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Battle Ramen!
Date of Scene: 12 November 2023
Location: Kenka - Japanese Restaurant
Synopsis: Damian and Gabby go out for Japanese and tackle the Battle Ramen challenge! Gabby on the wall of fame!
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Gabby Kinney

Damian Wayne has posed:
After texting back and forth with Gabby, Damian had sent the location of the restaurant to meet at to her. He arrived early, was already standing outside and waiting for her when she arrives.

Dressed in a dark sweater and a pair of jeans, he's in what passes as casual for him. There's no bodyguard with the yongest Wayne - Gabby is going to be with him, that's more than enough protection in his mind.

Already, the smells of the restaruant has his attention and he's looking at the menus, translating them in his head and making notes of the differences in translation between the English and Nipponese offerings.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The perhaps by now familiar roar of the Honda Trail (roar? Okay the engine is decently loud but no where near 'roar' level like American built ones are) comes to Damian's ears as Gabby coasts up to a stop near the curb where she can just fit in to park. The killswitch is thumbed silencing the engine, and she reaches up to pull her Rebel Fighter decorated helmet off to shake out her hair.

A dubious, amused glance is cast toward the shop Damian stands in front of as she spots the cotton candy machine. "I'll be the first to never knock cotton candy, BUT it does make me question the authenticity of the cooking," she remarks with a laugh. Swinging her leg over and off the bike she strides over wearing leggings, ankle boots, and a leather jacket. Beneath? Is a brighter yellow sweat shirt peeking out. Tonight was apparently comfort, warmth, and expecting to possibly get messy with ramen eating.

"Hey hon," she greets stepping in to press a kiss softly to his lips. Apparently he'd graduated from cheek kiss to a welcoming kiss instead.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Oh!" Damian grins as he turns to the sound of the arriving Gabby. He drinks her in when she approaches and then she makes the comment on the cotton candy machine and his smile turns mischevious. "You haven't seen what they do with the cotton candy." he points out to her.

There is a momentary pause there however as she shows him that he's graduated and his hands settle on her sides while he returns the kiss to her lips and grins. "You look as good as always." he comments as he brushes his nose against hers, taking a second kiss before stepping back.

"I am pretty sure it's authentic." he admits, his hand slipping into hers as he leads her into the restaurant. Immediately, they are introduced to the sounds of 80s era Japanese rock and the inviting smells as he looks for a place to sit, his eyes on the communal table for a moment, but she can feel his hesitation at that as he glances around for a quieter booth. Not ready for that much social interaction.

"Have you ever been here before? I was originally going to see if I could ask the chef to show us how to make our own soba noddles and ramen fresh, but then I saw that..." His free hand rises to gesture to the picture of the 'Battle Ramen' challenge, "...and realized this is exactly what I have to try. Though I'm sure I'm going to fail."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans up into the kiss just a moment before allowing him to lead the way further in. She's already slid her fingers through his holding his hand so that it warms up a bit. Even she got cold fingers from riding on a motorcycle in Autumn. The warmth of his hand was nice. Really, she ought to wear her gloves more often.

"I haven't been here before. It smells good though," she has to admit as they enter, and she notices his glance toward the larger communal table. "I'm fine with a booth." She knew he would want to be a bit further away from others.

As for the ramen challenge? It's eyed with eyes narrowing in a determining look. Hmmm. "It IS big... But don't they serve it boiling hot too? That's probably what slows a lot of people up."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Her hand is ice cold, but Damian holds onto it anyway. And his fingers slide against hers. Not meant to be suggestive, just trying to warm her up as he grins slightly. "It reminds me of some of the places my Mother took me around to when she was trying to get me acquainted to the world. Not neccessarily to visit. But to observe and learn." And to discover where the best places to set for assassinations are. Which is why he's avoiding that big communal table.

"I'm sure they serve it as hot as possible to try to slow you down, yeah. It's really tempting. But there are plenty of other dishes we can try that I'm interested in." He lets her be seated first, before he is moving to sit across from her. "Kinda lame to take you on two dinner dates in a row, I'll do better next time." There's a wink, he's just happy to be with her.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a little 'pfft' of air at the apology for taking her on two dinner dates. She's also still regarding that overly large photo of the 'challenge' with a look of growing interest. Maybe it was the whole challenge aspect itself that had her curious. "Oh, it's fine. This is still great, and some hot soup sounds really good right now. A little chilly, if you couldn't tell," she remarks with a bit of a tease in regards to her own fingers. "I forgot to pack my gloves with me before heading out today. Time to switch to the Winter gear." A bit quieter she mutters, "Maybe should look at a car for cold weather."

The thought is shrugged off as she goes to focusing more on the whole place in general. "I kind of want to try the challenge. Pretty sure I can win it." Belatedly, she also asks, "What can they possibly 'do' to cotton candy? Make it wasabi flavored?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Are you wanting a car or a motorcycle?" Clearly Damian was already weighing the options, what with Christmas only a little over a month away. And that kind of spoils the surprise, but when it comes to it, it's going to have to be something that she wants, right?

"If you want to give the ramen challenge a go, I will totally cheer you on. Or order my own. I'm willing to give it a go!" His tone is encouraging. "Plus, it'd be cool to see your name on the wall of fame." he points out to her, a squeeze of her hand affectionately.

His attention turns when she mentions the cotton candy machine and what it can do, he lights up. He was going to wait until after dinner, but! He stands up. "Come with me." he tugs on her hand to bring her over to the machine. And he has a brief conversation with the operator, some in English, some in Japanese, but soon he is weaving a large colorful flower made of cotton candy layers and he wraps it plastic to present to Gabby. "See, I brought you flowers." he teases.

Then there's a pause as he waits to go back to the table. "Considering we're on a date, are we allowed to mix shop talk? If it's family related. I can talk about other things later, they've already been dealt with."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
That was a question that causes Gabby to pause a moment considering. "Logically I should look toward something that can get me around without being a popcicle, but I've had a motorcycle since I was sixteen so I'm kind of biased, I guess. The bike is getting a bit old though at this point." She glances to the front of the shop out the window at the vehicle in question apparently blissfully unaware of thoughts that might be going through Damian's head. "Seems like one of those annoying 'adult' decisions to make."

"Oh yeah, I might do the challenge.... Wait, go where?" Confusion ripples across her features as she's tugged from the booth to head over to the cotton candy machine. Curious, and not knowing what to expect, she's more than a bit surprised when the cotton candy starts to be formed. And worked into a giant---GIANT---cotton candy blossom that she reaches out to take looking ... well. Stunned.

"Damian I am NEVER going to be able to eat this it's too pretty!" ... A pause comes, as she reconsiders it, "Okay no that's a lie, I just need to take lots of photos first." With that decided she grins brightly again returning to the booth to carefully tuck the 'bouquet' in the seat next to her. "I've never seen anything like that before! That was awesome!" She gushes, stealing glances from the corner of her eye toward the colorful item in question.

The question about shop talk earns a shrug, and nod, as she grins again. "I mean. If it's not going to be an issue for location I don't see why not. It's kind of both our professions after all so it's important to both of us, right? Though it wouldn't hurt to have a date on occasion that doesn't include it. If we need a break in the future. For now?" A little gesture is given toward Damian as if saying 'go ahead.'

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Give it a couple of weeks thought, and let me know?" Damian suggests to Gabby as he settles back in across from her. He does hold onto his smile longer now that he has Gabby cheered up. "I'd suggest eating what you can, I don't know if it will hold up on the back of your bike. Especially if we decide to leave together." his tone is a little suggestive there.

Before he can get to the topic he wants to talk about, the waitress comes over and looks to get the order from the pair. Damian sits up. "I think we're going to try the Battle Ramen!" he offers cheerfully, "I'm going to have a side of melon soda float with that."

Once she gets Gabby's order and departs, he returns to the subject at hand. "I was able to help the others with their thing involving Phoebe. But she doesn't think it's over yet. I was just going to ask to keep an eye on her. I know she feels more comfortable Outside, than with her family."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lets out a bit of a sigh. "Motorcycle. I've used it so long. It's great for getting around quick and ignoring traffic if I have to," she utters having already decided even if she was *trying* to do the responsible adult choice by considering a car. "Why?" she thinks to ask before being distracted by the waitress showing up.

"Yes! And I'll have.. wait melon soda float? That. I'll try that too," she agrees deciding it sounds pretty great. "And just a glass of ice water as well." Got to hydrate some? Yeah.

The topic change draws her gaze more intently with a solemn nod. "Right. I'll do what I can, I know I've not been around as much. It is the time of season to start heading over that way a bit more often, though. Winter, I mean. Everyone gets problems during Winter."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Just curious." Damian responds coyly, a tease of her calf with his foot as he watches her ponder over the car vs. motorcycle debate. But at least she gave a definite answer and he already knew what type of motorcycle she wanted.

"They usually serve it with a glass of water." he explains, "But it's really good and sugarry. I'm totally going to have to run a couple of extra miles in the morning to work this off." he comments with a chuckle and drums his fingers on the table.

"Yeah. Cabin fever I thought was an inside thing. I didn't realize how wrong I was." There's a sigh of his breath, but he's trying to get off of the more depressing topic. The drinks arrive, the bright green soda topped with white vanilla ice cream and two glasses of ice water.

"I wonder if they'll allow a fork and spoon, or if you have to eat with chopsticks." he muses thoughtfully.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I can do either. I'm probably not as profficient with chopsticks as you may be, but with the gang out in Gotham it was usually 'Chinese or pizza' as a question for dinner. A LOT." Gabby shifts in her seat as she speaks, just a bit, so that she can return the favor of sliding her own foot between his legs. Not TOO far up, come on, they were in public. But much like their fingers often were laced together, now she had one foot resting between where his would rest in a comfortably playful manner.

"Oh, plus my genetic donor was big on Japan," she adds with a moment of thought glancing up toward the ceiling. "I think he's had a couple of wives from there. I know I have a brother that's part Japanese, but I've never met him. His name's Akihiro."

The drinks are just... perfect. She wraps her hands around the melon drink leaning forward to take a sip from the side without lifting it from the table. They always tended to foam up a bit when icecream and soda met so she was avoiding spilling any.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Legs comfortably tangled beneath the table, Damian chuckles. "So taking you out for steak was a good call." comes his response as he shifts and becomes more comfortable with her. "And I should avoid the pizza date unless it involves a private showing at the Manor." Damian grins at that before he follows her example to take a sip from his own soda as well.

When she starts to talk about her genetic donor, his attention perks as he listens. "You had told me a bit about your family. I figured you'd always want to share when you felt comfortable enough with us as a couple to do so. And if that is never the case, I can understand the need to keep it to yourself." he decides.

"You know so much about my family, immediate and extended. My mother and father. I'm not sure that there is much that you don't know about me." he muses in a bit of whimsy. "Which is ironic as you probably know more about me than some members of my family."

As he takes a second sip from his soda, there's the banging of a gong. "We have not one, but two challengers for the Battle Ramen!" The two mixing bowl sized platters are set before the pair, filled nearly to the brim with noodles, meat, veggies, eggs and broth. "...yeah, I'm doomed." Damian admits, but not before getting out his phone to take a picture of them together with the two giant meals.

Once settle, the waitress sets down a time. "Your twenty minutes starts... now!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Only so much. Mostly what Phoebe and Tim have told me about him. Your mom we had files on. I mean... Not much of files, more like 'run' and 'avoid at all costs,'" Gabby admits of her training days. Thankfully there's a more pleasant distraction!

The ramen causes her to sit up again nudging her float away so that there's plenty of room. The gong drawing attention to them made it obvious this was going to be a spectacle one way or another. At Damian's assertion she flashes a toothy grin, "Don't worry, I won't think less of you when I win!"

She was going to get her name up there, darnit.

The time is told and she starts by going in for the larger peices. The egg is first, popped into her mouth to chew, chomp and swallow easily. Then the meat is taken out with chopsticks to tear into. Clearly she's going for the bigger stuff first... but she pauses halfway through one large bit of charsui to lean down and start drinking straight from the edge of the bowl. Nevermind it was so hot steam was still coming off of it--This just helped her wash things down! They hadn't even gotten to the five minute mark yet. There was still plenty left to eat as well, but she was going for that hot soup.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"I wonder if I was also avoid at all costs." Damian responds coyly before the timer starts. And he employs a different strategy. He starts with the liquid. He lowers his head and tips it back, blowing across the top to suck some of it down.

Then he adds ... more? His glass of ice water is partially emptied into the bowl to cool off the liquid and he starts to drink it more earnestly now that he has it to a more tepid temperature. By the time they reach the five minute mark, he's finishing off the last of the broth.

Cracking open the chopsticks, he claps his hands together and starts in on the protien part of the meal. He knows the noodles are going to be the most filling and challenging part of the meal, so he's picking his way through the meats and eggs, taking those in as they come up on the ten minute mark. He's not eating as fast as she is, but Damian's determined to make a dent in his meal as his foot slides along with hers, a gentle encouragement and not at all a tease to distract her.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins around the rim of her bowl. She's working on it, but enjoying it too. There was of course that time limit... so she gulps down more of the broth before setting back to at least catch her breath a moment. "That is hot," she admits with a little bit of a lisp as her tongue hadn't completely healed yet. She'd gotten to the point that 'flavor' didn't exist anymore and figured 'mouth is totally burnt' even if she couldn't feel it.

The waitress may be looking a bit concerned.

Even so she sits back up again, and dips into the food once more. The meat is finished off, another egg. Even as she chews she's scooping up some noodles on her chopsticks holding them aloft waiting to munch on them next. It does at least give them a moment to cool when she does this. Nevermind it's probably poor manners. THIS was a competition.

One that she's soon finishing up near the fifteen minute mark. SURE she could be quick but it was still a lot of food!

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian knows that Gabby can handle the hot liquid with ease. He doesn't call her out on it, instead he just gives her a wink. And while she's near the end at the fifteen minute mark, Damian is slowed down considerably, which is probably good news for the waitress.

A couple of more bites and he just ends up sticking his chopsticks into the mound of noodles that are left as he leans back in his seat.

His hands settle over on his stomach and he urghs. "I think you gave me a food baby." he grouses at Gabby good naturedly, but he gives up the fight, setting his napkin over the bowl as he turns his full attention to her.

But that doesn't mean he can't cheerleader, shifting excitedly in his seat. "You got this, babe!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney feels his leg against hers, and bumps his back gently. A couple of quick, deep breaths are taken... All that's left is one peice of meat, and some broth.

"We'll get you some antacids later," she promises with a wink before diving back in. Figuratively. The meat is chewed, and while chewing she lifts the overly large bowl to start gulping it down.

Mixing the broth while eating the meat actually did extend the flavor of the meat, but eventually that too is gulped down. The bowl is set back on the table, empty save for a little residual liquid and some spices.


Damian Wayne has posed:
The waitress comes over and checks the bowl, looking inside and she nods. Looking over to Damian, she makes an X over her chest with her arms. He lost.

But then she turns to the restaurant. "We have a winner of the Battle Ramen! Omedetou!" she cheers. And the restraurant breaks into cheers for Gabby. "Omedetou! Congrats! Way to go!" There's the banging of fists on the table in congratulations and the waitress gets the information from Gabby to put her name on the plaque with the other winners.

Damian just grins at his girlfriend brightly. "You did it." he says in happy congratulations. "I guess I have to figure out what to give you as a reward." His tone is totally teasing and she can hear that soft undercurrent of want in his voice.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney raises both hands in the air in triumph when it's called out giving a proper, "Woo!" as might be expected from someone that just NAILED a competition! She does indeed give her name to the waitress and is... well. She's pretty hyped right now. Good food, TOTALLY full, and there was still a giant cotton candy next to her for later.

Damian's own remark earns a grin of amusement. "That you can even think of that after eating all this..." It doesn't stop her from laughing a bit. "Well I think we could maybe hit somewhere close by for a nap." Like a hotel. She wasn't getting far she had a feeling.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian chuckles, a blush coming to his cheeks. "I mean, I may end up napping." he responds coyly, but he's already digging out his wallet so that he can pay for the meals -- well, his meal. Her's became free when she won the challenge.

After paying, and signing off on the reciept, he gets to his feet, his hand offered to Gabby. "Close by it is." he agrees with her. "I suppose I'll have to carry your cotton candy."