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Latest revision as of 04:53, 12 June 2023

Sorscha Dannan (Scenesys ID: 4844)
Name: Sorscha Dannan
Superalias: Semblance
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Film Student; Smart-Ass
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen
Residence: New York City, NY
Education: Highschool
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Rogues Gallery
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 10 Jan 2003 Played By Karen Gillan
Height: 5'11" Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Hazel
Twitter: @NotTheOneFromWillow
Theme Song: Bring Me The Horizon - Drown (Cover) by Faith Marie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FU5ifmugneM

Character Info


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Sorscha Dannan is a Scottish-American who grew up in a podunk town in the American Mid-West and accepted a deal that would get her out of there and give her the freedom to live her life how she wished. The deal wound up being a nightmare. With freshly awakened metahuman powers, the young villainess going by the alias Semblance is desperately seeking a different path to freedom and control, even if it means pitting herself against the law, society, super heroes, and the very person who made it possible for her to be here.


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* 10 Jan 2003: Sorscha Dannan is born in Scotland.
* 3 Sep 2012: Sorscha's family moves to the U.S. for economic reasons. Unfortunately, the small town they move to is already in the process of dying out, with the only industry of note being a steel mill where most of the men work. Sorscha is bored out of her mind and hates the way she and her family are treated by the locals. They're always treated as 'outsiders' no matter what.
* 18 Jul 2016: Sorscha has kept herself entertained mainly via her passion for film and theater. Old records, VHS tapes, and CDs from the dusty local music store also contain movies and operas. She wants to get into cinema and out of the unfriendly town she's been stuck in for most of her life.
* Jun 2018: Access to the internet and Sorscha earning enough money through chores to purchase a basic PC expand her knowledge of the world immensely. She is soon hooked on the World Wide Web, and looking for a way to move out on her own when she turns 18.
* 2021: Sorscha is gradually convinced by an older man over the internet that he can help her with her financial issues and fly her to New York to stay with him. She understands (or thinks she understands) the implications of their arrangement, but is too excited by the prospect of freedom and the ability to determine her own life to truly take her side of the deal seriously. She accepts the offer and her status as a 'live in girlfriend' begins, along with nearly three years of Hell.
* 2022: Sorscha's 'boyfriend' is fine with financing her education and her studies in film school, along with various luxuries. However, what he doesn't know is that Sorscha's trauma over their illicit activities triggered metahuman powers in her, and she has been secretly using some of the allowance she is given to purchase the tools she'll need to get away eventually. She has taken up super villainy to obtain additional money and contacts in the underworld. During this time, along with some other young villains, Sorscha meets Annette Bellerose, aka Oubliette, and they begin working together sporadically.
* Jun 2023: The villain group is beginning to become a noteworthy player in the local underworld and Sorscha, going by the name Semblance, is beginning to think that her time with her predatory patron is coming to an end, as well as thinking about going villain full-time.

IC Journal

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Sorscha has had a crash-course in lying to and manipulating others thanks to her circumstances. The wide-eyed country girl she used to be is all but dead. Whether it's saying the right thing to convince someone, encouraging someone to act in order to benefit her, or otherwise juggling social interactions and the manipulation of facts and evidence, Sorscha is apparently a natural. She watches people and learns what makes them tick, extrapolating information that no one else knows by 'filling in the gaps' to make their behavior make sense. She's not the world's greatest detective, but her capacity to read and use people is a trait that is being nurtured.

Sorscha Dannan is extremely passionate about the things she loves, sometimes to an irritating degree. However, she pursues her interests with full fervor and especially happy to share them with others. If someone has the same interests as her and is receptive to listening to her, she's as happy as can be, and likely to try to make friends with the other person. Even people who are completely different from her intrigue her, because she wants to learn and know more about everyone and everything. Being confined to a small town growing up has made her eager to face the realities of the world. Someone disagreeing with her, or even outright despising her, is not enough of a reason to dismiss them... Even if the only reason she has interest in them is as a subject of study for her acting.

Character Sheet


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Mover: Vehicle Boost:
Semblance has the ability to shroud a vehicle she is piloting or riding in a film of ectoplasm that she can directly mentally control. This allows her to change the appearance of the vehicle (adding cosmetic adjustments, color changes) as well as to enhance its turning abilities. The heavier the vehicle, the less effective this turning enhancement is. A one or two-seated motorcycle is generally the upper limit and most efficient turning-to-ground-speed ratio, and also allows her to carry a single passenger along with her without affecting performance.

* Vehicular Cosmetics: Can make a car or truck look like a distinctly modelled or painted car or truck of the same type, or may do the reverse and obscure noticeable identifiers, change the license plate temporarily, etc. These are illusory changes and can't be maintained indefinitely. Semblance can not change a Limousine into a Ferrari, or a Monster Truck into a Bicycle. All changes are lateral moves -- a cosmetic, illusory change within the existing specifications of the vehicle.

* Vehicular Enhancement: Turning capabilities become pin-point, allowing for making seemingly physics-breaking u-turns, micro-second lane changes, weaving through traffic, etc. The heavier the vehicle, the less effective, and the more sluggish the turns and maneuvers.

* Vechicular Slingshot: Only while driving a vehicle roughly the size of a motorcycle or smaller, Semblance can target a single visible object (most effective when it's a vehicle) within 30 feet and make it her 'anchor point'. She can 'slingshot' herself, her vehicle, and up to one passenger, as much as 30 feet beyond that anchor point. It looks like teleportation, but apparently isn't, and there needs to be room for arrival or else face a potentially deadly crash or collision. She can use this power repeatedly in a short period, but range for acquiring a new anchor and the range of the slingshot arrival both decrease substantially if she pushes herself too hard.

Stranger: Ectoplasm:
Semblance can extrude a sort of psychic or spiritual substance she calls ectoplasm from her body that appears as a mist, but can be solidified as-needed. She keeps a layer of it over her at almost all times, providing invisible protection at the cost of blunting her sense of touch by acting as a barrier between her skin and the outside world.

* Ectoplasm Armor: A thin layer is enough to soften a punch or keep a blade from cutting her, but more ectoplasm has to be piled on to stop heavier attacks like a piercing attack, a bullet, energy weapons, superhuman strength hits, etc. It takes time to build up the required ectoplasm, so it is generally best to hide and wait before engaging. Semblance's specific application of ectoplasm is better suited to stealth and disguise that direct combat.

* Ectoplasm Disguise: Semblance can change her entire appearance, apparent dimensions, facial features and skin tone, apparent sex, what she's wearing, and virtually anything else she can think of. As long as the ectoplasm is kept mist-like, her range of illusions is limited only by how much ectoplasm she can produce before becoming fatigued, as well as the time needed to shape it. Mist ectoplasm has no actual physical mass to it and cannot hurt or protect anyone. Hardened ectoplasm can be used for limited offense and defense, or optimized tactile illusions (touch), but takes more effort to maintain and twice as much ectoplasm.

* Ectoplasm Mimic: With careful study, Semblance can mimic a specific person's appearance for a short time. However, maintaining the image of a real, specific person while moving around, changing the ectoplasmic body to respond to every minute change in the environment and so on is extremely taxing. The chance of discovery, and of losing control, increases the longer Semblance keeps this up. By comparison, a person or creature fabricated out of her imagination can be maintain for five times longer before reaching the same limits.

* Ectoplasmic Weapons: Hand-held melee weapons (swords, knives, clubs) and built-in natural weaponry (claws, spikes, fangs) are the most efficient and effective form of ectoplasmic offense, with it becoming less stable and less useful the further it is from Semblance's body. She is better off actually carrying a knife or wearing body armor than attempting to use her power in this way.


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Sorscha has studied every aspect of cinema and theater, including the part of the actors. She knows how to project her voice, deepen or raise her tone, how to capitalize on specific lighting, as well as how to put herself into the mindset of a specific person or character. She reads up on profiling and uses this in part to perform her analyses of both the characters she plays on the stage or in film, as well as those she plays in the streets under the alias, 'Semblance'. The method she uses allows her to slip in and out of even a real person's mind-set and mannerisms, to such an extent she can fool people who have known her for a signficant period of time. This takes in-depth study and research. She can't just mimic someone, real or not, at the drop of a hat.

Film Nerd:
As a film-student and movie-lover, Sorscha is obnoxiously passionate and knowledgeable about her field of study. In addition to being useful for annoying friends and enemies, it allows her to prepare situations and arrange disguises for maximum dramatic impact, gives her insight to fields of vision and blindspots, and ideas for conjuring 'special effects' through her powers. Also, she talks over movies ALL THE TIME to point out this or that about how the director or actor did a specific ething, etc. This makes her seem very smart (in her mind).


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All of Sorscha's schooling is being paid for, as well as her clothes, housing, food, and so on. In addition, she is given a very generous stipend to spend however she wishes. She may not be rich, but she isn't going to be short on cash any time soon either.

Semblance has obtained a commercially-available night stick made of carbon fiber, with a core of titanium, an illegally-obtained 9mm handgun (and ammo), and military surplus protective gear (helmet, goggles, jumpsuit, kevlar vest, puncture-resistant boots and gloves). She can generally protect herself with her power, but there's always the chance of getting caught flat-footed, or something simply overwhelming her defenses.


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Sorscha really doesn't like being touched. She reacts poorly to direct skin-on-skin contact. It's almost reflexive, and it can escalate situations unintentionally, or make social situations complicated. She keeps a layer of ectoplasm over her whole body for this very reason, but she has to lower it sometime, and lapses in concentration or receiving injuries can breach her cover.

Sorscha's experiences have seriously traumatized her, and if she is in a situation where she feels trapped, unable to get away, and like she has no choice to stay put, she freezes up and just does as she's told. Putting her in a corner will see her fighting to get out of it, but if she's outnumbered, outmatches, or otherwise doesn't see getting away as viable, she becomes a prisoner to her own fear and flashbacks. She's also claustrophic on top of that.



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Entertainment Credits

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Sorscha Dannan has been credited in 0 shows.

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Sorscha Dannan has been credited in 0 albums.

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Sorscha Dannan has authored 0 books.

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