulls her gaze from the awe-inspiring view that is just now showing itself, "A number of reasons? A few years ago, I'd say that it was because I refused to give up, even when everything seemed to not be going in the direction that I thought it should have." Tony. Stark Industries. Even the kidnapping. "Now?" She chuckles again while shaking her head, "I don't think it should be any other way."

She looks at her friend now, brows rising ever so slightly in askance, "Ever think you'd be on a helicarrier looking at an ancient being's set-up?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shake her head, "Oh, that's very likely. I'm sure there's a written record somewhere. Or that Lord Plunder would know of it's state in the archives." Then again given the erstwhile ruler of the Savage Land was called Lord Plunder might itself bring up a wide array of questions..

A number of volcanos in the distance rising up as they approahced the Savage Land along the Hellicarrier's flight path. "Then it fits you and you feel like it gives you a sense of purpose. That is nothing wrong. It is commendable for most."

"I have done similar things, if not quite in the same way." To an ancient being's, at least!

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Lord Plunder," Pepper repeats before shaking her head, "I can't get over some names. It gives you an idea of what they're thinking. 'Lord Plunder' doesn't seem to be someone I'd trust with holding back something of power." There's question number one, at least in her mind!

A soft 'heh' sound comes from her throat before she draws her arms down and puts her hands into pockets. "I suppose. Maybe I'm the lucky one." Her friend's answer, however, brings her attention around, and she quirks her head, "Really." It's a statement rather than question, and one that speaks that she really does believe Natasha. "So, different day, same job?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Not often that Tigra finds herself on a helicarrier, but it's always impressive to her when does so. Her tail swishes as she pads along, looking around, absently wondering if she should've made a different career choice, what seems a lifetime ago, and then steps away before she gets lost going down paths that never were. "Sounds like a pirate's name," she says as she saunters up to the other two. "Long John Silver, Jack Sparrow, Lord Plunder, Bernie Madoff."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shrug, "I suppose there has to be some level of greater irony in the world. Whatever whims there are of fates and fancy might have some meaning in the end. or some ancient Lords had some sense of humor about themselves." After all, sometimes even the European nobility could be up front in what they were, after all.

"Greetings, Tigra. Good to have you with us. Though don't call Ka-Zar that to his face or he'll skin you."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper laughs and her voice turns conspiratorially low, "But it does sound a good pirate's name." Greer's comment regarding the names of both fictional and non- doesn't pass her. She's just happy that Tony's name hadn't been on that roster, though truth be told, it might boost his ego if it were?

She exhales in a breath, "Greer," is offered up warmly, holding that touch of affection given to those in the 'roster'. "I think those names-"

"Miss Potts?" A voice calls from a nearby door way, "We would love your opinion on a matter that is both absolutely useless and absolutely important, all in one."

Before Pepper can finish her thought, her head turns in the direction of the voice before she falls silent, the thought there on her lips and then gone. In its place, a hand lifts, an index finger points to the air, "Excuse me. I think the fate of the world is hanging on this one. Or at least a free pizza." With that, Pepper turns to begin her path towards the door and the interior of the 'carrier.

Greer Grant has posed:
For just a moment, Tigra thinks about saying something about Ka-Zar trying to skin her, but decides macho's not needed. "Wasn't aware he didn't like the name. I'll stick with Ka-Zar if I'm ever around him, then." She moves to take a look out at the Savage Land, tail twitching again. "Hopefully he's not interested in trying to skin me anyway. I mean, don't think he's the sort, but damn if I wouldn't fit in down there, huh?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would note lightly, "Just a warning." He likely is not to want to make a Tigra skin rug! But it's not like Natasha knows the man at all either beyond a few perfunctuary meetings and some briefings. "So have you been to any field deployments in the area yet?"

Greer Grant has posed:
A shake of her head, and then absently running of Tigra's hands through her hair, pulling it back for a moment. "I haven't yet, no. Haven't been out there in all of that. Looking forward to it, I mean, could say I'm made for a place like that, or it for me, or one of those things." She turns around and leans against a bulkhead. "Regardless, one of those places where I bring a lot to the table."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Well, if you do get a field deployment you would be useful. Ther'es been a lot of cave fighting and tracking, so your skillset would be invaluable, particularly with whatever power suppression systems here that operate in the more fortified zones."

Greer Grant has posed:
A thoughtful look as Tigra considers that. "Yeah I'm a good tracker, and pretty good in a close in fight." A satisfied swish of her tail at that assessment. "What do we know about the power suppression thingees? They effect anyone with powers or just some people?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would tap her chin, "Mostly higher end ones we've found so far. They've had suppressors on high end psionics and higher level beings. The closer to the projecgtion field, the stronger it gets. Your own abilities should have no issues."

Greer Grant has posed:
A nod to that. "That's what I was wondering," Tigra says. "Obviously if they worked on me, I wouldn't be as strong or fast, but I'd have to wonder if they'd have other effects on me. It's a relief to know I shouldn't have to worry about any of that, though," she says as she cracks her knuckles.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Well yes. It's at least so far shown minimal suppression of high tech, but we've not deployed heavy mobile armor units to the area." Because the Savage Land's weather systems did not particularly get along with high end power armor anyways!

Greer Grant has posed:
"So don't bring my iPod if I go near one of those things, got it," Tigra says with a nod of acknowledgment. Another look out the window at the landscape below. "I relaly need to sit down with the briefing materials on this place. It's just so wild."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would sigh, "Yes, you missed the engagement with the Leviathan scale entity." Leviathan was generally how SHIELD classified terrestrial beings of greater than eighty meters in height. A fortunately hsort list. But one that was almost universally hostile.

Greer Grant has posed:
An eyebrow goes up at hearing that. "Leviathan, scale, really? What was it? What happened?" Tigra considers whether she's glad or sad to have missed out on that. Certainly would have been exciting, and a helluva sight, but on the other hand that's way outside her scope of practice.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would watch another Quinjet taking off along the Hellicarrier deck. "When the Brood attacked last time, it was a large hive that was lead by a collection of biomass roughly ninety meters in height that the Amazons had to engage at point blank range that inflicted damage on some of the nearby mountains."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra watches the Quinjet and then shakes her head slowly. "90 meter mound of biomass. Boy, that's a thought that'll keep me up tonight," she says, fur rippling with a light shiver. "You know, there's some things I understand fighting. Criminals, always going to have criminals and as long as there's folks with powers, some will be criminals. The Brood, though, they really upset my hind brain. Something terribly -wrong- about having to face something like that."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would close her eyes, "Yes, and until now they've been feral. The last group encountered were using tactics. Feints, swarming.. They're getting a semblance of intelligence again. If they can manage to connect and reform a queen.. It's a possible extinction tier event."

Greer Grant has posed:
"Woof," Tigra says heavily on hearing that, sagging back against the bulkhead, folding her arms and closing her eyes. "It's kill or be killed, then," she says quietly. "Well, if that's how it is, that's how it is. Guess that's something else I bring that fits in with the Savage Land."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would give a low nod, "Exactly. Your skillset will allow ground groups to intercept and hopefully avoid the biomass in search of more important targets. The Brood are essentially infinite. They can't simply be beaten back by attrition."

Greer Grant has posed:
Another, grim nod from Tigra and she pushes away from the bulkhead. "Right. I'm going to go read up on that, then. Make sure I know what I'd be facing, and figure out the best way that I can help."