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Latest revision as of 03:53, 19 September 2023

The Light of the Gods
Date of Scene: 18 September 2023
Location: Aethyropolis, Aethyr
Synopsis: Superman comes face to face with an alien in the phantom zone who sends him on a quest to convince some other alien to drink some god juice or something. I'm sure it'll all make sense in Clark's retelling.
Cast of Characters: Alura In-Ze, Clark Kent

Alura In-Ze has posed:
"I'm not going to become the God of War Aunt."

That was when Clark makes the decision they knew was coming. "It has to be me! Vohc is right. I choose life! And sacrifice..." With that, Clark steels himself and summons his full powers of speed, strength and willpower to destroy the thing that was so tempting...

...power. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And if anyone could resist that temptation, it was Kal El. Clark Kent. Superman.

Avoiding Alura, her grasp, and her words, Clark flies at incalculable speeds through the rip in space/time, his aura glowing near-white in colour from the heat he generates through the atmosphere at this speed. Then, Kal El hits the palace in Aethyr with the kinetic energy of a supernova...and was gone.

The brilliant glowing white crystal palace that glimmers through the portal approaches and then Clark is falling through whiteness, emptiness... the ground rushes toward him. Hard, it hits like a brick made of crystal cracking underneath his landing.

A desolate landscape of shiny white crystal and a sky as dark as nothing. There is only one way forward, a path leading to a large spire of jagged broken pieces stuck back together.

Clark Kent has posed:
His memories flash in front of his eyes as Superman was falling. Was this death? And then WHAM he hits the ground. Or what could be ground. HARD. Even Superman can have the wind knocked out of him.

"No. Not dead." The pain was real, as was the impact not just from the ground, but what he had just done. Opening his eyes in a grimace, he pushes up with his right hand, his left arm encircling his knee as he "sits up" surveiling where he was.

"We aren't in Kansas anymore..." His voice echoes in the vastness of where he was. "...one path. Well."

Standing, Kal El heads in the one direction as indicated, the spire of jagged, broken peices.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The spire looks like a strange analog to the tall towers of Krypton that Clark has seen in holograms from his fathers recordings, but also the one surviving one on New Krypton. Inside though it is empty save for a large dragon, coiled up with snoot to tail tip. The dragon is made of what appears to be transparent Crystal, reflecting the light that comes from no where to give itself an ever shifting kaleidoscope of rainbow colours.

Its left eye opens and then its right. The large head rises up and it demonstrates the mighty of its maw. Each tooth easily as big as Clark himself. "What have we here... are you a god?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Looking at the Spire, Clark thinks about a lot of things. All of them moot, as the dragon opens its eyes, and regards him. This wasn't the first dragon Clark has met, however, this one was certainly the most...colourful.

"Are you a god..."

Clark smiles. Truly amused, remembering that 1980s science fiction movie that Jimmy loves. GHostbusters. If asked if you are a God...

"I am not a God. I am something greater than a mere God." Clark thinks to himself, "I am mortal".

"Are you the Guardian of this place? I wish an audience with your Master."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The giant dragon laughs heartily and says, "Oh good. It's always so bothersome when gods come to visit." A crystal eyebrow is raised at the next question. "Do you not recognise me Kryptonian. I am Aethyr." Though none of the statues on Krypton ever depicted a dragon - even in hologram lesson form.

The giant dragon shrinks down in to the shape of an androgynous person about the same height as Clark. "This is my home. I am my own master. It's been a while since I've had a visitor though," their eyes drift off contemplatively. "Where are my manners." A swish of his hand and tables rise out of the ground covered in authentic Kryptonian cuisine. "Tell me. What brings you to my spire to petition my aid hm?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark regards the dragon with a smile, sharing in its mirth and amusement. Then, as it speaks again, Clark pauses. His smile fades as his eyes widen in shock. Slightly, as Clark was trying his best to stay "poker faced".

"Aethyr. I am honoured. "Kal El actually nods his head, and bends his waist slightly in a bow of acknolwedgement and respect. His eyes never leave the Dragon's.

As the scene unfolds, Kal El watches with interest. He has seen much in his years, but this was certainly a new one to experience.

"I am here because of events that have occurred while my family has been trying to create a new home for my people. Krypton is gone...but a New Krypton is struggling to rise. I am not here to petition you for aid. I am here to save my people by preventing the temptation of Godhood." Perhaps now was a time to be honest...

"It began many years ago..." And ends with Kal El's sacrifice. Kal has no idea why he felt the need to tell this being the truth...but he also felt it was right.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The moment Clark says 'Krypton is gone', Aethyr pauses in their steps. They head lowers ever so slightly. "Oh. It's then. Then is now. Or has passed." It must be a strange to be a god. Especially one like Aethyr, forever detached from the universe with only the occasional incursion by wayward scientists - or a civilisation dumping their criminals in their domain.

"I never like to think about then. The end of all we created. Gone. Out of the one emotion that causes more harm than any other - fear." Aethyr turns back around and regards Clark a moment. "Clark Kent. Kal-El. Superman. So many names for someone whose heart is very simple."

A crystal block rises up between them and on it a goblet with a swirling liquid inside of it. "Ah. The power of the gods. You don't want it." Aethyr motions to it, "Probably a wise choice. But if not you - then who? someone whose heart is twisted in to confused knots. Perhaps Zod."

The giant walls of the spire transform in to an image of real space. There is a small fleet of ships with one capital ship. The visual focuses on to the bridge - a man who looks like Zod, but slightly different - different scars. He's also wearing very fancy armour, the likes of which Clark saw in the alternate timeline.

"He wants it. Shall I give it to him instead?"

Clark Kent has posed:
"Simple." That actually makes Clark truly smile. "Thank you. My heart is simple." Clark watches as the goblet appears. He has heard everything that Aethyr has said, and doesn't miss a beat. His answer for the being in front of him was simple.

"No." No what? Clark takes a step forward. "I already have the powers of a God. I choose to use them to help others. The powers you are describing make even those powers seem bland in comparison. The temptation to use them to manipulate events is extreme. So. My decision is simple."

Dramatic pause. "Zod will fail. You will not offer this to him. You will, instead, destroy it and never offer it to anyone ever again. What do I have to do to influence that outcome?"

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Aethyr lifts up their chin a little as Clark stands firm on his convictions. The smallest of smiles twitches as the edges of their lips. "Zod will only fail if you and your family stop him. He brings with him the technology and power to conquer the whole galaxy. As well as the will."

Aethyr's hand strokes over their chin thoughtfully. "An interesting proposition, but it is not mine to make. This gift does not come from me. It comes from my brother. Rao." A dawning seems to realise upon the face of Aethyr.

"I am not _your_ god Clark. I am the god of all that is here in the Aethyr, it is me and I am it. I merely helped my brother in his desire to build a world. A world called Krypton. Rao asked me once how it would end - Krypton. I showed him."

The walls fade away from Zod and they turn to a beautiful planet with a large red sun. The sun suddenly explodes and rips the planets in the system apart. The death of Krypton. "He went on a quest to find a way to make it not so, that in this reality his beloved Krypton might survive. Fearing that it could not be done by him alone, he left his power of godhood behind for a true Kryptonian to take up his mantle and fix what he could not."

"Cythonna thought his idea ridiculous. Kara and Lorra thought it grande. Mordo was furious. Telle felt it futile, Trolius had other imaginings, and Yuda fell in to an endless sorrow." Aethyr pauses a moment and then adds, "And I merely watched and waited. So Clark Kent of Earth, if you wish to remove this.."

There is a motion to the goblet, "...then you will have to convince Rao to take it back."

Clark Kent has posed:
"I agree. Zod will fail because my family stand for Truth, Justice and Family." Kal El smiles. "As for his technology...we have a lot of friends that will stand with us. He will never succeed." Kal El's convictions were on point as this time.

Then, Kal El listens. Listens to this old dragon talk about their brother. Technically, Kal's "God". Rao. This was a lot of revelations that were incredible.

"Ah." Clark Kent was gone for the moment. The man that stood there was Kal El. The Last Son of Krypton, although that was a "title" that really did not fit anymore.

"Easy. Where do I find Rao?" Kal El smiles.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Aethyr chuckles and lowers their rear on to a seat that rises from the ground. "If I knew that I'd have told him to take his children from my domain eons ago." To which he must be referring to Nightwing, Flamebird, and of course Vohc.

"When a god wishes to live in the mortal world they must join with a devoted follower and live their lives together." Aethyr presses their hands together, "With so few Kryptonians left, fewer still who believe in Rao, that might give you a place to begin your quest. Interrogate those who might have fallen under the sway of Rao - literally so - and there you may find your god."

A sombre tone brushes over the old god, "But understand you are asking a god who failed to take back their mantle, one that represents mere space dust. Rao is not going to agree to that easily. Whomever he lives within is probably a comfortable blind to the truth of his reality."

Clark Kent has posed:
"I understand. Well. It has been an honour to meet you Aethyr. We should do this again sometime, and truly have a heart to heart. After all, mine is simple, but is yours?" Kal El grins.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Aethyr seems a touch amused by the question and with a finger makes a flicking motion. Kal-El, last son of Krypton, Superman and Clark Kent, feels a yanking motion that lands him squarely on the floor of the Fortress of Solitude. A little bit of a slide from the momentum.

Alura is startled by the sudden appearance of Clark and turns around. "Kal!" She flies over to him and offers his hand, "What.. how.. you've been gone for weeks! What happened to you?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark takes a moment. "It is a long story..." Clark says, rubbing his eyes. "Lets just say, I never knew that Aethyr was an actual Dragon..."

"...it is good to be home, Alura." He takes her hand. "We have a lot to talk about." His eyes look her over for a moment, wondering.