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Latest revision as of 04:42, 12 June 2023

Al Simmons (Scenesys ID: 917)
Name: Albert Francis Simmons
Superalias: Spawn
Gender: Male
Species: Hellspawn
Occupation: Vigilante; Former government assassin
Citizenship: American
Residence: 'Rat City', NYC, New York
Education: High School
Theme: Image (FC)
Groups: Dark World
Apparent Age: 36 Actual Age: 36
Date of Birth 16 Mar 1987 Played By Keith David
Height: 6'11" Weight: 450 lbs
Hair Color: None Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: Out Of Hell - Skillet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VamaHv-xyo

Character Info


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Al Simmons is a former government assassin who was killed on a mission on the orders of his then-boss, Director Jason Wynn. Thanks to the many people he killed, his soul arrived in Hell, where he made a deal with a Hell Lord named Mephisto to be returned to Earth to see his wife one last time. Five years after his death, he reappeared as a Hellspawn, a minion of Hell. Now, with his fractured memories coming back to him slowly, and his old life impossible to return to, he acts as a vigilante who fights evil with the same evil that he spreads everywhere he goes.


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* 1987: Al wis born in Detroit, Michigan, as the second of three brothers (Marc, Al and Richard) to Esther and Bernard Simmons.
* 2008 to 2005: Simmons joins the United States Marine Corps, and became a very gifted officer. He attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and later joined the United States Secret Service, which led to his transfer to the Central Intelligence Agency. He is eventually recruited by Director Jason Wynn into a special top-secret covert ops division known as the U.S. Security Group, an elite task force with jurisdiction in all domestic and foreign situations. He is effectively a government assassin or mercenary.
* 2006: Due to his increasingly frequent arguments with Wynn, Al is killed on a mission in Botswana at the hands of fellow mercenaries Bruce Stinson and Jessica Priest, on Jason Wynn's orders.
* 2006: Al Simmons arrives in Hell due to his life of murders as an assassin. (Ultimate Sin) His memories are clouded and he believes he has made a Pact with a Lord of Hell to see his wife one last time. However, there's no evidence of the pact ever being made. It is simply what his memory shows him.
* 2021: Al Simmons returns to Earth as a Hellspawn, with shattered fragments of memory that gradually resolve themselves over time, giving him a piecemeal recollection of his identity in life and the events of his death. (Spirit of Vengeance)
* 2021-Present: Al searches for Wanda Blake, his ex-wife, while living in NYC, among the homeless. He finds her and discovers she has remarried to Terry Fitzgerald, Al's friend from when he was alive, and that they have a daughter named Cyan. So begins years of being unable to fulfill the very thing he traded his soul for, while acting as a vigilante with Hell-given powers.

IC Journal

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Good Intentioned:
There is no question that Al Simmons committed terrible deeds in life, and earned his place in Hell for it. That he thought he was in the right when he took so many lives does not magically make his actions untainted. However, when the choice is between giving in to his fate and just becoming Hell's servant, or fighting back however he can in order to do the right thing, he will always choose the latter. No amount of pain, sadness, or loss can dissuade him from that. He will act against his own best interests in order to correct the wrongs he sees in the world, even if those wrongs are the result of his own actions.

Al knows how to be devious, sneaky, and merciless. However, he tends to take people at their word or at least extend them trust despite how many times he has been betrayed. If he sees a child in trouble, he helps the child. He does not wait to see what happens or wonder about what the child may have done. There is a right and a wrong way to do things. As many times as he's been wrong, he still does everything in his knowledge and power to do what's right.

Character Sheet


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Creatures of Evil:
Spawn can emit a pheremone that draws 'creatures of darkness and sin' to him. He can control their actions when he does this, and can direct them towards his enemies. This generally means wolves, bears, worms, and bats. They will also automatically attack any 'beings of light' present, without Spawn's command.

In addition to this, Spawn can draw evil energy from people, animals, and even places, in order to sustain his costume and keep it from using his own energy reserves.

Energy Blasts:
Spawn can fire blasts of necroplasmic energy in various forms and intensities, ranging from a beam or shaped energy projectile to bombs of differing sizes and potencies.

Hellspawn Physiology:
Spawn has a body composed entirely of necroplasm, a psycho-reactive substance from Hell. Combined with his symbiotic costume, he is a superhuman being on many levels.

* Superhuman Strength: Combined with his physical density, Hell-designed construction, and his symbiotic costume (K7-Leetha), Spawn exhibits extraordinary strength of unknown capacity. Without drawing on his powers or magic, Spawn can exert up to 5 tons of pressure. He is also able to physically overpower normal humans and even some other supernatural creatures.

* Superhuman Speed: Despite not being a speedster, Spawn can easily and casually move at faster than eye speeds as a "crimson blur" with inhuman swiftness. He's quick enough to break the sound barrier in the midst of combat and may even move fast enough to cause flames to appear around him from air friction.

* Superhuman Agility and Reflexes: With his own training and his costume, Spawn can reflexively block bullets and can climb and leap walls and buildings with trivial ease.

* Superhuman Durability: Spawn's necroplasmic body is far denser than a human's. His skin is harder to pierce, he can survive impacts that would splatter a human with little injury, and can keep functioning and fighting even after being dismembered or gutted.

* Superhuman Endurance: As someone already dead, and with a necroplasmic weighing over 400 lbs, just based off his sheer mass he possesses superhuman strength and durability. He doesn't truly tire except after a large expenditure of his magic, and though he has internal organs they are semi-functional and not required for Spawn to survive or function.

Necroplasmic Magic:
Spawn has transfinite magical powers. 'Infinite power, of limited supply.' Essentially he can achieve any magical feat he likes, within the bounds of his energy supply, limited only by his imagination.

* Transmutation: Spawn can transmute matter, drawing in stray particles and atoms from the environment to form objects or turn one thing into another. Examples include a car key, a box of fine wine, or essentially whatever else he wishes.

* Healing: Spawn regenerates over time, but using his magic makes the recover instantaneous, even if he has lost limbs and organs, or otherwise suffered injuries that would be fatal to a living human. He can use this magic to heal others as well, with the same broad scope.

* Resurrection: A costly magical feat, Spawn can resurrect the dead with his powers.

* Flight: Spawn can fly under his own power, but use of magic allows him to do so much faster.

* Phasing: Spawn can phase through solid walls with magic and meld into shadows.

* Teleportation: Spawn can teleport himself and others from one destination to another by deconstructing them to their base materials and then hurtling them at light speed to the location where they will be reassembled. It's very unpleasant.

* Portal Creation: Spawn can create portals to travel to other dimensions and planes of existence, including Heaven and Hell.

* Density Control: Spawn's body is composed of necroplasm, a psycho-reactive magical substance. He can alter his density at will, increasing or decreasing it. Because of this, is body weight can fluctuate from 450 lbs to as much as 800 lbs. Use of magic can ignore these boundaries, but at the cost of his limited energy supply.

* Shapeshifting: In addition to his costume's morphic properties, Spawn can use magic to give himself a human appearance for a short time. However, he is limited to a specific appearance at this time, and cannot regain the face or body he had in life.

* Telekinesis: Spawn can manipulate objects with a form of telekinesis, allowing him to shut doors and operate computer controls. It is not sufficient to lift or move heavy objects or people.

* Memory Manipulation: If needed, Spawn can alter someone's memories with magic by drawing a symbol on their forehead and specifying what is changing about their memories, and for how long.

* Time Manipulation: Spawn can, at significant cost, use magic to instantly stop time with a thought. The longer this is maintained, the exponentially greater the energy required.

* Transformation: Spawn can transform into a swarm of bats and disperse or fly to another place.

Superhuman Senses:
Spawn has been given a range of strange, inhuman senses, as well as augmentation to his existing ones. In general, it means he has superhuman accuracy to his attacks, and is generally aware of normal (non-augmented) life forms in his vicinity at all times -- as long as he's paying attention. He can also, to some degree, sense evil in his surroundings, and is drawn to it. Likewise, creatures and beings of evil tend to be drawn to Spawn, whether they realize it or not.

Symbiotic Costume:
Spawn's costume is a living being bonded to his nervous system. It will automatically defend him, even if he is unconscious. It is constantly changing shape to be in a more advantageous position for combat, and both Spawn and the suit can produce new spikes, chains, protrusions, and lengthen or shorten his cape. All of these function as weapons and can crush, pierce, and sever human flesh easily.

Spawn can draw energy from his costume instead of his own reserves in order to perform magic, but eventually K7-Leetha will reclaim that energy however she needs to, so feeding her when possible is imperative.


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Al Simmons is skilled at getting information out of people, whether through diplomacy or torture. Generally, he goes with the 'be very scary route', but he knows how to make a deal in order to convince a reluctant individual to cooperate. As well, Spawn is just scary in general, and very good at intimidating others. No one wants to meet him in a dark alley, or really anywhere else.

Master Martial Artist:
Al Simmons has studied, trained in, and mastered multiple forms of martial arts and weapons (virtually all known mundane Earth weapons, from firearms to swords). He is capable of using Judo, Jujitsu, Karate, Kung-Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Aikido, Taekwondo, Boxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, Hapkido, Muay Thai, Ninjutsu and American Karate. On top of that, he's an experienced street fighter. He mixes and matches styles and moves to create a practical form of fighting that works for him in any situation, and includes 'dirty' moves like gouging eyes, throats, ears, and other vulnerable locations.

Spawn typically travels in the shadows, even flying on occasion. He is often described as notoriously difficult to spot, many times only caught out of the corner of one's eye as just a streak of red.

Tactical Analysis:
Thanks to decades of military training, service in the Secret Service and CIA, and his role as a government assassin, Al Simmons is extremely skilled at analyzing a situation, opponent, his environment, and using all of it to his advantage.


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Spawn wears a living symbiotic costume, Leetha of the 7th House of K. While wearing it the host assumes a dominant role over his suit. His cape, spikes, chains, and skulls are all part of an organism bonded to his central nervous system that will protect Spawn even if he is unconscious. The suits feed on souls, and the K7 model siphons the souls of those it kills and sends them straight to Hell to bolster Mephisto's armies.

The K7 model is a stronger, more refined symbiote which makes this Spawn stronger than many that came before him and some that have come after him. It has many tricks built into it, based on combat data from Hellspawn of other time periods and even other alternate realities. They are used instinctively, as-needed, rather than catalogued for Al's perusal.

* Cape Transportation: Spawn can pull himself and others into his cape, entering an abandoned place in Hell temporarily. If his cape is destroyed on the outside, then he and anyone else he brought with him is trapped on the Hell side.

* Ignition: Spawn can ignite his hand to produce light when needed.


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Al's memories have been tampered with, many are closed off to him, and when they return they do so in an agonizing way that can knock him out and leave him defenseless for a time. He doesn't get to choose which memories he gets back, or from when in his life, making piecing together his past a frustrating and painful puzzle. This leaves him uncertain of many thing in his new existence, and encourages him to act more on instinct than thought. Hellspawn instincts and thsoe of trained killers tend to be heavy on violence and acceptable casualties, even while trying to do good deeds. By keeping him off-balance, Hell has created a situation where Al may cause more evil than he stops by spreading the Curse of the Hellspawn.

Curse of the Spawn:
The Hellspawn are damned creatures who spread misery, death, madness, and evil wherever they go, whatever they touch, and whomever they interact with. Lives can be jolted off their tracks and go careening wildly away from their original fate, bringing additional destruction and suffering to even more lives. This ripple of consequences is largely opaque to the Hellspawn who causes it, and even seemingly trivial decisions can result in the creation of new enemies, the loss of friends, and the general depletion of the Hellspawn's energies as they have to choose between running out of power and returning to Hell, or holding onto their Earthly presence as long as possible. The latter simply allows evil to flourish and Hell's influence to grow.

Spawn is unable to die outside of a patch of alley known as Deadzone unless beheaded by a weapon of heaven. The Deadzone is the small patch of Earth that is Heaven's domain. In that small stretch of alley, Spawn has no power thus making him an ordinary person. This also applies when in any other Heavenly domain, including, of course, Heaven itself.

Without the aid of a holy weapon such as an Angel's Dimensional Lance, the only way to kill a Hellspawn is by decapitation.

Spawn has no power in the ethereal realm of Greenworld, nor other locations or realms that are dominated by the power and presence of uncorrupted Nature.

Holy Weapons:
Angelic Lances, Whips, Daggers, etc. can harm and kill Spawn without any special process.



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Al Simmons has 1 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Maximum Carnage - Bloody Monday Morning June 17th, 2023 Carnage breaks out. Of jail, and of Hell thanks to Spawn. It's up to a rag tag group of heroes to band together to stop what will be a dead time on the ole town this morn!


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Al Simmons has been credited in 0 shows.

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Al Simmons has been credited in 0 albums.

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Al Simmons has authored 0 books.

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