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Latest revision as of 02:50, 10 November 2023

Steaking a Claim
Date of Scene: 09 November 2023
Location: The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Damian and Gabby go out for a steak lunch and talk about stuff.
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Gabby Kinney

Damian Wayne has posed:
It's been a few days since Gabby saw Damian last. No communication, except that he was following up on a lead and should be back soon. Finally, after three days, he send a text that he was home and plans were made to meet for lunch.

While the semi-formal dress code is suspended for lunch, Damian still shows up at the Strait Lace in a high-end suit of black with a matching tie, his hair pulled back into a fashionable sweep and highly polished shoes as he waits for Gabby.

He's already made sure to secure them a private booth in the back where they can talk more freely with intimate conversation.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney isn't too long to arrive. She actually comes in an Uber that pulls up alongside the Strait Lace, which is somewhere she's relatively familiar with. It had been awhile since she was here, though, and last time it was with someone for a birthday dinner. But because she had dressed up a little bit she didn't want to risk riding her motorcycle in a skirt.

She steps out, her hair swept up into a ponytail to show off some dangling earrings that were probably Cubic Zirconia but still caught the light pleasantly. A soft blueish-grey sweater dress is worn with the top in a cable knit design, tied at the waist, and the skirt down to the knee relatively smooth. Mixed with a pair of brown leather boots that come up mid-calf she was mostly comfy in spite of the flash of bare skin.

Spotting Damian her eyes light up along with a grin and she steps over to reach for his arm with a hand to move in closer to him.

"Hey, cutie," she greets leaning in for a quick peck to his cheek. "You look great."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian has gotten more and more aware of Gabby's presence. She gets in along side him and he leans into the kiss and smiles. "Hey, Gabby." Though after catching a glance of how she's dressed, he steps back to drink her in. "You look amazing." he admits, admiring her with his green eyes before he steps back in to be next to her.

Now that the maitre'd has seen that the young pair are together, he leads them back to his seat. "Your waiter will be here in a moment, Mister Wayne."

"Excellent, thank you." He sits down and he can almost smell the steak in the air - he can only imagine how it must smell to Gabrielle. His hands find hers across the table and he cups his hands around her. "First. I know that it is a hazard of what we do, but I apologize for the abscence." he comments.

"I should start at the beginning. Back during Homecoming week, fifteen students went missing from the Gotham University campus. The Campus police referred it to the GCPD, and it lost in the shuffle from there, eventually, I found the file." he explains.

"It was relatively easy to figure out what happened."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney finds herself blushing at the way he looks her over. This wasn't the fanciest she could dress by far, but it was comfy and a bit more feminine than she typically wore. His own attire of course was just crisp and immaculate as she was coming to expect from him on outings so it was only fair she try to step up her own clothing game a bit.

When led inside she slides into the booth and pauses allowing her eyes to slip shut so that she can indeed drink in all the smells with a deep breath. "I haven't been here in like, two years," she utters with a satisfied sigh. "Didn't have the nose back then," she explains with a wry grin when she opens her eyes again to regard him.

Her hand is taken easily though she does give a little squeeze of her fingers into his grip. The more serious tone taken comes with a worried expression of her own. "It happens. I'm glad you apparently came out okay." Now she goes quiet with a little nod at the explanation. "Were you able to rescue them, or..." She really didn't want to say the worst case scenario.

Damian Wayne has posed:
There's a blow of breath towards non-existent bangs with his hair pushed back as Damian plays his fingers over hers. "Good, at least I get to reintroduce you. Not that we're going to hit every restaurant and experince we can together." he comments with a wry smile.

But then the conversation turns back to the mission and his hand squeezes hers before releasing to return to his attention to where he was. "So, I was able to figure it out pretty easily. They all visited the same food truck on Homecoming night. Galatea's Gyros. Galatea is the statue that Pygmalion begged Aphrodite to bring to life."

"There was a chemist named Lazlo Valentine. He was a brilliant chemist, but had his chemicals used on him. In his madness, he decided to base his whole life around this mythos and named himself Professor Pyg, and wore a face made from a pig. He kidnaps people and turns them into his own slaves using a mind-control formula he perfected and uses surgery to turn them into what he calls Dollatrons."

"He used that formula in the taztikzi sauce that the fifteen victims ordered and just had them follow him, so that's why they weren't seen going missing at the party. I was able to track the factory where they were."

"I had assumed it was just Pyg. I was wrong and I fell victim to an ambush and was captured before I could send an alert. I had to wait three days, because that's how long Father waits for someone to not to report in before activating their locator beacon."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney narrows her eyes at the last bit. The rest was fine, but three days seems a bit much for her ... Or maybe she was just worried that it had been Damian in danger in such a situation. "Maybe he should at least check the beacon location after 24," she utters, "And monitor the movement or lack thereof."

That actually makes her wonder what the time limit should be on checking in for people on her team... but her mind could do two things at once even if her conversation couldn't always.

"Sorry. I should have checked in, too."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Sometimes we can't check in after one or two days. Three means we may be over our head." Damian admits with a shrug of his shoulder. "Missions sometimes take us undercover for a while."

He reaches up and caresses her cheek a little. "Nothing for you to apologize for either. We're both adults. And hey. I didn't want a year and a half this time."

Smiling, he only pauses when the waitress comes to get their drink orders. He goes with water flavored with cucumber. To keep his pallet fresh."

"Anyway, spent three days between hanging from a meat hook and in the grasp of a... very large woman who threatened me with..." a momentary shiver. "Pyg was going to convert me into one of his Dollatrons, but the others arrived to help before I could make my escape and handle it myself."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans in against the hand touching her cheek allowing herself to indulge in the tender caress for a moment. It wasn't as if there was anything she could do about it anyway with her own resources split elsewhere. Other than run around Gotham sniffing everything. Which would take quite a bit of time.

When the waitress comes to request an order she grins. "A root beer, please." Sure she could possibly get away with ordering something else, but she kind of liked root beer on occasion. Nothing about palette cleansing here.

Turning back she focuses her gaze on him listening intently. "I see. That sounds pretty awful."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Terrible." Damian says deadpan. "Especially when I told her I already had a lover." There's a small amusement in his eyes. "Anyway, that was my days. How've you been? Anything exciting?" he asks.

His eyes meet hers. He's fine, really. He brushes his finger over her cheek and scar and moves to hold her hand again. It's so much easier to hold. "Had a couple of broken ribs and a concussion. Phoebe healed them up. Never had magic used on me before, so that was new. It wasn't bad weird, just weird. I tried to imagine if that's what it feels like when you healed."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney turns her head just slightly so that her lips brush against the inside of his wrist when he touches her cheek again. A bit of amusement is obvious in her grin. She could tease a bit, even if silently, after all. Her hand slides back into his with a renewed squeeze though quite glad simply for this.

"Nothing currently. I was actually just doing some of the more mundane work I need to do on occasion. It's health insurance renewal time for my employees," she explains with a chuckle. "I try to get them the best coverage I can even if it's more expensive for me. *They* don't have healing factors."

As for how it feels... A small shrug comes. "It might. I'm not really sure. I know it's painful for Laura and the others but for me?" Here she pauses, frowning thoughtfully. "One of the last experiments at the lab made it so I can't feel pain. They injected me with nanomachines that block it somehow."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian's cheeks flare warmly when she brushes a kiss against his wrist a small shudder against the touch as his fingers lace in with hers. "Father has a whole league of lawyers to handle all that. I can't imagine doing it myself. I still should visit your shop sometime, I'd like to see it." His thumb presses against hers, making small circles with her.

"Oh. Phoebe's magic was kinda... tingly?" he asks. "Like when your foot falls asleep when you sit too long. But a little more pleasant."

The drinks arrive, and the waitress sets them down and asks them if they're ready to order. "I'll have the house special, rare please." he orders, handing his menu to her and looks to Gabby and grins. Whatever she wants to order is hers.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Amusingly I can still feel things that fall asleep so that makes sense at least." Gabby grins a bit, and she looks back toward the menu. Of course she'd seen it before but it had been awhile.

For a moment she hesitates... Voice dropping to ask, quietly, "... Could I try the Kobe?" Was that too much? "If not then the bacon wrapped porterhouse, medium-rare."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"I have a hard time imagining you staying still long enough to have something fall asleep." Damian teases her back, until she asks about the menu and her options. "No, you can only have the kids meal." he teases. And then to the waitress. "The Kobe." And a glance to Gabby to see how she wants it cooked. "And the Kobe steak tartar to share as an appetzer." he adds. Because what goes best with beef? More beef.

After Gabby finishes her order and the waitress leaves, Damian chuckles and lifts Gabby's hand. "I told you you could have what you wanted." he points out and the kisses the top of her hand, roughly where her claw comes out, a soft brush of his lips over the area before he lowers it back down.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney bites at her lower lip trying not to appear as if she just got the gift of a lifetime. "However the chef recommends it," she opts with a broad grin. Once the waitress has left she adds, "I've watched enough youtube to know that it's usually prepared different depending on like, a dozen variables."

When he points out the obvious, and kisses her hand, she actually shivers a bit. Her own cheeks pinken in response even while she grins. If she grinned any harder it would likely be difficult to talk at the same time. "I know, but I also don't want you to think I'm just dating you to use you as a credit card."

"Besides, you're too big to fit in the card reader."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian considers for a moment and chuckles. "I know that." he offers in response. "Even when we did this the first time around, I knew it. But that doesn't mean I don't want to spoil you when I have a chance. But we're gonna be at ramen places and you come up with dates. It's all good."

"Anyway..." he adds, "I just thought you were just dating me to get in my pants." he says with a slight blush. "Which is also readily available."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well," Gabby adds with a sly smile as her eyes droop half shut. "That too. Not during lunch though," she adds after a moment as if that were really a part of the disucssion. Her thumb rolls over the palm of his hand in a circle lightly.

"...Kind of am excited to try the Kobe though, it always sounds so awesome. I mean, steak in general is awesome but..." She grins broadly in response. "Ramen is good, too, among other things. I don't think I've hit up an actual ramen place before. Or Korean," she adds with a solemn nod only to crack a grin.

"I've got a list of things I want to try eventually, but there's time."

"Is there anything you've been wanting to do or try?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
His hand opens and turns over to her so she can play in it. Damian laughs. "Just saying if you want something other than the house Chocolate Sin cake for dessert." As if they are going to pass on that.

"I'm working on my own list as well. Things other than food, but like... things I've always wanted to try, that I never got to try because I was just so inside of myself that I refused to try to see the world. I want that with you."

"And yes, there's time." he agrees with her easily as he finally starts to drink on his water. "There will be times where we're apart, but just have to work to make sure we keep each other in touch. And if I'm gone more than three days, worry." he winks.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh no, no. I totally want that," Gabby agrees readily at the mention of such a cake even existing. When his hand flips over she slides hers back so that her fingers lace between his. It's an odd angle, but somehow it felt comfy enough in this manner, too.

Of course when he mentions the three day thing she does nod in apparent undertstanding of it. "Of course. There's going to be times I'm away doing things with the team, or... Sometimes I head out to Madripoor to check on one of my siblings. Other things pop up on occassion too. That's what phones are for. Or comms."

"I know I'm not as active in Gotham as I was before, but I am still with the Outsiders, too."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Communications are important." Damian agrees, his hand trapped beneath Gabby's, but not really having an issue with that. His fingers squeeze against hers as he looks down at their hands. "And we both have busy lives, I expect you to not have time for me like... every day. Just that we carve out the time when we can."

"I'm strictly Gotham, as you've probably realized by now." There's a pause there, a serious one as he considers. "Should you ever need someone to help you in Madripoor, though. I would go. I saw it a couple of times in my youth, when Mother and Grandfather were introducing me to the world." he explains.

"But that was years ago, I wouldn't mind getting a fresh perspective."

He's about to say more, when the steak tartar arrives and is set between the two. After the waitress leaves, with a comment of, "Your steaks will be here in a moment."

Damian squeezes Gabby's hand again. With his free hand, he takes a fork, picking up a thin strip of the raw kobe, rolling it and dipping it in the included sauce before popping it into his mouth. "Just saying... we don't have to do just dates together."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
There's a noise. A little back of the throat noise of excitement when that appetizer is placed down. Actually it starts a few seconds *before* that as Gabby's senses alerted her to the immiment arrival and when it does, she just grins excited at the sight.

The conversation isn't lost though. Her hand starts to withdraw so that he can be free to use his hand properly, but when he uses the off hand she pauses and shrugs to reach for one of the peices herself following his example. A little bit of salt. A bit of steak sauce, a bit of mustard. There were likely a sampling of various toppings to try with it.

"Oh, for sure, I'll have to introduce you around some. Mostly Bellona goes there though. She still works as a merc," she explains right before popping the beef into her mouth with a little happy sigh.

Damian Wayne has posed:
When Gabby starts to shift her hand, Damian lets go, it does make it easier to eat after all. He makes sure to split the steak evenly - and then pushes the extra piece Gabby's way as he takes up another slice to eat straight - no seasoning on it.

"We've already started that in a sense. Though I didn't expect to come across Mother where you help with Nettie and the others." he admits with a bit of amusement. "I asked around..." he starts, pausing only to take a sip of water.

"As long as we stay in the common areas and don't go to the Labs or the Dorms, I can bring you to Titans Tower, if you ever wanted to go there." he explains. "I am part of the leadership group there. And maybe it would help with my social skills to introduce you. Though my bet is you will already know everyone." he says in a mild teasing tone.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah, awhile back Talia came to us and she's part of our group. She has experience with some things after all, and since it's not a full-time commitment it's easier for her to come and go if she needs." A grin is flashed at Damian. "I was a bit surprised when she showed up too. I know what it's like to need a second chance though. Sometimes people just need the opportunity."

She doesn't wolf down the food at least. Her time is taken to really enjoy it, and do so with manners even if she might wriggle in her seat with a happy-food-dance kind of thing.

Mention of the Titans though? Her eyebrows lift, eyes widening with pupils dilating as she just gives a rather broad grin. "Can I climb it? The tower, I mean. I've already climed the Daily Planet, Stark Tower, the tower at the castle in Central Park..." She's counting off her fingers.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Mother is a good asset to have." Damian begins, setting aside his fork for a moment to cleanse his mouth with some water. "She is competent, cunning, intellegent, and her knowledge of antiquites is par none in excellence."

"She is also manipulative, coniving, controlling and will stab you in the back if in a situation where she feels she would get a better advantage by doing so." When Damian speaks on that, it's the sound of experience there. A touch of hurt in his words he doesn't usually allow to slip.

"Her knowledge now that she knows that we're dating may cause issue in the future. I'd hope not, I hope that she has..." He's been trying to trust her again, so he's biting back his words. "...if she has earned your trust, then I am happy for her."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"She's earned the right for a chance. I'm aware of her history... Maybe not in detail, but certainly her reputation," Gabby admits with a softer expression as she reaches out to give Damian's hand a squeeze again.

"I'll trust you before what someone else might try to tell me about you. You're the one I'm dating, not them. She could tell me you sucked your thumb until you were fourteen and I wouldn't believe her unless you confirmed it."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"No," Damian returns the squeeze of Gabby's hand. "I never had that kind of oral fixation." he comments with a smirk as their plates arrive. The house special was a rather large porterhouse with a nice sear to it, while Gabby's kobe steak is set in front of her.

"You can always ask, I don't have a reason to lie to you..." She can see a small look in his eyes. "...darling." Pet name attempt!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
That was the first time he'd tried a pet name that she could recall. Her reaction is rather immediate and takes her attention away from the steak immediately. A large, obvious blush that rises up her cheeks and ears. The squeeze of his fingers is held a longer moment before reluctantly withdrawing again so he could be free to enjoy his lunch.

"I know. Same of you asking me. I don't mind answering anything about my past."

"... I'm really glad we reconnected, Damian. Honestly."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian is trying to remember if he's ever seen a time where Gabby has blushed so hard. And he really can't find one. All he knows, considering the way he adjusts in his seat is that he found it really attractive as he squeezes her hand in return before he withdraws to work on his steak.

"I like open communication. Keeps things honest." he comments as he cuts into his steak in order to take a bite of it and savor the taste as a little bit of the juice escapes and runs down the corner of his mouth. Swallowing, he makes a pleased noise before nodding.

"I'm glad you gave me a second chance, Gabby." He knows he didn't earn it, but she did.

"So what would you like to do after lunch?" he asks as he moves to take another bite from his steak. "I am pretty much free for the rest of the day, so if there's anything you'd like to do?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney doesn't have to cut her steak as it was already sliced up to show the marbling. Instead she just takes a peice to pop into her mouth with her fork, and allows it to do it's 'melt on the tongue' thing it was so famous for. "Oh this is amazing. Do you want a peice?" The offer is made by sliding her plate closer to him across the table so that he can take it if he wants.

"I'm not sure what to do today. Shopping? I probably should look at getting some more Winter clothes, and start planning gifts for people."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian reaches over with a fork to take a piece of Gabby's steak to try. While he may have had it before, he's willing to indulge to share with her. He carefully cuts off a piece of his steak and holds it out in an offer to her, so she can take it if she wants.

"We could do some shopping." he agrees easily. "And yes, I should figure out what I am doing for the holidays. I did not do gifts a couple of years ago. Last year was more... a blanket gift that anyone can use? I want to do give gifts this year that may actually mean something to the person it's intended for."