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Latest revision as of 05:38, 14 June 2023

Mary Roth (Scenesys ID: 4868)
Name: Mary Delilah Roth
Superalias: Mire
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Psychiatric Patient
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City, New York
Education: College Freshman
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 22 September 2004 Played By Hannah Rose Fierman
Height: 5'6" Weight: 176 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Everybody Dies - Kim Petras: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDtV8puRd38

Character Info


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Mary Delilah Roth is a college drop-out with deep psychological issues, raised in an extremist cult. The trauma she has endured from various stressors, physical, emotionaly, and mental, have caused her to trigger metahuman powers that turn her into a visage of Hell: A demon. Torn between guilt, horror at the unhinged preaching of her family being 'true', and trying to find some balance in her life before she is damned for all eternity, Mary -- as Mire -- has joined forces with other young villains to carve out their place in the world, and finally put her personal demons to rest.


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* 22 Sep 2004 - Mary Delilah Roth is born into the Roth family in Utah.
* 2004 to 2022 - Mary is raised in a cult-like extremist version of Christianity, where the behavior of girls and women is strictly controlled, interaction with the outside world is avoided, and 'wordly knowledge' is shunned because of how it can confuse and tempt someone to stray from the teachings.
* 2022 - Mary somehow manages to convince her parents to let her move out of state to go a Christian college in New York. They are very resistant to the idea, especially since they are trying to arrange a marriage for her, but ultimately they give in. Mary's parents believe that once she gets this wanderlust out of her system, she'll be ready to return home and become a house wife and start producing grand children.
* 15 Mar 2022 - Mary is convinced by the girl she shares a dorm with to attend a party despite reluctance on Mary's part. At the party, Mary is plied with a drugged beverage, and assaulted.
* 17 Mar 2022 - Mary wakes up in the hospital, confused, disoriented, and afraid. Her friend found her and called for medical help. Mary finds out what happened to her and breaks down.
* 18 Mar 2022 - Mary is pressured by the college not to report what happened as it would 'ruin someone's life'. When Mary calls her family for comfort and advice, she is blamed, shunned, and told she is tainted and impure. They don't want her back until she has atoned for her 'sin'. Mary's psychological state deteriorates further.
* 25 Mar 2022 - Mary drops out of college.
* 26 Mar 2022 - Effectively homeless and cut off from her family's money, Mary goes to the Holy Ghost Church to pray for guidance. When confronted with all of the religious imagery, the combination of all she has suffered over the past couple weeks causes her to go into hysteria and trigger her metahuman powers. She transforms into a demon-like form. This further terrifies her and drives her wild, triggering her powers to warp even further and her psyche to shatter even more deeply.
* 27 Mar 2022 - After a night on the streets, Mary convinces herself she is going insane, and checks herself into a psychiatric hospital.
* Mar to Aug 2022 - Mary barely receives any treatment or counseling, and is discharged when the staff need room for more patients despite her fragile mental state.
* 30 Aug 2022 - Mary meets another woman who is being discharged, and is offered a place to stay for now. Mary and her new friend are effectively squatters in an old warehouse, but it gives Mary somewhere quiet to stay for a bit and a friendly face to support her.
* 22 Sep 2022 - Mary turns 18.
* Oct 2022: Mary has been getting food and money by washing dishes at some nearby restaurants. She is saving up for an apartment.
* 31 Oct 2022 - Mary and her friend Sarah are accosted by a street gang trying to use their warehouse for a drug deal. In the ensuing shoot-out by paranoid drug-dealers, Sarah is shot and seriously injured. Mary uses her powers deliberately for the first time, and beats and drives out the criminals. She then flies Sarah to the nearest hospital.
* Nov to Dec 2022 - Sarah is still in a coma. Mary has moved locations and begun hunting down the men who nearly killed her only friend. During her hunt, she encounters Sorscha Dannan, as Semblance. The two team up, and Mary is eventually introduced to the rest of a group of young super villains.
* Jan 2023 to Present - Mary is still trying to get used to being around more than one or two people at a time, and is also trying to fit herself into the group dynamic despite her agitated mental state. Mary's super form is given the alias 'Mire' due to her immobilizing some heroes who were trying to stop her during a villainous 'job'. She hadn't picked one out yet anyway, so she just goes with it.

IC Journal

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Despite her experiences, Mary is still very religious. She believes that everything happens for a reason. While this might blind her to some things, it also keeps her anchored in reality. Even when she's at her most skittish, fearful, and frantic, her faith allows her to hang onto who she is and not give into her many trauma-induced psychological issues. It also makes sure she actually keeps wanting to return to being Mary and not staying in Mire's form constantly. She values her humanity and her capacity to hope.

Mary has always loved reading, even if the reading material available to her was limited by her family. Now she is free to consume literature she never knew existed. She loves sitting in a comfy chair, wrapped up with a scarf and/or blanket, with coffee or hot cocoa nearby, and just lose herself in what she's reading. If there are people in the area but who aren't bothering her, they count for filling her daily quota of social interactions. Maybe it's osmosis. Mary is not much of a nerd or geek by the modern meaning, but she would rather have her face in a book than most other things. One of the few ways she can relate to others beyond talking religion (which she avoids doing in general) is discussing with fellow bibliophiles their favorite books and what they like about them. She has the makings of a librarian or potentially a researcher at the rate that she is amassing her own book collection and reading list.

Character Sheet


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Breaker Form:
Mary can transform into the modern stereotype of a 'succubus' or 'demoness', gaining enhanced and expanded physiology, as well as a medley of themed powers related to her appearance. She can only use these powers while transformed, and is otherwise completely powerless and defenseless if caught in her civilian form.

* 1. Superhuman: Mire's strength, speed, agility, and durability exceed that of the pinnacle of human ability.

* 2. Idealized Form: Mire has a superhuman degree of physical attractiveness and beauty, paired with the ability to release a perfume-like pheremone from her skin to make others more suggestible towards her (roughly equivalent to scopolamine). Even those who are not attracted to her may still be momentarily stunned by her appearance when she first makes her entrance.

* 3. Emotional Empathy: Mire can feel the emotions of those around her, with the more intense the emotions the more clearly she can identify them. She can use this to track someone to their location but cannot differentiate targets without seeing them personally. Her range is about a 100 yard radius.

* 4. Hypnotic: Mire's voice and gaze are hypnotic. She has to take special care with both because they can affect others even when she does not intend them to. Long-term exposure may induce a mental state of dependence similar to a drug, including withdrawal symptoms when away from her. The duration becomes longer with more exposure, but eventually will fade away on its own without lasting consequences if separation is extended enough. Generally, it may last minutes or hours in the same ratio as the number of minutes or hours spent with Mire.

* 5. Energy Drain: Mire's powers use up a lot of psychic energy. If she doesn't recharge off of others, her normal human form winds up paying the cost. This generally results in her passing out and potentially falling into a coma. Mire can drain psychic energy from other sapient beings through skin-to-skin touch, and can maintain it for as long as there is contact and the other person has energy to give. If sustained, it could potentially render someone unconscious, comatose, or even (after several hours) dead. She can drain more energy at once if someone is in a heightened emotional state, so getting a quick fix while dangling a bad guy over the edge of a roof is a totally valid tactic.

Changer Attributes:
Mire has retractable claws, prehensile wings, prehensile tail, prehensile tongue (just... don't ask), and can cause her wings to become blade-like, or enhance her jaw for a powerful bite that can crack hardened wood.

1. Feature Reallocation: Mire can make her transformed features disappear or minimize their presence, as well as make cosmetic adjustments to skin tone, hair and eye color, build, voice, apparent age, and apparent ethnicity. These are all changes made in degrees, rather than full-on shapeshifting. This means there are still boundaries on how far she can stray from her base, 'natural' form, and she cannot deviate so far that she would not be identifiable to those who know her (with a bit of squinting and thinking, at least).

* 2. Enhanced Senses: Sense of touch, smell, hearing, sight, and taste are all amplified to a high degree. Mire is especially sensitive to vibrations and air currents, allowing her to identify someone's location even in a pitch-black room by the sound of their breathing, heartbeat, and any small movements they make. She has a short-range ability to sense body heat, and can use this as a way to locate concentrations of warm blood. Mire can strike at vital locations for the most damage this way. Mire has good night vision, but cannot see in total darkness.

Shaker Restraint:
Mire got her name from her ability to seemingly summon shadowy tendrils or pools of darkness that can protrude grasping hands to hold people in place. It requires some thought and strategy to employ this power effectively, as it is limited in both range and duration. The effect fades within minutes after creation, whether Mire remains nearby or not, and the tendrils and shadow limbs can be forcibly disrupted or slipped free of with significant (for a normal human) effort.

Thinker Psyche:
Mire represents a complete psychological shift for Mary. In some ways, Mire is a separate personality, while in others she's clearly still Mary but with some aspects emphasized and others more subdued. Mire is confident, brave, outspoken, forward, and can be sultry, intimidating, or simply personable and likeable. Mire can navigate social situations that Mary cannot (or believes she cannot). In many ways, Mire is seen as the idealized 'better' version of Mary that she guiltily wished she could become.

Persuasion, interrogation, and other methods of getting what she wants benefit from a sort of intuitive social sense that doens't explicitly tell Mire what others want but lets her sense the threads of intent that she can then follow back to a person's true goals and desires through verbal or physical prodding. This way, even someone who won't say anything can wind up betraying their secrets through uncontrollable physical and mental reflexive reactions.

Mire's will is strong, but surprisingly weaker than Mary's. Mary actually has a better chance of fighting off the same powers that Mire uses than Mire would if they were used upon her. Whether this is due to her faith, virtue, or simply personal determination to keep being Mary, the result is that Mire may be dissuaded from something more easily and can be somewhat lazy or recalcitrant in regard to plans and group activities.


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Cult Doctrine:
Mary has the doctrine of the cult she grew up in memorized, for better or for worse. She can identify aspects of her family's beliefs in other religious systems and use that to determine where they originated culturally and historically. Her outsider perspective to mainstream religion goes a long way towards detecting discrepencies and similarities that others may overlook.

Mary is a bibliophile, loves to read, and can do so quite quickly when she wants to. Literacy was one of the few practical skills she was allowed to learn, and it has flourished now that she is free to read whatever she wants. She is becoming adept at finding specific books or pieces of information through physical and mental cataloguing. She doesn't have photographic memory, but something quite close.


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Small Apartment:
Just a small apartment. Mary is struggling to find a job she can do that pays well enough to keep her apartment. Despite the conclusions some might think of when they hear 'can transform into a succubus', Mary has not considered that sort of money-making and would be against it if it was mentioned to her.

It's a place to hide from people and recharge mentally, as well as giving her a space she is familiar with to minimize break-outs of her paranoia.


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Mary is broke, plain and simple. The only money she has was given to her by a friend, and she knows she can't rely on hand-outs forever. Luxuries are few or none, finding her next meal is a real concern, and she is always scrambling to put together the rent before her land lady comes around to get it from her. She is poor, she looks like it, and she lives like it.

Energy Limit:
Mary's transformed state drains psychic/emotional energy as long as she is in that state. If she does not supplement her own energy levels by taking from others then she will eventually pass out and may even fall into a coma. Hypothetically, she could stay as Mire all day and all night, indefinitely, with regular feedings. However, Mary just plain doesn't want to do that, and worries that she may disappear entirely into Mire if she doesn't revert periodically and spend significant amounts of time as a mere mortal to remind herself she's not invincible.

Even when Mary isn't suffering paranoid delusions, she experiences periods of seemingly baseless tension, worry, and an expectation as though she has forgotten something important that she is going to freak out over once she remembers it. She is an axious bean, eager to please others in order to avoid conflict, and she has various trauma triggers that can ratchet up the intensity of her anxiety several notches.

Paranoid Delusions:
Mary suffers paranoid delusions, is always looking over her shoulder, repeatedly checking that the doors and windows are locked, asking her friends if anyone followed them, patrolling her own home with a baseball bat multiple times per day, and praying to keep away demons for hours whenever she's able. She may think she sees or hears something and cannot be convinced out of it until she verifies, reverifies, and re-reverifies, and not even then. If she actually finds something to be concerned about she may go into full blown hysteria.

Trust Issues:
Needlesss to say, Mary has trust issues. She doesn't accept food or drink from others, she is reluctant to allow even friends into her home, and she stays the hell away from parties, and places with loud music and bright lights, and crowds of people. This can sometimes limit her options in getting around the city, but she just can't deal with all of that right now.

Very Religious:
Mary was raised in a cult. That leaves traces long after exiting the cult's sphere of control. She is still prone to doing as she's told, especially if commanded by a male authority figure, and still holds some less-than-modern views on gender roles. She isn't malicious or controlling towards others, she just genuinely doesn't know there are other options or view points, so may be out of the loop or seem backwards in social interactions.



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Mary Roth has been credited in 0 shows.

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Mary Roth has been credited in 0 albums.

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Mary Roth has authored 0 books.

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