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Have You Recovered From Being a Pig Yet
Date of Scene: 08 November 2023
Location: Phoenix Towers
Synopsis: Roy and Oliver quickly catch up. Oliver is still getting over his magical transformation into a pig.
Cast of Characters: Roy Harper, Oliver Queen

Roy Harper has posed:
While things seem to be frequently on the go, and while Roy Harper has certainly been keeping himself busy, that doesn't mean that he is completely oblivious to all the things that his mentor has been going through, despite appearances to the contrary.

Afterall, it is not every day that you get transformed into a pig. Even in this line of work.

Working out of New York is hardly a new thing for Roy, though he is still getting used to the new, if only temporary 'Arrow Cave'. The sealed off section of basement beneath the Phoenix Towers project isn't quite as high tech or firmly entrenched into the day to day routine of Team Arrow as it is back in Star City, but it still serves as a useful hub in the fight against the Triad that seems so firmly entrenched throughout Hell's Kitchen.

Which is why he is checking in tonight, looking for a little face time with his mentor and old friend.

Oliver Queen has posed:
His time as a pig might not have been terribly long, but it still managed to leave a mark on the Star City billionaire.

If nothing else it certainly serves as a reminder that he plays on a level filled with alien powerhouses and literal goddesses who can do things that he can hardly even imagine, let alone match.

And he is pretty good with a bow and arrow.

Okay, he is a master with his chosen weapon, and pretty handy with a number of others, not to mention dealing with threats even when unarmed. But there isn't a whole lot of things that he can do against some one that can wiggle their fingers, say a word or two and poof. He's a pig.

It is a little disheartening admittedly.

Which might be why Oliver has been so focused on reentrenching, on trying to bring a little more focus back to the fight on the streets, the fight for the soul of Hell's Kitchen. That's something he can manage. That's somewhere he can make a difference.

At least that's the plan.

Looking up as he hears footfalls behind him, Oliver nods Roy's way. "Hey."

Roy Harper has posed:
It is not as if Roy isn't in something of a similar boat of course. It's just that he has long since chosen not to let it get him down.

Of course he has never been magically transformed into a pig before, so maybe it is a little easier for him to keep a certain amount of perspective on the matter. He's certainly not willing to dismiss the possibility at the very least.

"Figured I might catch you here, though I've missed you the last few times I stopped by," he admits. Indeed, there has hardly been a night he hasn't at least checked in and while he could have probably had Overwatch direct him after his old mentor, that feels a little like cheating. Sometimes you need to wait for people to be ready to talk.

"How's everything going? Feeling the need to roll around in the mud still? Maybe chow down at a trough?" Roy is trying to help here right? It might be a little difficult to tell. Or maybe it is just a guy thing. That can go far beyond any simple explanation.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Is he avoiding dealing with the situation and the general feeling of being overmatched, at least when it comes to his duties as part of the Justice League? It's possible. But avoidance of feelings is something he's good at damnit. Why on earth would he want to stop now?

Going over his kit before taking to the streets again tonight, Oliver makes sure that everything is in good working order. When you are dependent on your equipment to make sure you come back alive, it is pretty important to make sure everything is in good working order if at all possible. And while he is not completely above simply hurling himself into the frey and seeing what happens, he does at least make the effort to minimize the risks. As often as he can.

At Roy's comment a little smirk slides over his expression and the blonde billionaire gives a small shake of his head before lifting it, glancing towards his younger protegee. "Nice," he comments quietly, pursing lips before turning back to the task at hand.

"Shit happens, right? I made it through okay, no point whining about it." Which all might be true. But it doesn't exactly address the issue.

Roy Harper has posed:
Well, that doesn't exactly sound like someone who is ready, willing and eager to talk about their experience with being a magically transformed pig, now does it?

As someone who has dealt with some fairly serious problems and who has required the help of friends to slay -- or at least cope with -- some of his demons, Roy knows well that there is a time to push through the sarcasm and the non-answers. To force them to really confront their problems, to deal with them head on and come to grips with them.

Of course sometimes it's best to do none of those things. To give them a little more time and space. It's not like Oliver hasn't dealt with more then his fair bit of trauma too over the years. Maybe he doesn't need his friends to push at the moment. Maybe he just needs to get on the streets and hit some one.

And make a difference in people's lives of course, if on a small scale. That goes without saying.

"So, shall we go out and shoot a few deserving baddies with arrows?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
This isn't the first time Oliver has really wondered about his place amongst the Justice League and the true titans that defend the planet and frequently beyond. It probably won't be the last time either, truth be told. And he will deal with it. He always does.

But right now he just wants to regroup some, to focus on things that he can better control.

And yes, that might involve shooting a lot of arrows at some of the criminals and menaces in Hell's Kitchen that deserve that sort of thing. It's debatable just how healthy that particular attitude might be, but he's willing to live with that.

"You had me at shooting people," Oliver quips back, grabbing his bow and quiver, sliding it over his shoulder.

"Lets go."